The orgs were watching the conversation in a distant manner, but when they saw Milia died, they were finally approaching our side.

"Well ... it's a bad finish ...."

"... I see."

Org didn't even understand this end.

"Why ... why did this happen ...?"

Sicily, who saw the end of Miria, did not stop sobbing for a while, but finally calmed down and asked such a question.

The empire has oppressed the commoners anyway.

And the commoners had hatred for the empire.

There came a person named Strom, who could dispel their hatred.

But Strom also had a strong hatred of the Empire in Milia's story.

"If you follow Omoto, the repression of the empire is all the culprit, but ... they went too far."

O'Gugh said to Sicily after thinking for a while.

"If you hate the empire's oppression, you just had to destroy the center. In fact, that was the power. But they destroyed the empire, the" nation "itself. Even the innocent civilians. That's their sin. "

The empire that was under pressure is bad.

But it is also bad to destroy everything to counter it.

"And above all, it's a declaration of war on the whole world. Without that ... because I was going to leave it if I couldn't coexist."

"I guess I was desperate ..."

Thor said, seeing the suffocating Milia in Sicily's arms.

Miglia regretted that she had thought for her beloved Strom, but had pushed Strom to the bottom of despair.

And eventually ... both Strom and Milia have passed away.

"Well, there's no way you can say that it's ridiculous. Anyway, this is the end of this turmoil."

Org said, and saw the partly collapsed Imperial Castle.

"Except one more point."

When Org said, he saw Sicily holding Milia.

The face of Sicily ...

I was so determined that I had never seen anything before.

And I saw that expression ...

I decided to do something.

When I visited a room in the Imperial City, I heard a baby crying like a fire.

The moment he heard the call, Sicily ran up to the baby earlier than anyone else.

Sicily, holding a crying baby on her chest, cried out with a gentle face.

"Okay, it's okay ... there's nothing scary anymore ..."

Speaking of that, Sicily, who cares for her baby, looked like a mother and had a loving look.

The baby, who was crying for a while, was finally settled down and stopped crying and began to sleep in Sicily's chest.

"Well ... the last question left ... what to do with this child"

While watching such Sicily and baby. He said that with an unusually distressed face.

The last remaining problem.

It was the question of what to do with this baby, Strom and Sylvester, the son of Milia.

This child is a human but a child born of a demon-parent.

I can't imagine what will happen in the future.

What doesn't happen?

Or ...

Org may not be able to decide what to do with such a child.

But ... my heart was determined.



"The child ... I ... we'll raise it"

The moment I said, everyone looked at my face at once.

The faces are all incredible.

Only one, except Sicily.

"Shin ..."

Sicily smiled happily with tears.

"... I was asked by Milia. Thank you for this child."

I said that and stroked Sylvesta's sleeping head.

"Yes ... yes!"

Sicily said and jumped into my chest, holding Sylvester.

I muttered while hugging Sicily.

"I'm gonna raise this child ..."

"Yes ... sure ... I'll make this child happy, as Milia's wishes."

Sicily had a tearful expression but a determined expression.

But ...

"It's stupid !? Are you sane ?! @ Shin!"

August has spoken out loud.

In that big language, Sylvester got a little underwhelmed.

"Ok, okay, okay"

"Dumb, loud!"

"Oh, oh. I'm sorry ... that's not true! What are you thinking about, like raising your own demon child?"

Next to Sicily, I was whispering to Sylvester, and I was angry.

"Even if you say that, then what do you do?"

"It is ... whether to leave it in an orphanage or put it out for adoption ..."

"In the end, someone has to be raised. I told him I won't kill him."

"Ugu ..."

"I said, in the event of an emergency, I would take responsibility. And ... if I'm going to adopt it, wouldn't it be okay?"

"It's ... yes ..."

"And ... I don't want that to happen ... but if something goes wrong with this child, is it easy to deal with it?"


Something abnormal.

I didn't say clearly, but this is what happens if this child ever becomes a demon.

If it happens in an orphanage or ordinary household ... I can't control the damage.

If so, we should take care of it from the beginning.

Of course, it never goes without happening.

But there's no better reason to persuade the Org.

I was unwilling, but I persuaded Ogre to say so.

And she was thinking for a while, but soon sighed a big sigh.

"Huh ... For that reason, I'm not a better candidate than you."

"Well ..."

"Oh. Instead, grow responsibly. Report as soon as anything happens. Protect this."



The women who boiled more than me in the Org's declaration were:

Everyone flock to Sicily holding Sylvester.

"Hey, hey Sicily. Let me hug me."

"Okay but ... are you okay? Maria"

Sicily then gives Sylvesta, who has just awoke, to Mary.

"Wow, this, this, this?"

"Yeah, support my head like that."

"Uh, yeah ... fluffy ... tiny ... warm ..."

Maria, holding Sylvester in her chest, looked sober.

... Don't see Maria's face for the first time.

Then Sylvester walked across the women's arms in order, and when she was finally embraced by Miranda's arm, she suddenly slipped.

"What ?! What ?!"

"It's because your arms are hard?"

"Such !?"

Miranda despairs for the ruthless words of Mary.

The women are laughing around Miranda.

While watching that, Org muttered.

"Was you going to do this from the beginning?"

"No, not at all."


"Milia is ..."


"Oh, Miria told Sicily just before she died.


"Sicily had a determined face, and I thought I'd give it a boost."

Sicily looked up when he said that the Org had one more problem left, and he ran to Sylvester first.

I knew right away that I wanted to bring up Milia's will and raise her.

in addition…….

"I'm an adopted child."

"... I was right."

"I was brought up with a lot of affection from my grandpa and grandma. Of course, I will continue to give back to them in the future ..."

I said so and saw Sylvesta, which has become very popular with women.

"I thought I wanted to share this benefit with others."


Aug has since stopped saying anything.

I really want to boost Sicily's determination. It is true that he wants to connect the love given by his grandmother and grandmother to the next generation.

So ...

I entered the circle of women and received Sylvesta.

"I'm gonna grow up with affection ... Silver."

Sylvester ... Speaking while holding the silver ...


Silver said and laughed.

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