Magi's Grandson

Leave it to a professional

The next day, after eating the breakfast prepared by the Kwanlong side, discussions were finally held to establish diplomatic relations.

The place is a small conference room.

Because it was a fairly confidential story, I couldn't fit a large conference room with a large number of people.

After greeting each other, we started talking.

The first thing we talked about was that the citizens of each other's country were coming and going.

Tourism, work, or even emigration.

Even a flying boat can't be reached in a day, so we will invest in each other at the relay point to create a post town, and afterwards immigration.

Because people who do not want to enter the country with evil thoughts, create an embassy in each country and make the ambassador permanent.

An immigration examination was conducted at the embassy, and it was decided that only those who had been issued a visa could come and go.

This was almost exactly what Nabal and Ohg had claimed.

The reason is that the only means of transportation between Kwanlong and the western nation is a flying boat.

It is clear from the testimony of Shaolin and the people who have reached each other's country that it takes a year to walk.

And before the trade talks, we talked about currency exchange.

This is the exchange rate between the currency circulating in the west and the currency of Kwanlong.

Kwanron seemed to have no paper currency yet, and coins were money.

So, I decided what one of these copper coins is equivalent to Kwan-lon in light of market value.

Up to this point, the talks were clear, so the discussion went smoothly.

That changed when you were talking about trade.

Mr. Nabal said that all of the goods of each other's country will be traded.

Both Quang Long and Els both thought that it was good for each other that the cultures were quite different and that new things were coming in. Was.

"It's not all. I will limit some items. '

When we heard those words, not only Nabal-san but also we got a pin.

"What is the product that imposes such restrictions?"

Hao said, of course, to Nabal's question.

"Dragon leather"

After all, it is as expected.

Dragon leather is currently a banned material in Quang Long and its distribution has been stopped.

He said he couldn't export it.

"I see ... it's a strange story."

"It's strange? What is wrong with restricting what is prohibited in Japan?

"No, I was told you were talking about the road, but there is a fair amount of dragon leather in stock?"

"What about it?

"I mean, it's a bad inventory if you have inventory and it can't be put on the market."

"Fu, bad stock! ?

"That's right. If you dispose of the defective stock and give it to me, do you say this? Why do you disagree?"

"That's because it's the law of this country!

"In the first place, does that law restrict distribution in the" domestic "? It would prohibit exporting to foreign countries."

"Well, I would recommend a bill revision!

"Oops, don't do that. I can't forgive you for imitating that kind of rock-paper-scissors."

Oh ... Nabal, you've been squeezing the flaws in the law.

In the first place, dragon hunting and dragon leather distribution restrictions themselves are said to be a strange law according to Shaolin, so if you hit it, it may come out something.

Hao, who had been staring at Nabal for a while, replied with a sad smile.

"Well, instead of granting dragon leather trade, let's give it the flying boat right too."

Hao said so with a proud face.


What will Nabal do?

Nabal said with a clear face.

"I can't diverge."

"what! Isn't it possible to drink only this one-sided request and not take this request? !

"That's the story."

"Tell me what it is!

"In the first place, that flying boat is ours."


"That was something that was made by an individual, and we could use it for lending."

"This is an individual ..."

Hao's expression seemed incredible.

Well, that's right.

I think flying boats are originally owned by the state.

But, for the moment, it's personal ... it's the property of Ultimate Magicians.

"That's why. The flying boat is a source of negotiations. I told you about the leather of the dragon, but now I admit it."

"What! ? That means if you exchange for a flying boat!

"It's better than weird talk."

"What's wrong! ?

"I said," You can trade dragon leather if you exchange it for a flying boat. "

"What is it!

"It's weird. If you wonder why rare monya sells abroad, you can sell them depending on the exchange conditions."

"That's ...!"

"In other words, even if you sell the dragon's leather itself, it's a good idea, is that right?"

"So! They say they're in exchange for a flying boat!

"I'm a split person. You're a dragon's leather seller if you exchange something for a while ago.


"But I'm just saying that flying boats can be sold for personal belongings, and that they will respond to your trade?"


Wow, completely rounded.

Hao, my face was turned red with anger, but I couldn't say it back and I shut down.

Nabal is drinking tea with a cool face.

The next Aug isn't even watching Nabal with a look like he was impressed.

"I can't swallow the words, so I'm going to trade dragon leather."

In the end, Nabal did not change her face until the end, and at the end smiled and pointed out the dragon leather trade.

Hao was staring at Nabal, but she was still complaining about the last struggle.

"... but it's not showing any price!

"I'm going to be dealing with dragon leather, and we're going to negotiate.

"Guggigi ...!"

The last scratch was lightly treated, and Hao was bruising and regretful.

Then, after hearing something from his assistant, Hao suddenly stared at Shaolin, the interpreter, and shouted at him.

Mr. Shaolin did say something, but he did not object in any way and did not translate the words here.


When I thought so, Org spoke to Shaolin.

"What happened to Shaolin. Can you translate the words?"

Mr. Shaolin started translating what she shouted after a little troubled face.

"That ... I guess I was giving you information ..."

Well, it's completely true.

As a result, the state has lost the negotiations based on Mr. Shaolin's information.

But, in the first place, since Mr. Shaolin is in a position not convinced of the country's decision, this is inevitable.

But if you're swearing by someone in your own country, you'll be sad.

"I'm over here. Is there something still there?"

“… I do n’t admit”


"I said I wouldn't accept dragon leather trade! This negotiation is invalid!

Do you still say that during this period?

However, if Hao is not convinced, trade will not be accepted.

