Magi's Grandson

That's what this is all about, right?

We, the Ultimate Magicians, who started like this, were on the run to solve the problems that had happened everywhere.

The most common request was to destroy monsters.

Nevertheless, there is a hunter who specializes in demon hunting.

If we hunt down all the monsters, it will disrupt their business.

Therefore, I was asked to target only the requested monsters so as not to step into the area.

This is pretty tough, and even if you come into contact with something other than the monster of interest, you must try not to hunt it as much as you can.

It would have been so much easier if it had been blown away by magic!And Alice was furious.

I mainly handled requests from afar, so in fact, there are many simple requests.

I have a request, not ours, but it seems that it is difficult to send a knight because it is far away, and I am literally flying around to deal with it.

Nevertheless, if there is such a simple request from a distance, we will not accept it if there is such a simple request nearby.

Those requests were about to be abandoned as inadmissible, but I made a proposal to resolve them.

The point is, I suggested we should ask the hunter for a favor that doesn't have to be ours.

Hunters work more because they also pay a fee.

It was mutually beneficial for the client to be able to solve the problem.

As a result, the Hunters Association has set up a board to send out requests.

... that's it, you've become a common adventurer guild in other world novels.

I wonder if we'll be able to do a rank system sometime.

Sometimes things have changed since Ultimate Magicians started, but we've been doing our job well.

Among them, there are people whose environment has changed the most.

It's Sicily.

The job description is the same as before. I work at the hospital, but it has changed.

I started to move to other cities and hospitals in other countries.

Previously, it had been packed in a hospital in King Arthur's capital, but Ultimate Magicians began to initiate treatment requests for critically ill patients from around the world.

This will be a top priority emergency request and will be communicated to the Royal Palace by fixed communication device from various locations and to Natasha's wireless communication device, which is attached as support.

When she contacted me, Sicily went to the clinic that she had requested at the gate.

That's true, patients who need Sicily's treatment are not like that, but in that case, they are mostly in a life-threatening condition, so it seems that they are accumulating a lot of effort.

I feel a little tired these days.

"Sicily, are you okay?"

When I called out worried, Sicily laughed without looking tired.

"It's okay, they don't call me that often, and it's best to see the happy faces of your family when they recover."

Sicily says so, but Sicily's job is to treat patients whose lives are in danger.

It does not take me to be there on the spot, but it takes some time as requests come through the royal palace from all over the country.

After deciding to send them to various countries, Sicily visited the treatment centers everywhere so that they could come and go at the gate immediately.

This builds on lessons learned from previous Sweeps.

But no matter how fast we can move, in the case of dying patients... sometimes we don't make it.

Until now, Sicily has looked after many of these patients who have not made it.

There can't be no hard work.

Fortunately, there was nothing to blame if I thanked Sicily for coming all the way from the contact, and I didn't seem to have much trouble with that.

Leave me alone, will you?

Silver must have sensed that Sicily was tired.

She strokes Sicily's head carefree.

"It's okay, Silver. Thank you."


Inspired by Silver's behavior, Sicily hugged Silver as she stroked her head.

A son who cares about his mother and a mother who responds to it.

It's a great sight.


"Sicily, it's buried in silver!"

"What? Ah! Oh, I'm sorry, Silver!"


Silver buried in Sicily's chest exhaled his face.

Oh, I almost choked Silver on Sicily's chest.

Sorry, right?


Sicily apologized to Silver, but Silver slapped Petty and Sicily in the chest.

"I'm sorry... it hurts!"


Sicily suddenly screamed sharply as she was struck in the chest by silver.

I used to think it was a baby, but Silver is almost two years old.

I wonder if it was getting a lot stronger.

"Are you okay, Sicily?"

"Ah, yes, it's okay."

I don't know, Sicily gave me her usual smile.

Silver is stunned by the fact that her actions were painful for her.

"Leave it, pussy."

