Magi's Grandson

Hao's speculation

"Huh ... it's bad for my heart. Why don't you kill yourself suddenly! I'm stupid!"

"Ok, Nabal calm down."

When he got into the carriage, Nabal dumped it.

"I don't think it's hard enough to dress calmly! It's going to be my aim, but I've been very upset!"

It's a pretty good sword curtain, but what I'm saying is a bit sad.

"However, Nabal diplomat is likely to do it. It is very different from the trilateral talks."

"I don't want to, forget that time, Your Highness."

Speaking of which, I remembered that during the Trilateral Talks, Org was very angry at Nabal's request.

I don't know exactly what you're asking for, but I guess it's that merchant guts are strong enough to pursue profits at such times.

"So what do you do next? Do you want to be led by Naval diplomats? Or should I be involved?"

"I'll talk for myself for the time being. When we go through such negotiations with one another, we need a little more cooperation ...

"Well, I just had a rough meeting. I understand, but I'd like you to take any dragon leather trade."

"Now it's a forbidden article and it's a story. Well, I can tell you something good."

"That's why, Shaolin, I'll ask for your help as an interpreter."

"Wow, I understand."

After negotiations in the carriage, we arrived at a large building.

Although it is big, it is not so big vertically.

Anyway, it's wide.

Although the buildings I saw on the road were the same, the architectural style was not very common near Aalsheide.

Which is closer to old Japan?

Made of wood and plaster, most of them are up to two stories high.

"This is the Yukoden. It's the center of the emperor's Quang Long."

Mr. Shaolin explained the big building in front of me.

"This is the residence of His Majesty the Emperor and the administrative center of Kwanlong. I have never been there before."

Shaolin's eyes seem to be inspiring.

I told you I've never been here, is that right?

When you look around a building with an unusual architectural style, you can see Hao approaching.

"We have a room here. Once we have a rest, we will have an audience with the Emperor and a dinner. "

It is.

So we were first gathered in a room in the building.

There, he waits for a voice.

When they all entered the room, Org opened his mouth.

"Shin. Give the example to Nabal diplomats."

Ogre said, and knocked on his chest.

Oh, that's it.

"Mr. Nabal, please wear this as well."

That's why I picked up a pendant with a magic stone that has been granted “foreign matter elimination”.

They're the ones who attack us, pretending to be a runaway man.

There is nothing better than to be careful.

"Why is this?"

"this is……"

Since Nabal heard, he explained the effect.

Both Nabal and Shaolin were surprised with their eyes wide open.

Since a while ago, it seemed that he did not trust Kwanlong, but neither Shaolin nor Lee Fan complained.

Well, I haven't seen Shaolin's sister yet, and I'm wondering if I'm in a bad mood right now.

Sometimes yesterday.

I asked you to attach a pendant, and asked what to do when you were next to the emperor.

Because Shaolin is a man of this country, he seems to need to pay tribute to the emperor, but we are people of other countries.

You do not need to show special respect, but you want to keep at least minimal courtesy.

For the time being, just break your hips and lower your head.

When I was receiving such a lecture or returning to ask for the mood of Silver left at home today, I was told that the door was knocked and I was ready.

After following the soldier who came to pick me up, he was taken to the front of a large door.

On both sides are fully armed soldiers.

Is this between the audience?

As soon as we arrived, the big door opened.

A lot of people dressed in lavish clothes lined up left and right.

Are you a noble from this country?

I don't know if there is a noble system in the first place.

Advance through the audience while being exposed to the eyes of many people.

We're used to some extent and we're not so nervous because we're from another country, but Shaolin and Lee Fan are nervous.

The face is deep blue, and the walking feet are shaking.

It's almost going to fall.

And when I went to the throne, I was stopped there.

Nobody is sitting on the throne yet.

Then one of the officials shouted.

At the same time, the people around you kneel all at once.

Shaolin is also kneeling.

Is it just the mouth where the emperor came from?

We who noticed it also hurriedly bow their heads.

While waiting a while, someone appeared and sat on the throne.


When I heard something, both the people around me and Shaolin got up.

I thought that standing up was something I said, “Ease it,” and I raised my face.

Then I saw a man sitting on the throne, which was empty until a while ago.

Is very young.

Is it probably younger than us?

A boy rather than a man was sitting on the throne.



When the boy told something, Shaolin responded nervously.

"I've been asked to translate, so I'll translate with you and your Majesty."

