Magi's Grandson

Marriage in various countries

A few days after discovering that there was a wave inherent in magic, Catalina-Arenas, who came from Sweet, closed the book and welcomed me back to the office.

"Welcome home. Congratulations."

"I'm back. You were reading a book.What book? "

No way... it's not my book...

"Huh? Oh, it's a romantic novel. This is the latest work of my favorite writer, but I finished my work early today, so I'm worried about the continuation...."

Well... good... not the book...

"Oh, you have a favorite writer.What's your name? "

When I heard that, Catalina told me with pleasure.

"I'm an amarier and I'm a writer who writes stories!"


When Catalina told me that, I heard Alma-Bietti's little voice coming from Darm.

Alma, what's wrong?

"Ah... sorry, I missed my report... I have to rewrite it."


Catalina may have finished her work, but is Alma still at work?

"I'm sorry for the noise."

"Yes! No! I'm sorry I broke my back.Please, continue the story..... "

When I was told that, it was hard to talk inside...

It seems that Alma feels responsible when I cut the conversation.

Something, I feel like Alma is very worried about the surroundings.

So I decided to continue the conversation just now so that Alma wouldn't have to worry about anything strange.

"Does Catalina read a lot of books?"

"Yes! Even though it's just romance novels... ah!But! I've read Master Shin's book!! "


I was alarmed!

No way, I didn't know you were coming from this stream!

"That book is no longer an exaggeration of Sin and Sissy's romance novel!I've read it and I'm thumping! "

Stop it! Stop it!

Stop chasing me!


I can't believe the reader of that book who wrote about me is asking me for my opinion...

What torture!

"Pu... kuku"

When I thought so, I heard a laugh from behind.

It looks like the Aug is back.

Looking closely, he's shaking his shoulders to Mark, who came back with me, and Tony, who came back with Aug.

You guys....

"Arenas, please don't do this anymore.Xin can't help but be embarrassed by the example books that she has written about herself. ”


Catalina leans her neck strangely.

Why don't you understand this embarrassment...

"By the way, why are you talking about this?"

"Ah... no, Katarina was reading a book, so I asked her what kind of book she was reading."

"Well, what's the story?"

Asked Catalina, who seemed to be intrigued by Aug, she suddenly said so.

"Um... well..."

"What? Is it a book I can't tell you?"

The aug's eyes were slightly thinner.

"No! That's not it!"

"Oh, you said it was a romance novel, right?I don't think it's that hard to talk about... ah!Maybe it's for adults.... "


"Chi, no!! It's a normal romance novel!"

No, it's not.

“Then why are you stuttering?”

Earlier, it seemed like you were going to tell me what was going on, right?Is it hard to talk to Aug? "

"Um... this is just a fictional story of a fictional country."

When Aug and I pursued it further, Catalina told me to be careful and then told me what was going on.

"This is a story of a civilian girl falling in love with a prince who had come to the city with patience."

... hmm?

It's a common setting for stories.

Why are you talking to Aug?

"... what's so hard about that?"

"That's it...."

When Aug asked me to speak on my behalf, Catalina drowned in her gaze and talked like she thought.

"The prince has a political fiancé.The prince doesn't like the fiancée's woman... and it's hard to talk to the princess who loves her... "

Oh, that's right.

It is well known that Aug cares about Queen Ellie.

Immediately after graduating from the academy, it was announced that Ellie was pregnant, so that His Royal Highness still has a reputation among citizens for being deeply loved by Her Royal Highness the Princess.

There is no doubt because I heard from someone I know at the client.

It must have been hard for an aug like that to hear a story about a prince who didn't like his fiancée.

However, the person in question leans his neck even if he asks for the contents.

"Why is it so hard to talk?"

"Hmm? Because you're a prince who despises his fiancée.My fiancé in this story is a terrible personality... and I think she might make me sick... "

And Catalina, huh?I explained it with the expression saying, "Why?"

... ahh, maybe this is the difference in national characteristics that is causing the confusion.

"Um, Catalina, is it possible that suede is dominated by aristocratic and royal marriage?"

