Magi's Grandson

Happy sight

When Sicily, Olivia, and Ellie each had children, the kingdom of Earlsheide was again enveloped in a celebratory mood.

Ellie, the princess of the prince, gave birth to a princess named Octavia, who was called Via-chan and loved by all her companions.

Even though the princess is so revered by the people around her, she can't be so cute. That's what Uncle Dis said while holding Via, her first grandchild, in love.

According to Aug, when he was a child, there was no one who would deal cheerfully with him other than his parents.

Well, I guess that's normal for royalty.

We are so close that we sometimes forget that Augg is a royal family that we feel like children of friends.

But that's just us, not the other aristocrats.

When they showed their eyes a few months after they were born, the adults knelt down and hung their heads, and Cecil, the father-in-law who came to play at home, taught them while holding Shal.

When you hear that, you remember that Augg is a royal family.

"No... no one normally forgets that His Royal Highness Augusto is a royal family even without such a thing..."

"Sometimes I forget that I'm a royalty."

"Your Highness..."

Ms. Cecil was grim when she said that.

Perhaps it was strange, but Shal laughed and slapped Mr. Cecil in the face.

Sicily and her mother-in-law, Eileen, are giggling at the sight.

"Grandma, Grandpa, what's wrong?"

Silver, hugged on Eileen's lap, doesn't know why her grandfather, Cecil, is nagging.

So I raised my face and asked Eileen, but the words were so firm that they could not be compared to before.

A little while ago, I called it "Baba", but it was an amazing advance.

When Charles was born, he saw his brothers and sisters and realized himself again as a brother, and the growth of Charles was remarkable.

Asked, Eileen smiled as she narrowed her eyes on the growth of Silver and stroked her head as she looked up.

"It's nothing, Silver."Grandpa's just a little tired. "

"Is that so? Grandpa, you're beating me up."

"Silver is so sweet."Come on, you. Silver's worried, so be shy.Sin, what's the relationship between you two now? "

"... I see. I'm sorry, Silver, but Grandpa's fine now."

"... really?"

"Oh, come on, Silver, come here too."

Ms. Cecil said that and slapped herself on the knee while holding Shal.


Silver stepped down from Eileen's lap and onto Cecil's.

I was holding Shal and putting silver on my lap, but there was nothing unstable about the figure.

"Amazing, your father-in-law."

Cecil laughed when I told him so.

"Even if you look like this, you still have four children."Especially since Lois, Cecilia, and Sylvia were newborns, it was really hard for three of them to do it at the same time.On the other hand, when I was at Cicilie, everyone wanted to take care of it, so it was hard to keep the order. "

No, I don't think so.

It is natural to get used to having four children.

Silver on Mr. Cecil's lap is giving Shal a hard smile.

I was glad that Shar also knew about your brother.

"However, I have the image that the nobleman leaves the childcare to the nanny and the servant, but wasn't it?"

When I said that, Cecilia and Eileen looked at each other and giggled.

"Certainly, there are houses like that."In Earlsheide, that idea is a bit outdated. ”

"Of course, my husband has a job, and I also have a relationship with my wife in another house, so I got a little help, but basically we grew up together."

Well, I completely left the handling of night crying to the servants, so I made it a lot easier on that side.

When Cecil and Eileen said so, Sicily nodded in agreement.

“I tried my best to do everything myself when I was in Silver, but this time I was helped.”

It was Charles who started crying at night three months after his birth, but now he has the help of his maids.

When I was a Silver, I was anxious because it was my first child rearing or something, but I still had to go to college as a student, so I almost fell.

Now that I'm at work, I decided to rely on what I could rely on.

But when you think about it, it's hard for Mark.


I am a commoner, but my grandfather and grandmother are extremely prestigious, so the royal family is distracted and dispatches servants.

But Mark and Olivia are a pure commoner.

I have parents but no servants.

The gate opened unexpectedly, thinking that it was going to be difficult.

Looking at who it was, it was Mark and Olivia who came out of it with a tired look.

Olivia has two boys in her arms.

"Hello, Mr. Wolford."

I'm sorry to bother you.

"Oh, there you are. Max, there you are."

Max is the name of Mark and Olivia's child.

Greeted by Max's cheek in Olivia's arms, Max looked at me with a kyotonous look on his face.

Ah, did Sisily's father and mother come too?

"I'm sorry, were you disturbed?"

