Magi's Grandson

Everyone has a relationship.

Welcome back.

"Ah, Shin-kun. Welcome home."


When I got home at the gate, Sisily, who was knitting, greeted me with a raised face.

And Silver greeted me cheerfully and ran straight to me.

"Oops! I'm here, Silver. Were you a good boy?"


She lifted up the running silver and said that it was home, and Silver replied with a smile.

Hah, it's healing.

"Welcome home, Sin-san."

"Welcome home, Mr. Wolford."

"Welcome home, Shin. I'm sorry to bother you."

Continuing to be called, I looked at the voice, and there were Ellie, Olivia, and Chris Nee-chan.

Huh? It's unusual to have Chris Nee-chan.

When I said that, Chris Nee-chan made a face of "Ugh."

Sicily laughed and told me what was tilting her face and neck.

"Chris, onee-san, it looks like you had a fight with Sieg oniisama.That's why I came out of the house because it was difficult to face each other. "

"Chris, Nee-chan..."

You married Zeke and made a baby, but you still have that kind of relationship.

"And you can't help it!?" When I say that I want to return to work after giving birth to this child, I say, "Be quiet at home!"

Ah, it's a delicate question of whether a woman continues to work after having a child.

Even though I had to choose my words and discuss them carefully, I guess Sieg told her as usual.

That would be a fight.

"To be honest, as a knight like Chris, I want you to continue your work even after you get married and give birth."There are some places that I can't get in without being escorted by a woman.However... this is a family matter, so I can't force it. "

Ellie was troubled by the difficult issue and sighed.

"I will return to Mark's parents' house after giving birth, so I will return immediately."

It was Olivia who said that.


I'll come back when I'm stable enough to use my magic.

Since I'm a man of my own volition, I'd like you to do as Cicily tells you.


"After all, you don't have to rush so much."even after giving birth like Olivia.... "

"I don't have to go to the hospital like Olivia, so I can return before giving birth.Besides, I will be taking a short rest before and after childbirth, so I want to return a little sooner. "

As for me, I think it's okay to return to work after giving birth like Olivia, but Sisily seems to be stubborn. Even if she can't use magic now, she wants to return a little sooner if she can use magic.

"Hah, we've talked a lot, so I won't say any more, but be careful."

"Yes, I know."

Chris stared at Sicily as she said that and smiled.

I envy you, Sin, for showing me understanding.

Speaking of which, is Zeke and Chris Nee-chan's home the capital of the kingdom?

"That's right. That's why I'm telling you to leave the child with one of your parents, but that man..."

It seems that my anger is bouncing back again.

Hah... it's about another family, so I can't talk badly, so I'll just have to ask the two of us to make up.

With that thought, I didn't go any deeper into the story, and sat next to Sisily holding the silver.

I saw a book resting on Ellie's lap, sitting opposite her.

"Oh, Ellie's reading a book, too?"

"Yeah. Or 'also'?"

Yeah, I was just talking about books in my office.

I talked to you earlier at the office.

Ellie looked a little surprised.

"What a coincidence." I was reading Amalie's new book. "

"Hey, is that the prince who falls in love with a common girl?"


"Doesn't Ellie care to say that?Catalina was worried that Augg might be offended. "

“Nothing. It's a fictional story of a fictional country.I don't confuse it with reality.Rather, it's a joy to read because it's so far from reality. ”

Huh, that's not true.

"That's not true."

You're saying the same thing as Augg.

Even if the roles of prince and fiancé are the same, it would seem like a totally different fiction if the system were different.

Oh, by the way.

"I've read a few novels about that hand, but I've heard stories about my fiancée getting scared by other daughters."Wasn't Ellie like that? "

Asked with a little curiosity, Ellie let out a deep sigh with a sinister expression.

"Even this is the Duchess's daughter, so I didn't get carried away..."

So much so that Ellie wandered her gaze and stumbled.

Sicily replied instead of Ellie, who seemed confused.

Speaking of which, when His Highness and Ellie-san got engaged, there was someone who was hitting on Ellie-san.

By the way, Aug and Ellie were engaged before they got into college.

So Cicilie also knows what happened then?

By the way, when did you two get engaged?

I was in junior high school for a year.

"You're a royalty. You're early..."

"Since you said you knew each other when you were five years old, you said you were engaged to a childhood friend!"

Olivia, who was listening beside her, seemed to have a sense of closeness because she was married to her childhood friend.

"When I announced the engagement, I said, 'I'm more worthy than you!But, "Quit your engagement now!"There was this idiot who told me about it."

Ellie told me about the daughter with a look of tiredness.

"Aug and Ellie are in a romantic marriage, right?Moreover, I heard that Aug confessed and proposed.

"It didn't seem like that to me, so I was told, 'I must have taken your weakness and threatened you.'"

"I'll grasp Aug's weakness and threaten her..."

In the unlikely situation, I, Sisily, Olivia, and Chris tilted my neck.

"He didn't suspect that he was going to marry Aug."It seems that they were listening when they were proposed to them by Augs soon. "

Why did you think that?

Doesn't that seem like a good sign that you might be proposed to by Augg?

Does Augg take such a tactful attitude?

