Magi's Grandson

a long holiday

A few days after Hao became a Magus and attacked the Emperor's Palace.

We decided to spend some time at the Minh family until the Quanron government contacted us.

I was wary for a while that there might be some remaining Hao followers, but instead of attacking the Minh family, no one even showed up to watch.

In the Ming family, the restored Swiss Lan was summoned to the Yu Emperor's Palace several times and asked for opinions on the repeal of the Dragon Hunting and Dragon Leather Trade Prohibition Act.

I was told how it was at that time, but everyone said they were actively working to abolish the bill.

Not only that, he went so far as to come up with a proposal to guarantee a former dragon leather dealer who was forced to abandon business by a bill drafted for Hao's personal lust, using private property confiscated from Hao.

It was also said that it would be passed without problems.

Hao, everyone hated him.

I felt as if I was trying to erase the trace of Hao.

Well, eventually he was planning to kill the emperor.

In the future, Hao's name will be passed down as the greatest sinner in the world.

Exactly what you deserve.

Now that we can finally find a reassuring situation, including Mr. Swirlan's story, we can take a walk in Elon for the first time.

"Koch, Death"

On this day, I was walking around the Imperial Capital with Sicily and me, Silver and the interpreter, Shaolin.

There's a shop here that sells children's clothes too.

"Quanron clothes are unusual in the Western world. I'm looking forward to it."

Fufu, I see.


So now we're looking for a clothing store.

This was due to the fact that Swiss Lan, who loved silver very much, had suggested that she would definitely want to wear a Quanron dress on silver.

Quanron clothes feel a little different, but Chinese style clothes.

Silver wears that child's clothes...

You're absolutely cute!

Me and Sicily both replied to Mr. Swiss.

Fufu, I'm sure you'll look good on silver.

"Ha ha!

Mr. Swirlan can lead us in silver from time to time.

You like kids all the time.

Does Silver know the atmosphere? I miss Mr. Swirlan a lot more than Mr. Shaolin.

"Still, Silver, the sister who cares about you is someone else."

Mr. Shaolin looks complicated when he sees a Swiss man in silver.

"Really? Because we only know those Swiss people."

"I'm at work or something. I am always vigilant and tingling. When I'm with my sister at work, people who get nervous and have a bad stomach go on."

"Are you so scared?

"No, I'm scared... it's tough. But I didn't say anything wrong, and my sister herself is capable of working. No one can complain."

"Oh, speaking of which, the other day I said, 'I have a meeting with women at the Chamber of Commerce', but is it unusual for women to meet?

"That's right. No, but very few. I think I'm desperate to show my weakness because I live in such a world."

Well, there were a lot of strong women around me, but in the Quanron, they may still be watching the social advancement of women with harsh eyes.

"That's why...? My sister has a strong desire to be a mother in her personal life."

"I see. Maybe that's how you're balancing your mind."

"Nevertheless... I thought if my sister had a child, it would definitely be tough, but seeing this state, it would be spoiled by a delusion..."


I'll spoil the silver, too.

I can't say anything about that.

Here we are.

Walking around talking to Mr. Shaolin like that, he arrived at his destination sometime.

The shop was full of luxury because it was used only by the head of a large business association.

"Um... isn't this place expensive? Are you sure?

You said you were strolling around the Elon, but we don't have Quanron money because the exchange rate hasn't been fixed yet.

This time it is the request of the Swiss, so all shopping is the luxury of the Swiss.

That's why I'm a little distracted about something that's not very luxurious to be bought...

No problem. Lord Shin and the others have made a cut to abolish that evil. The benefits we can derive from it are immeasurable. Compared to that, there is nothing wrong with spending this much. Therefore, please buy the clothes that Sin-san and Tenny-sama liked.

"Really? Well then, that's sweet of you."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Swirlan. Thank you very much."


Still, unfortunately, I lowered my head with Sicily and thanked Mr. Swirlan, and Silver who was watching it lowered his head with him.

It was an incredibly cute sight, shooting through not only us but also Mr. Swirlan's heart.

Ugh! Cute!!


It was a silver that suddenly seemed surprised when Mr. Swiss stroked his head, but I laughed joyfully to find out that he was being praised immediately.

Come on! Auntie will fix you a suit that suits Silver! Heavenly lady, come here!

"Ah, you know! Stop calling me that in public!

