Magi's Grandson

After all, it was an external certification.

I stayed at the campsite where I stopped by.

The location seems to be just right, and they plan to build a hub here as a relay in the future.

Camping is tough every time.

And we stayed overnight and finally came back to Elles.

I'm so glad you're home.

I got off the airship and looked around at the familiar style of the building with a large stretch.

The country is different, but Arthur Heyde and Elles share similar architectural styles.

Because it is a country that continues to exist, there is no helping it to resemble it.

"Well, goodbye to the Nabal diplomat here."

Aug said so and reached out to Mr. Nabal.

"Good day, Your Highness Auguste.I'm delighted to have a meaningful time this time for both Ellis and Earlsheed. "

That said, Mr. Navarre took the hand offered and shook it.

See you later.

Yeah, see you later.

That's how the Navarres headed for the presidential office.

"Well, shall we go back to Earlsheed?"

"Well, it's just...."

"What's wrong?

"I've got a lot of work to do since I left."

"... oh, an explanation for Master Merida?


If you're back, there's someone you have to talk to.

I decided to tell Grandpa and Grandma and Uncle Dis about me.

After a while, it became difficult to talk again, so I decided to talk as soon as I got back.

"Then I'll bring my father, so why don't you explain it to me?

"Can I ask you something?

Roger that.

That's what I promised. I opened the gate at home...

"Oh, Mr. Singh, welcome back."


When I got home, Uncle Dis was there.

... it's still evening.

Why are you already here?


I suppose the Aug who followed me through the gate didn't think he was here anymore.

I was looking at Uncle Dis in a stupid way.

"No, I thought it was time to come back.If we wait here, we'll hear the report soon, won't we?

"Isn't it your father who actually signed the report or anything?You're not saying you didn't read the agreement carefully. "

"Yes, of course, I read it carefully.There is no place for a king of a country to do such an appropriate thing. "

"So, what were you waiting for?

Well, that's a lot more than the agreement.

I mean, tell me what we were doing in the Quanron.

Well, I do have some reports I should have told you in addition to my predecessors.

I'm sure you've made a lot of adjustments to being here, and it's just fine.

"Can I have Grandpa and Grandma?

"Ho ho. I didn't mean it from the beginning."

"I mean, I want you to explain exactly what kind of disturbance you've caused this time."

Why is Grandma talking on the premise that I cause trouble?

I don't want to cause extra trouble in other countries either!

There's a riot on your own!

I suppressed that feeling and talked about what had happened in the Quanron.

A mass outbreak of dragons and their crusade from the disturbances surrounding the Min family.

Especially important among them is the story passed on to the Quanron and the end of Hao.

"What!? If you consume Magic Stones, those who can't use magic will be able to use them!?

The story seemed shocking, and the grandmother roughed up her voice.

"Is that true?

"I can't believe it in Russia...."

Uncle Dis and Grandpa looked incredible.

"No doubt.Hao couldn't use magic.When it escaped from the house under house arrest, it was reported that it definitely used magic, and there were also powdered magic stones found in the house. "

Aug said so, and the grandmothers finally believed me.

"But that's where it really matters."

Aug said that the person who ingested the magic stone would become almost a hundred percent Magus.

"In order to hide that fact, Quanron teaches us that magic stones are poisonous.This is a separate deal with the Ming family, but from now on magic stones will flow into Arthur's Hide.I wonder if Arthur Heyd should do the same. "

As Aug said so, Uncle Dis roared with his arms together.

"Surely, if you ingest magic stones, you should say poison rather than scatter them when you demonize them."

"That's right. Otherwise, there will be people trying to gain magical power even if they become magicians."

"That's what the old Quanron upper echelons thought.So only a fraction of the upper echelons still know this fact. "

Aug said so and saw Mr. Shaolin with him.

"Yes, until this incident, I have been taught that magic stones are lethal poisons and should never be consumed."

"That's what I've been teaching you, and it seems that in the last few decades, there has been no demonization by the ingestion of magic stones."

With additional information from Shaolin and Aug, it appears that Uncle Dis has decided to go hungry.

"Okay. I'll tell some of you about this.Just the top of the army. "

I was wondering if I could do that.


In the meantime, I decided to leave this matter to Uncle Dis.

And then I talked about the ruins of the previous civilization.

"What? Before civilization?

Uncle Dis has an attitude to do something stupid.

Well, that's what Earlsheed would do.

"There were actually ruins, not yota stories or urban legends.We're also checking. "

It was Grandma who responded first to Aug's words.

"Are you sure it's there!?Wasn't it a mistake!?

"Yes, I've actually seen the ruins of the city.I've never seen such a city.Definitely a pre-phantom civilization. "

As soon as I heard that, my grandmother's condition changed.

"Really? No matter how many clues I look up, the ruins of the previous civilization are in such a place... right now... no, but in front of Sin..."

It seems that Grandma was traveling to the country during the war in search of Masita's magic equipment.

To be honest, you want to go to the ruins at once.

But I can't seem to tell you that I want to go right before you tell me to take care of myself.

And there came the hand of salvation.

"Without such haste, the ruins of the former civilization have become tourist attractions in Quanron.You can go whenever you have time.Shin has a gate. "

"Really!? Then I'll take you later!


Does that mean it's awesome after this?

Why is Grandma so actionable when she's already a grandmother?

"Are you sure there's no blood connection?It looks just like Shin-kun. "

Sicily whispered to me as she watched the unusual excited grandmother.

Well, I guess so.

"Is this the end of the story?Then hurry..... "

"I'm sorry, Lord Merida, but we're going to go on."