"Yes, it's not just Sweet, it's everybody around."

Catalina looked around at everyone in the office.

All the clerks were listening, and Quanlon's Min-Shaolin, Khanan's Ian Collie, and Kurt's Henri Monterey nodded.

"Because we don't have a nobility system, I don't think that's much of a problem."

That's Ellis Cartus.

Ellis is presidential.

There is no identity system, all civilians.

Jesus' Natasha is not here because she's at my house with Sicily.

As a result, the eyes of the remaining person gather.

It's Alma.

"Ah... um... I'm sorry. I don't really understand right now...."

Alma leaned when she said so.

The words made Aug's eyes slightly steeper.

"Don't you understand? Did I hear that Miss Alma worked for the bureau before she was sent here?"

Aug's that's closer to a question than a question.

The dispatchers from the volatile Darm of the political situation keep an eye on Alma's trends.

In fact, it appears that some of them are spying on us in secret.

However, basically it's just a round trip between the office and the apartment I rent as my home, and it seems like I'm just hanging out at home except for occasional shopping.

So far, there have been no suspicious movements.

Still, it seems that the suspicion cannot be wiped out.

I can see the aim of asking a few questions after stepping into this machine.

In response to Aug's question, Alma responded with a busy gaze.

"Um... I was a civilian and a clerk at the office."So I have never been involved with the aristocrats.So, the nobleman is gone, right?Even if the chosen one came, honestly, it didn't have much to do with my job.... "

I see.

It doesn't have much to do with the staff at the end, does it?

"Oh, and you were chosen as my clerk?"

Speaking of which, yes.

I don't know what to say, but I heard that only elites with great backgrounds were chosen by our clerks.

I also saw Alma's resume, but there must have been a recommendation that she was a good clerk.

You lied to me?


In response to Aug's question, Alma told him why, even though it was hard to say.

"Because the characters are beautiful... and the report was praised for being easy to read, so I wonder if that's why..."



You chose it because it's beautiful and the report is easy to read?

What the hell is that?

"Oh, yes. Alma's report was very popular with the castle's people because it was beautiful and easy to read."

Henri affirmed that he was tilting his neck for what Alma had said.


"Yes, the receptionist said last time I went to the royal castle that it was concise and easy to understand.I was jealous of all the people who would submit dirty, unruly reports. "

Oh, is that so?

Henri often arranges meetings between us and the royal castle, so I guess that's when he heard about it.

Catalina in her secretarial role, Alma in her secretarial role, and Cartas-Zenith from Ellis in her sales role.

By the way, Ian-Cory, who is from Kanan, seems to be good at calculations and is in charge of accounting.

There seems to be no use for fine muscles so far...

Mr. Shaolin, who has been rapidly added as a clerk, is working as a general manager, but is often not in the office in preparation for the soon to be opened Kwanlin language school.

Sometimes we use our gates to get back to Quanron or get busy on another side.

Speaking of which, what are you talking about?

I was a bit out of line, but what was that about?

"Is Arthur Heyd a romantic marriage?"

Catalina, the original provider of the story, reminded me.

"Oh, I see. Basic romantic marriages are also recommended in Earlsheed.The royal family, and there's nothing wrong with marrying a nobleman and a civilian. "

"Um, can I ask you something?"

That's what Alice said when she came home.

There is also Combi's phosphorus on the side.

What's up, Corner?

"Well, I don't think there's a problem with Sin and Sicily because Sin is not normal, but is everything else okay?For example, a noble lady marries a normal civilian, or... a civilian woman marries a noble man... "

Alice asked Aug that while she was a little moody.

Huh? Huh?

Who is this?



"Ah, oh, no particular problem if they're convinced.However, it seems difficult for a civilian woman to marry a noble man..... "


The aug answered bewildered, and Alice ate more.

So who is this!?

"Ah, yeah. Life as a nobleman is very different from life as a civilian.Many manners have to be remembered, and many people are tired of spiritual exhaustion without getting used to it. "

"That's right...."

Alice thought with a mysterious face.

