Magi's Grandson

Is that all you want?

Ah, free time.

Maria, who had returned home a step ahead of Sin and the others, had leisure in her bedroom bed.

"Hey... I don't have time for this."

Miranda graduated from the Knights Academy this year and joined the Knights Order.

"That's good. You're off duty today, aren't you?"

"I'm off duty, so give me a break!"

Miranda, who joined the Order at the same time as she graduated from the Academy, is already working for the Order.

Now that the Empire, which was an enemy nation, is gone, the Knights' main task is to crush monsters.

Miranda, who was on the mission yesterday, was very tired.

Miranda was the only knight who actually fought Strom alongside the Ultimate Magicians in the Battle of the Magus King, and was prominent before joining the army.

It is such a high-profile monster crusade.

Mental fatigue is stronger than physical fatigue, and I was thinking of taking a break from work today.

There is a call from Maria.

Miranda, who is not a wizard, can't use gates, so she walked to Messina Mansion.

The servants of the Messina family are already familiar with each other and will pass through the room as they visit.

When I entered the room, I saw Maria in bed.

"If I called you to spend some time with you, I'll go home."

"Wait, let's roll together ~"

"Whoa! Whoa! Let go!"

Maria desperately stopped Miranda from going home and dragged her into bed.

"Damn, what do you want!?"

"I'm tired too.Until yesterday, there was a huge uproar in Quanron. "

"So Maria's off today, too?Then rest well. "

I'm free to be alone.

"No, if you want to rest, you need to rest alone."

That's good, just hang out for a while.

"... I don't want to"

Somehow these two are close.

Previously, Sicily and the three of us used to have a party together.

Recently, Sicily got married and couldn't attend because she was busy raising children, but she still had a sleepover for the two of us.

We are close enough.

"Now, as always, Thin and Sicily are flirting...."


"Besides, Mark and Olivia are all flirting..."


"Besides, Yuri had a boyfriend..."

"What... what!?"

Miranda, who had previously responded unexpectedly to Maria's shocking story, woke up from bed.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?"

Yuri had a boyfriend who was supposed to be a comrade of an alliance that had no boyfriend like herself before.

I tried to get Maria to ask about it...

"... suu"

"You're kidding!"

I was somehow suspicious when I was talking, but Maria fell asleep just saying something that bothered her.

"Hey, I'm curious, let me keep listening!"

"Hmm... Miranda, shut up..."

"I'm not kidding!"

I try to wake Maria up somehow and find out the truth, but there is no indication that Maria is also quite tired.

"What the hell!"

Miranda was angry and fell next to Maria.

"If you think I called you, I'll just say what I care about and go to sleep, and I'm really done."

Miranda was complaining as she fell asleep, but she was tired from her unfamiliar work.

What happens when you lie in a shark bed in a noble mansion?


Miranda's eyelids gradually get heavier from fatigue.

"Oh, that's enough. Sleep with me."

Thus the two women fell asleep in bed on holidays.

Afterwards, the servant who brought the tea looked at Maria and Miranda, who were sleeping well in bed, smiling and wondering if that was all right, and slipped out of the room.

Are you sure that's okay?

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