Magi's Grandson

Persuasion? Blackmail? Fraud?

"I see it, there it is"

After traveling with floating magic for a while, Mr. Shaolin pointed forward and said:

That face doesn't feel very cheerful.

I guess I enjoyed the words of Aug......

The first one to start flying in the sky seemed to have fun, but after the aug stabbed him with a nail, he was clearly depressed.

Kind of pathetic, but I've been hiding information so far that Hao might have a powerful weapon in his possession.

Can't you afford to lose credibility?

But why were you hiding it?

... Is that it?

Did you see me give you the weapons that Hao has and think that if they imitate you, you'd be in trouble or something like that?

But it's a rumor, and I thought I didn't have to tell you, and this happened.

So I guess you're telling me you've been giving out information later?

Indeed, if we do see it, we may know more than the granting of weapons of the previous civilization is written in kanji.

But I promised I wouldn't make weapons like that...

After all, you mean we met and it's still shallow, and we weren't trusted.

It looks like Aug didn't trust Mr. Shaolin either.

Well, how can you easily trust a man like me who doesn't know what he's capable of?

... Don't get sad saying it.

I'm royal in Aug's case, and I guess it couldn't have been that easy to trust people.

That's right...... is that it?

"... what the heck Singh, look at people's faces jizzy"

"Hmm? Oh, no..."

As Aug looked at me with suspicious eyes, I approached Aug, diving my voice and talking.

"Aug, you didn't trust Mr. Shaolin yet."

"It would be obvious"

"After all, because it hasn't been long since we met?

"There's that too..."

"But didn't you break it right when I was?

When I said that, Aug looked like he was convinced he was "oh."

"I've heard so much about you from my father. I didn't feel like I'd seen him for the first time. And he's Lord Merlin's grandson."

"Oh, that's the thing"

"As for that woman, I don't need any other suspicions from her. I don't think that's a good idea."

When Aug said that, he looked forward in the wind that this was the end of the story.

... I was the one who got suspicious then, wasn't I?

And you're saying you got annoyed?

Huh? Really?

When I was feeling unspeakable, I heard Alice and Lynn talking to Hisohisso in the back.

"Your Highness and Mr. Singh, aren't you suspicious?

"This is a case. I have to report it to Ellie."

"Whoa! Don't get me wrong!

Ellie hasn't been poking around on me about it lately, but don't say anything to make me rekindle you!

"Hey, don't say anything stupid. I'll be there."

I turned back to me in Maria's words and looked forward.

The village, which only looked small when Mr. Shaolin told me, is so close to coming.

"Oops, dangerous. I was just passing by."

"It's already shaky, isn't it"


We all stopped the wind magic just as we came over the village and saw the village under our eyes.

... From what I've seen, the village is still alive.

"Apparently we made it. We're going downstairs."

In Org's words, I lowered the altitude of floating magic.

I have to go up and down, though.

That's how when I went down in front of the village gate, I saw someone who seemed like a gatekeeper with a flashing face.

Oh. Right.

People came down from the sky, so I guess so.

Reflecting on how strangely surprised you were, Mr. Shaolin ran under the village gatekeeper.

For her, I guess I can't keep the gatekeeper condition or anything.

When Mr. Shaolin told the story, the gatekeeper changed from a flashing look to a rather surprising look, running into the village.

Is that it? Do I have to wait for this?

Anyway, let's hear what's going on from Mr. Shaolin.

"Mr. Shaolin, what's wrong? Shouldn't I go yet?

"That's it... tell the head of the village to confirm it... and tell him not to move from here until he gets back"

Alice was outraged by Mr. Shaolin's words.

"Ha!? What are you talking about?

"That's true. Don't you understand the situation?

It's rare. It's even preppy to Sicily.

You're looking at a human being who was eaten all over the village earlier.

I guess he wants to go check on the dragon situation as soon as possible.

