Magi's Grandson

There was another

There was a reincarnation other than me.

Wouldn't it be better to say that, besides me, there was someone who had regained the memories of the past?

When I examined the letters given to the high-spec magic tool "Citizen's ID", which was allegedly created by a genius magician, Kono-Massita, the characters that emerged were indeed Japanese.

The moment I saw this letter, I could understand the high specs of a citizen card, but at the same time, some questions came up.

First, Massita survived two hundred years ago.

Two hundred years ago, from the memory of my previous life, it is still the Edo period.

Sure, Perry arrived at Uraga in 1853, more than 30 years ago.

Perry's arrival was a word of “No, miscalculation”, and I remembered it somehow.

When it comes to, there are questions that come up.

I don't think Japanese people in the Edo era, who are still in isolation, would come up with a personal authentication system like a citizen card.

This means that Massita was reincarnated from a time near my previous life.

However, he was reincarnated two hundred years ago.

What does this mean? Does time series have no bearing on reincarnation? Or is the flow of time different between this world and the world where I was originally?

This is the answer, just like magic stone! I can't give it.

“The mystery of the world itself,” including the reincarnation.

Only God knows the answer.

Speaking of what we learned about this time …….

Rinne rotates between the earth and this world.

The time series does not seem to be relevant.

I wonder about this.

Maybe the reincarnation may be connected to another world, but it's unavoidable.

But still, was the Japanese awake by accident?

Was there any reincarnated people from other countries?

Even so, is there such a thing that the memory of the previous life is revived?

Is it really a rare case with Massita, so what happened to coincide?

Speaking of which, the book I received from Uncle Tom had several stories about old greats and heroes besides Massita.

In that story, there is actually a story of an awakened reincarnation ...

"Oh, maybe that is ..."

As I recalled my books, I remembered one book.

That's a story of a man who played an active part in the sea of Aalsheide shortly after the time when Massita played an active part.

"Um ... I should have brought it ..."

I was searching for a book on the bookshelf and remembered the outline of the story.

It's a story about a man who runs the shipping industry, a method that is now widely known, but who ran through the sea and built a fortune in a way that no one could think of at the time.

His turbulent life has become a book as a story.

"Oh, there was!"

I finally found the book I wanted from the bookshelf and looked at its cover.

"This ... maybe a former American ..."

The title listed there is ...

"Captain Soro and the Eagle"

The story of the protagonist Harry Soro's childhood was described as a prologue. The story was about a man who built a small mobile ship called the Eagle with a shipbuilder and went out to the sea.

In the beginning, Soro had been foolish by her peers because of the small size of the ship he built, but he didn't care at all.

Because he had a secret.

The secret is ...

The magic of the wind is applied to the sails of the sailing ship to move the ship.

Even now, magic is a strong image of attack.

The people at that time had no idea of using magic to move the ship.

Solo moves the ship in a way that no one can think of.Solo can move the ship faster than any ship, and it quickly rises up in the shipping industry despite being a small ship.

However, the journey is not smooth sailing, but the same traders who obstruct and the pirates who attack during the voyage.

Despite being a high-speed ship, you could not survive the storm and suffered, or found an old pirate's treasure on an uninhabited island that arrived at that time. Aiming at it, piracy, merchants, and nobles are involved, causing a great uproar.

I don't know where it's true and how much it's fiction, but as a child I was excitedly reading the exciting adventure of Captain Soro.

At that time, I didn't dream of having any other incarnated people.

But I found another incarnation called Massita.

Then, when I looked back at the story from such a viewpoint that there might be another incarnated person, I thought that this story was exactly the case.

Nowadays it's a common technology, but at that time nobody came up with the idea of applying the magic of the wind to the sails of a sailing ship to gain propulsion.

After Captain Soro started using it, it spread explosively and is now a common sense for sailors.

As a result, sailing ships in this world will be as fast as previous sailing ships.

The point to note here was that "we started using technologies that nobody had come up with for granted."

Is it possible to go out to the sea and use something that no one has done at the time?

Perhaps you had decided to use the magic of the wind in that way before you went out to sea.

And if you wanted to use the magic of the wind, you needed a ship that assumed it.

So I built my own ship.

That is, I knew from the beginning.

And the description in the prologue of childhood.

"One ordinary boy, Soro, accidentally fell off a cliff one day and fell ill. Soro miraculously woke up when everyone complained of coma for days and gave up as if to wake up. After that, Soro suddenly became a genius and surprised the surrounding adults. ''

... This is something I and Captain Soro have in common.

When I was a baby, I thought I was my parents, but the carriage that was moving with me was attacked by a demon.

At that time, I fell into a state of temporary death from a shock, and was able to scratch the demons' eyes.

Then he recovered from the state of asphyxia with the help of his grandfather and saved his life.

It was then that I remembered the memories of my previous life.

Probably Captain Soro was so too.

Falling from a cliff and dying ... I went to just before death.

And when you recover from that state, did you remember the memories of your previous life?

I thought about the similarities between me and Massita.

Captain Soro and I had that.

However, Captain Soro's book tells a story of childhood, but the Massita in the story is already an adult from the time of appearance.

