Magi's Grandson

Eyes of Doubt

Given its size, I think this is probably quite a skyscraper.

There are likely to be more than thirty floors, and a hundred meters is likely to exceed it.

Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the previous civilization had a memory of the past, but was it someone who was involved in the construction industry?

Otherwise, amateurs can only see the future that collapses when they build skyscrapers.

Everyone seemed overwhelmed by the size of the building and couldn't make a sound, but I was distracted and silent about the person who built it.

Mr Shaolin called me from behind.

"Surprised? This is what is considered to be the ruins of the previous civilization. It was probably a building, but I still can't imagine how tall it was and how it was built."

Mr Shaolin is a little proud to look up at Bill and say so.

"Unfortunately, there are no buildings that retain the whole prototype, but some of them are amazing, right?

"It's true... even if I look at this, I can see that civilization used to have super technology."

When Tony said that, he started looking around at Bill.

Everyone looks around with it.

"... is this penetrating natural stones? Or...."

It's an artifact, isn't it?

When I answered Aug's whisper, Aug and Mr. Shaolin saw me.

"... why do you think that?

Wow, Mr. Shaolin's out of guard.

I was cooperative with Hao and the dragons, but they wouldn't let me off guard with the old civilization.

Nevertheless, I thought I would be extra vigilant if I misled myself strangely, so I will explain why I decided it was an artifact.

"Whatever it is, it's in the stone. That's what reinforces the strength, right? Is that what happens in nature?

When I said that, everyone but Shaolin and Riphan stared at the building once again.

"Really. Sin is right, there's something in the stone."

"Mr. Shaolin! Can I touch that?!

When Maria was satisfied with the confirmation, Mark asked if she could touch Ms. Shaolin.

"Yeah? Yeah. I don't mind."


Mark, who was given permission, ran towards the building.

"Ahh! Mark, that's so awesome!

Yuri, who saw it, followed.

Then, naturally, we all went to the side of the building.

"Ah... this is iron."

It was steel that had collapsed and peeled out.

That's right.

It's too dangerous to build a skyscraper without steel.

"Ah, I see. I'm improving my strength by machining it into this shape."

Steel frames are not just straight iron bars, they are H-shaped.

This is what makes it stronger.

"Ah! If you think something like yarn chips is coming out, this is also iron!

Alice noticed that there was iron that was thinner than steel.


"I wonder how much stronger this is... how huge it was..."

When the aug saw the building reinforced with steel and reinforcement, he unexpectedly murmured.

"I thought our castle was robust, but this is more than that."

"Does that mean that the royal castle can be made bigger with the same technology?

When Sicily said that, not only Aug, but Mark and Yuri shook their heads sideways.

"There are similar building materials in Japan....."

"This is a different strength."

"How can you be so hard?

Yuri said that, knocking on the building's exterior wall.

There is also concrete in this world, and it is widely used from the general household to the imperial castle.

However, the concrete used in this building has a strength that is not comparable to that of it.

In other words, the same strength cannot be obtained even if steel or steel bars are used in the same manner.

"But this method is great. If we incorporate this, we can build a bigger structure, but not as strong as this one."

"That's right. After that, if we can develop stronger building materials, we should be able to build similar buildings."

There's a finished form here, so you can build it.

Prince Wang and our team of engineers are discussing enthusiastically.

Aug is excited to see the potential for a strong rebuilding of the city, and Mark and Yuri simply seem excited about the new technology.

It's just...

"Um... shouldn't we go? I haven't even entered the entrance to the ruins yet..."

The three of them returned to me happily to Mr. Shaolin's reluctant words.

Yes, it is.

This is still in front of the entrance, right?

"That's right! If this has been going on since before we got into the entrance, we'll have more technology if we get inside!

Mark said so and went inside first through the ruins' entrance.

"Cheat, Mark! I'm coming too!

"Hey, don't leave me! Both of you!

Yuri and Olivia also entered the ruins after the runaway mark.

"I said I wanted to go."

Tony smiles bitterly at Mark and Yuri, who are more excited than herself.

Tony just wanted to see the ruins with a simple curiosity.

However, I don't think we can beat the engineers who saw the super technology of previous civilizations.

"Well, let's take our time sightseeing. I'll leave the technical matters to those two."

When I said that, everybody looked at me strangely.

What the hell?

"No... I thought this was the thing you eat the most..."

Surprisingly cool.

Maria and Sicily told me that.

What, did they think I was gonna be like that?

When I looked around, I was nodded.


Shocked by everyone's reputation, Alice and Lynn said terrible things.

"Could it be that? Shin-kun, do you already know?

"After all, Mr. Wolford is suspicious of remembering the pre-civilization era."


You're going to steam that up here now!

I thought you were already making a fool of me.

That's how I looked at Mr. Shaolin...

She was clearly looking at me with suspicion.

You didn't mislead me.

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