Magi's Grandson

I thought about the question

With this training to guide the use of the vibration sword to each country, the training in the Kingdom of Derm, which was the biggest concern, was completed successfully.

Well, Commander-in-Chief, the top of the army, was a weird person, but he was able to finish the training with almost no problems.

All that remains is Carnan and Kurt.

And there is an acquaintance in Carnan who visited today.

"I'm waiting, Shin"

"It's been a long time since Galan-san"

Garan, the national sheepkeeper in Kernan, welcomed us.

In the hands of Garan, he has a weapon called the Halberd, which he has seen before.

"I'll give it to you ..."

"Oh, this Halberd is a proof of a state shepherd. You can't use or use any other weapon."

As I had expected before, that Halberd is a proof of a national shepherd.

Everyone had a matching halberd.

But one concern ...

"Hmm ... weapons may be a bit too thick ..."

"That's why ... I said earlier, but we can only use this as a national shepherd. We never used a sword."

"Well, I just haven't tried it, but it may not be a problem."

"Are you okay?"

"This is the only thing I have to try ..."

If you apply on the spot, such problems may come up.

If Garan and the state shepherd's weapons could not be granted, Carnan's strength would drop.

It's not the military that boasts the strongest force in Carnan.


"Then we'll start giving it right away."

"Oh, thank you!"

I greeted Mr. Galán and entered the tent we had prepared here.

……that? Speaking of which, I didn't talk to military personnel.

You seem to be at the top of the state shepherd, and is Garan still an important person in Carnan?

whatever. Anyway, now it's time to get a weapon.

Because this time, not only the national sheepkeeper Halberd, but also unpleasantly large quantities of weapons are prepared ...

According to the results, Garran's effects on the halberds were effective without any problems.

That's just ... Gallan, who was swinging a halberd and cutting a practice log with a spapper spa, said, "This guy is great!"

To be honest, I couldn't tell from the glance whether the effect was being shown or not.

Shepherd ... It's too strong.

And the next day, the training of the last Kurt was over, and my weapons were all over.

After that, it was on-the-job training, but at first it was supposed to teach individually, but the only difficulty was to swing the sword while activating the magician.

If we can do that, we're sorry to bother ourselves any more, so the schedule for the second week in the second half has been emptied.

Miranda, who had a depressing face as to whether he had to teach until fighting training, looked very happy.

Is it so much pressure ...?

Well, it was a time when I was unscheduled, but there are times when I have time to do it.

That's what I promised to Dominic.

This is a test to make the words that claim to defeat Strom a reality.

: Honestly, I don't intend to use the magic that I consider as the final weapon after this battle.

It's a dangerous magic, and it's a magic I didn't even try until I knew I could use a trick that ignored the physics of directing magic effects.

But this is the final battle against Strom.

If we lost, Strom declared to destroy the world.

And the old imperial capital surrounded by a high wall .... It is the elite of the world that everyone now calls a magic city.

At the moment we break, the world has no strength to fight against Strom.

He is a person who has mercilessly killed people of the Empire, not only royal nobles but also civilians.

You can't expect mercy.

You must win.

It is not the case that you are regrettable.

You have to try everything to make sure you haven't left behind.

To be honest, this time is a pleasure for me.

Two things I want to try this time.

First, the magic.

This is too dangerous to try in the usual wilderness.

I don't have any problem because we have decided on the experiment place.

And another point.

This is honest, I don't feel good.

I'm reluctant, but I don't want to just regret that I should do it later if I haven't tried everything I can.

… Hah… It ’s clear that I do this verification.

If you can beat Strom safely, I will never do it again.

…… but there is resistance ……


"What's wrong with Shin?"

"Yes ... Do you know anything about your Highness?"

"Even if you say something ... Claude would have been more together than me in the past week?-Is there any clause I can think of?"

"It's absolutely ..."

"Yeah? And how is it weird?"

"Hmmm ... I've started talking about myself recently."

"Single word?"

