Magi's Grandson

Things that follow.

When Singh was listening to shocking stories from Reefan, the faces of the other Ultimate Magicians were struggling to keep the dragons away from the village.

"Ah. It's another herbivorous dragon!

Alice said so when she saw the dragon she had found in enemy magic.

"Ah. It's hard to let herbivorous dragons get away in the direction they were after..."

That's right. Prepare the magic as you say bumpy.

And he unleashed the explosive magic of loud noises with small power.



Alice accidentally raised her voice as she missed her sight and exploded right near the herbivore dragon.

For the herbivorous dragon fell slowly.

Alice's unleashed explosion magic did not hit the herbivore dragon, but it exploded at close range, causing her to pass out with loud noises and shock waves.

"Ahhh...... I have to drag you again"

Already repeating a few similar failures, Alice grabbed the tail of a herbivorous dragon while sighing and dragged herbivorous dragons using body strengthening magic.

"There aren't many carnivorous dragons, and herbivorous dragons will faint rather than run away...... Ah already! It stinks!!"

From the frustration he doesn't think, Alice drags herbivorous dragons as she says her bumps.

After walking for a while, I reached a certain place.

"Ha... erm... no, no... you're the fifth one"

There lay four fainted herbivorous dragons.

It is the fifth individual Alice has newly dragged together.

"I know you shouldn't be like the previous village, but if you did, the activity would be too plain!

So far, when it comes to what Alice did, it's all about letting herbivorous dragons escape and failing to do that and dragging them this far.

There were only a few carnivorous dragon crusades.

"Ha... I'm tired of plain work"

That's what I said and sighed zero.

At that time.

I detected multiple magic powers coming this way.

After Alice noticed about it for a while, it was multiple carnivorous dragons who showed up.

"Huh? Why? I was barely there until just now..."

That's all I said, I realized that the carnivorous dragon's gaze didn't look at me subtly.

Specifically, I was looking behind Alice.


Alice, who followed that gaze and looked behind her, drifts a cold sweat.

"Er... maybe not, after these herbivorous dragons..."

When Alice shrugged like that, the carnivorous dragons attacked at the same time.

"I knew it! I thought so!

Augusto tells me not to hunt herbivorous dragons as much as possible.

Even if not, it was Alice herbivore herbivores herbivore herbivores herself who passed out.

The herbivorous dragons that I stun get eaten by the carnivorous dragons are just not sleeping well.

"Sorry, I won't feed you!!

When Alice says so, she magically intercepts the carnivorous dragon coming her way.

Augusto tells me to take him down as scratch-free as possible, but unfortunately I can't care less about that right now.

You can hit it anywhere in your body, so give priority to defeating it and unleash magic.

Without awareness of precision, Alice's magical aggression is originally high.

The carnivorous dragons were crusaded one after the other before reaching the herbivorous dragons.

Eventually Alice exhaled after defeating all the carnivorous dragons she had attacked.

"Hmm... I can't believe the carnivorous dragons are attacking me. Well, it looks like I gathered it to feed the herbivorous dragons."

We will recover the carnivorous dragons we defeated while saying so to different space storage.

It's hard to say it's ever pretty, but it would be better than no.

That's what I was reclaiming, but that's where I noticed new signs.

"Erm... that?

Alice, who raised her head and looked around, saw a herd of carnivorous dragons surrounding themselves.

All of that gaze is poured into the herbivorous dragon that Alice collected.

"Ah...... haha. Your aim..."

The carnivorous dragons can't even understand the words, but they can't help but listen.

Alice's question was returned in the actions of the carnivorous dragons.

They were attacked by herbivorous dragons.

"Wow! I knew it!"

You can't feed the herbivorous dragons you stunned.

Feeling a strange sense of purpose, Alice defeats the carnivorous dragons one after the other coming from all directions.

"Oh, already!! Hey! Wake up!!

Leave yourself to pass out, Alice telling the herbivorous dragons to get up early.

It's an outrageous word, but it's not something that the carnivorous dragons could have attacked.

Alice tries to wake up with a kick in the fainting herbivorous dragons while defeating the carnivorous dragons.

Did that effort come to fruition, and the whole herbivorous dragon woke up.

"Ah, I finally woke up!!

We finally woke up. What the herbivorous dragons saw were the carnivorous dragons surrounding and attacking us.

And the magic of knocking it down.

There was no reason to be confused, and as soon as I woke up, I rammed out.

And the great tail that was wielded struck Alice.

"Already! You're in danger..."

Alice managed to avoid it, but hit other herbivorous dragons who were fainting.

A blow to the tail of a large herbivorous dragon, incomparable with Alice's kick without physical enhancement.

It was powerful enough for a herbivorous dragon who had passed out to wake up.

"Hey... Ma... Wow!!

When the hell wakes up, I'll ramble again and wake the next herbivorous dragon.

And that's rambling again......

In the end, all five herbivorous dragons collected on this occasion woke up.

in a state of confusion.

As a result, a rampant herbivorous dragon.

Running away Alice.

A carnivorous dragon that pokes that gap and hits a herbivorous dragon.

It was chaos.

Carnivorous dragons, herbivorous dragons have been the result of a disturbance, and Alice can no longer set a goal...

"... Enough"

When Alice said so, she gathered as much magic as she could muster and generated a huge mass of flames over her head.

It is the dragons who are astonished.

Forgetting to eat herbivorous dragons and protect himself from carnivorous dragons, he stared flashly at Alice's created giant flame.

And Alice's eyes noted were... her pupils were completely open.

In short, it was beautiful.

"He won't listen to me... he'll attack me... he'll attack me even though I protected him..."

Alice's vibe, she said, seemed unusual, even for wild dragons.

I was obviously frightened.

"Enough! All of you, blow it up!!

This rhetoric while I keep this thing to myself.

It is the complete opposite guile.

But this situation is where I was frustrated that I couldn't carry things as I originally wanted.

Alice, unintentionally clean, unmistakably unleashed that huge mass of flames against the dragons.

The dragons did not enjoy it.

The dragons, who had earlier attacked to eat or be eaten, both herbivorous and carnivorous dragons fled together, avoiding eating Alice's magical direct blow with one hair in between.

But the dragons blow up with that impact, even though they avoided a direct hit.

Earlier, those were the herbivorous dragons who should have passed out with it, but not if they're passed out now.

If I pass out, I can fuck you!

With that thought, he immediately woke up his fallen body and fled to a glance.

The dragons don't look back.


"Well, uh..."

Because Alice, dreadfully shaped, was chasing after her as she unfolded some magic.

Managing to scratch the impending magic, the dragons fled.

Running away, running away... the dragons who had finally shaken Alice off had been driven to the back of their habitat if they noticed.

After all, it was Alice who succeeded in guiding her as originally planned, even without trying...

"Is Ryu here... Is Ryu here..."

Later, when they saw Alice looking for a dragon while uttering those words, they said so verbally that it was like a ghost coming out of a legend.

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