Magi's Grandson

Merchant Sexuality

He dived the gate with Mr. Shaolin and stepped out on the fence of the village defense facility.

"Wow... it's really a village defense facility..."

I guess he's been here in the past, Mr. Shaolin groaned so potpously as he looked around.

Well, you're a businessman dealing with dragon leather.

Have you ever been to a village that is a hunting ground?

After all, it seems you were right to allow Mr. Shaolin to accompany you.

"Mr. Shaolin. We're on our way, so don't move from here."

"Yes. Okay."

When I heard Mr. Shaolin's reply, I unfolded enemy magic from the top of the fence and explored where people and dragons were gathered.


From one direction, I heard a big explosion.

"This is...!

Try to defeat the place......

"Mr. Wolford! This is demonizing, sucker!

Sounds like it.

It was us who sensed the magic of the demonized dragon, but from the sound of the explosion earlier, I guess there are the orgs.

"What do we do?

"I want to go for once, sss"

"I'm sorry I didn't do anything when I came around the corner."

Once I checked with Mark and Olivia, they wanted to head to the scene.

Well, I'm here for a corner addition, and it was already over. I don't know why I'm here.

"Though, you might be done already, huh?

"Still a sucker."

"Oh well. Then why don't you join the Augs for now?"



We activated the jet boot and jumped from the top of the fence towards the scene.

When I got to the scene, Lynn was about to snap the neck of a dragon demonized with a waterjet.

"What the hell. After all, Lynn's got a neck."

"Mm? Mr. Wolford?

"You said you liked people, you liked neck rubbing, you did it yourself."

"I can't help this. Your Highness's request."


"Yes. Ordered not to scratch the material"

"Oh, I see"

I snap the neck of a demon when I used to hunt animals for food.

The best way to keep the material clean is to wrap it around your neck.

I guess the dragon leather I hunted this time will also be recovered as a material.

Especially since demonized dragon leather looks tougher than normal dragon leather.

"By the way, it was a long time ago."

Talking to Lynn, Aug joined the conversation.

"All the dragons that attacked the village have been crusaded because of what they are bringing."

"Uh, I'm sorry, Your Highness."

"Excuse me."

Mark and Olivia apologize for being late, but it's nothing like apologizing, is it?

"It's not about the Beans apologizing. You guys were doing another job."

"Huh, husband and wife......"

"So, Your Highness! We're not married yet!

"I hope so..."

"It's not good!

"How did it get late? Was there some kind of trouble?

"Mm, ignored..."

Olivia looks sad, but it's only a matter of time before they call her that anymore, and isn't it okay?

Hey, more than that.

"Mark and Olivia and I were able to rendezvous right away, but there's someone I brought in extra"


"Oh. Because Mr. Shaolin really wants me to take him"

"Oh, the lady!?

Mr. Leefan, who heard my words, raised his voice in amazement.

I guess so.

I brought a non-combatant lady to the front of the battle.

"Hey, why!?

"No, it was this village that had this report, but it wasn't just this village that had the dragon outbreak, was it?"

"Yes, indeed."

"I originally thought I'd go around another village if I suppressed the dragons in this village, because Mr. Shaolin said he knew where the village was close to the dragon habitat."

"So you brought him here?"

"Sort of. It's close to the dragon habitat... which means there are fortifications like this in the villages where they make their living hunting dragons. I brought you here on condition that you wouldn't get out of there."

When I said that, Aug looked convinced and nodded.

"Right. Is that more efficient than going around the village to the dark clouds"

"Tell me about it. I sent Mr. Shaolin to the fort and then I came over, so it was late."

"I see the situation. Now that the dragon hunt is over, let's go back to the fort."

With that word from Aug, we decided to go back to the fort.

There's no sign of dragons in the village anymore, so we usually have the gates set up in the fort open and go inside.

Then the villagers who were evacuating inside welcomed us.

"Lord Singh!

From among those villagers, Mr. Shaolin, whom I had just delivered, came this way.

"Are you all right?"

Mr. Shaolin looked at the orgs and was exhaling in relief.

"It's easy to win a dragon that's not demonized!


Alice and Lynn show Mr. Shaolin the door.

Mr. Shaolin has a slight pull on his face.

"Rather, it was more of a pinch when Sin dropped the Winged Dragon from the sky."

"I'm sorry!

Maria, this is going to be said for a while.

"Oh, Wing Dragon, is it?

Hmm? Mr. Shaolin's face looks mixed with amazement and anticipation.

"Yes. Lord Singh put it together and shot it down. Because that's what was directly above us..."