I'm sure you realize you did something wrong and jumped right into Sicily's chest and wrongly apologized.

"It's okay, Silver. I'm sorry to exaggerate."


Sicily will forgive me, but I'm sure she feels guilty as a child.

I don't look up inside.

"Well, let alone for a while.But, Sicily, if you're really tired, tell me right away. "

"It's okay."

"... I'm worried. Should I tell Natasha to take a look?"

"I hope it's too protective."

That's what Sicily says, but if anything happens to her, I can't stay calm.

I want Natasha to keep an eye on Sicily.

Also, I asked her to contact me as soon as anything happened.

After that, Natasha contacted me every time something happened.

The Virgin is eating dinner now.

The Virgin is reading a book now.

Now the Virgin is...


I didn't tell you to report it!

I cautioned against contacting you except in the case of a real emergency.

Natasha stopped contacting me.

From the state of Natasha, who loves Sicily, I thought that there was no problem because there was no contact.

The days of tranquillity continued for a while.

We and the clerks were used to our work, and when we could afford it, there was an incoming call on my radio.

When I got there, the opponent was Natasha, who panicked.

Dear user, it's hard!!

"Natasha-san!? What's wrong!?"

Let's hurry... no way!?

The Virgin... the Virgin!

Natasha is so confused that she can't make any sense at all.

When I asked where I was in the hospital right now, all I could say was that Sicily was in trouble.

Since I couldn't figure it out, I cut off the communication from Natasha and connected it to the office.

And I heard about the hospital that Sicily was in, and I went there at the gate.

Beyond them were Sicily staring at the patient in front of her, and healing magicians desperately treating her.

"What happened!? What happened!?"

"Mi, my lord!? Um, this person's treatment...."

Ask the healing magician to see the patient being transported.

An adult male, with head and abdomen injuries, is already breathing bugs.

If the healing magician hadn't cast a spell, it wouldn't be strange if he was dead.

"Instead! Keep applying healing magic!"

I see!

In this way, I treated the seriously ill patient.

Fortunately, he wasn't dead yet, so he managed to magically hold his life back.

This kind of place is better than the previous life.

Medical care from the previous life is not going to help.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Someone who seems to be the man's wife tells her thanks with tears.

Oh, sure, this word is worth a thousand dollars.

Looking at Sicily with that in mind, she still stared at her hands.


"Eh? Ah, Shin-kun!? Why are you here!?"

You didn't realize I was here?

"What's going on?I can't believe Sicily's not treating me. "

When I said so, Sicily shook her head to the side desperately.

"No! Magic... magic..."


When I said so, Sicily screamed with tears in her eyes.

I can't use my magic anymore!

The words echoed to the treatment room.

"Eh? The magic...."


Sicily said that magic was used until she opened the gate to the hospital.

However, when I actually tried to start the treatment before the patient, the healing magic didn't work.

"I can't use my magic anymore... I..."

Sicily jumped into my chest weeping.

While I took it, I saw the healing magician in the treatment room.

The healing magician also looked at me.

"Um, can you call the woman's healing magician?"

"Ah, yes, that's right.I'll call a specialist. "

The healing magician said so and left the treatment room.


I guess you didn't understand what I was doing.

Sicily looked at me anxiously.

"Sin-kun, am I sick?"

When asked, I wondered what to answer and saw Natasha.

I was distracted.

"No, I don't know what it's like to be sick... ah, come on, let's see him"

Just then, a female healing magician arrived in the treatment room, so I left Sicily with him.

"Huh? Sin-kun won't come with me?"

Please don't do that.


"Come here, Virgin."

I turned down Sicily's request to come with me, and Sicily looked desperate.

However, the female healing magician brought Sicily to the clinic without saying whether or not she was accustomed to such patients.

"Um... are you sure you didn't want to be accompanied?"

"... does Natasha want to be seen by her lover or husband when she's undergoing such an examination?"

"Absolutely not."

That's right.

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