Huh? Seriously what?

"... what happened to the corner?"

Aug was also puzzled by Alice's condition, and he whispered to me.

"I don't know, what is it?"

Until now, I've only rebelled against these romantic stories, but Alice today...

Ah! No way!?

When I was stunned by my reasoning....

"Ah, you know!"

Alma, who had been making noise just now, suddenly shouted out loud.

"Well, as we were talking about earlier... is it possible that His Highness and Her Highness are also in a romantic marriage?"

Yeah, well, that's what I was talking about.

"Oh, yeah."

When Aug answered Alma, who suddenly changed his attitude slightly, Catalina and Alma cheered.

"That's why I don't repeat myself to stories about my fiancée's politics."

"That's right! It's lovely!"

"Ah, um! Can I talk to you about it in detail next time?"

Unlike Catalina, who is honestly impressed, Alma's taste is amazing.

I wonder if you were so impressed?

"I'm sorry, but I'm not good at talking like that. Please don't."

However, Aug refused Alma's wishes.

What? I knew you'd be vigilant... no, no.

Speaking of which, I've heard about Aug and Ellie's acquaintance, but I've never heard of a relationship or a proposal.

Are you really bad or are you just embarrassed?

Either way, it seems difficult to find out.

"Ah, I see...."

Alma, who was refused, was shocked or bored.

Um, Mr. Alma, can I talk to you for a second?

That's how Maria approached Alma.

When did you get home?

Maria heard something as she approached Alma.

Alma's eyes glistened again at that moment.


"Yeah, looks like they're all home, and we're done here, right?Would you like to join us for dinner? And Catalina. "

In Maria's words, Catalina smiled and said, "Please!I said, but when Alma thought she had a happy expression, she immediately remembered something like "ahh", and it drifted again.

"I'm sorry... I have business to attend to today..."

"Oh, yeah. Now, let's do it again."

"Yes, I'm sorry you invited me around."

Alma said so and left immediately with her luggage.

"Well, I won't do it today, either.Let's go with Alma when it's convenient for us. "

She refused to go to dinner with Maria instead of Alma.

"Yes, unfortunately, let's do that.Good luck, everyone! "

Maria said so and left at the gate.

"Ah! Hey, wait, Messina!"

The Aug reached out in a hurry, but the gate shut abnormally.

The aug, reaching into the space where the gate had disappeared, grasped what he was offering as he swanned.

"He's... he's not going to talk, is he?"

Ah, speaking of which, Maria is a visionary countess.

She went to middle school at the same aristocratic college as Aug, so do you know about Aug's romantic situation?

Well, I'm sure you're happy to tell me it's that way.

I guess that's why I came back.

"... will you shut up under the authority of Prince Wang..."

I'm trying to use the Crown Prince's authority for some reason, this one.

I put my hand on Aug's shoulder with the feeling of giving up and gently shook my neck to the side.

Interrupt a girl from falling in love with Bana....

I don't know what to say later.

You drew on my feelings, and the Aug dropped his shoulders.

Besides, Maria felt a little uncomfortable earlier.

Even though it was a love banana, it was something refreshing to deal with...

Previously, on the day I heard about someone else's love banana, I said, "Why are you all around?"Even though it was tingling.

Well, we're already social people, and maybe we're just going to do it within our own people.

In front of the clerks who knew each other on a shallow day, I might have weighed myself down.

In that sense, it may make sense for Maria to go to dinner with Catalina and Alma.

Speaking of which, you said Mr. Alma was just back and forth from his office to his house, right?

You're on business, aren't you?


Alma, who left the Ultimate Magicians' office, went straight to her house except for buying dinner ingredients on the way.

We arrived at a three-story brick apartment.

When I climbed the stairs of my apartment and came to my room, I was shouted.

"Finally you're back....."

It was a middle-aged man in a suit who came to me.

Looking at the man's face, Alma exhaled gently and opened the door to her room.

Come on in.

Alma quickly enters the room when she says so briefly, followed by men.

The man came out of Alma's room a few hours later.

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