Magi's Grandson

Unscheduled companion

The Augs were desperate to avoid the falling wing dragons.

When I stood on the ground relieved that it didn't hit anyone for the time being, I was seen with white eyes by everyone.

"Ah duh...... sorry"

"I'm not sorry! What would you do if you were in a fight!

Apologizing for not being able to stand the blaming gaze, Maria made the most of the accusations.

"Damn it. Messina's right. Be careful."

Because Maria got pretty first, or Aug complained pale.

"Hey... it was the first time I had fought in the air, so I was obsessed with intercepting..."

When I said that, Lynn had a weird way of eating.

"Only you, Wolford, fought in the air and cheated. I want to do it next."

"No... because I didn't run out of anything, did I?

If I was in the air, they attacked me, so I just intercepted him.

"Me too! I want to do it too!

"No, so..."

"By the way, how were the soldiers at the fort?

I was just about to hitch a ride to Lynn up to Alice, and Org changed the subject well.

Just fine. No, let's get on with the Aug story and get rid of Alice and Lynn's story.

"There seemed to be no problem over there. He was restrained with a curse-wrapped arrow and finished with a sword. I think I can take that down without a problem."

This one must have hunted it all down because there's no dragon response around anymore.

Where the crusade was over and I was horrified, he said a winged dragon had descended from the sky.

No, you did something really sorry.

That's how I was talking to Aug, and Sicily called me.

"Um, what are we talking about here, so why don't you go help the Reefans?

"Right. Maybe there are other villages that need to go around. Let's end this as soon as possible."

And that was when Aug said it.

"Hmm? Communication...... Mark?"

A bell rang to signal an incoming radio call.

If it were to be called at this time, it would be the Marks.

That's what I thought. I went out to the comms.

"Yes. This is Sin."

"Oh, Wolford, is that you, Squirrel? Markus."

"Oh, have you had enough of that?

"Yes, sss. I've got a lot to talk about that, sss, but for now, we'll rendezvous and then we'll talk. '

"Okay. I'll pick you up, but where are you now?

"I'm Back To The Mansion Of The Ming Family, Sz."

"Okay. Then I'll go that way."

Copy that, Sz.

After I finished communicating with Mark, I turned to Aug.

"That's why I'm picking up Mark and Olivia. The Augs need to get into Mr. Lee Fans' help first."

"Oh, okay"

When I heard back from Aug, I immediately connected the gate to the front door of the Ming family.

In front of the doorway to the arriving Minn family, Mark and Olivia. Plus Mr. Shaolin and his sister, Mr. Switzerland, his brother-in-law, Mr. Yunha, and their servants.

And Mr. Naval, too.

The Ming family, other than Mr. Shaolin, are very surprised that I suddenly showed up in front of the front door.

"A, ano! Coleja?"

Mr. Suilan has stuffed up here even though he's not feeling well yet.

Mr. Shaolin is desperate to accept that.

Well... I should have headed for the dragon crusade, but I'll be in touch soon, I'll show up soon.

You can't leave me alone as a merchant.

In fact, Mr. Naval, who is used to seeing the gate, is nodding like he can tell.

Eventually Mr. Shaolin, who succeeded in forgiving Mr. Switzerland, approached.

"Sorry my sister... With this magic, I get excited that there can be a logistical revolution..."

"Uh, well, that's..."

After all, did Mr. Suilan think so too?

"I told my sister that only the Sins could use this magic in the western world, and that I could not hold them for it."

"Sorry to bother you"

"No! Because this is just my sister's self. Please don't leave Lord Singh alone."


As I was in an apologetic match with Mr. Shaolin, I heard the sound of a shock from Mark.

"Mr. Wolford. You're not leaving for now, are you, S.?

"That's right. Wouldn't it be a bad idea if we didn't get to the site soon?

Oh, yeah.

Or it was almost over there, so I was out of my mind.

Mark and the others pointed me out, so I tried to re-dive the gate quickly and it took Mr. Shaolin to wait for me.

"Um... shouldn't I follow you too?

"And Mr. Shaolin?

To Shaolin's offer, I accidentally saw Mark and Olivia's face.

They both look in trouble.

In the meantime, why did you mention that?

"Yep... I have a dragon... why again?

"I don't think the dragon runoff will end in one place."

Uh, we certainly thought the same thing.

But what does that have to do with Mr. Shaolin following you?

"A dragon habitat is almost determined. Didn't the village where Lord Singh went also have any defense equipment from the dragons?

"Oh, there you are."

"That's because the dragon habitat is nearby. And there are other villages with such facilities"

"But don't you know that too, Mr. Leefan?

"Reefan's job is to be my escort. You may know some, but it shouldn't be all."

"I mean... if Mr. Shaolin doesn't go, we need to know the exact number..."

"That's what I mean"


That is certainly important information.

If we don't know the exact number and location, there could be a leak in the mention of flying around to the dark clouds and wasting time.

Rather than be......

"Mr. Shaolin."


"Needless to say, dragons are very dangerous. Even in the village I just went to, there were scattered human remains that were scattered."

When I said that, Mr. Shaolin distorted his face to fear for a moment.

But I immediately said, squeezing my face tight.

"The Ming family is a merchant who handles dragon leather. I am well aware of the dangers of dragons. I won't do anything dangerous, so please take me!

When Mr. Shaolin said so, he bowed his head deeply.

Are you aware of the danger?

Honestly, I appreciate the guidance.


"As soon as we get on the ground, we'll send them to the defense facility. Not a step out of it. May I?


"Yeah. Let's go together."


I was supposed to bring only Mark and Olivia.

Well, you can't help it if this is the case.

That's what I thought, and when I tried to re-open the gate over the fort and dive, Mr. Shaolin groaned.

"And... there are rumors that concern me."

Rumors of concern?

I wonder what it is.

Speaking of which, I haven't even heard a report from Mark yet, and when I get over there, you want to hear it?

Thus we left the Ming family behind.

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