Magi's Grandson

Shaolin questions

After the women came out of the bath, we continued into the bath.

I usually enter while being noisy, but I feel sick when I think about what I'm going to do after this.

When he took a bath with the women, Lee Fan told Shaolin earlier and decided to continue the story after the bath.

When Shaolin heard Lee Fan's words, she looked a bit surprised and looked at me with a determined look.

At that time, I couldn't hear the words we were talking about, so it's probably Kwanlong's words.

So I don't know what it was or how it was conveyed.

Huh ... what the hell will you ask me?

Maybe Lifan is also a reincarnation and is told that using the words of the previous life is sloppy or cowardly?

I'm depressed, but I can't help taking a bath forever.

I decided and went out of the bath.

Get out of the bath and call Shaolin with me, Org, and Lifan.

Then, Zorozoro and everyone else came with something.

Sicily is among them.

“What? Silver?”

"I'm asleep. More than that, I heard that Shaolin and Lee Fan have talks to Shin."

"Mr. Shaolin?"

"Oh, I'm sorry ... I was asked a question about a conversation with Lee Fan and just told Shin there was something I wanted to check."

"Is that so"

"I'm worried about what we're talking about ... shouldn't we listen?"

Huh ... are you serious?

e? Is it going to be a confession in front of everyone?

What's up ...?

When he looked at him, he said with his arms crossed without changing his expression.

"I don't mind. I'd like to hear your opinion if possible."

I was out of the way.

This is a flow that you have to say before life in front of everyone.

Huh ... what would happen if we talked about this ...?

Do you see it with everyone's white eyes?

…… Yaah.

Apart from my thoughts, the story was going on and on, and not only girls but also boys ended up listening to Shaolin's stories together.

The tents for the men gathered.

The bed that had been put out was stored in a different space, and it sat in a circle.

By the way, a silver sleeping bed was brought into this tent just in case.

And Shaolin began speaking after everyone sat down.

"I'm sorry to take time for Shin-dono. In fact, there are things that I really need to check."

"... is it about letters?"

"Yes. That's right. I listen straightforwardly. Shin-dono, I heard that character was Shin-dono's original, is that correct?"

"That's right"

In response to Shaolin's question, I lied as a last scratch.

"Yeah ... but then it just doesn't make sense."

"I do not understand?"

Org responded to Shaolin's words.

"Yes, because the character that Shin used was ..."

That's when I stopped, and Shaolin looked at me.

"Because we were the characters we've seen before."

"e! ?

I shouted at me with everyone.

e? Do you have Kanji in this world?

"Eh, you weren't that original?"

"That's supposed to be ... it wasn't used in any book."

"If then why ..."

"Yes, that's a question."

Mr. Shaolin took over what Org tried to interrogate.

Why did I know the characters that were not included in the book?

I'm confused here.

Is there such a coincidence?

This star is not the earth.

It is decided because the constellations are different.

Different constellations are because the coordinates are different even in the same universe.

Indeed, this star has an ecosystem very similar to Earth.

Possibly, human-inhabitable stars may follow a similar evolution.

But what about the culture?

Even on the earth, words and letters are different only in different regions.

While it was different for each star, the letters were the same?

Mr. Shaolin continues to speak to me who is confused.

"The characters used by Shin are no longer used. They are so-called old words."

"Isn't it used now?"

"Yes, and I know it's a letter, but the meaning hasn't been clarified."

Is that a kanji?

I just had that impression, but the org was different.

"Now !? It must be clarified !?"

"Oh, hey, what happened to the org?"

"What's wrong with this! Is it okay? I don't know in Japan that old words are called old words because nuances are difficult to convey?"

"Oh, that's. Honestly, does that mean in class?"

"That's not the case. Even though it is an old word that is not used now, you can understand what is written. Do you know why?"

"Well, you didn't change the word suddenly, so if you change gradually, you'll understand the meaning of the previous word."

"Yes, but it's not understood ..."


Such a thing?

"History is not connected. That means ..."

Org said, and saw Shaolin with startling eyes.

"Yes, what you were talking about in a flying boat today. Before our civilization began, maybe there was a previous civilization."

"No way ..."

In Shaolin's words, Org muttered stunned.

"Are there previous civilizations ... really?"

The whole team was surprised at the words.

No way, I never dreamed that it was true that I was talking about gossip in the daytime today.

"In our country, sometimes very old archeological excavations are excavated, which, at first glance, are older than the history we know, and in such archeological sites ..."

"I don't need to say it, it means that the characters used by Shin were written."

"That's right"

This is just shocking.

I never thought it was such a story.

It's a story full of historical romance.


"Oh, I understand that there might have been an illusionary previous civilization, but why do you look so serious?"

"You ... have you forgotten today's conversation?"

"Today's conversation?"

"... about this desert"


"Everything is the former civilization and the site of that war."

"Previous civilization?

"Everything seems to have made advanced magic tools. The destination of the magic tool was the collapse of the previous civilization and this desert area. '


"Did you finally understand?"

"Oh, oh"

The reason why Shaolin had a serious face was that….

"The previous civilization had a very advanced technique for making magic tools, which has already been proven."


"Look at this."

What Shaolin said and took it out of his pocket.

that is…….


I made a loud voice, but I managed to hold it.

That's it.

Because it was a gun at all.

"This is a weapon. It's a long itinerary of a year. Of course there were occasions when it couldn't be dealt with alone, but this helped me escape the crisis. "

She came up and got out of the tent.

The escort guards who are asleep are watching here.

"I use this like this."

Shaolin didn't mind that, but aimed at the nearby rock and fired.

A muzzle fired something like a laser that penetrated the rock.

Not only the escorts but everyone was stunned by the scene.

"This way you can attack the enemy, and this is ..."

"...... excavated from archeological sites ..."

"Yes. Of course, the excavated items from these sites are expensive, but they are excavated. That's enough to get me."

In other words, this was a mass-produced product.

Means ...

"If you look at it as a country, it's natural. There are more weapons than that ...."

Mr. Shaolin said, and looked around.

"Weapons are powerful enough to create this desert"


Silence hurts.

"Return to the first story. From the archeological site, the character used by Shin was found. Probably the same character was used in this magic tool."

She said and looked at me.

Oh, I know what I want to say.

"I mean, can I make that weapon ...?"

"Yes. I'm really sorry for a story that has nothing to do with the original request ... but I just confirmed it once I knew it. Shin-kun, you ..."

Mr. Shaolin hesitated to say or not to say a little, but eventually opened her mouth.

"Can you make weapons to destroy this world?"

Mr. Shaolin's words were very serious.

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