Magi's Grandson

Start negotiations

We repelled the attack by the bad officers, and we left the tied officers and soldiers on a flying boat and left the village where we were taken care of for two weeks.

I greeted you when you broke up ...

I was afraid of us who had taken control of the soldiers in the country in a blink of an eye.

I'm well used to this kind of response because I sometimes get pulled from the surroundings, but the women were seriously damaged.

"Huh ... Did you see? Eyes like seeing that monster ..."

Maria is particularly depressed.

Maria always says she wants a boyfriend.

There was also a young man in the village where he stayed, but he did not look at it at all.

Why is it so damaged?

It is because the men in the village embody the image that ordinary men have in themselves.

Subject of fear.

Indeed, we call them heroes in Ahlsheid and other surrounding countries.

But it only sees our achievements.

Same as idol.

But Maria wants a man who loves her.

Not a man who worships as an idol.

Then, what happens even if the worshiper sees Maria's fighting power?

…… It looks like it's quite dented.

Maybe it ’s a little too strong.

While Sicily managed to calm Maria who was depressed in this way, we crossed the sky above Kwanlong with my face.

And Shaolin's directions? Several hours to proceed according to.

"I'm seeing. That's Elon, the capital of Kwanlong."

From the horizon, a city of almost the same size as the capital city of Aalsheide came into view.

Well, here is the actual performance.

Even though I say , I have nothing to do with negotiations.

Leave it to Aug and Nabal.

I thought I had arrived at Elon, but somehow the flying boat did not land.

I am always waiting just above the outer wall, which seems to protect the city from monsters.

The altitude has been lowered considerably, and it has been lowered to the same height as the outer wall.

In other words, it's naturally exposed to the human eye, and it's a distance you can see until you open your mouth openly.

After waiting for a while, a lot of armed soldiers and unarmed humans came out of the gate.

Apparently, I was waiting for this.

When I saw her, the flying boat descended slowly.

Be wary, but the soldiers are lined up regularly without any weapons.

Apparently, there is no intention to hostile.

Even if you show your willingness to hostile here, it is impossible to establish diplomatic relations because diplomacy is a matter of course.

Since trade is impossible, Shaolin's wishes will all be broken.

As you may know, Shaolin was apparently relieved to respond to the soldiers in his country.

The flying boat landed on the ground, opened the door, and Elves mission led by Nabal.

And the Ultimate Magicians, led by Org… ... these are the missions of Aalsheide.

And finally, Shaolin and Lifan went down with officers and soldiers captured in a village on the border with the desert.

The officers and soldiers in line with Zurari, especially those wearing extravagant clothes, have begun to move forward.

Perhaps this person is in charge of this negotiation.

I'm talking about something.

"Welcome to Quang Long, I'm Hao in charge of negotiations."

Listening to Shaolin's interpreter, Nabal said with a smile.

"This is a great welcome and an inspiration."


Mr. Nabal, who was very large and emphasized this place.

Well, Shaolin-san's interpreter will be included, and I don't think the nuances of that area will be transmitted.

When Hao heard Nabal's words, she smiled and saw the officers and soldiers tied up behind us.

And he said something again.

"You are the messenger of the messenger, but I'm asking why you're tied."

"A messenger? In this country, do you call a person who suddenly attacks a diplomatic mission and tries to rob a flying boat we have boarded?"

Mr. Nabal, is it too aggressive?

Mr. Shaolin, who is interpreting, is also getting a little pale.

Hao who heard the interpreter frowned, became angry at Mecha, and yelled at something.

"That ... who chose such a man as messenger ...?"

After shouting at something, Hao again told Shaolin something.

"Um, we will strictly dispose of the unreasonable thing here, so we would like you to hand it over."

"That's right. I'll hand it over."

Nabal said, and took the bound officials out before Hao.

"Then severe punishment ..."

When I tried to say that to Hao.

"--------! !

Mr. Hao suddenly drew his sword, and cut off the official's neck.

The rest of the soldiers, who were waiting near Hao, will be discarded one after another.

The punishment was so intense that we were stunned, and the demon missions, who were not very resistant to death, aside from the monsters, turned pale.

Oh, is this the purpose?

Maybe you're daring to show intense violence at first and plant fear.

In fact, the members of the delegation are a little pale.


"It's so intense. Does this country execute a death row without a trial?"

Mr. Nabal said so calmly.

Because we fought against the genie during the campaign of the Demon King.

Although the contents are evil, they must be human.

I hung it out, so I didn't feel scared even if someone was killed in front of me, including women.

I just frowned my eyebrows.

Well ... I don't know if you're used to that ...

But Nabal is not a fighter.

Why can't you be so calm enough in Els that merchant negotiations can kill you quite a bit?

... Oh, no.

If you look closely, your feet are shaking little by little.

However, fortunately, Hao-san did not seem to know that, and she was a little surprised when she heard the interpreter.

"I'm sorry for the disappointment, and I'll say that I'll apologize for the hospitality."

"That's right. So let's take a break today and talk to you tomorrow."

When Shaolin interpreted for Hao, Hao smiled and laughed and said something and then got on the carriage.

"I have a carriage and I want him to ride it.

If you look closely, the carriage is not the one that Hao got in.

Some of them are available, so this number may have been transmitted.

The capital seems to be quite wide, so it was saved.

Shaolin spoke to him as he tried to go to the carriage as the words suggest.

"That ... what about the flying boat?"

"Oh, Shin"


"Do you want to enter your different space storage?"

"I'll go in."

"Then, keep it down."

"Do you get it"

At the request of the Org, I opened the extra space storage below the flying boat.

Then, the flying boat was stored in a different space as if sucked into the ground.

"Well then, let's go?"



Mr. Shaolin is doing something.

"Shaolin? What happened?"

"What's going on! What's this ?!"


What is ...

"Because I store the flying boat, I have to enter it unless it is big"

"That's right! That's right!"

Mr. Shaolin is scratching her head.

What happened?

Looking at Mr. Shaolin's mysterious behavior, Org put his hand on his shoulder.

"This is just the beginning. Shin's insaneness is really outrageous."

Well, everyone could do this much.

Why do I just have to say that?

Shaolin showed a tired look, as he was indignant at Aug's unreasonable remarks.

"That's right ..."

Why do you believe Assari so much?

I thought so, but I immediately knew why Shaolin believed.

"Really ... maybe a former civilization?"

Pia, I really believed this.


"No way, I didn't expect that kind of return."

Hao, riding in a carriage from before Shin Shin, muttered to his assistant.

"I agree. In particular, I didn't expect the young guys to change their complexion. ''

"Because the older one had turned pale."

"Who is it? I can't seem to be so old as I can see. '

"can not understand. But it's different from the guys who listen to anything, like the small country around them. ''

"It's awkward"


Hao said, grinning his mouth.

"Is that more interesting?"

After that, the Shins got into the carriage, and the carriage with Hao started moving slowly.

The destination is the executive branch.

This is where the emperor of Kwanlong is.

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