"Is that Singh? It's me, but they don't have dragons around here anymore. Is there a dragon you can magically sense with your enemy?

An org contacted the radio.

So I gathered as much magic as I could to expand a wide area of enemy magic to see around.


Looks like Mr. Leefan felt something nearby.

Enemy magic is like a sonar using magic.

I usually use it with thin magic that I can't sense, but this time I checked the area to see if there are dragons.

So magic is a bit stronger.

Mr. Leefan must have felt the magic.

"Mmm. Yeah, I'm fine. It's somewhat left, but it's the original habitat, and it's not a problem."

This is a village originally close to the dragon habitat.

It is routine to have dragons somewhat nearby.

The only problem this time was that the number of dragons in that vicinity was unusual.

A small number of soldiers in this village is enough to deal with.

"And then I think if you take it down the tunnel, it'll settle down to the previous number."

'Right. Then this place is over. Communicate to everyone with a team call'

Copy that.

Team calls used to use open channels that allowed so-called group calls because we were the only owners of radios, but that became unusable because there were more other owners.

Anyway, everyone with a radio will hear our conversation.

So, we only improved our radio so that we could make the same group calls as before with any radio alone.

That's the team call.

'Augusto. Dragons around here have been overhauled. We're going to the next village.'

"'' Yes!

It connects to all of them, so naturally my comms also heard an org.

"Well, shall we go back then"

"Oh, oh."

Hmm? Something's wrong with Mr. Reefan?

"What's wrong with you?

When I asked, Mr. Leefan spoke after he let his gaze swim a little.

"No... Lord Singh... you were so horrible... now I realize"

"A horrible existence?

Huh? What's that?

Did you do something in front of me, Mr. Leefan?

"Enemy Magic..."


What do you mean?

"I didn't realize it at all until Lord Singh taught me enemy magic. How unusual you are."


"Especially Lord Singh. It's you."

"Ki, Your Highness..."

You've suddenly become a fearful way of calling me.

If I had, I'd say you or something. [M]

Is that it? But...

"Me, you don't use big magic in front of Mr. Leefan, do you?

"So it's enemy magic."

"... oh, now?

"Oh. Ever since you taught me the magic of the enemy, sometimes His Highness's magic was sensed. And I'm surprised..."

Mr. Leefan looked at me with a slightly frightened eye when he cut the words there.

"Earlier Enemy Magic. That was more magical than my surprised highnesses..."

"Yeah? Enemy magic, isn't it? It's not as magical as big magic, though?

"That's why. I know the opposite because I have only just learned. I don't suppose you need that much magic in the magic of the enemy?

"Well, yeah"

"Besides, His Royal Highness has asked His Holiness Singh for wide-ranging enemy magic. Which means His Highness can't do it either."

"Oh, you know what?"

"The magic of His Highness surprised me with its magnitude, but the magic of Lord Singh was terribly sophisticated"

"Well, we've been practicing magic control for far longer than the Augs have."

"Magic control?

"You don't know that either..."

Really, you're a spell specialist, the magic of this country.

"So I just found out the difference in character."

"Is that what you mean"

Until I used enemy magic earlier, I was happy to hunt dragons because I was able to use enemy magic on my own, and suddenly my attitude changed.

"Even so, magic is very different between us and the Reefans. I haven't checked yet, but isn't physical strengthening a pretty good arm?

"I hope so."

I tried to encourage Mr. Leefan to feel a little less confident, but all I had to do was laugh at myself and say that.

Mmm, that's hard......

"Anyway, let's get together. We need to get to the next village right away."


I haven't decided where to meet you beforehand.

That's why the enemy magically knows where it is.

Mr. Leefan has learned the magic of the enemy, and if you have practice, I will not guide you. I will ask Mr. Leefan to go first.

That's how we got together, but the org pointed it out quickly.

"Sinn. You weren't moving too much, were you? What have you been up to?

I knew they'd notice.

"I was teaching Mr. Leefan enemy magic. As it stands, if one of us isn't together, Mr. Leefan will be the only inefficient hunter."