The childhood episode is not written in the story.

If you know that, you may be able to see something in common.

Are there any books with such episodes ...?

Pia, that's right.

He told me that he had been studying Massita in the past.

Maybe you know the story of Massita in childhood or have some material.

Let's ask grandma tomorrow.

Anyway, the biggest reason that Captain Soro was convinced he was an awakened incarnate. that is…….

"... Have you turned eagle from Mazui?"

It's Captain Soro!

"A story of Massita's childhood?"

"Yeah. Grandma, I researched Massita. I don't know if that story."

"What happened suddenly?"

The next day I learned that Massita was a reincarnate, I asked Grandma if he knew about Massita's childhood story.

As expected, I was wondering why I would ask such a thing.

"I read Massita's book yesterday, and I thought Captain Soro's book had a childhood story, but he didn't.

"Oh, that kind of thing"

Recently, if I try to do something, my grandma will be overreacting.

"Speaking of which, the story of Massita's childhood was not mentioned in the book."

"Why? It's in Captain Soro's book."

"Since I was a child, I was told that I was a prodigy. There are quite a few episodes in childhood.

: Captain Soro's ...

Massita must have weighed himself out of doing things that would be noticeable from within the child.

But then, wouldn't the story of childhood come out?

"I just have a Massita diary. Is that OK?"

"Do you have such a thing?"

"Oh, Massita didn't inherit the magic of grant magic, but he did keep his offspring. That offspring had inherited their great ancestors' diaries for generations. I was asked to keep it. Massita seems to be a legitimate person, and I have a diary from my childhood. "

Well, that ’s …… what?

"Did you keep it, but you still have it?"

"I have it. I couldn't return it if I wanted to."

"Can't return?"

"Invasion of the Empire"

Pia, right? Was the country where Massita was born invaded by an empire?

It's time to come, Captain Soro!

…… Tottoko ……

"After the country was invaded by the Empire, I went again when the situation was calm, but unfortunately the descendants of Massita ..."

Grandma shaking her head.

Is that erased ...?

Just the descendants of Massita ...

Is the Empire such an unreasonable thing for a long time?

"I would like to use the magic tools left by Massita to rampage it against the Imperial Army. The empire was angry with considerable casualties and death. All the magic tools were broken, and they were all taken down. ''

I'll be targeted.

I mean, there was no Massita's magical tool left, it was because of a descendant.

"Well, it was Massita's diary. Wait a moment."

Grandmother said, she sought out in her different space storage.

"Oh, there was. This is it."

"Wow! It's a diary since I was a child.

"Because it's a valuable material, I treat it with care."

"Yes. Thanks, Grandma."

Thus, I got the unfortunately valuable and useful material for Massita's diary.

"Oh, with that"


"Some of the characters are written like ciphers, but unfortunately they couldn't be clarified, because there are some places where you don't know what they are."

"Well, that's right, then I'll skip that."


After asking Granma about the contents of the diary, I immediately go to my room and look over Massita's diary.

The diary of childhood is a child's character after all, it is hard to read.

But, the date jumped for a while from a certain date, and the text of the diary updated for the first time in a while ...

"... It's much more beautiful."

Beautiful letters were written, which I do not think the child wrote.

And it writes about why the diary was not updated for a while.

that is…….

"I don't know the memory at that time, but apparently I was hit by a carriage. He was striking his head and wandering the edge of death. And when I wake up, I'm mixed with my old days ... I'm not able to accept this fact. '

It was written so.

……in Japanese.

"After all ..."

Massita also had the experience of returning from the depths of death.

In addition, when I heard the story of my grandmother, I was nervous, but the characters like codes were Japanese.

The description of where the memory of the previous life was revived from the depths of death was written in Japanese.

Everything else is written in this world's characters, but it's likely that it's taken into account when it's read by others, and very incredible truths are written in characters that people in this world can't read. I was

But now I understand the conditions under which the memories of the previous life awaken.

`` Returning from the depths of death in childhood ''

I think this is no doubt.

At that time, the memory of the previous world will rarely awaken.

Not everyone is awake.

Well ... I can't help even if I know that, and I should never know it.

Because this information can be abused if misused.

If you thought about abuse ...

Make the child moribund and recover while hoping the memories of another world will be revived.

Someone thinks about that.

It's just the devil's job.

Don't let that happen.

This is the truth that must be sealed forever.

This secret doesn't speak until you die.

I decided so and returned Massita's diary to Grandma.

"How was it? Did you mention any interesting stories?"

"No, it was almost in the book. I couldn't read the characters that were there."

"Okay. Speaking of which ... the cipher is very similar to the original characters you used when giving ..."

"It's my fault"

"... I can't be true ..."

Grandmother's eyes are scary.

But this is a secret that must never be known.

Until recently, I couldn't believe it, and I couldn't say it because it made me feel like cheating.

But it is different now.

There is a reason why it must never be known.

I managed to escape from my grandma's distrust and return to my room, so I thought about the current situation in this world.

In the past, two people seemed to have awakened the memories of another world.

It seems that no one else awakened.

Just thinking, maybe it was.

Probably not in this world.


Because there are no people who are active in the world today.

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