And Aug started talking about how civilization had collapsed before that.

That a weapon of such a magnitude as to destroy the country without trace has been created and is believed to have actually been used.

If the development of magic equipment proceeds in the future, such weapons may be made.

Before that happens, I told them that countries need to keep pace with the fact that, even though deterrence is a force, they should not build such weapons.

Uncle Dis, who received the explanation, roared again with a difficult face, and the grandmother looked convinced.

"I see. There's no trace of a previous civilization, no matter where we searched.I can't believe it was blown away without a trace.... "

It's a horrible story.

My grandfather has a serious face compared to the grandmother who seems to have gone to investigate a lot.

That will be the case.

Because humans have caused more misery than previous Stromes have caused.

I suppose you can tell the seriousness of the matter by knowing the damage caused by the Magus.

"Still, how much research is going on with the Quanrons?

After explaining the collapse of the previous civilization in too much detail, you probably felt that there was a considerable amount of research on the former civilization in Quanron.

Grandma asked Mr. Shaolin that.

But Mr Shaolin is in trouble.

"No, not even the Quanron."

The old lady looked suspicious to Mr. Shaolin.

"What do you mean? Are you imagining everything we've been talking about?

"That was quite specific, but....."

Uncle Dis also looked strange.

I saw Aug face to face and took over from here.

"I deduced it from the ruins.I'm pretty sure. "


"What do you mean?

Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Dis will look at me.

Once I took a deep breath, I told the three of them.

"I remember living in a different world."

When I said that, they all opened their eyes for a moment, but nothing more surprised them.

"Ah, that?

No, I just said something pretty serious.

Why is it a little surprising?

"So? How does it connect you to having a memory of your past life and being able to explain how that civilization collapsed?

"Eh? Er..."

On the contrary, I will explain why I speculated about the collapse of the former civilization while I was confused.

The city of the previous civilization is similar to the city of the previous life.

From that, it is believed that there are people who remember the memories of the previous life similar to me in the previous civilization.

Perhaps the person with the memory of his predecessor created a weapon that caused great damage to deterrence.

In other worlds with the memories of the previous life, it was unlikely that such weapons would be used because they had never been used.

But the fact that politicians used it when they didn't know its power.

As a result, we talked about the collapse of the former civilization.

Speaking so far, all three exhaled because they were deep.

"I see. If that's the case, it seems that Sin's guess is correct."

"I'm sure you're right.Deceim, what I've heard here is superimposed.Never tighten the controls to prevent such weapons from ever being made again. "

"I know.As soon as we return to the Royal Palace, we will contact the kings of the countries. "

"Hey, wait a minute!

I accidentally waited for the three people who spoke too normally.

"What? I'm talking about something important right now."

"I know that!I just confessed something pretty serious!?Why is it through?!

"What do you want me to do?You're a father, and you're still a kid?

"That's not true!

What the hell!?

You look like I care about you!

Am I crazy!?

Grandma sighed and said that I was holding my head in the attitude of the three.

Well, not now.

"... what do you mean?

"I wonder if that was the first time you defeated a monster.I was talking to Marlin and Michelle.I wouldn't be surprised if they told me you came from another world.I didn't think it was true, but it cleared up a lot of questions. "

That's right. I've always wondered where Singh's magic ideas come from, but that would convince me. "

"Honestly, I thought Shin might not be human.That's acceptable. "

"Uncle Dis is the most outrageous!?

Why is everyone certifying me as an outsider!?

"Well, that's why.Even if I told you that you have a memory of the past life, I still can't feel anything but feelings. "

"Isn't that right...."

What the...?

Get ready for my death.

"That's it.You know, it's good that your previous career was based on memories of your previous life, right?

Well, yes.

"Then explain everything to Atashi before you make anything else."


"Of course! The other world in your memory has grown like it used to!?A magical instrument based on such memories could be the second dance of the previous civilization!

"No! Wait a minute!I've never made a weapon or a weapon other than a vibration sword!?

When I said that, my grandmother thought, "Hmm."

"I don't know if that's what they say.Were you weighing yourself around? "

"Weightlessness... the country I lived in in the last life was a country where I couldn't possess weapons or weapons, so I didn't have that idea.Instead, there was a lot of development of alternatives to magic tools. "

"I see. If you ask me, is there a lot of magic equipment that you've made that is intimate to your life?"

That's right.

I'm telling you, I'm not militant.

Even magic tools are being developed to make my life more convenient.

Still, let me explain in advance.


"Your magic equipment is too advanced.You may have made it without any concern because you used it in your previous life, but it's too stimulating in this world.You don't seem to like the key hanging around anyway.If you don't supervise, the world will be confused. "

"It's convenient....."

"That's why I'm telling you not to step up.You're too sudden. "


I feel like Grandma is right.

The magic equipment I make is designed to improve everyone's life.

They said it would be good because it is convenient.

However, after careful consideration, all of the first inventions presented in the world of the previous life were primitive.

From there, it gradually developed and became more convenient and versatile.

I'm blowing up the story.

If you ask, you're right.

"So, for now, as long as you can remember, explain what tools were there."

"But even though I was told to explain, there were so many things I couldn't count...."

I don't know what to explain.

That said, the grandmother exhaled because she was deep.

"Does that mean you'll have to keep up with your magic equipment?

"Well... I'll just do what I thought was necessary."

"Tell him to do it."

After all, the story of my previous life was pretty much accepted here as well.

I'm so glad you don't call me cheap or creepy...

How about we all get together and treat me like an outsider?

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