Sicily hurried after Mr. Swiss, who was walking fast.

"What? Did you just call me Miss Swirland, Miss Sicily, Miss Heaven?

"Yes, you did. That's why Sicily told me not to call it that."

"Mr. Shaolin, you haven't interpreted, have you?

When I said so, Mr Shaolin smiled bitterly.

"No matter how much Sicily stopped me, my sister didn't stop calling the Heavenly Lady. You must have learned that word."

Is that what you're saying?

Well then, I'll go to both of you. What about Lord Singh?

"That's right...."

I'm going to go shopping with three women.

If possible, I don't want to mix it up...

"I'm looking around the shop properly. It's a clothing store, and even if you don't understand the words, it's fine."

Really? Now if you'll excuse me. "

Mr. Shaolin said so and headed for Sicily and Mr. Swirlan.

Well then, let's take a look around with Prapla.

Quickly, I started searching for the first Quanron clothing store.

It seems that this store sells clothing as well as decorations.

As for the impression of looking around the store, I still get the impression of some old China.

The clothes are the same, but the ornaments are decorated differently from Arthur's Hyde.

This kind of design has never existed before, so it seems like it could be sold in the Western world, such as Arthur's Hyde.

Conversely, Western decorations are likely to sell because they won't be familiar in our world.

Even now, the clerks are still flirting with me and Sicily.

They're looking at our clothes, not at unfamiliar customers.

There is no sign of suspicion in that gaze.

Could this be a good deal for Quanron?

In the western world, several countries compete to trade with the Quanron, while the eastern world is a Quanron country.

Unlike the Western world, where revenues are split across multiple countries, the Eastern world gathers all of its revenues in Quanron.

Especially dragon leather is definitely sold.

The dragon leather jacket in front of my eyes is so cool.

There are clothes made of cow and sheep leather in the Western world, but those made of dragon leather are different from the touch.

It's pretty hard.

It's like leather armor.

However, it seems that the joint part is well machined so as not to hinder movement, and I didn't feel uncomfortable wearing it.

"Cuckoo... how much is this?

I thought so and looked at the price tag.

It seems that the same letters are used in the Oriental world, and I can read them, but because they are written in the monetary value of the Quanron, I don't know how much this would be in the Western world.

Well, it's definitely a super luxury item.

I can't let you buy such a expensive product.

I gave up and moved from the dragon leather shelf.

When I looked around the store again, I found myself in a section where I was selling some clothes.

This is...

I began to examine the clothes in the compartment with a serious face.

And here it is! I think it was when I found the clothes.


Sicily called me.

I don't have any silver in my hand.

"What's the matter... oh..."

I thought perhaps I had finished choosing my clothes and approached Sicily's feet with a silver dress that looked like a fist technique.

"Ka, kawa...."

"You're so cute!

"Ahh... it's so messy and cute..."

Dabbled clothes still look good on walking silver.

I knelt in front of the silver with a slightly strange face because I was wearing unfamiliar clothes, and put my palms towards the silver.

"Look, silver. Ahhh"

"Huh? Nhihi! Ahhh!!

At first it was silver with its neck tilted, but it quickly punched me in the palm of my hand.

" You're cute!!

Looking at silver punching in a kid's fist jacket, the females are melting.

Sure enough, there's no one against the cuteness of silver.

This is settled! Next!

"Huh!? Can you still buy it?

Of course! How dare you look so cute in silver... this is a reward for me!!

As soon as Mr Swirlan said so, he went looking for his next dress.

"Hah... even though I was sick in bed a while ago, it's very powerful."

I took Sicily with me again, so I was left behind with Mr. Shaolin.

"Ahahah... I did take care of my illness, but it seems that all my work fatigue has been eliminated. Now that the illness has been completely cured, it feels like there is too much power."

Is that what you're saying?

"Yes, by the way, did Shin have anything to worry about?

"That's right... actually..."

That's what Mr Shaolin asked me to tell you about the clothes I was wearing.

By the way, I didn't mention the dragon leather jacket, which would be a super luxury item.

I think I would buy it if I said so.

That's right, I can't let you buy this.

I'll buy it myself after the exchange rate with Quanron is confirmed.

I made up my mind.

By the way, you can buy the clothes that I said I cared about.

Do you mind if I dress higher? I said that, but I think it is still quite a luxury product.

It feels like it has been touched, and I think maybe silk is used.