"Oh, you know what?"

"Excuse me, Your Highness. I said all I could."

"No, I don't mind that. That would be more efficient. So? You could have mastered?

"Yes, thanks to Lord Singh"

"That's more than anything."

That was the end of the org, but Mr. Leefan wasn't.

"More than that, Your Highness."


"Do you plan on spreading this foe magic, Kwanlong?

"... hmm?

"No...... magic like this who knows where. Come on and spread it all around you..."

"... Oh, you mean that"

Having thought about it a little bit, Aug seems to have finally got to the point.

"No, Sman. I didn't realize it was such a serious problem because it was a wizard's essential skill in our country"

"As it stands, there's only one enemy wizard in Kwanlong."

Try Mr. Leefan, this adversarial magic is like an advantage given to you alone.

It is a tremendous boon to the Min family, who seem to have many enemies, to be able to capture raiders beforehand.

It would mean trouble if you could easily spread that in Kwanlong.

"We're diplomatic ambassadors. I'm not a tech ambassador."


"So far, I don't have any plans."

"So far......?

"It means that if national traffic is established and the airships come and go, that's not the case. I can't be held responsible for information that comes in on my own."

"That's enough. Thank you."

"Are we done talking? Then we'll pick up Lord Shaolin and go to the next city."

When Aug said so, he started his jet boots and went back to the village.

Ask the gatekeeper standing at the entrance to the village to call Mr. Shaolin.

There were also officials from this village next to Mr. Shaolin, who appeared with the gatekeeper some time later.

"You guys... you really hunted dragons..."

"Oh. But there's still quite a few left. If we don't make a mistake now, we're gonna be in big trouble."

"So, Master Hao..."

"This village could have been dealt with before it was raided, but one village has already been raided and there has also been human damage. They'll definitely take the blame."

"So... I..."

"Why don't we just break the dragon right? Is there a problem?

Ooh, even though it's not definitive yet, it sounds like the ruin of Hao is certain.

I guess that official is Hao's breathtaking subordinate, but if he leaves the dragon like this alone and this time he attacks the village, he will surely take responsibility.

Because I advised you.

Then there's one thing officials should do.

'Okay. Gather your troops and hunt dragons now'

"Looks like they've made a wise decision."

Org reached for the officials when he said so.

The official went back to the village as soon as he took Aug's hand and shook it like something had blown out.

"Well, it seems like we can manage to minimize human damage."

"Huh? So far, there's no human damage, is there?

Alice reacted to the words that Aug grunted in a potpourri when she dropped off the official.

"Now, yeah. You're going on a dragon hunt after this, and you can't tell me that human damage is going to be zero, can you?

Org looked at Mr. Leefan as he said so.

"It's an embarrassing story...... the soldiers of this country are not as strong as His Highness. I was wondering if there would be any damage."

It was Mr. Shaolin who was surprised by the words.

"What do you mean, Reefan? They're dragon hunting experts, aren't they?

Having heard the words, Mr. Leefan said to Mr. Shaolin with a bitter smile.

"I understand now. There is a difference between them and His Highness and His Highness Singh that cannot be filled… it is the difference between heaven and earth that is so far apart"

"Well, what is that..."

"I'm sorry, but is it time to leave?

Mr. Shaolin tried to say something, but Aug blocked the words.

The hazy Mr. Shaolin sent out a map after apologizing to Aug.

"Here's the next one. Next up is here. And here's the last one. At this pace…"

Aug took over Mr. Shaolin's words.

"Can we go around today?"


Is there three left?

I hope that village gets there before the raid, too, like here......

Better hurry anyway.

So I put floating magic on everyone again, and Sicily goes to Mr. Shaolin.

I'm Mr. Reefan's tow again.

"Ugh... ah..."

Mr. Leefan's complexion after activating the floating magic is as bad as ever.

Well, are you a little used to it because you stopped screaming?

The groans were leaking, though.

"Come on, let's go!

"" "Yes!

Thus we flew through the sky to save the rest of the village.

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