Magi's Grandson

Who's the culprit?

We came before the General after the demonized Hao.

To hear what you just said.

Near the general are the Shaolin we evacuated earlier and the Sicily who helped with it.

"General, did you say you were responsible for the Magus? What does that mean?

When Aug heard that, the general looked at Mr. Shaolin and Mr. Riphan and said.

Have you heard anything about the culprit?

Asked, Shaolin and Riphan shook their heads sideways.

"What about the general?

"I was asked if I had ever heard of the culprit."

Is that why you shook your neck sideways?

You said you'd never heard of it.

Having seen the reaction of Mr. Shaolin and Mr. Refan, the general opened his mouth after a little silence.

This is strictly confidential, so there is no need to say anything else. Your Highnesses, please do the same.

"Yeah, I know."

Well, I'm sure the two of you know, but do your Highnesses know how to make those who cannot use magic available?

"Oh, I heard. Would you consume magic stones?

That's right. And why is that contraindicated?

"I heard that people who consume magic stones are destabilized and will eventually die."

When Aug answered, the general slightly dropped his gaze.

That's right. That is the reason why it is forbidden to consume magic stones, which is widely known in this country. "

Hmm? Something's wrong with what I'm saying...

When I wondered what it was, Aug first noticed the identity of the discomfort.

"Is it widely known...? So, is there really another reason?

Yeah, that's it.

I understood the reason for the discomfort and felt refreshed.

It's a boulder, Your Highness. That's right, the reason why you shouldn't consume magic stones is actually a little different. "

A little?

'Yeah, it's about the same. But.... "

The general looked us in the face when he cut his words there.

Just because I ingested magic stones doesn't mean I'm going to die.

"" Huh?

Hold on a second.

Well, if you ingest magic stones, you can't do it because you're going to die, right?

What do you mean, no?

Well, what do you mean? Is it true that we have long been taught lies?

Mr Shaolin questioned the general in an unexpected manner.

By the way, Mr. Shaolin's words were interpreted by Mr. Reefan.

The general who was asked the question continued his conversation, distracting himself from Mr. Shaolin.

It's not a complete lie. In fact, those who have consumed Magic Stones have died without exception. Some people are quick, while others leave time behind. But no one has lived long. "

Dead without exception, you can't live long.

So you're dead after all.

What's the difference...

No, wait a minute.

Sure, if you consume Magic Stones, your magic will become unstable.

Having consumed the magic stone, Hao was able to use magic, but the magic became unstable and became a Magus because he was further mentally chased down.

And they're going to crush me right away...


When I accidentally shouted, the general turned to me.

Did you notice?

"Yes, the one who ingested the Magic Stone is dead without exception. But the facts are a little different. In other words, the cause of death is not the ingestion of magic stones....."

That's right. It's easy to demonize what you consume of Magic Stones... No, from the records so far, it definitely demonizes. And then... "

"Is the cause of death... a murder named crusade?"

That's what it is.

I thought the person who ingested the magic stone was poisonous from the word "death".

Actually, Mr. Shaolin and the others think so.

Therefore, the spell factory that polishes and processes magic stones is under strict control.

But it wasn't.

Those who consumed Magic Stones, without exception, were demonized and killed because they were crushed.

"That's right....."

Mr Shaolin, who heard the story for the first time, hasn't been able to hide the shock.

It was such a shocking story.

I see...

I know you can't talk about this.

I understood what the general said about being useless.

But... when that happens, another question arises.

According to the General, there must have been people who consumed Magic Stones many times in the past and turned into Mages.

Is that what we're dealing with right now?

I wonder if the Quanron's military might be that high?

When I thought about it, Maria questioned the general in the first place about keeping the truth secret.

"But why should we keep the truth secret? I think it would be more impactful to announce that if you ingest magic stones, they will become monsters...."

There seems to have been others like Maria who said, "Sure." "Wouldn't that be more deterrent?" I hear a voice.

Even if you didn't understand the words, you realized that you weren't convinced by the atmosphere.

The general told everyone to speak.

Unfortunately, I can't do that.

"Huh? Why?

Alice reacted, as Maria did not know.

Just because you ingested magic stones doesn't mean you're going to die.

The general said so and looked at everyone.

When I ingest Magic Stones, I turned them into monsters. You weren't dead then, were you?

"Oh, I see. He was killed because he was slaughtered."

The explanation convinced Alice.

That's what it is. If they don't crush me, I won't die. "

That's why we keep it secret.

If you demonize, you will not die unless you are crushed.

It means there's a chance of survival.

Until now, I've managed to crush him, but what if he leaks it? I think it's about to leak. "

"Besides, if someone with a lot of grudge wants revenge because they don't care what happens to them, it could be used as a means."