"The Wing Dragon is coming down. I'll sit down."

"So sorry!

Even Thor and Julius!?

When I was surprised by the unexpected blow to my mouth, Mr. Shaolin stuffed me with excitement.

"Um! Lord Singh!


"The... damage to the crusaded pterodactylus..."

"Oh. I shot it all out of my forehead, but it fell from above..."

After all, how was the leather on the body?

You didn't look at the details, did you?

That's what I think, Tony and Yuri came forward.

"I'm collecting it, why don't you take a look?

"Look at that. It didn't look scratchy."

Saying so, I took out the winged dragon that I recovered from different space storage.

"So much!?

Again, Mr. Shaolin gives a startling voice.

Is it that rare?

Suspicious of us, Mr. Shaolin checked out Winged Dragon looking excited.

"No scratches on the wings...... this is extremely classy!!

Mr. Shaolin's expression looks exactly like a delightful face.

"Lord Singh!!

"Whoa!? Yes!?"

And then he looked at me with that look on his face and stuffed me.

Bit, I'm surprised......

"This! Can you sell all the dragons you hunted, including this wing dragon!?

"Huh? Oh, well, that's good"

"Is it true!? Thanks!!

Wow, Mr. Shaolin, you look so happy.

"Um, is this wing dragon that rare?

"Wing Dragon itself is not unusual, but when it comes to hunting, it's inside... and it's hard to hunt without damaging your wings..."

Yeah, well, you're flying.

If you want to hunt, do you aim for the wings first?

"Winged dragon leather is more valuable in wings than in body. It's sturdy on a thin surface. It's just, like I said, there's not a lot to hunt for, and a lot of them have scratches in them."

"Oh. Then this is..."

"Yes! This amount on top of the intact!! I've never seen anything like this!!

I see.

That would convince Mr. Shaolin of this excitement.

"Then quickly the price of..."

"Lord Shaolin. I'm sorry, can you do that when I get home?

Aug blocked Mr. Shaolin from trying to enter into price negotiations for dragons, including wing dragons.

"Huh? Ah! also, sorry! The merchant's blood is making a scene..."

I saw an unprecedented amount of winged dragons.

I guess he got excited and forgot me.

Mr. Shaolin came here not to buy dragon leather, but to lead us to a village close to the dragon habitat.

I apologized to Aug for remembering that.

"No, as far as the circumstances go, I don't think it's impossible. But now there's something else that needs to be prioritized."

"Yes... I came along saying I couldn't for that... sorry"

"I don't mind. I'd like to get to the next location as soon as possible."

"Okay. Can you show me the map?

Mr. Shaolin tells me to spread the map I borrowed to get out onto the table that was nearby.

Looking at that map, Ms. Shaolin left some marks on the map.

"The dragon habitat nearby is here, here, and here."

"Hmm. Near its habitat..."

"Yes, there is a village that serves as a hunt for that dragon"

Hear Shaolin's description and see the marks on the map.

"You're pretty far away..."

Sicily looks at the marks on the map and gives her candid thoughts.

Sure, I thought so, too.

"Because the dragon has a big body, and the food chain is complete only in the dragon. One habitat is quite large."


Is that why the base village is away?

But vast habitats......

"That could be more than expected..."

"Maybe. But the first thing that matters is where people live. The number of dragons that have grown in their habitat should be hunted again."

"In the meantime, is it a top priority to curb human damage"

"I'd appreciate it if you would."

Looks like Aug and Mr. Shaolin got together.

"Okay. So let's just say we get around close to here, shall we? Lord Shaolin, I need your guidance."

"Yes! I'll take care of it!

"Going now?

"Oh. Singh, please again"


I got a request from the org, so I'll do a floating magic on everyone.

"Wow! Wow!

"Wow! Again!"

Mr. Shaolin looks surprised, but he doesn't feel scared.

Mr. Leefan is......

I'm sorry, but be patient with me.

"Sicily, I'm sorry, but can you pull Mr. Shaolin away for me?

"Yes, I understand."

Mr. Shaolin is a woman, so I called out to Sicily that it would be nice for her to ask for a tow.


"Mr. Leefan, I'll pull it off again."


Wow... the strong Reefan has an indescribably bitter face.

"Okay, let's go!


With Org's decree, everyone starts wind magic and starts moving.


Mr. Shaolin, who is drawn to Sicily, is giving a pleasant voice.

Mr. Leefan is......


... will you put up with it without throwing up until we get there?

Ah... I forgot to listen to Mark.

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