After greeting me, Marc and Olivia, who noticed Cecil and Eileen, asked, looking sorry.

It was not me who answered that question, but Cecil and Eileen.

No, I don't mind at all.

"Fufu, you've got more babies."I'm glad you're here. Don't be shy. ”

The two invited Olivia to the sofa.

"Excuse me."

Olivia was seated between Cecil and Eileen.

Silver was the first to react.

"Maggot! Hello!"

Silver descended from Cecil's lap and sat back between Cecil and Olivia.

"Hi Silver, can you play with Max today?"


Silver, entrusted with Olivia's babysitting, replied cheerfully.

As soon as Silver reached out to Max's head, Max accepted Silver's hand with a full smile.

... when I was younger...

"Ahhhh," said Sharu, getting suspicious because of the difference in Max's attitude.

Looking at the situation, Ms. Eileen said to Silver with a giggle.

"Oh dear, Shar-chan wants you to play with oniichan even more."


Silver turned toward Charles in Eileen's words and saw Charles stretching his hand toward him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Silver said that and stroked his head as he grabbed Shal's extended hand.

And now Max is in a bad mood.

Whoa, whoa.

Silver turned to Max in a hurry and stroked Max's head with the hand that Shal let go of her by stroking her head.

Our mouths filled with nature and laughter at the appearance of silver, who was greeting both of us with his hands.

"Fufu, you're a good brother, Silver."

Olivia smiles at Silver, who is giving her child a hard time.

That face was already a fine mother.

"Speaking of which, I was just talking to you two."

Mark and Olivia tilted their necks as they recalled the conversation they had had before they came.

"Are we talking about ourselves?"

“Yeah. This time, we decided to ask the servants to take care of Shal, but Mark didn't have anyone like that, so it would be tough.”

When I said that, they both smiled bitterly.

Sure is a lot of trouble.

"Now I can see how hard it is for you two."I really admire you for raising Silver while attending college. "

Now I'm behaving modestly, but the two of us can't hide our fatigue.

Now that I'm back at Mark's parents' house, I'm sure Mark's parents will help me, but I can't help but rely on him.

Especially Olivia, even though she's familiar with her childhood and has known her for a long time, since she's married to another family, it's hard to ask for anything.

"I thought so. Max is watching us, so why don't you take a nap?"

When I said that, Mark and Olivia looked at each other.

"... can I ask you a favor?"

"Oh, I know the room."You can use it there. "

"That's very helpful."

Thank you very much.

Well, I'll wake you up after a while.

When I said that, Olivia took the crib out of the cross-space storage and put Max there to sleep.

Well then, please.

"Oh, take your time."

The two of them went up the stairs, looking a little relieved.

Cecil stood up as he followed the two behind him.

I'll sleep with Shalmax, too.

Ms. Cecil said that and laid Shal next to Max.

The two of them lying in the crib together seem to be in some good mood.

"Oh my, you're both friendly, aren't you?"

Sicily's face seemed to be dumbfounded by the adorable sight.

Silver is also looking at the two of them as she peers into the crib.

Such a gentle time was flowing, but the gate opened again in the living room.

And at that moment, I heard the baby crying.

"Silver! Please help me!"

It was Ellie who came out of the gate while saying that.

Via was hugged in her arms.

That Via is crying cheerfully in Ellie's arms.

"Aunt Elliot, are you happy?"

Silver leans his neck and hears it.

Until recently, Ellie, who had been called "Nee-chan" and had been called "Auntie" as soon as the baby was born, made a "gaggy" face for a moment, but she managed to bring it back and kneel down in line with the gaze of Silver.

"Via is crying because she wants to see Silver."Please comfort me. "

Ellie said that and showed Via to Silver.

Silver stroked her head when she saw Via crying.

"Bia-chan, okay, okay."

Then Via, who hadn't stopped crying no matter how much Ellie apologized, stopped crying and smiled at Silver.

”Hah... no matter what I did, I couldn't stop crying, but it was silver for a moment... and I lost my confidence as a mother”

Ellie mumbled a little bit, so Cicily and I unintentionally blew out.

"It's not funny!"My mother's majesty... oh, there's Mrs. and Mrs. Claude. "

Ellie found Cecil and Eileen, who were standing up and bowing their heads, and called out.

Greetings, Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness.

Ms. Cecil said that while lowering her head.

