"Hello, did the singing have such an effect?"

"I did not know"

Alice and Lynn respond to the same story to everyone in the S class at the school on the next day when they explained to Org and Sicily, and for some reason Elie, about chanting and magic.

In this class, only Org and Sicily were listening, and we decided to let everyone know that it was a useful story.

By the way, it is the idea of Org.

The fact that advanced spells can be used with less magical power by chanting has been revealed to the general public because of their limited use and above all, they are rarely used in battle.

In fact, after that, I brought this story to the Aalsheide Institute of Magic, but the researchers' faces at that time were interesting.

I was surprised and amazed, and then got excited.

And before the announcement from the Magic Academy, it was announced to the whole team.

"Magic power reacts to my heart ... I've always been told that the most important thing about magic is the image, but I didn't notice ..."

Thor was a little regrettable about what he had noticed and did not notice.

"But what's going on in Shin's head anyway?"

"Don't be so. The attack magic is just out of spec ..."

"I don't know what magical tools mean."

"It's Ssu who clarified the formation of magic stones, a mystery of the world."

Julius, Yuri, and Mark agreed with Tony's words in awe.

Everyone has the same stunned face.

What is it?

I was so nervous about the words that I don't know if I was praising or degrading from everyone, and a question from a different angle flew from the Org who heard the explanation yesterday.

"In the first place, this story was so natural that everyone wasn't even wondering. Shin, since when have you been wondering?"

from when?

When you say it, it's from the beginning, but ... If you say that, it looks like you'll get a strange face again.

Is this a bit misleading?

"Um ... when did you tell Grandpa the magic?"

"Nah, what !? Did you not say that you used magic for the first time when you were three years old !?"

Pia, it's done.

At first, I was supposed to be about one year old when the memories of the previous life revived, but it was three years old when I first used magic!

If this happens, there is no choice but to fool it.

"Well, uh ... yeah, it was so strange. Why would there be fire without the firewood or water without the well ...?"

"... We don't understand the idea of a genius. We have little memories of being three years old, but we have never questioned magic or magic."

"I don't even remember if I was three years old. The oldest memory is about four years old. I remember well around the age of five, but ..."

Huh? Are you misunderstanding arbitrarily?

It seems that Aug and Maria have come to terms with themselves, albeit a bit amazed.

"For Shin, this world is full of wonders. I never thought about it."

"Yes, I began to think that the ability to feel this question was the essence of Walford's greatness."

Sicily and Olivia, who are strangely close, seem to have been impressed recently.

Alice had a question that she was healed by Sicily and Olivia, and after showing her interest for the first time, she showed her way of thinking.

"Hey, hey, Shin-kun! That magical power reacts to your heart means you're going to be what you want!"

"Well, if so, is it?"

"I see! I understand!"

Alice, who understood something, showed her way of thinking and started collecting magic.

Hey! This is a classroom! ?

I'm collecting a fair amount of magic, but are you okay? ?

The next moment I thought, Alice started singing.

"I seek! Create a sweet and sweet cake here to satisfy your heart and stomach!


"sweets! !

Alice's magical power, along with his willing words.

I mean, did you start to mist from the stage of chanting?

The magic power is completely scattered, and there is heavy silence around.

Are you amazed or laughing?

No one wants to speak.

Meanwhile, Alice turned red and stared at me.

Eight of the shameful things?

"Shin-kun's liar! I can't get the cake out of this heart!"

"Is it an idiot! I don't mean it's coming out!"

When I thought it was eight, it was a real magic.

Responding to your heart doesn't mean that!


"What? @ Rin"



The pursuit of Lin and Alice has begun.

Alice's actions are nothing but stupid, but I have confirmed one thing thanks to it.

That is, magic cannot create objects.

No, isn't it better to say, "Complex things like objects cannot be easily embodied?"

Perhaps magical power is a substance with a high spiritual response that fills this world.

I speculate that the substance reacts to our hearts and transforms its “quality” according to the imaged result.

What is noteworthy here is that the only thing that changes is “quality”.

An object is composed of various elements intertwined, so even if only the quality is changed, the object is not embodied.

And the “crystal” that has crystallized without changing its “quality” is probably “magic stone”.

It is called “magic stone” because of its appearance like a transparent stone, but it would be more natural to say “magic crystal”.

Well, I had such a hypothesis, but I did not prove anything other than generating magic stones.

Hey ...

Even though it ’s an experiment, there ’s a lot of courage to make a cake with magic or to do something like that stupid thing…

That was almost a result of Alice's failure.

Alice is a disappointing child ... but the results of the current experiment should be highly praised.

I'm afraid of what everyone is praising and I'm afraid of everyone's pursuit!