Exactly what His Highness said. Past records indicate that someone ingested Magic Stones for such purposes. That's why they told me that if I ingested magic stones, I would surely die. "

"I see. But to the extent that you knew about it, this time you turned backwards?

There are no words. However, if I could make an excuse, it would have been decades since someone ingested Magic Stones. I had no experience with boulders, so I didn't think they would be demonized at that time. "

The aug heard it and laughed a little mockingly.

"I'm sorry, you said that in a mean way. Speaking of which, we couldn't do anything when we first confronted the Magus. In our country, the Magus have been told since childhood that they are terrifying. After all, if Singh hadn't taken care of it, we might not have been here."

That's right. Nevertheless, Sin was surprised. I never dreamed it would be easy to crush the culprit. "

Aug and the General said that looking at me.

A little sudden praise will illuminate you.

"No, well, we've been dealing with magicians who have remained rational. I just don't think of magicians who have lost their reason or threats anymore."

I see. At that age, you've been through a lot of Shura grounds. "

Well, that's quite right.

Don't be so modest. However, the reason for Hao's defeat was that he could not weigh the strength of His Highness and His Highness Singh. "

The general said that looking at Hao's body as it was being recovered by the soldiers working behind what we were talking about.

"I doubt it. Why do you call the Magus" the blame "? He's a monster, isn't he?

When Aug heard that, the general looked strange.

"Why... are you a person who has forbidden and consumed magic stones and demonized them, so the guilty one... is not called the culprit?

When I saw the general saying so, I realized something.

"Um, did anyone else become a Magus besides consuming Magic Stones and turning them into Magus?

I don't think so. Only people who consume magic stones, without exception, can be blamed. "

"Is that so...."

That solves my question.

The only ones who have demonized the Quanron are the culprits.

The magicians we know are not consuming magic stones, this is still hypothetical, but the high-ranking wizards ran their magic by strong resentment and hatred and turned it into magicians.

So, the monsters that Grandpa and Grandma fought in the past were enough to destroy the country, and Strom built an army of Magus to destroy the world rather than the country.

In contrast, in the Quanron, when humans who could not use magic consumed magic stones, magic became unstable, triggering something to become a magician.

My original strength is low.

Those who consume Magic Stones and become Magus are considerably less powerful than the Magus we have against.

So you were able to crush him.

"Thank you very much. I was very convinced."

Oh, but as I said earlier, please don't say anything else. You, too.

I know.

The general told us to do us a favor, but he told Mr. Shaolin high pressure.

After all, people in other countries have different attitudes than people in their own countries.

Both of you are completely depressed.

So, that's all I want to ask you?

"Oh, I'm sorry I took so long."

No, now, if you'll excuse me, I have a post-mortem on this matter.

The general greeted the Aug and went to the soldiers who were busy moving.

We dropped it off, and nobody breathed.

"Still, you've heard an incredible story...."

I see. Didn't Sin know about this? "

"Of course. I didn't even know it existed until I got it at the Magic Stone Academy."

I see. Well, I don't think we can say anything because we all know the threat of the Magus better than anyone else, but don't talk inadvertently. Especially fuses "

Aug said that to Lynn among everyone.

"Your Highness, that is outrageous. That's exactly what I know I shouldn't talk about. Besides, why me? Watch out for Alice."

"Hey! Lynn, isn't that outrageous!?

"Hughes, you must be in and out of the Magic Academy. Don't you often discuss magic?

"Sure, it's a lot of argument."

"There's no argument about how people without magic qualities can use magic.

"Very well. This is a huge discovery... ah"

Ah, this is the guy I'm used to with the Aug.

As expected, the Aug trembled with a pull.

"I'm telling you to change your mind!! You know what? Never talk!? Rather forget it!!

"That's impossible. It stuck to my brain."

"Well, shall I make you forget?

Aug smiled with his angry expression and wrapped lightning in his hands.


"I forgot. I don't remember anymore!

Lynn was really freaked out, and he appealed that he had desperately forgotten while saluting the upright immobility.

Looking at Lynn's attitude, the Aug dispersed the magic he had wrapped around his hands.

"Absolutely... for now, this is the end of Hao. In the meantime, let's wait for the Quanron side to contact us about when to resume negotiations. Let's go home."

Aug said so and walked to the exit of the emperor's house.

The biggest obstacle, Hao, is gone, so I hope the rest goes smoothly.

While we were talking like that, we walked home to Min.

The next day, there was a disturbance in some areas when something came down from the sky, but the truth about why it happened was not known, and it was to be perpetuated as a mysterious incident in the Emperor Quanlon's capital, Elon.

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