The "Republic" of Darm, between the Kingdom of Arthur and the Kingdom of Sweet

In this former kingdom, repeated failures in the upper echelons undermined the trust of the royal family.

Immediately after the end of the Warrior King campaign, the new King refused to return the weapons lent by Sin, rather than Arthur Heyd... indicating his disobedience.

Though Derm was supposed to be isolated from the world at last, Hiiro, who was behind General Ralph, who ran off and created the crack of the Derm crash, stopped the royal runaway.

He was regarded by the people as a hero, not a "royal", but a defender of the "state".

Hiiro separated the royal family from politics and abolished the aristocracy, saying that politics could not be left to the present royal family, and that politics was to be run by deputies elected by the people.

Hiiro was elected 'prime minister', who was not just a member of parliament, but the top member of parliament, because of his popularity with the people.

Here, unlike Elles, whose representatives are elected only from the merchants, the first republic was created to elect politicians entirely from the general public.

Out of the civilian population, Hyiro, who had been a regular soldier of the army for a long time, climbed up to the point of being a representative of a country.


The envy of everyone, the great success of Hiro, held his head in his office.

"Prime Minister, we have another complaint from citizens that taxes are high."

In response to the words of the secretary, the prime minister, Hiro, unexpectedly shouted out loud.

"Ha!? It's lower than it used to be in the royal system!What the hell are you talking about!! "

"Even if you say so, there's actually a petition coming up."

Hiero began to read the secretary's retrieved documents when he received them.

"Why... why... why is the tax rate still lower than during the royal era... and why is the tax so high?"

The first thing Hiiro did when he took office as Prime Minister was to reduce the tax rate.

This was because the abolition of the nobility system and the fact that all became civilians made it unnecessary to collect excessive taxes.

But something unexpected happened there.

The tax collected was significantly less than expected.

Since the nobles ran out of money to collect, the amount of money to enter the state should have increased.

Hiro hurried to collect additional taxes because he could not set the budget that he had planned because the tax collection was bad.

I managed to collect the amount I had planned, but since then, dissatisfaction has begun to grow among citizens.

Although slightly higher than in the beginning, the tax rate is lower than in the royal era.

"Maybe I shouldn't have lowered it significantly in the first place.Once a person learns to enjoy themselves, he becomes dissatisfied with a few things. ”

In the words of the secretary, Hiiro has a head.

In fact, the secretary was right.

At first, it was very popular among the citizens as a prime minister who lowered the tax rate.

However, less than a year after the initial collection, there was an additional collection.

In the end, the citizens quickly became distrustful of Hiiro as if it were the same as other politicians.

Hiiro's endorsement rate is now on the decline.

Still, Hiro is still in the prime minister's seat because the prime minister has made the law that he cannot be removed for less than five years after taking office.

But what happens after five years, Hyiro gets a headache just thinking about five years from now.

"Yes, in the first place! Why is the tax collection so bad!?It's crazy from there! "

Hyiro didn't think about it and shouted at the first cause of this.

According to the prospectus, only state-run funds were expected to be collected at the first tax rate without any problems.

It went bankrupt all of a sudden.

"I see. Last year we had the Magus King battle, so maybe we had less gross domestic product?"

"... what about this year?"


"There was no such factor last year.However, this year's budget collection is also bad.... "

After collecting taxes from citizens, a new revenue and expenditure report was submitted, but Hyiro sighed deeply when he saw the report.

The higher the tax rate, the more money we collected last year… but still much less than we expected.

"I don't have to raise the tax rate this year anyway... but it's still close.If a large-scale disaster occurs, we will have to collect more money..... "

When Hyiro said so, he held his head.

"If that's the case, why don't you ask Ultimate Magicians in Arthur Suyde?It's cheaper than managing on your own. "

When the secretary said so, Hyiro raised his head in a fuss.

"I don't want to rely on them!!"

The secretary sighed as he saw Hyiro screaming.

"Why do you hate them so much?I think these are some wonderful young people who don't show off their power and use it for the people? ”

When the secretary said so, Hiro rose even more dramatically.

"Shut up!! I don't want to help them!!Get out of here!! "

Hyiro shouted as he threw the balance sheet in his hand at the secretary.

The secretary saw Hyiro losing his mind and turned his heel back without saying anything.

Then, from behind, I heard a rattling voice.

"Why... why... why... why is he all over me... even though I got so far..."

I don't know who you're talking about, but I can assume you're talking about someone from Ultimate Magicians.

The opponent is a hero enough to save the world, and it's interesting to compare, but who are you fighting?

"... my eyes are cloudy because I've been looking so far away..."

And he murmured in a loud voice that Hiro could not hear.

Yes, the secretary was aware of the cause of Hyiro's confusion.

As a result, the country is gradually becoming rough.

But the secretary didn't say it.

Because after graduating from college, the secretary has been involved in government as an official.

However, it was Hiiro who had never been involved in politics when he held the position of Prime Minister in this coup d 'état.

The secretary didn't think much about Hiiro sitting on the throne of the former head of state just because he was popular with the people.

