After Augusto fired the preemptive magic, the first thing that jumped out was the combination of Maria and Miranda.

"Now, Miranda! I'll show you the results of the special training!"

"I'm suddenly worried about the demon ... but I'll do it!"

"Miranda was warming up a while ago. I can go!"

"Oh, oh!"

Maria seems a little easier than Miranda, who feels desperate.

Because Mary believes in Miranda's ability.

While everyone was trying to fight against the demon, Maria also came up with a challenge to the demon in cooperation with Miranda, and defeated monsters for training.

What is the demon that you have defeated for that training?

"... Although it's stronger than a disaster-class monster, it's lighter than that wild terror !!"

It was just a disaster-class monster that was increased by animal experiments in Strom.

At first, Miranda rejected herself as impossible, but as a result of being forced to associate with Maria, they were able to defeat disaster class monsters by themselves.

This is due to the transfer of vibration swords from Singh and the fact that she has been trained by Michel.

Miranda, who has been training with Michel since the end of Shin's birthday party at the end of the year, has finally won the title when she was a second grader.

As a result, he has the sword skills of the chief of the Knight Academy and uses the vibration sword. He has almost the strongest avant-garde in the current Ahlsheid kingdom.

However, it is difficult for Miranda to deal with demons who have undergone combat training alone.

That's why it's a partnership with Maria.

"Now, let's go from me !!"

While Miranda is heading for the demon, Maria stops halfway and casts the magic of the fire on her demon.


Lands with a flashy explosion sound, but the demon also sets up a magic barrier to prevent the magic.

Maria's magic is completely prevented because only those who can use magic have become magicians.

However, the magic she radiates is the magic of fire.

It's not just the shock that gives your opponent.

"Guh ..."

"That's how much heat!"

It is a magic barrier that can prevent magic attacks, but it cannot prevent the heat that is the aftermath.

The expressions of the devils are distorted by the amount of heat that is transmitted.

"But ..."

"I've prevented it! This is my turn!"

When the demon who managed to prevent Maria's magic tried to prepare for an attack this time, it was their turn ...


The devils were all eyes on Maria's flashy magic and overlooked Miranda's rushing movement.

as a result.

"Now !?"

"Hahaya ..."

"Oh oh!"

Miranda, approaching the demon with high-speed maneuvering by jet boots, shook his sword twice at high speed.

Hand-made swordsmanship, which emphasizes the speed of wielding the sword, so that ordinary swords cannot hurt the opponent.

But Miranda wielded a vibration sword.

"Ba, stupid ..."


The demon who was cut in half with a lightly waving sword died with an incredible look.


"Well done!"

The alleged demon cast their magic at Miranda all at once, but there is no longer Miranda who should have been there.

After slashing the two evil spirits, they used jet boots to get out of the pool.

That means, of course, a blow away.

"Hey! It's too hot! It's burnt!"

Miranda's true intention was that she couldn't stand the aftermath of the fire of Maria's fire.

"I see! I need to be hot!"

Following Miranda's protest, Maria chose a less hot magic.

"If this is ... how!"

Maria chose the wind… no, tornado magic.

A raging tornado attacks a group of evil spirits.

"Well ... don't lick! It's like a tornado like this ..."

Maria's magic of tornadoes is quite powerful in terms of blowing off her opponents.

But to put it simply, it's not a magic to just blow off your opponent.

However, the magic that Maria gave was not the only one.

"One! What ?!"

"Stone pebbles !? Damn it! I'm going to imitate it!"

Maria, with a tornado storm, rolled up stone gravel and attacked the demon.

"Damn it! Magic barriers can't prevent gravel!"

"It's a circle! Switch to a physical barrier in a circle!"

Don't be afraid of stone gravel.

Gravel rolled up at high speed by a tornado is the same as a bullet.

The stone gravels attack the demon with deadly momentum.

Devils who desperately prevent it.

And Miranda looks at it stunningly.

“What are you doing, Miranda!

"Can you rush into that, idiot!"

What is unfolding in front of you is a tornado full of defense, even for the demon.

If you go into such a place, you do not know what damage you will take.

Miranda also has defensive magic tools.

But it's amazing just to be able to perform sword skills while activating a magic tool called a vibration sword.

It is not possible, but not very difficult, such as starting magic tools at the same time.

Results Miranda has to wait until the tornado subsides.



"This shit boy!"

But now I am in the midst of the battlefield.

The devils who were not involved in the tornado attacked with that gap.

Miranda notices that she is being targeted by Maria's warning and activates jet boots to move fast.

Avoided the magic of the demon.

"Oh, you're a little bit!"

"I was dismissing it as a magic tool ... no way, it's such a troublesome thing ..."

The devils were not just holding their fingers and waiting for the Shins to come.

There was only a former Imperial Intelligence unit, and information on the magic tools and the like of the Shins was being gathered.

However, the difference between observing and actually confronting is different.

If you move in front of you at a speed that you have never experienced before, you will inevitably make eye measurements.

"Oh, that's dangerous ..."

Miranda who escaped the magic of the demon has evacuated to the side of Mary.

"Don't be careless.

"Because Maria is doing something different!"

"Because it's a demon !? It doesn't make sense unless you use more powerful magic than usual!"

"That's right! It doesn't mean you practiced this!"

"I'm a knight!

"Don't say crazy!"

Despite the battle, the two play with each other.

The evil spirits are watching the scene with bitter thoughts.

I want to say one of the complaints, but they are actually playing with themselves.

For such a little girl ...

Such thoughts increased the anger of the evil spirits.

"Oh, the tornado will disappear."

Miranda looks at the tornado as pointed out by Maria.

What remained after the tornado disappeared ...

"Huh ......... Huh ..."

"This ... this is ..."

The magical genie of the body, such as a full wound.

"I'm sure it's going to be ..."

You have done great damage, but you haven't beat it yet.

However, Miranda, who had the role of piercing the stop after doing the magical damage, rushed towards the evil spirits.

"Don't lick it! There's this shit!"

A magician who tries to stop Miranda from entering by magic.



"What ?!"

The magic released by the Demon was not offset by the barrier, but rather by the magic of the released Maria.

"That magic has been intercepted by magic !?"

"It is a such a fool!!"

The magicians were inadvertently caught in the sight of the shock.

However, Miranda's movement has not stopped during that time.

"! Oops!!"

"Shh !!"

Just shake the vibration sword for the weak and frightened witch.

Miranda, who defeated several evil spirits by himself, was separated by jet boots and lined up with Maria.

"That's the kind of witch you fought before?"

Last time, Maria, who had a decisive point and had a stalemate, turned her head on being able to defeat the evil spirits very easily this time.

"I'm like this ... I'm pretty barely bound.

This time, Miranda, who is fighting for the first time, is still facing tension with the nervousness.

Looking at Miranda, Maria was convinced.

"Oh, there's Miranda."


"No, just thinking that Miranda is so different."

"What, what are you saying ..."

Miranda, who was praised abruptly, was shy.

One of the evil spirits muttered when they saw the two people interacting like a battlefield.

"... these monsters"

It was a small mutter, but it definitely reached them.

"" ... "

Miranda raises her magical power and Miranda re-holds her sword while shivering.

And ...

"" Who is a monster !!!! "

The spell cast by the angry Maria breaks the magic barrier of the demon, and Miranda, who has reached the demon alone, defeats the demon as it is.

In the end, they didn't have much sense of working together.

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