August's private room in the castle of Aalsheide.

The place was unusually visited by Sicily alone.

I am with Augusto's fiance, Elisabeth, to avoid being misunderstood by going alone to Augusto's private room.

Apparently, Sicily came to August to talk about Shin.

The content of the consultation was that the instruction on how to use the vibration sword was over, and there was no further combat training, so I had time.

Shin then came to himself with a difficult face and grumbled himself….

Singly was worried because Shin had given too much and was exhausted, so he stayed with him for a week.

But there were no signs of anything wrong during that time.

August, who was consulted by Sicily, was consulted with a serious face, despite the fact that he uttered himself to himself.

Elizabeth, who was listening beside, was laughing because of the strange situation.

"Please wait a minute. Mr. Sicily. I have a consultation with Mr. August, but if I wonder, Shin is muttering herself ... I'm too worried."

"So what? What's the solitary story?"

"That's ... the magical power, the grain ..."

"Magic?" Grain? "What is it?"

"I don't know at all."

"Come, don't ignore both of us."

Elizabeth protested against Sicily and Augusto, who ignored himself and continued.

I knew that their faces were serious, but I didn't know what was going to get serious.

"Oh, sorry Elie. I'm a little worried ..."

"I'm just saying more at once. Isn't this battle betting on the fate of mankind, isn't it under pressure?"

"It's sweet. Elie doesn't know anything about Shin."

"... August seems to be quite understood, right?"

"Don't make it brown. Shin isn't soft enough to be crushed under pressure. His head should be full of how to defeat Strom."

"So, is that thought coming out?"

"I, and Claude, think so, and in my experience, when he's thinking about something new ... there's no trial that's been a good thing."

"... It's the first time I've been thinking until I'm talking about myself .... I wonder if I'm thinking of anything outrageous ..."

Sicily, who has accepted Shin's work unconditionally, has said so far.

In the words of Sicily, Elisabeth remembered Shin's past work.

It's a magic that blows the whole area, a magic that flies in the sky ...

Numerous magic that can only be thought of as exceeding human knowledge.

I'm thinking until Shin mutters herself.

Elizabeth arrived at the fact and turned his face blue in an instant.

"Aaaaaaaaust! Immediately! You should interrogate Shin now!"

Elizabeth, finally aware of the seriousness of the matter, suggests to Augusto that Sin should be interrogated immediately.

"... The interrogation is exaggerated, but should I have heard about the situation ..."

"Yes, let's listen to it."

I just muttered myself and heard the situation.

I'm usually told what I mean, but Shin is not trusted at all because of what she has done so far.

Even Sicily will not disagree with the situation.

Augusto decided to ask Shin about the situation.


Org came to play.

For some reason Elie.

"What happened? Did you make a strange misunderstanding again?"

"No, sometimes Elie wants to go out and just bring her together."

"Hmm, that's right. Is Erie the second time? I'm coming."

It's been a long time since we came to our birthday before.

"That's right! It's been a long time!"

... What's wrong, Ellie is suspicious.

"Eh, if Elie comes to play, there are many places in my house or Maria's house! It's nervous to come to a man's house!"

"That's right! I don't mind!"

I understood somehow in the explanation of Sicily.

Ely's house is the highest rank of the aristocrat, the duke, although it is easy to forget the words and behaviors so far.

It is a family that can be called a quasi-royal family.

I don't think I've ever been to a man's house, except for Ogi, the house of the fiance's Org, who is a pure culture lady.

It was a party when we came before, and it would have been okay because there were so many other customers.

Well, I know that, but there are some orgs who say that they are men's houses, and they have been doing various actions together, so I do not have to be nervous.

"I see. Well, there's Sicily and you don't have to be so nervous, right?"

"Yes! I'm not nervous!"

No, I'm nervous.

"I don't need to worry about Ellie. By the way, this was a hard time."

"Hmm? Oh, there are so many weapons that I need to grant ... I was granting them in my dream ..."

