Magi's Grandson

Battle of aides

Maria and Miranda jump out at the forefront and defeat the witch one after another with the cooperation of swords and magic.

Thor and Julius bitterly watched the two who flew out of the vanguard.

"Well, there are many women who are offensive."

"Well, it's better to get here, and I've demonstrated that the tactics are working."

"Speaking of which, Shin had just given something, but what is it?"

"Oh, that's ..."

When Julius tried to answer Thor's question, a high-powered spell was fired at them.

""! ""

Thor and Julius quickly deploy the magic barrier and prevent the magic.

We managed to prevent it, but they both sweated cold.

"... Shin is very easy to defeat him, but he seems to be misunderstanding ..."

"Wow! The trained evil spirits are a bit different."

When they say so, they look around where the magic was shot.

There are a lot of evil spirits in front of you, but you notice that a group of them is facing you.

"During chattering, I'm talking about ..."

The demon who seems to have shot magic here shouts with a bitter expression.

Despite that, Thor and Julius tightened up, as the consequences were that they spoke during the battle.

"It's so complicated. You'll be pointed out by the genie you."

"After all, it is different from the traditional genie."

"That's not like comparing it to such a failure!"

The genie re-emerges, wondering at Julius' words.

This time, Thor, who did not set up a magic barrier and avoided the magic by high-speed movement with jet boots, released the magic of the wind blade to the demon as it was.


The genie, who thought he would defend with the barrier, evaded Thor's actions while avoiding him, and immediately defended with the magic barrier.

"Guu ...! @Even though it's a brat, it's such a powerful magic!"

The Majin seemed to be pushed by Thor's magic, probably because he was not taken care of.

At that time.

"I got it!"

"Now !?"

Julius, who was avoiding magic by jet boots like Thor, was sneaking into his pocket from the side of the demon who is deploying a magic barrier.

"It's ...!"

"Nuu oh!"

At the same time as Julius shouts, she shakes her fist while activating the magicalized gauntlet with Shin's hand.

And after Julius' fist hits the torso's torso ...

A large explosion occurred.



Too much, Julius, who caused the situation, solidified, and Thor opened his mouth and was stunned.

And the genie who blew away ...

"... I don't mean I'm alive there ..."

In front of Julius's gaze, there was a body of a demon with only a lower body.

After confirming the results, Julius activated jet boots and returned to Thor.

"What the hell is that !? The opponent who exploded exploded!"

"No ... I just heard from Singh that he had increased his power when hitting."

"It's too powerful ... it's too much ..."

"I guess this doesn't happen with Shin's directional explosion magic. It doesn't appear when activated, but only when it impacts.

"... I don't really understand what a genius thinks."

"I agree with you, but it's true that you've got a powerful weapon. We'll fight as well!"

"Yes, let's do it!"

And then, Thor and Julius, who come out from here.

The demons, who were stunned for a while, saw the two rushing in and took a rush to intercept.

"Wow! These monsters!"

"That's unbelievable! What a monster calls a monster!"

While saying so, Thor casts the magic of fire at the demon.

If you catch it with the magic barrier, it will be the second dance earlier, and the demon took the evasive action.

"Kuu! Power of this magic! A magic tool that doesn't make sense! Temeée are more monster groups than us!"

"Do you still say!"

The two arguing while shooting each other's magic.

Julius couldn't break into that magical shootout.

However, since I confirmed earlier that my attack would be a valid hit against the demon, I was asking for a chance to attack.

However, standing out of focus on the battlefield became the target of the evil spirits, so he constantly watched their actions while moving with jet boots.

Thor and the demon were shooting magic while talking about each other, but the story was changing.

"Are you a demon and still reasonably maintained? Unlike the commoner witches who acted in anger! Why are you following Strom and so on?

"Hah! That guy has a different premise!


"We became a demon because we followed Strom! We are not following Strom because we became a demon!"

"Even so! Do you have no opposition to Strom who issues such an order !? Isn't that like giving you an order to die!"

"That's still! We were saved from the heart like Strom! If we were told to die, we would show him dead!"

"... I'm crazy"

"Oh yes! We're devils! We're all crazy! Come on, don't talk forever!

A magician who tried to shoot magic by saying so.

But at the next moment, the magician's feet suddenly exploded.

"Wow! What ?!"

Suddenly, the movement of the demon stops for a moment.

At that time.

"Tall! I'm here now!"


Upon hearing Julius's shout, Thor shoots an oversized flame magic at the demon.

"Nah ... Oh!"

A magician who couldn't defend or evade his feet suddenly collapsed was wrapped in Thor's magic.

"Julius was saved."

"I'll do it with no problem"

"Did you hit the ground now?"

"That's right. This gives you a wider range of tactics."

"I agree"

After saying so, Thor silenced and reopened his mouth.

"To be honest, they are a little sympathetic to those who are trying to give up their lives on Strom's command.

Then he turned to the devils.

"They are crazy. Some nodes are happy to take their lives for Strom. Here ..."

Thor said, he began collecting magic.

"Everyone is here!"


After Thor, a rare annihilation declaration, he fired powerful magic.

Julius also tuned to Thor and assaulted the devils, raising the male fire.

The battle became more intense.

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