Therefore, it was a natural consequence of the secretary that the instructions from the people of Hairo fell, and I did not think to help.

(This country won't be long either.....)

With that thought, I put my hand on the door knob and was called from behind.

"Hey, so I guess you sent some decent people to Ultimate Magicians?"

That's what the secretary said when he turned around thinking of something.

"Yes, I have dispatched a good number of people."

"I see.... then that's fine."

Following Hilo's words, the secretary now left the office.

And when I closed the door, I heard Hiro murmuring again.

"Something... the secret of the Ultimate Magicians... no, if I knew his secret..."

In response to the murmur, the secretary shut the door without saying anything.

"As you ordered, I've dispatched a decent man."

When the secretary told Hiro not to hear him, he went to his office.

Hearing the footsteps fade away, Hyiro wondered if the frustration had broken through the limits and said, "Ahhh!I scratched my head as I screamed.

"Shit! Shit!! Why!? Why!?He... he didn't have a cheat!Not just powerful magic, but a genius in magic tools!?Normally, that kind of thing doesn't keep you down!!Why are you making such a grand announcement?Besides... marrying a beautiful Virgin and even a child... "

After Hiro said that, he clasped his fists in both hands and slapped the waiting desk.

"What's the difference between me and him!?"He's a reincarnated man, isn't he?You used your modern knowledge cheat to get to where you are now!?Why do I have to suffer so much after doing the same thing!! "

In the empty office, Hyiro spit out his heart.

Then, after exhaling his rough breath, he smiled as if he had thought of something.

"That's right. He's an irresistible civilian, even if he's called a hero.But how about me? I'm a prime minister now... and I'll never be inferior to him. "

Hiro was laughing alone when he said that, but suddenly he opened his eyes.

"Ngh! Haaah!!"

Suddenly, with unbearable pain running through his body, Hyiro rolled onto the floor and began to suffer.

"Ugh... shit... ahhh!!"

It was Hyiro who had been rolling around the floor in agony for a while, but the pain finally healed and he fell down to the floor in large letters, and he calmed his breath.

"Hah, hah... what the hell... the doctors don't know why... damn it!Why... why do you keep seeing me like this... "

With that, Hyiro cried quietly while lying on the floor.

There was not a single person who could comfort such a clown.

A different city from King Darm's capital.

This is another fine office in one of the biggest buildings in the city.

Thinking that the office door had been knocked roughly, the door was opened before the permission of the person inside was given.

I wonder! Are you calling? Gopeh!

The man who entered the office without hesitation fell to the ground, receiving a glass ashtray that had been thrown at his face.

You stupid bastard! How many times have I told you to wait for my reply!?And I told you not to call me "I don't know"!! "

The man who threw the ashtray did not look worried towards the fallen man, but shouted.

The man doesn't look very stubborn and doesn't fit into this office.

Rather, the word "ka" said by the fallen man had a more refreshing appearance.

But the man did not tolerate it.

"Call me Senator properly. Next time you make a mistake, I won't forgive you."

"Nh, I'm so sorry...."

When the man implicitly told him that there was no next time, the man who stood up apologized, bleeding from his nose and mouth.

The man in the office told me to call myself a senator.

In other words, he was one of the elected deputies of Durm as a republican state.

However, the appearance does not seem to be robust.

The man was a human being from the underworld.

"Why? What happened to the case?"

When the senator asks, the incoming man reports bleeding.

"Hehe! The selection is over and we are already lurking into his country!"

Oh? And the neck and tail?

When the councillor heard that, the man asked wandered his gaze.

"That's it...."

"Oh? What, it didn't work out?"

"Yes, no! The infiltration itself is complete!However, there have been reports that some of the nobles in that country cannot be incorporated..... "

The congressman sighed deeply at the report.

"Tsk, what are you cumming about?"This is the best time. "

"I'm sorry! I'm going to blow it up to be more aggressive!"

"Absolutely, okay? If you screw up this opportunity, you can't just do it."

He was a man who fought in fear of the sword of the senator, but at the same time doubts arose.

Kashi Ah!? Yi, Senator. Isn't that nice? "

"What is it?"

"Why are you targeting such a big country?It's a little reckless, isn't it? "

When the man said so, the senator let out a deep sigh.

"I don't know anything, Ome."

"Hah, hah..."

"Certainly, if you challenge that country head-on, you won't win against a tiny country like you."

It is, isn't it?

But I don't know.

The senator smiled when he said so.

"This is a great opportunity."

"Now, is this the time? Certainly, that country is floating around now that the princess is pregnant..."

"That's why."

“How's it going?

A man who can't quite understand what the senator is saying.

Towards the man, the senator said with a deeper smile.

"This is a good idea...."

So the councillor cut off his words and said, "Be careful."

"I can hear Earlsheide from behind."

The man gazed at the congressman, confidently saying so.

Earlsheide Kingdom, a great power that can be said to be the most accomplished in the previous Battle of the Demon King.

I can take control of it.

The man accidentally swallowed his saliva to such a dreamlike story.

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