"At the academy, I was constantly wandering around the Aug, but one day the Aug picked up the dropped handkerchief and handed it to me."From then on, she thought she was dating Augg. "

"Oh, oh let's..."

That's not a dimension of intense imagination, it's a delusional habit...

She smiled bitterly when she saw Sisily's face wondering if there was such a person.

"That's the kind of person you were."

"Were you really there...?"

I wonder if there was such a thing in the aristocratic academy...

Oh, no, that's why.

Perhaps you have been able to get everything you love from an early age, and have lived with affirmation of your actions and existence.

That's why I thought I'd always get what I like.

The nobility of Earlsheide has heard from a young age that the nobility exists for the people, but is there such a thing?

Did she spoil herself too much?

"That's why every day, every day, you came to me and said, 'I love you,' but you screamed, 'Don't break into my relationship with you.'"

"If you've been making so much noise, don't let it get into Aug's ear..."

"Of course, I'm in." Aug came to the scene where he was calling out to me, and turned to him and said, "Who are you?"I let go."

"Wow, damn..."

From the person I think I'm dating, I said, "Who are you? It is said to be '.

"If I knew that it wasn't even recognized..."

"With that dazed side of her ass, Aug turned to the crowd that was gathered and said," Everything he said now is false.If anyone believed or said anything about it, I wouldn't trust that person. "

Oh, that's a good-looking thing to do, Aug.

Ellie seemed a little proud to remember that time, too.

But Sicily, staring at Ellie like that, was giggling.

What's the matter?

"Fufu, no. Ellie-san broke a scene, which makes me crazy."

Did you break it?

"Hey! Mr. Sisily!"

Ellie rushed to stop Sicily, but Olivia sat next to her and guarded her.

Indeed, that's what His Highness said. That's when he said it while holding Ellie-san's shoulder.


I looked at Ellie thinking, "Is that really the situation?"

She covered her face with both hands, with a bright red face.

"Wow! Your Highness, that sounds like a love story!"

Olivia is going to put a stop to Ellie, who is embarrassed.

Looking at those two, Chris Nee-chan let out a small sigh.

“I envy you, I have no such romantic memories.”

"I mean, what about Chris Nee-chan?"Honestly, I can't imagine what happened to those two until now. "


In my words, Chris didn't think that Nee-chan's story would be right for him, and he looked a little jumpy.

"Ah, I'm curious about that.Please tell me how Chris and Zeke got married. "

“I want to know too!”

"That's right! It's not fair that I'm the only one embarrassed!"

"Wait, wait a minute!" That's right, Her Ladyship's dialogue is strange! "

"It's not crazy!" Come on! Spit it out! "


Well, as a knight serving the country, can't you defy the orders of the princess?

At last, Chris and Sieg may be able to listen to you.

That's what I thought.

"Ah! Incoming! It's an incoming call!"

Chris rang the bell from Nee's radio.

With the help of the tongue-punching princess, Chris Nee went out to the radio.

"Yes!... oh. Now? It's Shin's house.How about you come back? What do you think you're doing?Huh? Huh... I see.... I see, then I'll leave now. "

Based on the content of the story, it was Sieg-chan.

It seems that she contacted her daughter-in-law who ran away from home and asked her to come back.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. I'm leaving, so I didn't have to talk to you about this."

"Whoa! I'm so sloppy!"

Singh, Gate, please.

"Ah, but..."

Cicilie also seemed to have listened, so I didn't immediately understand Chris's request...


Yes! OK!

Chris' voice was so scary that he immediately connected the gate to Chris's house.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, Your Highness." Singh and the others will see you again. "

Chris, after greeting Ellie politely, waved at us and dived back through the gate.

Oh, I thought I could hear you and Siegfried around the corner.

Olivia was so frustrated that the radio rang.

Huh? Me?

Olivia says so, and goes out to the comms.

"Ah! I'm sorry! If Wolford's gone, so is Mark."Yeah, that's right. Wolford's house.Yeah, I'll be waiting. "

Mark was the target of the transmission, and he was picking up Olivia, who was unable to use her magic in her first trimester.

Soon after, Mark came to pick her up, Olivia returned, and Aug came to pick up Ellie so that she could get her way.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Wolford, but I was taken care of.See you tomorrow, Sin. "

"Oh, see you tomorrow."

I remembered what I had just said, and I saw them off in desperate desperation so as not to sneeze.

After that, Miranda and Natasha, who had always been airy, walked back and left the front door.

In the living room, which suddenly became quiet when people disappeared, I asked Cicilie about something that bothered me a little.

Speaking of which, what happened to the daughter after she ran into Ellie?

I was wondering what happened to the daughter because she caused such a commotion.

"Huh? Well, it's true. Soon after that, he left the Wangdu Academy and moved into his own academy."After that, I don't know. "

Wow, I was so embarrassed that I couldn't stay at the academy.

I think so, but I don't care what the details are.

I don't think Sisily had that kind of interaction with her daughter, and it wouldn't help if she didn't know the details.

Nevertheless, I thought Aug and Ellie were doing well, but that's what happened in the past.

Let's ask Mark and Olivia next time.

We're all known from confessions.

I have a right to know!

I think so.

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