"Hmm, he said Hao was going to be taken responsibility for this one"


Under the guidance of Mr. Shaolin, I heard from Mark at His Royal Highness Yu during his trip to the next village.

Anything, you think the blame for this massive dragon outbreak is going to be on Hao, who drafted a bill to protect the dragon?

That's well, I guess.

It was supposed to be a bill to protect dragons because they have fewer individuals, but it's a massive outbreak in just two years.

It is also likely that the study report on the number of individuals in the dragon that would have been attached when drafting that bill was false.

Or, from Mr. Shaolin's story, it would definitely be a false report.

"Nevertheless... you can expect this to happen. Why did you draft another bill like that?

When I said that, everyone around me nodded.

We're not familiar with politics, unlike Aug, Thor and Julius.

It is hard to imagine that even we, among the bureaucrats of this country, did not understand what seems to be a particularly high-ranking hao.

Mr. Shaolin opened his mouth as he tilted his neck wondering what it meant.

"About that...... I have heard rumors about Hao"



What is it?

Is this about getting involved in this case?

"Hmm, Lord Shaolin. Can I hear that rumor and all that?

"Yes, Your Highness. The rumor… is that Hao has personally excavated the site and acquired a very powerful weapon."


When I heard what Mr. Shaolin said, Aug narrowed his eyes.

"But why the rumors? You haven't checked the facts?

"At Kwanlong, all weapons that come out during site excavations are obliged to report to the State once they have been discovered. But......"

"Well, no weapons were reported to have been excavated by Hao"

"Yep. So it's just a rumor..."

"You think that information leaked from somewhere?

"It's not like that."

Hmm? I didn't tip you off, but it's rumored?

"What do you mean? So, why do you call it a rumor?

I didn't know what that meant and accidentally interrupted Aug's conversation with Mr. Shaolin.

"It seems that someone had seen their luggage secretly brought into Hao's mansion, and from there it became rumored."

Well, don't be suspicious of anything if they witness an occasion like that.

But from the side, I mean they thought I was carrying Kossoli......

"Was the package quite large?

"Apparently. So there were rumors that it might be a powerful weapon."

I knew it.

"I see. If that rumor is true, do you mean you passed this bill because you have that weapon"

"What do you mean, Your Highness?

I get it, but they didn't. Alice asked Aug.

"I mean, even with some more dragons, I guess I was going to use that weapon to make a secret mistake. So I drafted a bill that also seemed to be this reckless. But..."

"In the end, a massive dragon outbreak happened, meaning Hao couldn't handle it in time"

Thor supplemented Aug's explanation.

Alice looked frightened when she heard the explanation.

"Ha... Something's a mess, isn't it? That guy."

... If Alice tells you, you're done.

"Well, I guess I was supposed to get some kind of contact. But I guess that didn't work."

"I can't believe I left you this far. I wish I could have made a mistake along the way."

Maria says that dissatisfied, but I guess she couldn't.

"I guess I can't do that. Anyway, there's a bill that I put out myself."

"Oh, well. Bill that you shouldn't hunt dragons..."

"Exactly. You strangled yourself."

Right, Hao deserves it.

"Well, now Hao will surely lose his legs. Then the negotiations with Kwanlong should proceed without delay."

"But Your Highness. Mr. Naval said we have to be careful..."

Oh, Mark was following you with Mr. Naval's escort.

That's what that Mr. Naval says, so we'll have to be vigilant.


"Well, aren't you okay?

That's what I said to Mark, who looked anxious.

"Sin is right. Don't worry."

Aug got on my word, too.

"Why is that? Honestly, I don't think Hao is going to lose his leg that easily."

Mr. Shaolin sounded anxious about me and Aug's words.

"Well, you don't have to worry so much, you'll see when you're done going around each village."

"Exactly. Lord Shaolin, thank you for your guidance."


"Oh, and"

When Aug cut the words there, he looked at Mr. Shaolin jizzily.

"Don't help me if you tell me that information early from now on"

That's what Aug said in a frigid cold voice over here listening.

Oh, the Aug guy, you still didn't trust Mr. Shaolin.

I guess that passed on.

"... Yes"

Mr. Shaolin replied that way with a disappearing voice, so he was at his best.

Mr. Leefan is......

"... ugly"

... I was holding my mouth.

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