Mr. Shaolin staring at me.

I told her seriously, without turning my eyes.

"I can make it."

At that moment, I knew that tension was running not only for Shaolin and Lee Fan, but also for the whole team.

"Oh, you ..."

"But I don't make it"


Mr. Shaolin said something, but I stated that I would not control it and make such a weapon.

"What do you do if you make it? Where do you use it?"

"Oh, it's ... to conquer Kwanlong, to conquer the world ..."

I was so surprised by Shaolin who said that.

"Huh ..."

"Huh? Sigh?"

"Why do you want to conquer the world as soon as you have the power?"

"That's ... it's a classic."

"I've been asked by Nabal-san who accompanied me this time before, but I'll never do such a troublesome thing."

"Me, is it troublesome?"

"I guess so? Now I have the best wife, Sicily, my super cute son, Silver, my grandma, all the Ultimate Magicians, and the Walford firm is doing well, so it's economical. I'm also satisfied. Where are you dissatisfied? "

"If you ask me like this, Shin-dono is a great rear charge."

"Does the concept of the word also exist in Quang Long?"

"I have it. People who have lovers, have many friends, work well, or have a lot of realism are jealous of those who are not. Is it enviable! ”

"Shaolin !?"

"I want one or two of my lovers!"

"They are not good ..."

"The house has a lot of money, so it's just my lover! Even so, why are you doing this?"

"I don't know! Please calm down a bit!"


Somehow, Shaolin suddenly started running away from her lover.

Yeah, is n’t Lee Fan out of love?

When you look at Lee Fan, you're a bit surprised, but you don't really care.


"Well, anyway. I don't want to be awkward to conquer the world, and I don't mean that my family will be in danger."

"Is that so"

"Don't you understand that this doesn't do anything that Shaolin is concerned about?"

"Yes, you have to convince it."

"I can only say that you trust me."

I can only say that you trust me.

I think we've talked about why we don't take action, so I think it's okay.

"So, is that the end of the story?"

"Ah, no. The story isn't over in the first place."

"... That's right."

I totally forgot.

Somewhere in the middle we talked about a civilization, a weapon that could destroy the world.

"In the first place, why does Shin know the characters of the previous civilization? By chance it is too similar."

"that is……"

How do I answer this?

In the first place, I thought that there were no kanji in this world, and used kanji for the magic applied.

In fact, the characters used in Kwanlong were felt when Shaolin showed me the spells, but they were really like the early hieroglyphs.

Nevertheless, even if it is said that it was a character used in a previous civilization that no longer exists, there is no answer.

"... Honestly, I don't know."

I was quite confused, so I answered my feelings honestly.

I'm not telling a lie.

Just not telling the truth.

"Do you think you can agree?"

"Even if you say that, you can only say that it came to my mind."

... I lied now.

To be honest, I don't feel good.

Because you are deceiving everyone.

But it is hard to be honest.

Speaking further confuses.

... No, no excuse.

I do not want to be hated by everyone.

That thought was strong.

After silence for a while, it was an unexpected person who beat it.

"I wonder if this is that."


Breaking the silence, Tony spoke.

"I suppose, but I guess Shin has a memory from the past."


I lost my words to the lines that were so convinced.


Why did you come to that conclusion?

Despite my confusion, Tony continued his words.

"You know, there's also the teaching of societies, that if you do good deeds, you can be led to God and be reborn again."


"That's the same teaching for the religion that is widespread in Kwanlong."

Aug and Shaolin agreed with Tony's words.

Religion is about reaching the same teachings even if the world changes.

With his consent, Tony continued his words.

"Yeah, so, isn't Shin's previous life a human of the previous civilization, and his memories are vaguely remembered when he is reborn?"

After Tony said that, there was silence again around.

... The air is heavy ....

Shaolin exhaled quickly after enduring the air for a while.

"To be honest, what do I want to say ... maybe that is the closest to the correct answer."


"This is a story of gossip, but there are a certain number of people in Japan who have memories of the past."

"Yeah, I'm in my country."


I just said, “Eh?”

It's just unexpected.

"Until now, I wondered what I was saying stupidly, but ... I think that makes me convinced."

"It's the same with me. If Shin's memories of living in the previous civilization remain deep in his heart, he can understand Shin's extraordinary power."

For some reason, everyone began to understand Tony's words.

"That's true. If you think so, you can explain Shin's extraordinary power ...?"

"I'm convinced! I always wondered where Walford's flexible ideas come from, but I guess it's imprinted unconsciously so new ideas are coming out?"

The org has a subtle feeling that seems unconvinced, but Mark has a refreshing face as soon as he says he finally understands.

"That's true ... Shin's out-of-the-ordinary behavior may have been commonplace in previous civilizations."

"Isn't that unconscious doing that?"

"If I could show that magic, I would believe it."

Maria, Yuri and Olivia have also begun to agree.

"Ah! Perhaps the idea of that outfit is so too !?"

"Must be so. That is too novel."

The clothes that Alice and Lin say are probably the same clothes as Mei.

I think it's definitely different, but let's keep silent.

"However, why was Shaolin worried that Mr. Shin could use such old languages?"

"Don't be so sorry. Is there any inconvenience other than the weapon you mentioned earlier?"

While everyone was starting to convince, only Thor and Julius turned their attention to Shaolin.

That's right.

Why do you have to ask so much?

It seems that everyone was the same, staring at Shaolin.

Mr. Shaolin, who felt a little pressured as everyone's gaze gathered at once, told him to stand up.

"But ... I can't overlook it! Possibly ..."

Mr. Shaolin said after cutting a few words.

"Maybe Shin read a book explaining the meaning of old words!"

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