From such a human being, I guess the gatekeeper's attitude just now seemed like a long one that didn't understand the situation.

I mean, Mr. Shaolin's probably been to this village before, and I think I can trust her words.

I guess that one.

I have an example bill, so I guess I went to see if I could really hunt dragons, even if it's true.

I mean, what do you do in an emergency?

Even if that happens, are you going to go get confirmation from your boss?

With that in mind, an earlier gatekeeper brought in one man.

As far as the outfit is concerned, it looks like the bureaucratic clothes I saw at the palace of the Imperial Palace.

Are you an official resident in this village?

Looking at the man thinking so, I said something to Mr. Shaolin.


Mr. Shaolin raised his surprised voice and protested something to the officer-style man.

But the guy just shakes his neck sideways and doesn't fit in at all.

What the fuck?

"Mr. Shaolin, what's wrong?

"Well, that's..."

When I spoke, Mr. Shaolin said it very hard to say.

"I said I would make a compromise because the dragon's mass-production is happening... they said I couldn't admit it..."


What's that?

I thought so and saw the face of an official-style man.

The face... was obviously looking down at this one.

And there was a mockery in its mouth.

"Mr. Shaolin. This guy's an official?

"Huh? Yes, it is. I'm a resident official of this village."

"... Could it be someone who's breathing in Hao?

When I said that, Mr. Shaolin answered after a few thoughts.

"I can't be sure, but perhaps..."

Hmm, right.

Does that mean he's in charge of contacting you when he sees signs of a mass outbreak of dragons?

Or without the breathtaking people of Hao in each village, that network won't work.

So you're thinking it's bad for someone other than Hao to know that the number of dragons is increasing.

So, you don't approve of the dragon crusade?

"Lord Shaolin. I'm sorry, but can you interpret?

I was wondering what to do, and Aug was out front and asking Mr. Shaolin for an interpreter.

When Aug comes to negotiating, we won't be here anymore.

I went around behind the org in a big way.

When I look around, everyone's looking at the org with anticipation.

"I am August-von Earlsheid, the king prince of the kingdom of Earlsheid, ahead of me across the Great Desert Zone to the west. What about you?"

As Mr. Shaolin interpreted, the official opened his eyes.

And I guess you asked for an explanation, Mr. Shaolin explained something and seems finally convinced.

"I am the keeper of this village. So, what authority is the king prince of another country here?

"Authority? I don't have authority. We're only here for humanitarian aid."

Officials who heard the words of Aug laughed mocking 'Ha'.

"You think it's humanitarian aid? I don't need that in this village '

"Hmm, well. But..."


"Didn't you ask the gatekeeper there? How we came to this village."

'... oh, you think everything flew through the sky? I'm talking about Yota. "

"Unfortunately, it's true. Hey, Sin."

An org who was talking to an official turned this way.

I haven't been told anything, but I interpreted it to mean floating magic to put floating magic on the org.

'Is...? Haaaa!!??

Oh, I see that now without being interpreted.

In the meantime, the official witnessed it, so it unlocked the floating magic.

"As you can see, it's true you flew through the sky"


Officials have not yet returned from consternation.

You gotta get back in there and get sane or it's gonna be an org one-sided game, okay?

"So I saw what was going on around here from the sky by the time I got here..."

When Aug cut the words there, he exhaled a deep sigh.

"We have witnessed a considerable number of dragons making progress towards this village."


"Besides, I actually stopped by another village before I got here..."


Officials are gobbling and breathtaking, listening to Aug's words.


"That was a tragic word... devoured scattered human fragments... screams of people being attacked heard from here and there... it was just hell..."

... Really?

Unlike us who lean our necks at the words of the Aug, officials and gatekeepers look bright blue.

You believe in mecha.

"When I arrived in this village, I was not attacked yet and I had a heartfelt relief. Honestly, I thought we were gonna see that hellish sight again."

Aug's speech still goes on.

"You can't let this village come to the same attention as that village. Can you help me?

