Magi's Grandson

Rough welcome

"Everyone can see the village ahead! I've arrived, to Kwanlong!"

The pilot made a loud voice as we all looked at the ruins.

This time, when I looked ahead in a hurry, I found that the desert area was gradually ending, the grassland was growing, and houses seemed to be wooden.

"Oh! That's a village on the border with the desert !! I've arrived! I've arrived! Awesome, just two days!"

Mr. Shaolin, who saw the village, shouted at a tension so high that he couldn't seem to have been nervous while asking about our complexion.

Sorry, it took a year to go back, but two days, the tension goes up.

It was a village that was still far away, but it was getting bigger, and there was an instruction from Mr. Shaolin.

"I'm sorry, can I drop the flying boat at the entrance of that village?"

"Ok, got it"

Pilot landed a flying boat at the entrance to the village as directed by Shaolin.

Why do you land in such a place?

That's to keep Kwan-Long from getting wasted.

The purpose of this time is not invasion but friendship.

This is a visit to establish diplomatic relations.

If flying vehicles suddenly appear, the capital city will be in chaos.

So he sent a messenger from this village and tried to get permission to board it with a flying boat.

I ’m just…

Because we have not contacted this village in advance ...

The view from the window is, in a nutshell, panic.

That's right.

Suddenly a flying ship appeared, so it would be great if you had a cool guy.

So, first, Shaolin and Lee Fan got off the flying boat and started talking with the villagers.

Some of them had a pretty sword-like atmosphere, but they started talking casually as if they remembered Shaolin visiting this village about two years ago.

I sometimes point to this, so I'm probably saying "What's that?"

Then Shaolin, who had been talking for a while, returned to the flying boat.

"I talked to the village representative. Your Highness, Nabal-san, can you follow me?"

"Oh, I see."

"Let's go to Hina"

"Yes. Thank you."

He said he was ready to be heard in the village, and went to the village with Aug and Nabal, and escorts.

Meanwhile, we are waiting in the flying boat.

In the meantime, we are deploying search magic in case of emergency, but no one is particularly harmful.

Shaolin interprets the words of Aug and Nabal and speaks with village representatives.

After talking for a while, the orgs came back here.

"I'm tired, can you go already?"

"No, not yet. He said he would send his messenger to the capital city of Kwanlong. Only after the reply came back."

"What? What is it?"

I asked the Org, but Shaolin, who was listening beside, answered.

"If you go one week and return one week, it's about two weeks."

"It's pretty far away"

"Yes. Kwanglong is a country made up of small nations, so the land is quite large."

Well, it's a so-called empire when the nations are united.

I wonder why this empire is a bad guy.

But in fact, the Blue Sphere Empire was a very bad country.

If there was no country, no genie might have appeared.

Anyway, two weeks ...

"What org do you want?"

"Well, why not try to interact with the people here. I don't have enough time to learn the language, but I'll know a little about the culture."

"That's right"

So we decided to stay in this village for two weeks.

However, there is no inn in such an endless village, and a tent is set up with permission to camp at the edge of the village.

Of course, don't forget to set up guards and defensive magic tools on flying boats and camps.

I'm just explaining that Mr. Shaolin is a foreign mission, but the mission is just an uncle, but we have six young women.

Because it is only a beautiful girl from abroad, there is no guarantee that there will not be any people who think it is unreasonable.

We interacted with the villagers, led by Shaolin for the women and Lefan for the men.

The purpose is to get used to the eating habits of Kwanlong and to learn customs.

While working with the village, the village men's gaze was always nailed to the women and some tried to approach the tent a few times, but it didn't end up being a major problem I went.

Yeah, trying to get closer is strange.

You don't seem to understand foreign missions.

One day after two weeks, one of the villagers ran out of breath.

Mr. Shaolin said that the government officials have finally arrived from the capital.

Well, I didn't leave the capital right away after contacting me, and I would have sent officials after consultation.

However, not only officials came, but also armed soldiers came along.


She shouted loudly in the words of Kwanlong.

We didn't know what to say, but Shaolin was stunned and talking desperately to the officials.

The officer looked at Mr. Shaolin and muttered something, and spoke to the soldiers behind him.

Then the soldiers fired arrows at this place all at once.

"Shin! Please escape!"

Shaolin is screaming desperately, but ...

Hey, really?

Is this a foreign mission?

Can the country take such an attitude?

I thought so, but from the atmosphere of the soldiers who came, I knew that there were things that were not welcome and I was always vigilant after Shaolin's case, so I was able to deal immediately .

I deployed both physical and magical barriers to the flying arrows.


There was a spell wound around the arrow that the soldiers were counting on, similar to what Shaolin showed me.

Pia, I thought this was something at the same time as stabbing, and developed a double barrier.

The result is very correct.

The arrow blocked by the barrier explodes on the spot.

The area has been covered with the smoke.

As we lost our field of view, we deployed search magic, but ...

Soldiers do not show any movement.


Isn't this a great time to attack?

I wondered what I was doing, but I knew that the smoke had cleared up.

Soldiers, they seemed to think we were dead.

The first thing I saw was a laughing soldier and Shaolin, who put despair on her face.

And a soldier who looks at us safely and turns into a surprised face, and Shaolin turns into a happy face.

What are they really?

"Nana Nabal-san"


"How do I deal with this?"

"That's decided."

Mr. Nabal responded to my question with an evil face.

"This is what we do to our friendly dialogue, and it's okay to take control of these guys for self-defense.

Oh, I'm showing weakness to Els merchants.

Or rather, the permission of the delegation has been granted and will you fight back?

"Let's go! Teach the impolite to be courtesy!"


At the command of Org, all of the Ultimate Magicians attacked the soldiers who were still stunned.

To be honest, we didn't fight.

Suppressed in a blink of an eye and arrested all without death.

Then I called Shaolin.

"I'm sorry! I never dreamed of going out like this ...!"

As he came to us, he bowed his head with a deep blue face.

There was no prostrate this time.

And Shaolin told me what the official was shouting at first.


"This flying ship I collect! Hurry!

He shouted and said that he had begun firing soldiers.

It is? Seriously or this country.

are you serious?

When I looked down at the officers who were tied up with such doubts, Mr. Shaolin began to scour the official clothes.

After a while.

"Ah! There was!"

I found some paperwork and started reading it.

The contents are ...

"His Highness, Mr. Nabal, apparently the raid was the dogma of this official."

They also told me the contents of the letter or document.

The contents are "Thank you for your offer to establish new diplomatic relations with another country that was not long. I would like to see the flying ship, so you can get on the capital. Waiting for arrival ”.

Hey, if that's true, is this official a real idiot?

While the government says you're on a flying boat, try to make it your own.

I can't.

I thought so, but ...

"It's still the worst way."

Shaolin was more angry than us.


I was more amazed than angry, so I thought that this letter was a fake. Or a trap.

However, Mr. Shaolin seemed to know exactly what was going on.

"It has always been a good practice for this country. For the time being, I'll give officials a negotiating letter. Just ..."

Mr. Shaolin looked at the officials as if they were filth.

"There are no restrictions on what officials can do on the spot. For example, in this case, the officer's arbitrariness can seize the flying boat and destroy all the evidence .... It's done. "

"... And if that fails, we're handing out the letter, we're not liable because this was the discretion of the local officials?"

"That's it."

Pia, the face of Org, like Shaolin, turned into seeing filth.

Yeah, from the very beginning, what is this ... Did you really establish diplomacy with this country?

When you look at Ogre and Nabal with that in mind ...

"Hmm, isn't it fine?"

"This is another thing I licked. It's been a long time since I'm bloody."

Both of them looked bad.

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