Magi's Grandson

ruins of pre-civilization

"Well, let's not make jokes like that, let's go inside. I left one of the investigators behind and three of them went inside."

"Ah! That's right! Let's get in right away!

I assume you told the investigator the last words.

I hurried into the ruins with Mr. Shaolin.

I suppose Mr. Shaolin's temperament is unacceptable.

I could use it well.

In the meantime, the Aug came next to him as he was eager to escape Mr. Shaolin's suspicions.

"So? What's the truth?

I said that in a small voice that I could not hear around me.

"Oh, really?

Even though I only had to rinse it gently, I accidentally chewed it because it was stunned in a nice place.


I may have made you suspicious.

That's how he scratched his cold sweat, and the Aug chuckled.

Well, okay. Instead, let's go inside. "

"Ah, ah. That's right."

I'm glad...

He managed to stop pursuing it.

That's how I exhaled, and I went into the ruins.

I said it was in the ruins, but the ruins are buried in the soil.

Just digging the soil into a corridor doesn't mean the ruins of the city are built underground.

Continue through each reinforced passage.

The passage is equipped with lighting that appears to have been made of magic stones, so sufficient brightness is ensured.

The aisle was divided into several branches, but there was no doubt that a sign with arrows had been installed.

They say it's a tourist destination, so it's a consideration that tourists don't get lost.

What kind of aisle is it not?

I wonder if this is the passage I dug during the excavation.

Walking with such thoughts in mind, Sicily murmured as she walked next door.

It's a long corridor.

The aisle is all the way downhill, heading underground, but never reaching its destination.

I'm afraid I'm starting to get anxious because I've been diving in the basement for a long time.

He grabbed my left arm tightly and caught it perfectly.

Normally, I would walk in comfort and flirt with Sicily, but that's not how it works now.


"Well, that building just came out of this basement, right? How big is it... how far does it go..."

Because Maria is with us.

Grab my right arm and grab it just like Cissy....

"Maria, you're pulling too hard.

Sicily's voice from the left side was cold.

... my left arm is also cold...

"Hey, take care of it now! You're leaving me alone in a place like this!?

"No... I'm not leaving you alone."

"If you do that, I won't forgive you forever!!

"Hah, I can't help it anymore... Until the hallway's over.

"Oh, I know."

Sicily broke into desperate pieces, too.

This passage, even though lighting is installed, is still dim.

And narrow.

For Maria, who hates ghosts and ghosts, walking through this passage alone would be torture.

At first it was Maria who kept her distance, but as she went down the aisle, she got closer and finally grabbed my arm.

Sicily confronted it.

If it were the usual Sicily, she would try to force me to leave Maria, but Maria is Sicily's best friend.

We've been together since we were young, so I know Maria doesn't like this kind of atmosphere.

Anyway, I just want to stick to something, so I seem to be watching it carefully.

After walking for a while, Alice and Lynn, who were discussing something at the branch, joined Tony.

"What are you doing?

When I heard that, I finally realized that Alice and the others looked at me.

And he said with a jittery face.

"Sin-kun, did you make Maria your mistress?

"I didn't!

"I won't!


Maria and I both denied to Alice, who was making a terrible mistake.

Sicily laughed bitterly knowing the circumstances.

"Ah, I see. It's dark in here."

"Besides, what are you doing here!?

Alice seemed to understand the situation and managed to convince me.

Maria turned the subject into a forceful conversation by raising her voice whether she was ashamed to be spotted.

Grabbing my right arm.

... you don't talk about your arms when you meet everyone.

"I don't know, I'm not interested in what Alice and the others would do if they came this way."

I felt everything in Tony's words.

"... Tony stopped Alice and Lynn trying to get out of the way."


Tony shook his shoulders and affirmed.

These two are exactly the same.

"Because, Singh, don't you care?

"I can't hold my interest."

"You can't do that without Mr. Shaolin or the investigator's permission. Maybe there's something important."

"That's why I want to see it!!

"No! Let's go along the route first."


