Magi's Grandson


Two days after returning from going around all the villages close to the dragon habitat.

We were waiting for you at the Min family, we were summoned by His Royal Highness Yu.

I hear Hao is back.

So, he wanted to hear about it from us, too.

It was us Ultimate Magicians and Mr. Shaolin and Mr. Reefan who were summoned.

It was in the conference room that we were guided when we arrived at the Imperial Palace.

However, for some reason, there are no desks, chairs, etc.

So we waited standing, but after a while, the door to the conference room opened.

Coming in was Hao, who looked more like a soldier in a fine military uniform than he had seen before and who was summoning something.

That hao, but restrained in the back hand.

"Hey, what's Hao calling you?

"Uh... you know, 'who do you think I am' or 'I'm not allowed to be treated like this'"

When I asked Mr. Shaolin, he gave me that answer.

"Ha... you think you're allowed to do anything great?

"Aren't you? It feels good."

Whoa, because Hao has been drinking boiled water before, or Mr. Shaolin is spicy.

'I'd like to start asking the circumstances, would you mind?

By contrast, someone who seems to be a great soldier in the military seems polite.

I also feel respect for asking us questions.

"I don't mind. So, what do you want to hear?

It was Aug who answered on our behalf.

Well, Aug's position is Prince Wang... the king of the kingdom of Earlshide at a time.

Aside from that, other people will answer.

So I decided to leave this place to Aug.

"Now, may I tell you what His Highness saw?

"Okay. We went to the village where the first raid was reported…"

So Aug stopped his words once, meditated his eyes, shook his head and exhaled.

And I told him to confess something very painful.

"That was already a tragic word. The building is broken and human remains scattered all over it. It was a hell of a picture..."

Hao, who heard the words, immediately shouted.

'It's a lie!! That didn't look like it when I got there!!

'I'm saying?

"On the contrary, I ask, when did Lord Hao arrive in that village?

"There was a report, the next day."

Aug laughed a little with her nose when she heard that.

"Then it's been a day since we crusaded the dragon that was attacking the village. With that much time, we'll be cleaning up the bodies, and people will be back on track."

"Such an idiot!! I marched without a break and it took me all day!! There's no way you can deal with it that fast!!

When Hao, who revealed his anger, shouted so, he said with a proud face that he had beaten the man who seemed to be the great man of the army.

'General! They are lying!! Now this matter would have proven to be a derogatory trap to me!!

Oh, I knew you were great.

A general would mean he's either in a pretty high position or at the top of the list.

More than that, lying? Oh, doesn't Hao know about that?

"Lie, is it? Your Highness, I'm sorry, but may I ask how you moved?

"Okay. Sin."

Copy that.

On the signal of Aug, I cast a floating magic on 'all' who are here.

"Oh, oh."

"Nah!? What the fuck is this!?

The general who was talking beforehand looks intriguing, but Hao hastily hesitates to hear nothing.

"If you use the magic of the wind to travel in this state, you can travel at speeds that are not eyes, such as carriages. In fact, we arrived in that village a few minutes after we left here."

"Oh, that's great"

'Oh, hey!! Just put it down!!

That's what Hao says, so I put everyone down on the ground and unlocked the floating magic.

"Well, now that we're not lying. And did you understand that this is not like an inch?


When Aug said so, Hao gritted his teeth with regret.

Well, I put floating magic on everyone for that.

If we were the only ones to rise, Hao would be obsessed with being a trick.

But what if I experience it myself?

I know very well that my body does not have a thread or anything to float in the universe.

Then we'll run out of material to deny about us, and we'll have to admit it's true.

and had been explained in advance by Aug.

It's still awesome, he is.

'Well, now you have proven that His Highness's words are true. So, my next question is, did Your Highness seem to have a small number of dragons?

"No. You were rather overflowing. I've never seen so many dragons before."

'Really? But before, Lord Hao reported that the number of dragon individuals had dropped dramatically, even threatening extinction?

"If we leave it like that, we'll be in the opposite position to be extinct. That's how many you got, huh?

"Hmm...... two of the Ming family. Are there any lies in His Highness's report?

The general asked Mr. Shaolin and Mr. Leefan this time.

'I didn't actually see it, but I confirmed that there were demonized individuals'


To Mr. Shaolin's words, the General shouted that way, revealing his surprise.

'Is that true!? If it's true, it's important!?

A general who turned away from a calm attitude and was suddenly in a hurry.

What? What?

'Rest assured, General. The demonized dragons have already been crusaded by the Ultimate Magicians here.'

Wondering why he was in such a hurry, Mr Leefan's report brought the general back to calm.

'Did you... sorry to return it. And thank you for saving the country's crisis'

That's what the general said and bowed his head deeply.

"Well, he's a particularly problem-free opponent for us"

'You're reliable. Nevertheless......'

After the general said so, he said it harshly.

"When it comes to demonization, the number of individuals still seems to be increasing."

"General!! Are you telling me that you believe in the words of foreigners and civilians who could be anywhere like this!?