That was really hard ...

"That's right. I hope it was granted safely ..."

This time, I told Ogre and Uncle Uncle how to make an automatic applicator when making large quantities.

Uncle Did didn't say anything just for what he had asked, but he knew that his face was tight.

Ohg, too, says nothing because Uncle Dys, father and king, did not say anything.

Well, it's an emergency.

Rather, did you come to the topic with effort?

"Now, soldiers will be able to fight demons who have reached disaster level, but ..."

Ogu, who cut his words, stared at me and continued talking.

"... What about us? Can we compete equally with Strom?"

After all, do you care?

"Yes ... I'm thinking a lot ..."

I told you that Ellie, who had been nervous a while ago, became more stiff, and not only that, but also Org and Sicily were nervous.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. So what? What are you thinking?"

"Oh, yeah. Yes ... has the Org ever thought about magic?"

"It's natural. I'm thinking everyday how to use magic like you do."

"No, not really."

"……What do you mean?"

Or rather, it's a more fundamental part ...

"What have you thought about the magic itself?"

"Is magic itself?"

"Oh, why is there something magic in this world ...?"

When I said so, the three expressed a confused expression and looked at each other's faces.

"I don't care what you say ... I guess that's what I mean. I can't use magic, but I can't use magic tools."

"Yes. Magic is deeply involved in a part of life, so I've used it for a long time."

"What?-Are you thinking about that?"

What I was thinking recently.

What is magic? What is magic power in the first place?

I came to think about this because I had a certain question about magic.

The question was in the magical thinking of the orgs.

"They said, until you heard about Grandpa's magical training, did you say that you used your spells and magic?"

"That's right. If you think about it now, it's painfully obvious that it's easy and wrong.

"... That may not be a mistake, either."


The question I was feeling.

"Think well. Org said he didn't train too much in magical control, was he?"

"Oh, yes."


"Why ... what does that mean?"

The orgs heard their grandmother's formal training in magic and drastically improved their magic abilities.

There is a process of creating a scientific image from me, but the fundamental training method was wrong.

But powerful magic could be used.

When everyone was impressed with Grandpa's story, I was shocked in the opposite sense.

"Why ... could you use powerful magic, albeit moderately, without training magic control?"

"... sure ... why?"

"Whatever you say ... why?"

"I'm refreshed."

The org feels like something that feels something but doesn't give an answer.

Sicily doesn't seem to know at all, and he doesn't even think about Erie, who can't use magic.

"That's true"

"Oh ... I never thought about it ... Why?"

Did you get interested in my question, my grandfather and grandma have joined the story.

"Don't you know at Merlin or Merida?"

"That's right ... In the age of the eagle, etc., I have taught me to control magical forging, and I have been taught to exercise magic with it."

"When chanting became mainstream, I thought that Merlin was going to be an easy way ... but that's exactly what Shin says."

Even grandfathers who are said to be "sages" and grandmas who are said to be "teachers" have never considered such a thing.

"Who are the other people? Marieka and Steve can use magic, right?"

"Yes. It's useful when doing housework, so I have some tips ..."

"I am also a butler, but in an emergency, I can do magical battles to protect myself with myself ..."

"I have no idea why chanting can use powerful magic."

The other maids and butlers are nodding as well.

My question is right there.

In the past, there was a person who longed for the magic of an old man.

The person wanted to use his grandfather's magic, but couldn't use it because he lacked his ability.

There, when I imagined the old man's magic and chanted it, a similar magic could be used.

I heard that chanting became mainstream.

"Grandma. In the past, was the person who made the chanting imagining the grandpa's magic old as a grandpa?"

"No. He wasn't even a human."

"That means you didn't have as much magic control as Grandpa?"

"Oh, but I was using the same magic by devising the chanting ..."

Yes, that's wrong.

"Why can I use magic more than my ability just to devise my chanting?"

"... I came here, it's a fundamental question. Why didn't you notice ..."

The question I asked was that nobody really noticed.

