He was an org who was shocked by Thor's words, but he quickly got back on his feet and turned to us.

"All right. Then we're going."


Everyone replied to Aug's words and tried to jump off the fort, but I waited there but hung up.

"Hey, wait a minute! You gonna jump out of here!?

"Yeah, but?

"It's impotent! You can't just jump out of here and be safe!

Huh? Uh, yeah.

Mr. Reefans, you're not wearing jet boots.

Then I can't help it.

"I'll do the floating magic, so you'll be fine."

"Another floating magic..."

Nothing. I'm not traveling at high speed this time, so I think it's okay.

"I'm just going to get off slowly, it's okay"

"Oh well..."

When I said that, Mr. Leefan dropped his shoulder in dismay like he'd given up.

You don't like it that much, floating magic.

Anyway, I hope everyone at Ultimate Magicians has jet boots, and I need to do some floating magic on the soldiers, starting with Mr. Reefan.

I just need to explain it to you because when you suddenly do floating magic, you'll be surprised.

If I had wanted Mr. Leefan to explain that, a fort soldier would have spoken to him as he was dropping his shoulder.

Two or three words, the soldiers looked gnawed when they wondered if they had exchanged words.

"Lord Singh. I talked to them. Do it."

"Oh, really? Then..."

Mr. Reefan's understanding has been obtained, so he puts floating magic on Mr. Reefan and the soldiers.

The soldiers are saying something with a surprised face, but I don't know what they're saying.

Well, it's generally predictable.

What the hell is this? Like, floating? I guess you're saying something like that.

Anyway, floating magic is just magic that floats objects, so if you can't use the magic of the wind, you can't travel.

So I asked Mr Leefan to explain to me that I would keep moving across the wall.

The soldiers who are listening to Mr. Leefan's explanation are saying bye-bye.

"Mr. Leefan?

"Ah, oh. Just do it because I'm explaining."

"Ha. Bye."

I grabbed the arm of one of the soldiers at the fort and threw it pointy across the fence.

"Ghaaaaaaaa...... ah?

The soldier thrown away made an awesome scream but immediately thereafter a strange voice.

You must have realized you were staying in the universe.

The other soldiers are dazed by the sight.

Well, if you're not making a scene, you don't have to bother with this.

When I took the soldiers' arms one after the other, I threw them across the fence.


"Hit me good!

Maria groaned when she saw the soldiers being thrown across the fence screaming like that.


"Really? I'd rather throw it with or without it than feel weird."

"Really... is it?

"Yes, yes."

Leaving Maria alone for the first time feeling unintelligible, I called out to Aug.

"Aug, we're ready."

"Oh. Now it's time to go!


To Org's order, Ultimate Magicians activate their jet boots and jump one after the other from the top of the fence.

I have to get the soldiers down, so don't be late than everyone else.

"Bye, Mr. Leefan, I'll put you down"

"Oh." --------- "

I just made sure you got my word across to the other soldiers, and I'm gonna get everyone down to the ground.

I explained, but the soldiers' faces are tense to the phenomenon of falling downwards.

... Shit.

Maybe I let him use his extra health before the battle with the dragon.

Though I thought so, I descended, bringing you all down to the ground.

When I unlocked the floating magic, they all looked blatantly horny.

And when I pulled out the sword that was lowering to my hips, I stormed towards the dragon screaming something.

"Hmm? What did you say to them?

Something happened, I was curious about the look on the soldiers' faces, so I asked Lee Fan.

Then these words returned.

"Oh... 'Ground is great' or 'I can make any move now'... that's what I'm talking about"


What do you mean?

"Well, I don't know how you feel either."


"Oh. Here's the thing... it doesn't feel like my feet are on the ground... I'm not going to be anxious. So when you get down to the ground, you can feel the hardship of the earth."


"Besides, freedom is totally unfavourable in the air. When I get down to the ground and I'm free to move, I feel free to move."


Everyone at Ultimate Magicians was free to move quickly because they could use the magic of the wind, but if they couldn't use it, they'd be in that condition......

"You don't even have to go to Lord Singh than that? Something... I just heard a flashy noise..."


Those are the ones who were ahead of us!

Uh, uh, you can hear magic bursting from over there.

"Well, it's not like we're competing for crusade numbers, and if we're late, we'll turn to your support."

I don't know why I love combat.

"Right. I'm on my way, otherwise there's no point in coming this far."

When Mr. Leefan said so, he ran away with his sword.

Well, then I'll take the support from above. What if?

This time he decided to do so and floated up into the sky with floating magic again.

Well, then let's see how the orgs are doing first.

If you think so and shift your gaze......


"Big and easy to guess"

"Corner! Hughes! The dragon's leather is going to be material, so knock it down a little more beautifully!

"" Yes ""

Over there, Alice and Lynn are pissed off at the org for magically beating dragons very rarely.


"Wow. Tony, didn't you raise your sword arm more than before?

"Ha, I guess? Yuri, is that magic trick, a new one?

"Really? Someone from the bean factory built the foundation for me. I treasure it when I want to collect material. Wow."

