Magi's Grandson

Hao's Apoptosis

Kwanlong's, a certain street.

There was a bunch of people carrying big baggage there.

Many of them are armed soldiers.

However, there is a luxuriously decorated carriage of disproportionate luxury in a crowd of vibes.

'Yea! Can't you go faster!!

It is the carriage of Hao, a Kwanlong bureaucrat.

Hao, who has managed to cut through the commission of inquiry at the palace of the Imperial Palace, faces out the window of the carriage and yells at the soldiers who were nearby.

But the march speed never increases.

'Also, I'm sorry! How many minutes is the example heavy, and any faster...'

'Ku......!! Enough! Hurry up anyway!!

'Ha, yes!!

(c) Large baggage, which is the reason why the march speed of a row does not increase.

But I can't even throw this package away because it's my only hope for Hao.

I want to hurry, but I can't.

Hao, who had such teething thoughts, was no more frustrated in the carriage.

"Damn it! Why do I have to think this!? My plan should have been perfect! And yet... it's him... because of that deputy... '

There is no mistake in what Hao says.

Reports of signs of a mass outbreak of dragons, which would otherwise have entered the deputy.

If Hao's network had functioned correctly, he would have had that information under his deputy.

But the deputy disappeared.

Without making that report.

In the end, Hao committed the great failure to detect signs of a mass outbreak of dragons and to be raided the village.

Hao's predicament is rightly due to his deputy.

But in the first place the deputy went into this kind of behavior, all because of the power harrassment from Hao.

From day to day, the deputy has endured the power harrassment of Hao.

Days always looked down and yelled at and scattered if anything.

Even on such a daily basis he has endured, for one thing, because Hao was a bureaucrat of high rank and voice among bureaucrats.

If I were to be that deputy, I'd be in a better position and, more importantly, better paid than any other person in the same position.

Besides, until now, although words say something, they never got their hands on it directly.

But Hao raised his hand to his deputy in this failed mission.

Something hung up in him when Hao's thrown literary town hit his deputy in the head and he was cursed over it.

Until now, he has performed his duties in full while enduring stomach pain in order to defend his position as a high-ranking bureaucratic deputy.

And he turned away from Hao at this time, wondering whether the reward was this.

And he sought refuge in other bureaucrats, rivals of Hao.

I mean, around. This predicament was brought about by Hao himself.

I deserve it.

But Hao believes that he is a special person and that all of his failures are due to others.

So I don't doubt it's because of a betrayed lieutenant that I'm being put in such a predicament right now.

Hao, who assumes so, even thought about what reprisals he would take against his deputy.

Such a fold, the carriage suddenly stopped.

"What!? Why stop!?

There must still be a distance to the village of destination.

Hao didn't know why the carriage would stop.

A soldier approached me under such a hao.

"It's almost sunset. The night march is dangerous, so we will prepare the camp."

Hao heard that statement...... pretty.

"The camp!? You think you have time for that!? Proceed!! Proceed through the night!!

'But! If the sun goes down, it's dangerous without vision! Besides, we need to give the soldiers a meal and a break...'

'Patience that much! Now is not the time! You don't even know that!? You incompetent bastard!!

"... Yes, sir."

"Just go!!

Hao said so, slamming the carriage door shut.

"Always this guy... pull my leg off..."

Hao zeroed his stupidity toward the soldier who came to say something nagging in the carriage.

And the soldier, called incompetent, stared at the carriage away from the carriage and muttered potpourrily.

'Which is incompetence...'

When the soldiers said so, they informed the other soldiers of the directives given by Hao.

Naturally, discontent and dissatisfaction arise among the soldiers.

If you finally think you can put it on a break and a meal, that's not even allowed. An unscrupulous directive to go through the night.

With an order like this, there's no way I can accept yes.

But there was a reason why we could not ignore this order.

They were not soldiers employed by the country, they were private soldiers employed by Hao individuals.

Hao is the employer and the person who pays me.

Fly the anti-flag here, and you'll have no one else to pay you.

The private soldiers, while feeling resentful towards their overly tyrannical employers, had no choice but to march at night.

There is no way to proceed without eating rice, so the meal was done with the portable food we had prepared for the time of need.