If you trade without permission, that will result in smuggling, and this time you will give Mr. Hao a good name.

What happens to this negotiation?

She thought so and Nabal sighed.

"Let's do it for today. It's hard to make a cool decision."

Mr. Nabaru stood up and said.

"I'll have another talk ... yes, there's talks there too, so let's resume it three days later."

…… No matter how many times we talk!

"I don't think we can talk about each other or not, and we can't put them all together in one round of negotiations.


"Hona, I'll come again three days later. I'll be staying at another place until then."

Speaking of that, Nabal left the meeting room.

Then we and Shaolin tried to follow, but Hao shouted at Shaolin again.

Shaolin came back to us, calmly speaking back.

"Mr. Shaolin, what did you say?"

While it came, she looked a little sad, so I asked him what he said.

"Then ... you said that you were allowed to go with him, so he came out saying I wouldn't leave anyone who couldn't understand the language of this country without me."

She said and laughed.

"I see ... but it was good? I think it would result in a fight sold to Kwanglong's country."

"Nice. For this time, I'm completely on Nabal's side. It was hard to put up with the grinning face when I said that Hao."

"... what is your personal grudge?"

"I'm that guy."

"What is it?"

"He's the one who decided to ban dragons and ban leather distribution!"

A hatred expression appeared on her face.

"I don't know what I'm thinking, but he wrote a false report and passed the bill."

"Mr. Shaolin ... Is Hao an enemy for the Min family?"

"Yes. I don't want the country to be this way, I don't want him to do what Hao wanted."

"What a childish reason."


In the irony of Org, Shaolin bit her lips and went silent.

"Well, thanks to that, we've got an advantage.

Mr. Nabal took the lead between Org and Shaolin to wipe out the delicate air that flowed for a moment.

"Nevertheless, it was amazing Nabal-san. It was completely rounded."

"Well, haha. It's embarrassing, it's imitating Augusto."


What do you mean?

"Actually, during the Tripartite Talks, I also made the same request as Hao ... I was told at that time. It could be used for personal property or for negotiations."

"Speaking of which, there was."

"The guys don't know about this. If you really want to be a flying boat, do you really want to be a flying boat? I'm sorry. ''

"Hah ... Nabal is amazing, just to be a national representative."

"Does nothing come out even if you praise it?"

Nabal-san has been teased, but this is not a lie.

Negotiations that pierce the law, means of hiding this information and taking quality from the other party.

Everything was wonderful.

I wasn't the only one who thought so.

"Well, if we had negotiated so much at that time, it would have been quicker."

"Oh, it's your Highness without saying. At that time, I was a little emotional because of that stinking monster."

"Well, let's keep that in mind."

"That's what it's like!

Nabal, who was invincible in negotiations with Mr. Hao, is indefinite if he is an opponent.

Well, it's a Prince of Friendship, can't you be too bullish?

After leaving such a story, I left the Imperial Palace and found that none of the carriages I rode when I came.

"Hmm, there's no carriage to lend to us?"

"Are you angry? Possibly the one who opponents me is easier to understand."

I think we will be guests for the time being.

And you have n’t been quite hostile to this? We're.

However, Mr. Shaolin called out, wondering what to do without a carriage.

"Everyone is walking, but why don't you come to my house? It would be fine if you could stay at my house."

"Oh, I wonder if it's ok.

"Yes! Please stay, then here."

Mr. Shaolin said, we started to walk at the top of us.

Mr. Shaolin goes on and on without hesitation as if he knows himself.

Immediately behind it were the missionaries, and behind us we were.

Be careful.

"Ogre ..."

"I know it"

The reason I talked to the Org is because there are groups that are hostile to us.

Even though the negotiations did not go well, you would suddenly try to use your skills.

"But I'm not trying to hide hostility at all."

"Really. Is there no magic in this country to search for?"

After detecting hostility, we deployed around Shaolin and the missions.

And, you know, look in the direction of the thugs.

At first glance, it looks like there is nobody, but the search magic shows the opponent's magic.

I didn't think he was bald, but when I turned my gaze, my magical power shook as if I was surprised.

I ran away.

"What's the matter, Sicily?"

I asked Sicily, who was on his alert next to Shaolin, what she could do.

Sicily is surprised.

"What was ... Shaolin-san, what were you aiming for? I was wary because I don't know when it would come."

"Hey, are you aiming?"

"What ?! What is it !?"

Not only Shaolin, but also surviving warrior-like Lee Fan is surprised.

Pico Pia, I really don't know the search magic.

"We can sense the magic of those who are far away. There are a lot of hostile magic around here."

"Magic !?"

"Yeah, but once I knew I was surrounded by hostility, I immediately showed my guard, and when I turned my eyes on the assassin, I was surprised and escaped, so I was fine. I think that's the case. ''

Liefan is more surprised than Shaolin by my words.

"Oh, that's how ..."

"It looks like a very different magical culture is growing up from us."

"It looks like that."

"But it seems like she can't ignore her guard even at Shaolin's house."

"I agree"

(4) The government pushes unreasonable bills, and the government aims for life.

What kind of feeling is Shaolin now?

Even after the danger had left, Shaolin continued walking with a depression.

Then, a big house came into view.


"I've arrived. That's ... eh?"

Mr. Shaolin pointed to the big house, but something was rubbing in front of the house.

One is like a soldier, but the other is…

"What are you doing!"

Mr. Shaolin sees the rubbing and runs at a glance.

Then, the one who was rubbing with the soldier shouted.

"Shaolin Princess! ?

I don't know what I said, but I heard shaolin.

Is that a person from Shaolin's house?

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