I thought once again that Mr. Shaolin was a famous lady.

After that, Mr. Swirlan continued to choose silver clothes, which ended when the silver tired out of the boat.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Swirlan. So much....."

Sicily said she was sorry to see the luggage packed in the truck that the shop had prepared because we couldn't carry it alone.

"Don't worry about it. As I said earlier, it's like a reward to me too."

Really? Thank you very much. "

"Fufu, even so, the sleeping silver is cute."


When Mr. Swirlan smiled and stroked the silver head, the silver that was already sleeping in my arm moved his mouth.

By the way, silver clothes are wearing the first fist technique I bought.

I was asked by the store to advertise the store if you wear it and go home.

Of course, it's cute, so I agreed to it immediately.

"Hah... I want a child too soon..."

"I'm feeling better now, and I can do it right away."

"That's right... thank you again. Heavenly Lady and Lord Shin are my... no, they're our greatest benefactors. In the future, if you need anything, please rely on anything.

"Yes, thank you."

That said, we got back on our way.

Incidentally, why don't you put your luggage in a different space? This is also a request from the store.

The name of the shop is written on the bag containing the clothes.

The bag is shown in large quantities, and Silver is wearing the clothes of this shop.

It was going to be an unparalleled advertisement.

I accepted it because I was told that I would get a discount if you took it.

I realized that this would make the burden on the Swiss people a little lighter.

Then we walked around the city again, and we came back to Minh's house.

Hmm, I'm a little tired.

I've been holding a sleeping silver.

It wasn't a big deal physically, but I was mentally tired because I was careful not to wake up the silver.

"Thank you, Mr. Singh. I'll keep the silver."

Sicily said that she took the silver from me and put it on the couch in the living room.

You can take me to my room and put me to bed in the futon, but when I wake up, I'll cry without someone.

As they lay down on the silver, they sat on the sofa and exhaled.

The timing was exactly the same, so we smiled at each other unexpectedly.

"It was a tough day, but it was fun."

I see. Speaking of which, there's something you haven't seen in silver, but was it cute?

"Yes, it was very cute. Shin-kun will love it, too."

"Oh, I look forward to seeing that."

We spent a quiet time together like that.

Sicily asked me if I had enjoyed the time for a while.

"Speaking of which, did Shin-kun buy anything?

Ah, yes.

Actually, I bought Sicily's clothes, not mine.

Yes, I was worried about women's clothes.

I thought it would definitely suit Sicily, so I bought it from Mr. Shaolin.

"Huh? Is that mine?

"That's right. Um... ah, this is it."

When I arrived at Min's house, I took out a bag containing Sicily's clothes from a bag stored in a different space.

Yes, this one.

"Wow... can I take a look?


When I said so, Sicily took her clothes out of the bag.

"Wow, beautiful blue...."

"Because I thought the blue suited Sicily."

"Plus, you can feel it."

"Probably a luxury product. I knew the Ming family would be rich to buy it."

"That's right. Um, can I try this on?

"Of course!"

Well then, let's get dressed.

Sicily said so and headed to the room where she was happily sending us clothes.

I've been waiting for a while, but Sicily hasn't come.

I wonder what happened. When I gazed at the entrance to the living room, there was Sicily.

For some reason, I just put out my bright red face and looked at this one.

"... what are you doing?

When I asked, Sicily said shyly.

"Ah, um... is this okay...?"

Sicily showed me not only her face, but her whole body.


Sicily was standing there dressed like a blue chinese dress.

"Well, what do you think?

"Wow... I knew it looked good on you. It's beautiful....."

"Ugh... ah, thank you. But, um..."


When I complimented her, Sicily responded with embarrassment and joy.

But I'm embarrassed.

"Um... why is this dress so cut up..."

Sicily was constantly worried about her thighs, so when she looked at her eyes, there was a slit deep down near the base of her feet.

"... ah"

Chi, I thought the slit on the china dress was as far as my lap!

I can't believe there was such a slit up there...

"It's embarrassing...."

That's what I'm trying to say, Sicily.


Let's see what Sicily looks like again.

The lines of Sicily's body are beautiful, and the unexpectedly deep slits add color.

Seeing it again, I took Sicily's hand.

"What? Um? Shin-kun?"

Afterwards, when Silver woke up, a crying voice echoed throughout the Mansion over our absence.

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