Indeed, was Shaolin responding to the previous statement, saying, "Tell me your words?"

From here, a conversation with Emperor Kwanlong began.

"I had a hard time on the long road. I didn't dream of a messenger coming from across the desert.

"Today, I am very glad to see the Majesty of the Emperor.

"Um. I'm just happy to be able to connect with countries I haven't interacted with before. ''

"Thank you"

"I would like to discuss this in detail. Please consult with your diplomatic staff. '

"Hello, thank you."

This is the conversation between the emperor and Nabal.

Hey, Nabal-san, who isn't the Els dialect, just feels strange.

And after a short greeting, the emperor was withdrawn immediately.

I was convinced that I would participate in the following talks, but it was just a show.

I feel like I got a shoulder watermark.

I came to the banquet after that.

Naturally, there is no conversation with us.

I really felt like I was just sitting at dinner.

By the way, the food served at the dinner was like Chinese food.

Chopsticks are a natural tool.

I knew there were chopsticks in the village bordering the desert, so I practiced throughout my stay.

I can use it originally.

So I don't think I was ashamed in front of the emperor.

I saw rice after a long absence.

White rice did not come out, but fried rice came out.

It was so delicious that it didn't contain any strange poisons, but what about it?

We can't say anything because poisons and medicines don't work for us now.

I don't know if it's a tasteless and odorless poison.

Thus, after finishing the audience with the emperor, we were guided to the prepared accommodation room.

As a couple, I'm divided into me and Org, Thor and Julius, Tony and Mark, Sicily and Maria, Alice and Lynn, Yuri and Olivia.

Embassies were also divided into pairs.

When entering the room, you will be given a magic tool with "prevention of intrusion" and "soundproofing", so women alone are OK.

Well, I don't think there's anything to do with the messenger who had an audience with the emperor, but just in case.

By the way, is it finally negotiations with Hao tomorrow?

I'm not nervous but I'm nervous.

Can you sleep?


Hao was calling for an aide in his office when the Shins were resting in the room to which they were addressed.

"Hey, did they have the same medicine in their dishes?

"Yes, definitely. Because I confirmed with my eyes

"Why don't they see any change?

"That's right ..."

"Is this really true?

"Yes, I mixed the most effective aphrodisiac in this country. It was tasteless, odorless, not afraid to notice, and they definitely ate. "

"That ... did this take any measures?

"For that aphrodisiac ...? But aphrodisiacs are not poisons, and they didn't show the spell that activated the magic tool in the first place.

"If so ..."

"I'll report you."

While Hao was speaking, the door was knocked and a subordinate's voice was heard from behind the door.


"Hah! Oh, um ... we can't get into their room!

"Now! ? Stupid! You probably have the key! ?

"That's ... the key won't open!

"Do you have such a stupid story! Is the key wrong? ?

"No! Definitely the key to their room! It can't open any room!

Hao heard of the report from Subordinate and muttered stunned.

"It's stupid ... it's just one ..."

Everything went wrong, and Hao sat down in a chair without force.

Hao was trying to set up a honey trap.

Mix aphrodisiacs into Shin's dishes and bring them to sexual arousal.

Since men and women were available, it was anticipated that if they were in a state of sexual excitement, they would be involved in several groups of sexual acts.

And if Hao control the site, you can find out what you are doing in the sacred palace.

He said that negotiations could be carried out in an advantageous manner.

However, reports from his subordinates reported that Shin and his men were in separate rooms for men and women.

In addition, there were reports that they did not appear to be in a state of sexual excitement.

At this point, Hao began thinking that something was wrong, but Hao, who wanted to make the negotiations even more advantageous, took the following steps.

In the unlikely event that the prostitutes in the country were particularly carefully selected and kept waiting, they tried to send them to their rooms.

However, as a result, he could not enter the room, and all the plans were abandoned here.

A week ago, after receiving reports that a messenger for diplomatic relations was coming from across the desert, everything that had been prepared for this day was broken, and Hao lost power. .

Hao did this because he received reports that his messengers were flying in flying vehicles.

I really wanted that vehicle.

With it, you can invade countries known to be beyond the desert and island nations further east of Kwanlong.

He knew that Kwanlong could claim victory all over the world.

All the plans have been destroyed.

Hao was in a state of being absent for a while, but after a while he got up.

"Isn't it fine? Then, I will devour various interests with a straightforward attack. '

In the office late at night, Hao renewed his faint determination.

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