But we couldn't stop and take a break, so everyone was exhausted when we got to our destination.

When I went to tell Hao that I had arrived in the village of interest, Hao was sleeping in the carriage.

That would further aggravate the grievances of the private soldiers, but Hao is completely unaware of it.

'Hmm, are we finally there? Then kill the dragons quickly. "

Without words of labor, the private soldiers even remembered for a moment to hao trying to further treat the exhausted private soldiers.

But desperately suppress that feeling and report it to Hao.

'I say. We have arrived in the village, but we do not see the dragon'

'What? So there was no dragon raid?

'No, the village is rough, so I think there was a dragon raid. But now I can't see the dragon. The inhabitants are also working in the village, so I thought perhaps they had already repelled'

'... what's that?'


'On purpose! This is what I said I did on purpose! What the fuck is that!!

'Well, even if they say so...'

"The dragon raid wasn't a big deal anyway! Say that to me! This must be a ploy to plunge me!!


In Hao's words, the private soldier lost his word.

I thought the private soldiers said the village was rough.

That means nothing more than allowing dragons to enter the village.

Does Hao not understand what it means to have a dragon invade the village?

To see how the private soldiers were doing with Hao, he apparently didn't really understand.

Seeing how it went, the private soldier... limited himself to Hao.

Let's get on a mission until we get back to Aeron.

But that's it.

To this employer any more...... I don't want to go out with him.

Besides, I could easily imagine the following words in this situation.

"Crap! Hey! We're just going back to Eeron!!

'... I get it'

Hao's words were as the private soldiers imagined.

I have no way of caring at all about the exhausted private soldiers in the night march without rest.

Hao just said what he wanted to say, he just closed the carriage door.

The private soldiers began to return with Noronoro after they had all caught sight of Hao's carriage.

At this time, the private soldiers who had earlier gone to check on the village had heard some circumstances from the villagers.

But Hao, who had lost all credibility, was not given the report.

If at this time we had been able to ask about the situation in the village, we might have been able to work out some measures.

But Hao, who was not heard of the report, wanted to return to Aeron soon anyway.

We must return quickly and retaliate against the bureaucrats who danced to false information and rebelled against themselves.

That made my head full.

Nevertheless, he was allowed to camp on his way home because he wasn't as hasty as he was going.

Hao also wanted to lie down in a tent on a boulder because he kept riding his carriage all day.

Thus three days after his departure from the capital Aeron, Hao returned from the village where the dragon raided, but unexpected things happened there.

The march stopped in front of the gates entering the capital, but suddenly Hao's carriage door was opened from the outside.

It was the soldiers of the National Army guarding the gates of this capital that opened the carriage door.

"Nah! What are you!! Who do you think I am!?

Hao raised his anger at the disrespectful act of opening the carriage door without permission.

But the soldier who took it said this without breaking his expression.

"Of course. I know, Lord Hao."

'Nah... such a disrespectful imitation while I know!!

"Rather, it's you who's doing this."

When the soldier said so, he grabbed Hao's chest barn and dragged him down from the carriage.

"Become!? Oh, hey! Stop!! '

Not listening to Hao's protest, the soldier held Hao in hindsight.

What are you doing? Hey, you guys! What are you sassy about!! Help me quickly!!

I say that to the private soldiers, but the private soldiers don't try to move at all.

A soldier told Hao to mock him when he tried to scream something teething when he saw how it was going.

'They're not moving. On the contrary, you have been polite enough to guide me to the carriage you are in. "


Hao was stunned by the words of the soldiers and once again saw the private soldiers.

What's on that face is... mockery.

I was watching Herahela and her own Lord being held captive.

"Oh, my God! Betrayal and throat!!

I scream that out of the blue, but it doesn't look like I've broken my heart as someone else.

Hao's heart seemed to manage with anger.

"Well, Lord Hao. You have a charge. Let me take you straight to Your Highness."

When the soldier said so, he boarded an army carriage while holding Hao in captivity and headed towards His Royal Highness Yu.

Said one of Hao's private soldiers who was watching the whole thing.

I said, "Ha! Don't be silly!

The face was full of a sunny smile.

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