Alice and Lynn are swelling, but this is a relic of another country.

If you do what you want, it could be an international problem.

Besides, the chairman's temperament, Mr. Shaolin, won't allow it.

"Here we go."

Speaking to Alice and Lynn, who are still swelling, we began to follow the route.

... but...

"Maria, are you still scared?


Alice and the others joined together and became quite busy, but Maria was still caught in her right arm.

"Ah! Oh, sorry."

Maria didn't realize she was grabbing my right arm and catching on to it, or she panicked away from me when she was annoyed by my words.

"It's okay now. Thank you, Sin."

"No, don't worry about it."

"I'm sorry about Sicily."

"Fine. I know Maria doesn't like this kind of thing. I think it was a little too much."

"Ugh... it can't be helped..."

When Sicily pointed out that it was ticklish, Maria protested with tears.

Nevertheless, Maria's anxiety seems to have been largely relieved by the increase in the number of people, so she can speak normally even when she is away from me.

That's why we started acting together...

"Um, Miss Sissy?


"Why are you still holding my arm?

Maria's gone, but Sicily's still stuck.

Is that it?

I was fighting Maria, so why don't you just let Maria go?

That's what I asked, but Sicily swollen her cheeks.

"Shouldn't my wife grab my husband's arm?

"You have to."

Yeah, no problem at all.

I started walking down the aisle with Sicily on my left arm.

"Dammit... I'm so flirting here... but I'm the one who made the cut..."

Maria, who is away from me, looks soggy.

It was Maria that got caught first.

Can't you complain if Sicily and I get caught up?

Alice and Lynn lead the way, Tony and Maria lead the way, and we lead the way in a line at the end.

When passing through some branches, I saw the end of the passage cut off.

"Ah! It's finally over!

"It was a long time."

Alice and Lynn ran away seeing the end of a long passage.

"Wait a minute! I'm coming, too!

Maria, who seems to have wanted to get out of this narrow and dark passage quickly, continues behind her.

"Looks like you've finally arrived at the ruins. Hey, I'm looking forward to it."

Tony murmured as she watched Alice, Lynn and Maria running away.

"What, I thought Tony was running away too?"

"Well, I can't run away from the ruins. I'll go slowly and observe."

Tony wants to observe more carefully than to see it earlier.

"But I'm surprised Tony likes these ancient ruins."

"That's right. I thought Tony liked something new and brilliant."

"That's what I thought."

Tony, the relationship between women and Lilia has settled down, but I still can't imagine how chaotic it is.

Maybe the accessories you're wearing or your personal clothes are popular in King's Landing.

That's why it's surprising that I like the urban legend of brow saliva.

"Ahahah, Lilia came to my room and said the same thing. My room is full of urban legendary magazines."

"No, you said you were reading that."

"I'm really surprised."

"Really? Well, I don't really believe it. It's interesting to read absurd speculations."

"Well, I know."

"Speaking of which, Shin-kun also occasionally reads it. The magazine."


Tony caught up with Sicily's careless words.

"Why, I wish you had told me that!

Tony approached me with a very happy face because he felt like he had found a good man.

Wow, this definitely stinks...

"How was the feature this month? As for me....."

"Ah, you know, Tony."

"Hmm? What's wrong, Miss Sisley?"

"I've already arrived....."

"Huh? Ahh! It's true!"

Apparently the aisle was finished while I was talking to Tony.

When Sicily called out to Tony, she stopped talking to me and stepped into the ruins.

"Hah... thank you, Sicily."

I was very tired when I heard that full hobby story, so Sicily distracted me.

When I thanked Sicily for thinking so, Sicily smiled bitterly.

Oh, that's unusual, Tony.

"Really. Now, will we see the ruins of the former civilization as well?"

That's right.

That said, we got out of the aisle.

And I was stunned by the view that was spreading there.

"Su, wow...."

Sicily murmured in such a state that she didn't think so.

In contrast, I couldn't say anything.

Because the ruins we saw...

Because it looked so much like the scenery I saw in my previous life.

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