And now, the magic of Alice who has failed, there is one thing that is worrisome.


"Huh, what, what?"

After chasing Lin, she stopped Alice, who was short of breath, and decided to ask her about the magic.

"It was just a chanting, did you think about it yourself? Or did you refer to it?"

"Did you think on your own?"

"In an instant?"

"Yeah, but it's weird. Why didn't this spelling you made properly fail this time, though you've never failed?"

Appropriate ... Why do you activate?

You know why you failed this time, so think through it and think about the chant.

Singing may be appropriate.

Yes, I guess it was originally thought as a complement to the image.

Even with such vague recognition, it is triggered.

Magical power really reacts directly to our hearts.

And words do seem to have the effect of making your image clearer.

If that's the case ... I'll try it a little.

"Would you like to go to the wilderness after school ..."

I wanted to experiment, so when I was thinking about going to the wilderness, she seemed to have just spoken out.

Everyone looked at me all together with a scared face.

"What?-What are you going to do this time?"

"U, u, Walford! Really! Really! Don't worry about destroying the world!"

The org that presupposes I do something is outrageous, but Olivia is outrageous.

I'm going to fight a battle to save the world.

"I won't do anything else, nor will it ruin the world! I just wanted to experiment!"

"If it's an experiment? I must report it to Merida."

"Oh, that's right, Maria. Shin-kun, would you get angry if you weren't talking to your grandmother?"

As Sicily says, does Grandma stand in the experiment?

If it's, don't go to the wilderness after school, just go home.

I decided on a schedule after school, and when thinking about what kind of experiment I would like to do, Alice was interrupted.

"Hey, why didn't the cake come out? Hey Shin, why?"

Did you not give up yet? ?

For the time being, I explained why the object is too complicated, or why.

Because I believed, I stopped giving more explanations.

I can explain it in more detail, but I can't explain why you know that.

And after school.

I've already returned to my house and came to the wilderness with my grandmother, the grandfather, and my grandfather, who was curious about what I was doing.

Grandma is already holding down her temples and stomach.

"Every time I visit this place for a magical experiment with you, my stomach hurts ..."

"I'm an innocent grandmother. I'm looking forward to seeing what Shin will show you this time."

"That's what Shin is like!"

Pia, it's the dejav when you first showed the magic.

The grandfather is tightened up by grandma.

"Hey, both of you. Don't worry, can I start now?"

"" I'm not playing! "

"It's just breathing"

What did you say even though you were so breathing?

"... I'm still not convinced that they can stop fighting ..."

"I'm truly relative. Oh, and it's going to stop the fight between Assari and you two."

An unexpected compliment was received from Org and Thor.

Because I'm not happy to be praised there.

It's an experiment anyway.

"Well, first ..."

Collect magic power to activate magic.

The amount is ... extremely small.

As a magician, it is the last time you can activate magic.

"This is again ... the reverse of the past."

"Hum. What are you going to do?"

Hey, it was just a play.

While listening to the conversation between the grandfather and the grandmother, do not put in the click.

The tension and concentration on what to do in the future wasn't odd.

What we are going to do is an experiment of chanting.

However, it is impossible to make chanting that has never been sung before.

The inspiration was Alice's chanting the other day.

Magical itself failed, but I heard your thoughts about chanting.

I thought that if the definition of chanting was not so strict, it would trigger in a less embarrassing way.

"I'll go now."

The magic of fire to try.

I didn't want to be ashamed of the chanting that I saw in the entrance examination of Magic Academy before.

But this is….


In one word, the magical power collected slightly reacted to create a fire.

`` Promotion of combustion ''

Speaking to add a flammable substance to the fire, the fire grew dramatically.

"Specify range"

And don't forget to specify the magic effect range.


Finally, when he fired, the fireball that grew was fired.

The fireball that landed had no effect behind and left and right, but released its power only forward.

Looking at the place where it landed ...

"Oh ... great ..."

Even though you cast magic with only a small amount of magic, you have as much craters as when you showed magic to Uncles for the first time.

"It's amazing to sing"

Speaking of that, when I look back at everyone ... I wasn't afraid or scared, but had a subtle face.


"Shin, you, chanting ..."

"Somewhat different! Something is different, Shin-kun!"

"That's right! Chant is more like a poetry or something ..."

The orgs seem puzzled, Alice is a little angry, and Olivia complains that chanting is more poetic.

Well, I didn't want to do that poetic chanting.

I didn't want to do poetic chanting, so I decided to try out each phenomenon.

The result is the original chanting just mentioned.

… No, honestly, do n’t you think of that as chanting?

But if I say poetically or businessly, the effect doesn't change, I prefer businessly.