You think it could be anybody anywhere?

How could you say that to a foreign mission?

Thought I'd complain a little bit, but instead the general burst out.

"Shut up!! Dragons are creatures that don't demonize so easily! You also know that that dragon demonizes rarely happens when the number of individuals increases too much!!

"Oh, you!? You! Who are you talking to?!

When Hao said so, the general laughed niggardly.

'This is this. I didn't know you had not yet figured out your position over this period.'

"Hey, what the fuck!?

'This case is already widely known to the public. The bill to ban dragon crusades is the one you let fake reports to pass. "

'Become... Shit, what proof!? Where is the proof!?

'Evidence? Then...'

And when the general laid eyes on the man that was nearby, he nodded and left the room.

When the person returned a little, he was bringing one man with him.

"Become!? Oh, you!!

He was your deputy. He's testified to everything. "

It was Hao's deputy who brought him here.

Well, if you're in that position, you know a lot about it. Right.

'Ko, are you going to believe what this guy says!?

"It's not just testimony. There's also proper physical evidence."

When the general said so, he received documents from another person again.

'Well, that's...'

It's a record of the actual number of individuals submitted by the investigative group before you tampered with it.

"Hey, why did you..."

'Course, because he brought it up for me.'

"Ki, you!!

Hao, betrayed by his deputy, is staring at him with all the momentum of curse killing.

I guess I'm shocked that the deputy I trusted betrayed me.

"Do you think you will be forgiven, such as when you defy me?!?

... No.

I thought it was my pawn, but I was just rebellious and pretty.

He's a real scumbag.

"General! That material is a fabrication!! That stuff, it doesn't prove anything!!

'No, I will. Anyway, the other bureaucrats admitted it. This material is real.'


"There's a lot more to it, isn't there? For example, testimony from an official of an investigative group who threatened to tell the truth if he knew what would happen to his family. '


"Hmm. Precisely, I look forward to trial day. Hey, take 'em.'

When the general said so, Hao was taken by soldiers.

We watched the exchange between the general and Hao, all together we saw the org.

The org, all he had to do was smile bitterly and clap his shoulders.

'I'm sorry. I've shown you something ugly.'

"No, it was funny inside. Still, you hate Hao."

"I'm sure he's capable, but he has a habit of looking down on others. There's not a single politician who's not bitter about him."

"Is that even you, a soldier?

When Aug said so, the general sighed loudly.

'Speaking of which, he's threatening to cut the budget and he's pushing the challenge. He thinks soldiers come out of nowhere.'

"You're the owner of a typical electorate idea. I guess those who are inferior to themselves don't recognize them as human beings. You didn't rebel a lot, did you?

'Hao has a private soldier. Well, it looks like he was abandoned by private soldiers in this case.'

"Well, what happened?

"Earlier, when you headed for Hao's detention, you led us to Hao's carriage instead of resisting."

"Actively lend a hand to my husband's restraint. I see you're being overlooked."

Still, the general's face talking to Org is clear.

'He's been scattering all he wants until now. So now you're getting paid for it.'

"Well, whoever's going to save him..."

"I'm sure you won't be there."

The face of a general like that looks so happy.

You hate Hao so much.

Maybe they couldn't help but want to let Hao lose his leg.

That's where this is going.

Seeing that Hao doesn't have allies doesn't sound right.

"I was relieved to hear that. By the way, what happens to the example bill?

'This is what happened. Definitely an abandoned proposal.'

"Right. Then the negotiations are going to go ahead without delay."

Aug said that in a hobby manner.

Our biggest goal this time was to bond with Kwanlong and get dragon leather, which is forbidden in our country.

Well, as a by-product, the Demon Stone trade is likely to start.

... too large a by-product though.

If this negotiation comes together well, there will be a huge and uninterrupted transformation for the Western countries, starting with Earlshide.

Whatever the Demon Stone is, Hao was the biggest obstacle to dragon leather, so it's desirable for us to get rid of it.

Even for the Kwanlong people, it's nice to get rid of the hao that wields power.

It's Win-Win for us.

Only one person, Hao, is losing money.

That said, I don't get sympathy because that's all the result I deserve, too.

Speaking of which, I asked the general about something.

"By the way, what's Hao going to do now?

'Yeah, but you're a senior Kwanlong official. I'm supposed to put my surveillance down and put him under house arrest. After that, it's trial. "


In the meantime, this set the stage for negotiations.

And that's where I remembered there was.

"Excuse me, can I have a word?

'Yeah? What?

"I heard rumors that Hao has some kind of awesome weapon..."

'Oh, you did have it. We're collecting them together when we detain Hao.'

"Really? So..."


"That weapon, can I see it?

When I asked him to, the general shook his head vertically after a few thoughts.

'Okay. Let me show you around. "

"Thank you"

Yay, now what weapon Hao had.

And we can know how skilled the previous civilization was.

That's what I thought. I followed the general who would lead the way.

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