Magi's Grandson

Ultimate Magicians, activate.

Ultimate Magicians sent clerks specializing in housekeeping from various countries, and finally started working as a non-college research association.

The first thing that surprised me when I started... was the amount of requests.

As a method of requesting Ultimate Magicians, once the request gathered in the royal palace is scrutinized and distributed to us, the fixed communication equipment installed in the office will not stop ringing.

However, a request that had already been scrutinized had been delivered to the office like a mountain.

"Eh... all of this?"

"Yes, we prioritize the most urgent items, so we want you to get started on your request right away."

Yes, Mr. Catalina will explain it to us.

I knew I could be a secretary.

"Um, so, what kind of request should I take?Are we free to choose? "

That's what Alice asked Catalina, even though she was overwhelmed by the large number of requests she had prepared.

"No, I know who to ask and what to ask in advance"

Catalina said so and gave each of them a bundle of requests.

"Judging by the poor skills and personality you have asked me, I have divided it into two parts."

"Did Catalina do that too?"

Maria asked, looking at the request she had given herself.

"No, you split it up. It's Cartus."


Maria said so, and saw a new request form coming in and Cartus staring at her.

Everyone's gaze was also on Cartus, so when Cartus noticed it, he looked at me and said, "Huh?What? "

"Wow, I can't believe you're thinking about your personality in such a short time."

"It's the right material. If you fail to do so, it's inefficient.It's a waste of time. "

Oh, you're so good.

Oh, it's unusual for Maria to praise a man.

But, well, Cartus is not a soft guy who hates Maria, and if she treats her normally, Maria will deal with her normally.

"Haha, it's nothing serious."

And I can be humble.

At first, I wondered what would happen, but it seems that countries have gathered quite a few people who can really do it.

"Please act in pairs.In case of any trouble, please contact the office immediately.The royal palace will also deal with it.However, this wireless communication device and fixed communication device are really convenient.This would have made my previous work easier. "

Catalina murmured as she had her own dedicated radio.

Well, once you know the convenience, you can't let it go.

The evidence nods to the agreement of others.

"This transporter is amazing, too.What is it? The documents will be sent as they are. It's just a violation. "

That's what Cartus says about the transporters that have been spitting out requests one after the other.

This is a magical object that has been given the magic of a gate.

It allows the transfer of documents between pairs of magical devices.

You can't interact with multiple machines like FAX.

Still, considering the round-trip from the Royal Palace to this office, we are able to achieve incredible efficiency.

"I'm sorry, my story has gone offline.Now, you will receive and accept requests that have been reviewed here every morning.In principle, once one request is completed, you will return to the office and receive the next request, but I think you may continue to do so if the site is close. Thank you very much. "

Where did the excitement go when we first met, Catalina communicated her work in a casual and hands-on manner.

No, really a capable secretary.

"Sicily is basically supposed to be packed in a hospital in King's Landing.If you have a request from another city or country, you may be asked to come there. "

"Yes, I understand."

"Basically, Natasha will act together as Sicily's support."


Unlike everyone else, Sicily is supposed to work as a healing magician by packing herself into a clinic instead of moving at her request.

Though the level of healing magicians in the clinic is rising, it is still not reaching Sicily.

Such a healing magician is supposed to target patients beyond his control.

In a way, it's a tougher job than anyone else.

Natasha said she would support Sicily.

"Yes, the hospital is attached to the church.I think the hospital in King Arthur's city is fine, but Sicily is not a Son of Genesis.Some people don't think it's a good idea for people who are not priests to treat them in a clinic. "

In Catalina's words, I remembered Director Ralph of Durm.

He was a devout Genesis.

However, he was too pious to recognize me or Sicily and ran away.

Because there are such cases, people around me must have been careful.

"Natasha holds the seat of Bishop in Genesis.If she stays with us, we'll avoid useless trouble. "

"Oh, is that so?Natasha-san, that's amazing! "

The bishop is on top of the priest.

Oh, Natasha, you look the same age as us, but you're already in that position?

Isn't that amazing?

Natasha, praised by Sicily, leaned down after dyeing her cheeks red.

"No, no... compared to the Virgin, I'm as dusty as you are..."

... you have a lot of respect...

When I thought so, I suddenly raised my face.

His face contains a firm determination.

It seems that Sicily just praised me earlier and illuminated me.

"With me, I can get rid of stupid fools right away!I'm willing to risk my life to protect you from the mischievous people who approach the Virgin!! "

"Well, you don't have to do that!"

Sicily suddenly stopped in love with Natasha, who was too heavy.

In the first place, Sicily tends to be called a Virgin and specializes in healing, but she has enough power to crush Magus alone.

Not only those men, but even the soldiers who serve the country will not be able to do anything about Sicily.

"I know what Sicily can do, but stupid people exist everywhere.So be sure to act with Natasha when you act. "

"Yes, I understand."

"Natasha, thank you for Sicily."

When I told Natasha that, Natasha moisturized her eyes.

"Yes! I will protect the Virgin on my behalf to meet your expectations!"

"You don't have to risk your life!"

This will do everything in its power to protect Sicily, but you can run away with me if you're in danger!

Sicily and Maria were talking about something behind my interactions with Natasha.

"What? Sicily, did you change your necklace?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Ehehe, does it suit you?"

"Yeah, it's okay, right? It's cute, too."

While Sicily and Maria were having that conversation, I managed to pacify Natasha, and I looked at the request I had been assigned.

Uh, which one?

... hmm?

Is that it? This...

This one too?

Um, Katarina?

"Yes? What's the matter?"

"No, it's my favor...."


"... there are a lot of requests from far away from Metcha, right?"

Yes, all my requests are far from King's Landing.

Some of them were from other countries.

"Oh, there's a good reason for that."

It was Mr. Cartus who answered my question.

"Mr. Singh can use plankton magic, right?But I can't use it for anyone else. "

That's right.

"So I decided to ask Mr. Singh, who can use plankton magic, to do a distant request.Because that's the most efficient. "

"Is that so...."

Certainly, we can fly together because we use plankton magic when we act together, but we can't fly the sky alone.

Is it natural that such a request should come to me?

"So who's my partner?"

"I'm not here."



"Is that it? Did I ask you wrong?I heard you didn't have a partner.... "

"I'm not mistaken. Mr. Singh is supposed to do it alone."

Oh, is that so?

"Yes, Sicily will be exclusive to the hospital.I have a rash by myself. In that case, I decided to ask Mr. Singh, who is the most capable person, to act alone, no matter what happens. "

"Yes, it is."

If that's the case, I can't help it.

If you're alone, you don't have to worry about your partner, and it might be easy in a way.

"You're letting Sin go into the field alone...."

"I know you're worried, Your Highness, but let's trust Lord Singh here."


"Sit down. Sin is also a member of society, so don't be so reckless."



Don't look at me!

"Now, combine His Highness, Tony, Thor, Julius, Maria, Yuri, Mark, and Olivia."

Catalina has also designated a partner to combine with.

That's it, isn't it?

I'm with Yuri.

"Yes, I heard you were with His Highness when you saved us, but His Highness is the queen.I decided that a woman and I could lead to unnecessary rumors if we were on a mission together. "

That's true. Yuri, nice to meet you. "


"Now, Ultimate Magicians, let's get started!"


The Ultimate Magicians were finally activated when the deputy chief Aug tightened.


I'm the representative, right?

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