"Well, it's the same result, and you can't use chanting in combat."

As a result of the experiment, I thought that chanting could not be used in battle.

As pointed out before, the magic to be activated is very limited, making it inapplicable.

In addition, although it is newly found in the current experiment, it takes time to start.

If you use chanting, you have to use it for long range attacks.

I explained that, and there was a proposal from Lin.

"Then, release the magic from the wall surrounding the magic city toward the magic city."

Everyone except me has a complicated expression in Lin's proposal.

In this world war, the magic is to shoot each other first, then the armies collide, and there are various entangled hands there, but it is impossible to unilaterally attack by magic from a long distance , It is taken with such feelings like cowardice.

So, everyone thought that it was an effective means, but it seemed to be a sneaky means, and as a result it appeared in a complicated expression, but I am not.

It was common in a very long-range remote bombing from a safe position or in the past life, and there is recognition that ground battles will be muddy.

So emotionally I agree with Lin's opinion, but for some reason it has to be rejected.

"It's a good hand ... but I can't do it."

"Why ?? Still cowardly?"

Perrin may be aware that this is a sneaky means. I think he was rejected because he was cowardly.

"Did you say it was a good hand? I don't think the attack itself is wrong. But ..."

"But what?"

The org keeps trying to talk to me, who is stubborn.

"I think that half-life magic will be defended because of Strom's feelings. Then you have to release magic beyond that ..."

Speaking of that, when I looked at everyone's faces, everyone was looking at me with a nervous look.

"... If you emit such super-powerful magic from a long distance, ... will a fairly wide area around it become an uninhabitable land?"

"After all, there is no talk. I want you to forget."

Lin, who started out, immediately rejected his plan.

You might have imagined the consequences of implementing Lynn's proposal, everyone has a blue face.

"I'm glad I listened first, otherwise I could have asked Sin to do that."

"That's right. You have to invade the magical city and defeat the demons directly."

Org sighed and sighed and said it was good to ask in advance, and Thor confirmed his strategy for the battle.

"I guess I should practice a little more."

"What are you going to try this time?"

"Explosion magic"

At the moment I said, everyone booted to the jet boots and walked away, unfolding the spiders from around me, unfolding the magic barrier of both themselves and the magic tool.

"It's always good!"

"Come with Don!"

"But it's soft!"

August, Alice, and Olivia approached in a state of preparation.


You probably did an experiment on directivity.

You do n’t trust much? me.


Following the magic of fire, Merida muttered that there was a spot as she was arguing about the explosion magic following the fire magic.

"He doesn't have good friends."

"Really so"

Merida and Merlin looked at Shin, playing with the Augusto with emotional looks.

"Even if I heard the story, I was still treating him."

Shin responded to Lynn's proposal that he could not use the magic that would allow him to defeat Strom from a distance.

That is, he confessed that Shin could use magic that would destroy several kilometers around him.

Nevertheless, Augusto said that he was not afraid of Shin, where such magic can be used, but rather that he should not use it.

And when Shin explained to the Augustians, he did not hesitate to tell him that he could use widespread magic.

Shin trusts everyone and is convinced that he will not be afraid.

"I had a lot of anxiety about enrolling that girl in Magic Academy, but there wasn't much that I couldn't do to fear that isolated power."

"Hoch, I'm convinced I'm convinced. Shin is a good boy. Nobody could make such a good boy evil."

"Hun, you can say anything later."

"What is it?"

After saying that, Merlin and Merida were staring at each other for a while, but soon they smiled at each other.

"Well, those worries are a thing of the past. Let's take a look at that fun look."

"Don't even find a cute fiancee. I want to see my great-grandson's face as soon as possible."

"That and this ..."

"Oh, that's the story after winning this battle."

"Um, if so"

"Oh, do you want to do that?"

From the smile of the grandparents looking at the joyful grandchildren up to the moment, the two people become the faces of warriors who have been playing.

Then, when you look at each other's face ...

""! ""

The volume was so loud that I shook each other.

"What is it?"

"What the hell is it?"

They turned their eyes and saw Shin facing his face with the name "Yabet".

Perhaps, in a subsequent explosion magic spell experiment, you mistakenly adjusted the magic power.

A big explosion that shakes the surrounding air has occurred.

Merida's anger exploded against Shin, who was ruined by the serious scene, and Shin, who did something ridiculous.

"Shin !!!!! This girl is really !!"

"Wow! Sorry, Grandma!"

"This is it! Wait!"

Shin escapes and Merida follows.

While watching them, Merlin shrugged.

And I thought that I had confirmed with Merida earlier.

"Well, what should I say to Decem?"

While muttering, she stared at Shin, preaching to Merida.

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