Magi's Grandson

I don't even think about it.

"Ah, Mr. Leefan. I'll be over there."

Copy that.

I was escorting Mr. Reefan, the invincible Reefan of the Sovereign Magic, to a place that seemed to have a magical reaction to dragons.

Quite a few have solidified, but this...

When I got to the place with that in mind, the sight was spreading as I imagined.

"I knew it."

There was a four-legged dragon eating grass in a herd.

A herbivorous dragon.

"This is not part of the hunt."

When I said that, I worked my magic out and unleashed the magic in front of the dragons.


A huge wall of flames that suddenly appeared, like surrounding the herbivorous dragons.

The herbivorous dragons marveled at the magic and fled with a loud cry.

There is a partial gap in the flame wall.

The dragons run straight through the gap as I aim.

That direction is the dragon habitat.

He was close to the village, so he led him to the back of the habitat.

The fact that a herbivorous dragon is nearby means that a carnivorous dragon could be approaching for it.

But as I watched the herbivorous dragons running away thinking you were eating but you did something wrong, I could see another reaction approaching with momentum.


"What is it, Lord Singh?"

"Mr. Reefan, please prepare for battle."

"... No way"

"Yes, you will come out of the woods on your right."

It was right after I said that.


It's smaller than that demonized tyrant dragon, but a bipedal carnivorous dragon rushed toward the herbivorous dragon that ran away.

Something tells me there's only one off, but was that the carnivorous dragon that was after the herbivorous dragon during the meal?


He was a Reefan who looked surprised at the carnivorous dragon that came out as I declared, but as soon as he returned to me hah, he pulled out his sword and took a combat stance.

Carnivorous dragons strike herbivorous dragons, but herbivorous dragons have bigger bodies than carnivorous dragons.

He was desperately rambling around trying not to be eaten and resisting carnivorous dragons trying to prey.

Still, he was a carnivorous dragon who managed to stick his fangs out on a herbivorous dragon, but herbivorous dragons are a herd compared to a single carnivorous dragon.

In an attempt to help that herbivorous dragon being attacked, other herbivorous dragons rolled out one after the other into the carnivorous dragon's body.


The inferior carnivorous dragon rolled down the blowing ground in response to a counterattack by the herbivorous dragons.

In that gap, the herbivorous dragons fled at full speed.


The carnivorous dragon, finally up, had missed the herbivorous dragon, who regrettably ran away.

How sad that looks.


Let it go, that's an indelible sight...

But well, maybe this is natural.

Don't ask me once every few days that carnivores can eat their prey, even on the planet of previous life.

Though carnivorous dragons with horrible images, I guess I can't prey on them every time.

The carnivorous dragon in front of you also seems to have given up the herbivorous dragon running away.

... so I looked back at us in circles.

"You're watching"

"You're looking."



You're totally locked on, this.

I guess the carnivorous dragon knows.

that less meat but humans are easy prey to hunt than large herbivorous dragons in the body.

And for many humans, a dragon is just waiting to get out but be preyed upon in the end.

No heart, or the dragon's expression looks delightful.


With that in mind, the dragon burst into this one with a growl.

There is no twist whatsoever, it is a rush.


I built a slightly stiff dirt wall in front of a dragon running straight into me.

Unfortunately, we're not just humans who get preyed on by dragons, are we?

The dragon, who has pushed himself into momentum, can't possibly even deal with that wall that suddenly appeared......


I shoved him from his head into the wall and gave him a weird voice.

The hard-built wall existed without breaking, and the sound of a carnivorous dragon falling over that wall was heard.

When I checked the other side of the wall while I was on guard, the carnivorous dragon was cramped with pimples about how hard I punched my head.

Having confirmed that, I created the blade of the wind, severed the neck of the carnivorous dragon, and stabbed a stop.

Mr. Leefan, who was watching that series of flows, groaned with a potpout.

"The carnivorous dragon is so clammy..."

He says that with some complicated look, but his body is big, but he's not demonized, he knows where he is beforehand with enemy magic, and it's not that hard to hunt.

But it doesn't seem to be the case for Mr. Leefan.

"That's a handy one. Enemy magic."

Looking at the hunted carnivorous dragon, Mr. Leefan said so smudgingly.

"It's strange as far as I'm concerned. Why can't anyone use enemy magic? It's a must-have technology for wizards."

I also thought when assassins targeted me on the road from His Royal Highness Yu to the Min family, why doesn't anyone know the existence of enemy magic?

The same goes for Mr. Leefan and Mr. Shaolin, who seems knowledgeable as a merchant, but the assassins must not have known.

Otherwise, you can't be lurking but waste so much magic.

When I thought so and asked Mr. Reefan a question, he answered with a slightly troubled face.

"Magic in us is what we practice in our own bodies. It's common sense to use spells to make fires, water, and walls out of dirt like this."

"Heh. The magic of physical enhancement prevails in Kwanlong, isn't it? That means no one can use the magic of the release system..."

"Oh. Naturally, some exercise their magic without the use of a spell, like the Sin lords. But it's a minority."

"Right. Otherwise, I can't give the spell an image of attack magic."

"Exactly. What magic can do without a spell, it's normal to be a spellman."

A spellman?

Oh, the one who makes the spell.

"But I think it's better for someone who can use the magic of the release system to be on the front line and have flexibility in how to fight, don't you?

"I'm sure it is, but there are few who can use magic in the first place. That would increase the amount of magic that could be used by the unwizardable to use such wizard-made spells?

