Magi's Grandson

Maybe, maybe?

While Singh was telling Merida about himself at home, a man visited a house in King Arthur's capital.

When I rang the doorbell, I heard a woman's voice from inside.

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Who?"

"Oh, it's Lois."

The house was visited by Lois von Claude, the eldest son of the Claude family.

Sicily's brother.

"Mr. Royce? What's wrong?"

And it was Alice who came out of the house.

"Hello Alice, is your father there?"

"If you were my father, I'd just gone shopping with my mother."

Oh, really?

"What can I do for you?"

"Yeah, I've got some paperwork I need the president to read as soon as possible."

Oh, Dad, I'm off today, but isn't Mr. Royce on holiday?

"The Wolford Chamber of Commerce is open 24/7.I'm trying to keep the rest of the day off. "

"Really? Oh, I think I'll be back soon, so are you waiting inside?"

Are you sure?

"Of course."

Sicily's brother, Royce, is the Managing Director of the Wolford Chamber of Commerce, chaired by Singh.

Alice's father, Glenn Corner, is President and CEO.

In other words, it is a relationship between a supervisor and a subordinate.

And Royce came to work today, but as soon as Glenn, the president, had to go through the paperwork, he visited his home.

Yes, have some tea.

"Thank you. Is that it? This tea is strange."

"Isn't that right? It's a Quanron tea."

"Oh, speaking of which, did Ultimate Magicians move to a country on the other side of Elles?"

"That's right! We're in a lot of trouble over there!"

As I told Singh, Alice is distrustful of a man close to her, but she is not alert to Lois, her father's subordinate and Sicily's brother.

Alice talks funny and crazy about the quanron disturbances to the extent that they don't conflict with confidentiality.

Lois stares at such Alice with pleasure.

Alice, a daughter of her boss and a friend of her sister's.

Lois, who is Sicily's sister and whose sisters, Cecilia and Syria, have no confidence in women, can also face this innocent girl naturally.

Those two had a good time waiting for Glenn's return.

"I'm home. Oh, are you a customer?"

"Ah, boss, I'm sorry. I'm off."

"What is it, Lois?What's going on? "

"Actually, I wanted the president to read the documents right away....."

As Glenn returned, Lois cut off his conversation with Alice and headed there.


In contrast, Alice peeled off.

"Why are you so peeled, Alice?"

When Alice's mother, who had returned with Glenn, asked, Alice leaked her dissatisfaction with her mouth sharpened.

"I was just in the middle of something."

"I can't help it. Mr. Royce is here to talk about his work."


Alice's mood doesn't change even though her mother can calm her down.

The mother round her eyes when she saw the situation.

Oh, my God.

That's what my mother said, comparing Alice and Lois alternately with pleasure.

Eventually, it seemed that Royce and Glenn had finished talking, and they called out to Alice.

"Well then, Alice, I'm going to be rude. Tea, dinner."

"Yeah!? We're still in the middle of something!?"

"Haha, I'm still at work.Let's get this over with again. "


That's what Alice said, Lois smiled at me.

Yeah, I'll see you later.



That's what Lois said, and he left the house saying hello to Glenn.

"Dad! Bring Mr. Royce home next time!"

As soon as the front door closed, Alice said so to her father.

His father also rounded his eyes and then changed his expression to a smile.

"Yeah, I'll ask her out after work."


Alice said that and went back to her room.

The remaining father and mother looked at Alice and looked at each other.

No, I wonder if that's what this is all about?

"What do you think, Alice?"

"Should I keep my mouth shut?"

"Isn't that right? Isn't it enough to set it up?"

My father and mother looked at each other again, and now they laughed.

Think about the future you might visit.

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