"Sure... you're a beautiful slayer"


Tony and Yuri are hunting dragons while we have some conversation over here.


"Julius? Is that gauntlet new?

"That's right. I'll sit down, Thor. If it's the previous gauntlet, the target will blow up. I'll sit down. I was making it for you, Lord Singh."

"... is something popping up?

"The pile pops up at the moment of impact and you sit down"

"... as a wizard's weapon, what about that?

"This is for the awkward. I'll sit down. Thor, come back. I'll sit down."

"I know."

Beyond, Julius hunts a dragon using the new weapon I recently gave him, the Pyle Banker, and he hunts a dragon pale as Thor looks at it with a frightened eye.


"Ha... you bore me with no tension, like a regular dragon"

"Maria already. They're creatures, even though they attack humans. You can't say that."

"Sicily, you're starting to sound like your mother..."

"? I'm Silver's mother, right?

"I was..."

Sicily and Maria are hunting dragons, too, chatting.



He and the others seem to be fine.

Shall I turn to the followers of Mr. Lee Fans?

That's how Mr. Reefan and the soldiers at the fort flew toward him.

Then there, the soldiers were fighting several dragons as they each wielded their weapons.

This time it was all the carnivorous dragons that hadn't demonized the village.

You attacked the village in search of human meat, so I guess that's natural.

And carnivorous dragons that aren't demonized aren't that big.

They just can't even jump into the detour because they have enough fangs to eat and kill humans.

So I decided to turn to following the soldiers.

Fire thin laser-like magic at the feet of the dragons staring at the soldiers.

A dragon that gets shot through the leg and stuffs.

Suddenly the magic is unleashed and the soldiers who turn this way in surprise are instructed to finger the dragon and defeat it quickly.

Then the soldiers rush to the dragon and stab a stop at the falling and stuffing dragon.

Defeat the dragon and respond lightly with your hands up to the soldiers who will raise their swords toward you, retracing the next dragon.

I found a dragon nearby, and when I pointed my finger in that direction, the soldiers immediately understood or headed that way.

Facing a new dragon, they unleashed arrows ahead of them, drawing on earlier reflections of the battle.

Though smaller than herbivorous dragons, dragon bodies are larger than humans.

The arrow that hit the dragon caused a small explosion when he thought it would be slashed with a sword after that because it would only be to the extent of restraint with bows and arrows.


Was there a curse on the tip that would explode if it hit you?

Not only can that be towed, but it can also do enough damage.

Curse, that's awesome.

With that technology, I think I can do a lot of things.

Thinking about the possibility of the curse shown again, Mr. Leefan almost stabbed the dragon with a stop.

Is that... is that what you call a blue dragon knife?

Flew the dragon's neck with a large, fleshy, repetitive sword.

For this minute, don't the Lee fans need a follow up?

If you think so, there was a magical reaction coming at me rapidly.

"Slow down!"

"Lord Singh!!

Mr. Leefan is making a hasty voice, but this one can be positioned by enemy magic.

I avoided surprises from behind and checked the appearance.

I was there......

"Winged Dragon?

was a herd of

"Was there such a thing?"

There are dozens of them just to look at.

"Lord Singh! He'll be down in a minute! If you're in the sky, they're going after you!!

That's what Mr. Leefan is screaming at, but these guys aren't demonizing.

So, well, isn't it okay?

That's what I decided, and I flew off towards a flock of pterosaurs.

"Behold, Lord Singh!!

I hear Mr. Reefan screaming sadly, but the Winged Dragons are not that big a body dragon.

Instead, you can't fly in the sky without being small.

This is the size of a dragon that comes out of a fantasy novel or something, and if it's the number of these herds, it's not a lot of noise.

Wouldn't the world end?

Going into a flock of pterosaurs with that in mind, the pterosaurs came flocking to me stripping away their hostility.

But even though small for dragons, they are quite large for flying organisms.

You can't come with me for a sudden change of direction because you can't get around.

Still, the Winged Dragons won't stop targeting me.

I fly the Winged Dragons at a rate that won't shake them off.

Then the Winged Dragons started flying behind me.

All right, all right, you're following me.

As I look back from time to time, I cast the magic I used to use so often in hunting on each and every winged dragon.

The Winged Dragons follow me without a bare gesture that cares at all about being enchanted.

And when I finished doing all the magic to everyone, I looked back.

"Everybody, fall!!

That's what I shouted and unleashed my little flaming bullet.

The magic done to the Winged Dragons is the magic of the 'marking' once upon a time.

Towards that marked target, the little flaming bullet flies away drawing parabolas.

The sight was like a missile going towards a locked-on fighter.

As the flaming bullets were sucked into the foreheads of the pterodactyls in different dimensions, the pterodactyls crashed without one left.

Huh. I feel like a top ga......

"Wow! Something's coming down. Ah!

Huh? Alice's voice?

"Here, Sin! You, what are you doing!!

Ah, yabe.

Soon, they were moving right over the orgs.



"Hey, Sin! What are you doing!?

On earth, everyone desperately avoids the falling wing dragons...

This is pissing me off......?

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