"That's well, sure"

"So in Kwanlong, magic used in combat is the usual way to use a spell from time immemorial."

"But that's the same thing that makes all soldiers carry magic props, right? And then the cost... oh well"

In this country, the price of demon stones is out of step with our country.

Looks like the paper is in normal circulation too, and the spell doesn't cost as much as a demon tool?

That's why he said that in battle, the spell permeated him to exercise his magic.

Is that why Kwanlong's magic has become stronger in physical strengthening?

A warrior whose magic can be used by all combatants.

I'm sure he's strong... but there's been some harm in that.

"I have a wizard, but I'm not on the front line. If so, can't you think of any convenient enemy magic to use in battle..."

"No, don't listen carefully to the soldiers on the front line saying they can't make something that shows where the enemies, demons, and dragons are. In fact, I wanted something like that."

Oh, so that's where your thoughts turned to magic props.

He said he had made a trial and error in trying to do something with the magic props, so he didn't come to the idea of enemy magic that senses the magic of his opponent with his own magic.

I guess I've become a so-called blind spot.

"I can also use the magic of physical strengthening... Lord Singh"

"What is it?

"Earlier, you said enemy magic was an essential skill for wizards."


"What do you think? At a time like this, can't you teach me enemy magic?



Hmmm...... what do you think?

Can we just do that when we have to get rid of or hunt for the dragons who are now coming as soon as possible near the village?

If this isn't the time, I can tell you right away......

That's how I worry, Mr. Leefan has said with a bitter smile.

"I don't know what to say... honestly, I'm not going to be much help as I am now"

"That's not..."


It was shortly after Mr. Leefan said so.

I heard an explosion coming from somewhere away from us.

That's multiple, too.

"Do you have any idea who caused the explosion now, Lord Singh?

"Huh? Erm..."

Who is it?

Explosive magic is likely to be used to crusade carnivorous dragons, like Alice and Lynn, but maybe he used it to push herbivorous dragons to the depths of his habitat.

Then who used it?


"That's the answer"


"Lord Singh cannot identify those who can use such explosive magic. I mean, does that mean we can all use magic like that?

"Well, yeah"

"That means the magic of earlier can be used by all eleven except Lord Singh"


"Don't you think it's okay for me to lose one?

Sure, then you don't have a problem?

But hey...

Still, when I was worried, Mr. Leefan looked at me with a determined eye.

"Of course, I do not intend to leave the problems of this country to the Lord Singh alone. Such a shameless imitation, there's no way I can do it."

When Mr. Leefan said so, he bowed his head deeply.

"Please! Now I'm in a position to represent Kwanlong, so to speak. That doesn't mean I didn't do anything!

"Mr. Leefan......"

Right, we're trying to protect the village from dragons right now. We're foreigners.

The only person in this country is Mr. Leefan.

Anyway, Mr. Reefan wants some combat power in this fight.

"Okay. Fortunately...... I don't know if I can say this, but right now we have a lot of dragons around us. I'm taking this opportunity to teach you the magic of the enemy."

When I said that, Mr. Leefan raised his head Gabba and squeezed my hands with both hands.

As it looks, you're a bad hand.

"Thank you, Lord Singh! Learn Enemy Magic now and promise it will help you in your next habitat!

"Yeah. Let's do our best."

Thus, once I left the hunt to everyone, I was to teach Mr. Lee Fan the magic of the enemy.

"Nevertheless, you never predicted what would work. I had no idea that a magic stone could be lubricated to create such a situation."

"Right. Honestly, magic in western countries surprised me when I heard the release system was the main"

"I'm surprised to hear what you're saying, too. Sure, there's some magic to strengthen your body, and you can use it, but I didn't expect you to specialize in it..."

"Anywhere similar"

"Right. If there were more people who could use a little more magic, there would be a lot of diversity in the use of magic."

Human beings in this world are all magical, but less than half of the entire population in Western countries are magical enough to use magic.

Human beings who can use magic can increase the amount of magic they can handle as much as they want depending on their training, but humans who cannot use it must not be able to use magic acquired no matter how hard they try.

If that's the way it works, magic should evolve more.

"Something like this, isn't there a way that magic can be used acquired?

I've never heard anything like that before, so it was a word I said without any concern, but Mr. Leefan gave me an unexpected reply.

"... never"


Yes, now... what did I say?

"Li, Mr. Reefan... that's..."

What way is that?

That's what I was going to ask......

"... no... I still can't teach"

"No! Tell me that much. You don't have that!?

I mean, tell me to teach you enemy magic, and I won't teach you what you know.

Isn't that right?

That's what I thought, but apparently Mr. Leefan thought the same thing.

"... Isn't it fair..."


"Oh. Let me show you how magic can be used acquired"

Mr Leefan said so as he had decided to be prepared.

Good, if you hadn't told me, I'd be worried and I'd be unable to sleep.

"So? How can magic be used acquired?

That's what I told you to tell me quickly, but Mr. Leefan said this with a sinister face.

"Promise me before you do. I need to never spread this story. I need to try it on anyone."

"Hey, why!? I can't believe I'm not spreading this groundbreaking story."

It's forbidden.


"This way. It's forbidden in Kwanlong."

"Kee, contraindication... why..."


That's what Mr. Reefan taught me, how magic can be used acquired.

It was very simple.

And... I understood why it was contraindicated at the same time.

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