Officials who heard Aug's words took it seriously, unlike his earlier attitude.

Because I threatened you scattered... 90% of the time I lied...

And the officials opened their mouths wondering if the thought had come together.

'... I still can't allow it. There's a protection bill in force for dragons. To break it lightly...'

Hmm, you're tough inside.

Are you so scared of Hao?

Did Aug perceive the heart of such an official or utter a stopping word?

"Unfortunately, that bill should be repealed. Mr. Hao is going to take responsibility for drafting the bill."

"Become!? Master Hao!?

Master Hao... after all, is this guy the breathtaking person of Hao?

"That's the thing. What are we going to do? At the Imperial Palace now, the mass outbreak of dragons is thought to be a national disaster. The perception is that the hao that caused it is a national bandit. You know which one to give it to...

... I have a con artist.

We watched the Aug lined up with a jit eye from behind, but not from the officials.

Prince of another kingdom, whose identity was also guaranteed by Mr. Shaolin, who is familiar to the human beings of this village.

If it were the word of the king prince, he would believe it without a doubt.

After a scathing thought, the official finally opened his heavy mouth.

"Okay...... let's allow it"

When he heard the words, Aug laughed just at his mouth.

"Right. Looks like you've made a wise decision, more importantly. So, what can I do for you guys?"


"Oh. We go hunting for too many dragons from now on... but the range is wide anyway. I'm going to make sure there are no leaks, but sometimes just in case. Would you put soldiers around this village?

'I don't mind that... okay? We don't have to fight.

"I don't mind. We can fly. It's easier for us to do it alone."


Maybe I was going to say that Org doesn't need it because he's going to be a foot wrapper, but if I say that directly, I get an awesome horn.

So I convinced the officials by putting out the floating magic I just showed to engage them.

It's still good.

"Soon, then, we'll head to the dragon's intermission. Lord Shaolin, I need you to evacuate the village fort."

"Yes, I understand."

"Well, let's go"

That's what Aug said, so I put floating magic on everyone again this time.

"No... so, Your Highness"

In that, the same bitter-faced Reefan called out to the org.

"What's up?

"I'm sorry, but I can't use magic without tools. Honestly, I think it's only gonna be a foot job..."

... Oh, Mr. Reefan, did you truly take the words of Aug earlier?

"I'm sorry. That was a convenience to convince that official. In fact, don't worry, we'll go down to the ground and fight."

"Oh, well, you did..."

Being a battle on the ground made me a little nervous out of Mr. Leefan's face.

Still, it's not convenient.

"Earlier, you were using that convenience all the time. Are you sure? Such a big lie."

When I told Aug that, I laughed.

What's that laugh? I'm annoyed?

I'm not lying.

"No, no, you were just lying!

"I'm not lying. I haven't actually seen it, but I've confirmed that there are a lot of magical reactions around here that are bigger than they are."

"I did check that too... so what about the previous village?

"I'm pretty sure that was actually the situation we weren't looking at."

"... What about Hao? You're not a national thief yet."

"'Not yet'. It will happen soon."

... I can't tell you what I'm scared of.

It's all just anticipation and imagination.

But when you say it, I just think it is.

Really this guy...

"More than that, I ate the extra time. We're going to break the dragon in this habitat and head to the next village."

"Ah, oh. Okay."

"I'll tell everyone. The only thing we're after is carnivorous dragons. Don't target herbivorous dragons as hard as you can. And don't annihilate me, okay? If the carnivorous dragon is gone at all, that's why we're in trouble."

The food chain.

If there are too many herbivorous dragons, they say the forests and meadows will be lost.

"You understand? So... scatter!

They all ran to the dragon in unison with the signal of Aug.

Among other things, I...

"Mr. Leefan. Follow me as I lead you to the magic of dragons."

"Oh, okay"

I decided to act with Mr. Reefan, who can't use enemy magic.

Okay, so do I go, too?

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