After diminishing Milia and the other evil spirits, we returned to the battlefield where the Allies were fighting disaster-grade monsters.

The scenes I saw there were ... a grandfather slaying disaster-class monsters with a magical laugh and Michelle happily cutting down demons.

Everyone else is defeating demons, but only two of them are unusual.

…… I was receiving guidance from ridiculous people again.

There is no monster left.

While doing so, you will be defeated one after another, and ...

"I have confirmed the defeat! With this ... no monsters are left anymore !!"

The soldier who confirmed the final defeat was shouting, and the surroundings were momentarily silenced.

But soon ...

[Uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! !

A loud cheer like a rumbling occurred.

"I did it! I won! I won!"

"Oh! We did it!"


Soldiers giving a victory to each other.

The victory was spreading throughout the battlefield.

"Well ... did you manage to win?"

"Oh, good, really ..."

While saying so, look around the battlefield.

You can also see the bodies of the soldiers in the corpses of the monsters slaughtered by the Allies.

…… Isn't it harmless?

Despite the many sacrifices, the soldiers were able to destroy the herd of disaster-grade monsters on their own.

It must have been a considerable fight.

That's why it's not surprising that joy explodes.


"Oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh!"

If such a loud cheer suddenly occurs, Silver is determined to be surprised.

I suddenly heard a loud voice, so I started crying.

Then the soldiers heard the call and were surprised and looked around.

"Huh? Baby crying?"

"Why on the battlefield?"

"Ah! Highness of August !? Demon King !?"

The soldiers, who were looking around, noticed the presence of the Org and fell on their knees all at once.

At first, the soldiers who were unaware of the presence of the Org look at the soldier kneeling, look ahead, and notice the presence of the Org and kneel.

The movement chained, and the soldiers were kneeling down like a wave.

Oh ... this is a sedge scene.

“Oh! Your Highness! You ’re safe!”

Director Gastor, who noticed the scene, headed for us.

Beside that, there is the magical commander Orgran, the grandfather and the grandmother, and Michelle.

Gustall knelt in front of the Org and asked about the situation.

"That means that your Highness has returned safely ..."

"Oh, we've all defeated the evil spirits, Strom and other evil spirits."

It seems that the voice of the Org was heard well by the soldiers who became quiet on their knees.

"Uoooooo! ! It's a perfect victory! ! ! !

The kneeling soldiers stood up and once again a loud cheer broke out.

Silver calmed down, she cried out loud again.

Naturally, Gustall noticed that silver.

"And your Highness?-The baby ...?"

The soldiers around might have been worried, those who were near us stopped cheering and I

Listen to their conversations.

What do you do?

I wasn't thinking about excuses.

Yes, Org told me that I was in trouble.

"Oh, I wish there were some who survived the Imperial City. My parents had died, but only this child survived miraculously. I protected it."

Uooo, I lied like a breathtaking breath.

In addition, it was over a year ago that the Imperial City was attacked, honestly, I thought that the excuse was painful ...

"Wow! I survived in this situation! I'm a miracle! I'm a miracle child!"

"Uo! Miracle child Banzai!"

"Banzai !!"

Lie! ? believed it! ?

Oreg whispered in his ears as he looked at the soldiers celebrating Silver with their incredible feelings.

"Everyone is feeling uplifted by overcoming this crisis. I want to believe in miracles that would otherwise be incredible."

… Is it like that?

That is, if you are calm, you will have many questions, but you are so excited that you can't think too deeply.

The thing is, if there is a person who can be calmly thought, it won't work.

"And what is the truth?"

Look! It was a cool person!

She's a grandmother!

I thought I couldn't be fooled by such an excuse ...

"For a detailed story here ... let's change the location"

"Well then, let's go to the headquarters."

Thus, we headed to the main headquarters, which is located behind the wall that covers the city.

The leaders of each country were behind the gate.

Uncle Dis, Ekaterina, and Aaron, the other kings.

"Oh! I'm back August !! Well done! Well done!"

You probably heard the war situation on a communication device.

Uncle Did's worried about Org.

As soon as I saw that figure, I ran to the top and hugged me.

"... I'm ashamed of my father?"

"What do you say! I don't understand the feelings of my father who sent my son to death!"

"Huh ... I understand. I'll accept it now."

"... I feel the distance from my son?"

"It is imagination"

Catherine came to me next to Uncle Diss and Org.

"Really ... You worked really well, Shin-kun.

Speaking of that, Ekaterina hugged me.

"Cho! Ekaterina-san!"

"It was really good ... it was like sending my son to the battlefield ..."

"It's a misunderstanding! I'm not the same !? I'm not the same as Ekaterina's secretary !? I'm a sister and apprentice worried about my apprentice !?"

I desperately excused myself because someone who did not know the situation would say something that would be misunderstood.


"What exactly are you doing!"

"I love you!"

A fist bone fell on Ekaterina's head.

This is the only thing in the world that can be done by Pope Ekaterina.

"You also do something extra misleading!"

"Hip! I'm sorry, Master!"

Grandma said, Ekaterina apologized in tears.

…… When I look at this figure, I appreciate the Pope's appreciation ...

It was such a chaotic headquarters, but in a word, everyone returned to me.


"Huh? Baby?"

Everyone became quieter to the voice of Silver, and Ekaterina found the silver that Sicily was holding and curled her eyes.

"Ah, everything seems to have survived in the Imperial City. That survivor seems to have given birth to a child ... my parents seem to have died. These children have taken care of me."

The leaders of each country did not disagree with what the grandmother with the most voice on this occasion explained.

... Grandma, who's a sedge.

"I see ... I hope this child's parents will be led by God ..."

Ekaterina-san prayed.