The age of the reincarnated people was not the age of the mainstream chanting, so it would not have been such a question.

But since the advent of the old man, some changes have been made in the magical world.

That is the mainstream of chanting.

As a result, a question came up that could not be wiped out.

"Magic can only be triggered by images, but it can also be triggered by chanting. That's good, but I think it's weird to be able to use more magic than is possible."

Besides the orgs and grandmothers, the servants who are always silently watching over us are talking to each other next to each other, and there is some confusion.

That's a big problem that nobody noticed.

"Shin, raising the question to that point is an answer or hypothesis about it, isn't there something you know? Isn't he thinking up to his own words?"

"Single word?"

"Shin-kun, you've talked a lot recently? I thought I was thinking something important ..."

"Huh? Really? Hey?"

I've been thinking about it and new magic all the time. I guess he just came out of his mouth.

However, people around me, including my grandmother and grandma, are more concerned with the words of Org that I have some sort of conclusion than I was saying alone.

You can see the gaze tells you to teach quickly.

"Ah ... it's still a hypothesis, and it's not yet proven?"

"I don't care. No matter how outrageous the hypothesis is, a new wind may blow into the magic world."

"In addition, isn't Shin a logical hypothesis to some extent?-There's nothing wrong with hearing it."

She talks about a hypothesis I've been thinking about lately, backed by a grandmother who is still eager to improve his magic and, strangely, a grandmother who trusts me.

`` It's magic, you collect and control the magical powers in this world, make an image and activate it. ''

"Yes, that's magic."

When I talked about the basics of magic, I got the consent of my grandfather.

"Then ... what is the image in the first place?"

"What is ... what happened to my mind ...?"

Org answers my question.

"The image is an event drawn in my heart. So, does that mean that magic is reacting to our" heart "?"

"That's true. It reacts to the 'heart' ... I never thought about it ..."

"Shin-kun, it's amazing. I was thinking about that."

Grandma and Sicily are impressed.

I think that reacting to that "heart" is necessary to solve this question.

"The story changes, but what do you think of the words?"

"It, of course, tells you what you mean."

"I've suddenly heard something obvious. What happened?"

Yes, words convey your intentions to others.

The obvious fact is that Erie and Org suddenly say what they are saying.

But this is important.

"Isn't the word different from the impression given by the speaker? For example, the passion comes through and impresses you, or the story doesn't come in and you get sleepy."

"Yes, I did. I was a student when I was a student.

"You were a bad student."

"Oh, that's now."

Grandma is saying that she is worried about Mecha, but that is postponed.

"Grandmother, tell me the story slowly later. Rather, if you speak your own" intentions "in the words ... with your" heart ", would it be transmitted to the other person?"

I looked over everyone's face and said,

"If you put magic into 'words with intention' ... what will happen?"

Everyone looked surprised at the words.

Perhaps this is the correct answer.

"Word Spirit"

A word I often heard in Japan before life.

Words have power and what you say becomes a reality.

Then what happens in this world where there is magic in reality?

I guess it happened by a past wizard who longed for his grandfather.

As a result, magic that does not have the ability was activated with the power of the soul.

"Maybe it's a chanting. The intentional words have power, and even if their magical control is weak, the magic was activated by the power of the words. But how about? "

Speaking of that, when I looked over everyone, I was uniformly surprised.

"Well ... well, I came to that conclusion ...

"... I thought that the image was meant to be something that came to my mind only. The words were just meant to complement that image ..."

"The words themselves are empowered ...? That's right."

"After all Shin is amazing ..."

"What kind of head is Shin-san doing?"

While many people were impressed, only Erie's evaluation was strange.

I mean, it's no wonder everyone doesn't notice.

I've heard that the concept of the word spirit itself is unique to Japan and cannot be translated into a foreign language.

It would be even more so if it were a completely different world.

You can't even think of words being empowered.

The servants are all impressed.

However, only Elie, who gave a strange evaluation earlier, has a look that I can't understand.