…… It was a complicated feeling, but I could n’t stop it.

Soon after Ekaterina's prayer was over, Org spoke to Uncle Dis.

"Dad, I'm talking a little inside."

"Muh? Yeah, then move to our tent outside?"


"Summan leaves a little bit."

Uncle Dish left the headquarters when he approached the remaining leaders.

Then we followed, and for some reason Ekaterina and Aaron came along.

"Um ... it's just the inner circle ..."

Org talks to Ekaterina in a confusing way, but Ekaterina's wind blows everywhere.

"Oh, I'm your younger sister and disciple?

"I'm also a disciple and a kid."


Apparently, the Org also seems to be unable to appear strongly to the pope, Ekaterina.

I listened to such an org.

"It's good. Let's get involved."

"... Okay, I understand. Please come in."

Ogre said, and they walked happily.

Did you poke your neck from yourself?

I won't accept later complaints?

And in the tent prepared for Earlshide, he revealed the identity of silver.

The reaction of everyone at that time was just a wordless phrase.

"Between the devils ... Strom children ..."

"Is it really ... can that be?"

Gaztor and Orglan's combination of military personnel seemed incredible.

Michel, a former soldier, is looking at Silver silently.

"Well, I thought there was something behind, but it wasn't such a big thing."

"Mm ... I can't believe it."

A grandmother who mutters as if stunned, and an old man who can't believe it.

And ...

"" I didn't listen ... "

Ekaterina and Aaron regret hearing this story.

That's where you came into your neck, right?

Unlike the two, who regret that they came, Uncle Dis, who was involved, made a difficult face for a while and then opened his mouth.

"So what is this kid doing?"

"that is……"

Ogre looked at this while saying so, and I took over the rest.

"I and Sicily bring up"

Sicily came to my side, holding silver, and nodded.

"How ..."

Uncle Dice lost his words to me and Sicily's determination.

So I told him again what I had just explained.

"Mm ... that's true ..."

There was a person who spoke out from the side of Uncle, who was worried.

"Are you really happy with that?"

She looked at me and Sicily with a very serious face, not angry.

"Can you raise a child with such a complex nature? If you're just sympathetic to the woman's witch, you should stop it.

"That's right ..."

I heard the words of grandma and grandfather and just laughed.

"What's funny?"

"No ... I didn't think grandpa and grandma would say that."

"What does that mean?"

"Grandpa, where am I?

"Mu ..."

"that is……"

"I don't even know what my complex background is. Who are my real parents?"

"" ... ""

"Grandpa picked me up and raised me with her. I didn't feel that obligation from my grandma. ''

This is true.

"I'm so excited. I'm the sage's grandson. The guru's grandson. They're two grandchildren who have been raised with a certain affection from them."

"Shin ..."

"You ..."

"So, I want to take over, that affection to this child."

I said so and stroked Silver's head.

Silver smiled happily.

"And ... I was entrusted to that person ... by Milia. So I'm raising my responsibilities, so please admit it."

Sicily, holding silver, bowed down saying that.


I bowed down beside it.

After a while, I heard a long sigh of my grandma.

"Huh ... I see, I lift my head because I understand"



"If you say that, you won't be able to say anything."

"That's right. If I refuse here, the love I put on Shin will be lying."

"Grandpa ..."

"Shin, you're definitely the eagle's grandson. It doesn't matter who your child is, so you're going to give it a generous love."

"Oh, of course!"

"Thank you grandfather!"

The problem was solved with the consent of Grandma, who was considered to be the biggest challenge.

If Grandma understands, you won't be able to complain whether it's Uncle Dis, Ekaterina or Aaron.

"Nevertheless, I'm not going to see my great-grandson so soon."

"Ho-ho. It's something you want to do."

When she received Silver from Sicily, she began to heal in her arms.

"Oh, good. By the way, does this child have a name?"

"Yes. Mirlia, who gave birth to this child, named it Sylvesta, so I'm going to make it Sylvesta."

"Sylvesta, then silver. Good silver, great grandma."

"It's a sly Merida, I want to hold my eagle."

"You didn't hold Slane and make you cry.

"What ..."

"She, Master! Please let me and me hold me!"

For some reason, Ekaterina desperately appeals and hugs Silver.

"Fuah ... cute ... Shin's adoption ... grandson for me ..."

"Wow !!!! So please don't be weird!"

"Isn't it good! Shin is like a son!"


What is this guy really saying!

If you say you are the grandson of the Pope, you will be angry again! ?

"Boo ... I'm serious ... but, well, I'll tell you that this child is a miraculously surviving child of the empire, as I explained to you earlier. I'm not going to make a mistake, ah, but it's not a political use, isn't it?

Oops, this person who does n’t surprise

If you declare, everyone will believe in a slightly impossible excuse.

Calculate it and publish it yourself.

"Well ... I can't help this time."

"That's right."

It seemed that Grandma was convinced of this.

Now all problems have been solved.


"I declared the end of the situation, and after that ... your wedding."

Ekaterina said and winked at me and Sicily.

"Oh, yeah ..."

"Hey, before the wedding, you have a child."

That's it, they smiled at each other.

Behind us ...

"Well, Aaron."

"What is it? Older brother"

"Something ... everyone else has decided ..."

"That's right ... I can't complain to the teacher, right?"

"Aaron, are you going to die for me?"

"I'm kidding."

Uncle Dis and Aaron talked about that.

… When the grandmother gets involved, I feel that the men are becoming air….

In the end, Uncle Dishes never overturned what Grandma agreed, and Silver was adopted by me and Sicily's adopted child.

He acknowledged that he would be welcomed and that Silver's identity was announced as a child of the miraculously surviving Empire.

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