"If you can cast more magic than you can when you cast it, will the power of the magic you can use now increase? Isn't it better to cast everything?"

It's a question unique to Erie who can't use magic.

"It's good or bad. If the purpose of use is perfectly determined, it's better to cast it and cast magic. For example, civil engineering."

"Is the power going up ??"

"But when it comes to fighting, it doesn't."


Ely doesn't seem to know because Erie is not involved in battle.

"The spell casts the magic going forward, and the trajectory can't be corrected because it can only have one image by words."

"Even when healing, there are times when unexpected injuries can be found. In such a case, you can not respond immediately unless you do not sing."

Ogre and Sicily explained to Elie that she seemed convinced.

In other words, the output of the magic itself goes up, but the application becomes ineffective.

"Is that good or bad ... depending on how you use it, good and bad results will come out."

"So Shin said earlier that it wasn't a mistake."

"That's right. Chanting is not evil. Sometimes and sometimes it can be very useful."

This is one of the things that I'm sorry for but I need to verify.

I'm embarrassed and have never used chanting.

But I can't say that.

So I'm not reluctant, but I do not want to regret without trying, so I will try.

But ... I'm ashamed after all ...

"I know you've made another terrific discovery about magic, but you can't use it in combat? Why should you worry before the battle against Strom?"

Oops, the org came to a sharp spot.

I wish I could get through there if possible.

"I'm really worried ..."

"I don't have an answer. Having figured out about chanting at this time ... would you use it in battle?"

Why is the org so sharp?

That's exactly as you pointed out.

"Well, I'm going to do that."

"Stupid. What are you thinking ..."

That said, Org stopped moving.

"... I mean, you're going to use magic that's so powerful that it doesn't matter if you sing ..."

"No, that's ..."

I can't answer the words of Org well.

I'm thinking of using magic that's powerful enough to make me hesitate to use it.

Moreover, the content of the chanting is probably unknown to Strom.

The second issue that needs to be verified.

However, it is difficult to explain why you do not understand Strom without involving previous knowledge.

Is this a demon?

"I don't know. I haven't experimented."

Speaking of that, Org exhales deeply ... a long sigh that exhales all of his lungs.

"... I guess I'm going to stop even if I'm not before the final battle against the Stroms and the Devil ... I have to admit this time, but I'm glad I promise."

"what is it"


"Never destroy the world"

"Now ..."

I tried to say something stupid, but Org was a very serious face, and everyone else's face was also serious.

So I answered the words of Org without shouting as usual.

"I know, I'll experiment to make sure it doesn't work."

I was staring at the Org for a while, but I guess he was finally convinced, and sighed a long sigh.

"Isn't it really ... really reliable, and should I mourn about having to run around to follow ..."

"Hey Shin, please don't take my time with Augusto."

"Yes, it was bad."

In Aug's words, the hard air relaxed.

Finally, everyone who has lost their shoulders starts speaking.

"Magic power reacts to the heart ... I guess this is no doubt"

"Yes, you can explain why healing magic is good at attacking magic."

"Is that so?"

The grandfather and grandmother had never wondered so far, but raised the matter that they were convinced when asked.

"Oh, there's a mind in there. Many people who are good at healing magic are afraid to hurt them. That heart reflects that. "

"That's why the more aggressive the better the attack magic is."

Starting with my hypothesis, it seems that many magic experts called sages and gurus come to mind.

Everyone is nodding at various things to put out.

"Does that mean healing magic reacts to a kind heart?"

"That kind of thing"

"The attack magic responds to the aggressive mind."

"That's true. It's also true that the power of magic rises when you are angry."

For Erie, who can't use magic, everything sounds fresh.

I asked questions about the effects of various kinds of hearts.

Also, my grandfather and grandma answered, but there was one question I couldn't answer.

that is…….

"So ... how do you react when you feel deep sadness or hatred?"

The grandfather and grandmother, of course, me ... couldn't answer that question.

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