"Don't be so afraid, both of you."This is not a public place. "

Ellie's presence meant that Augg was with her, and when she saw the Prince's family that suddenly appeared, Cecil and the others rushed to thank their servants.


"There are only two people here who behave like that."In the case of silver, we are called Auntie and Uncle.It would be strange to be in awe of such things.Take it easy. "


"... I apologize for the inconvenience."

It was a strange theory, but you thought it would be rude to hold on any longer. Both of you sat down on the sofa, puzzled.

“Nevertheless, did Via like Silver?”

Aug muttered as he looked at Via, who was smiling moodily as she stroked her head with silver.

"It looks like Charles and Max are doing the same."You're a good brother, aren't you? "

"Hmm? Is Max there too?"What happened to Mr. and Mrs. Bean? "

"I'm napping upstairs. I don't have any servants to look after them."

“Oh, I see. We usually leave the nannies and servants to take care of Via.If you listen to them like that, you'll know how grateful they are. ”

But you're babysitting yourself today, aren't you?

"About holidays." Perhaps in the future, Via and Charlotte will become friends.If my parents responded differently at that time, it would be pathetic, right? "

Oh, I can't believe Aug said this.

Surprisingly stupid.

"What? Isn't it natural as a parent? By the way, Sin."


Suddenly Augg looked at me with a serious face.

How's Silver doing these days?

What do you mean?

Without knowing what Augg was trying to say, he asked back, and Augg came up to me with a strange look on his face.

"Until now, I've seen Silver all my life, so I know there's no problem.But Silver's been getting a lot clearer lately, haven't he?Does that mean that things have changed with it? "

When I heard that word, I understood what Augg was saying, and I groaned at Augg with anger.

But Aug's face is serious.

Augg is monitoring Silver, a child born of a demonic parent named Strom and Miriam.

As the prince of this country, it is unacceptable that there should be any danger.

When I adopted Silver, I remembered what Aug told me.

Until now, it seemed that it had been quiet because it was a toddler with a poor ego, but recently Silver developed rapidly as a brother of three babies.

With that, I would like to know if there are any dangers that have not become apparent until now.

When I remembered that, I squeezed my anger and looked back at Augg.

"Nothing." Rather, they grow up to be much better than their peers.It's not as dangerous as you think. "

"Can you be sure of that?"

I can

When I said that, Aug thought it over with a serious look on his face.

Everyone around me is staring at such an augment in silence.

No one can speak out against the troubled prince.

"Hey, what are you trying to say?"

I called out to Augg to break this air.

Then, the augur who was thinking down raised his face...

I said a terrible thing.

"No... I was wondering whether it was better to take Silver as my son-in-law or Via as my daughter-in-law."

As soon as I heard the words, the air in the living room hardened.

"What? What are you talking about?"

It was too sudden and I couldn't understand it. When I returned it, I was pursued from another place.

Is that what you want to bring me to the royal family, Your Highness?

Today, Cecil and her grandmother, who was watching from a distance, came into the conversation because they wanted the Claude family to get in touch with Shal.

"No, that's not the intention..."

What do you mean, then?

Grandmother pursued her mouthful of augs further and talked to her.

“Via feels more nostalgic for silver than me or my mother, Ellie.If she grows up like this, Via is likely to be in love with Silver. ”

"... well, there's definitely no possibility of that."

In the words of Aug, I see Silver as her grandmother tries to praise Via who is lying with Shal or Max in her crib.

Via looks very happy to see the silver, unlike when she came.

Next to it, Ellie looked at the situation with a complicated face.

“When Via grows up and says she wants to go out with Silver or get married, she wants to make it happen.When that happens, I thought it would be better to ask the royal family to join their son-in-law, or to give it to the Wolfords as their daughter-in-law, or to think about it from now on. "

You've only just had your daughter, and you're already thinking about it.

Yeah, but I see.

Is that why you asked me earlier?

As the spouse of the princess Via, you wanted to make sure that Silver was appropriate.

"Oh, silver is the son of the devil king and the saintly lady."There is no problem. The problem is, it's where it came from. "

"I see. You don't want to marry your daughter Via and keep Silver under surveillance, do you?"

When I said that, Aug got a little gaze on him.

"... don't you think it's two birds with one stone?"

I sighed deeply in that Augg line.

”Hah... you had that intention after all, didn't you?”

When I say that, Aug has a serious face to contradict.

"Originally, it was definitely the feeling that Via would fulfill what she wanted.It's just that there's a side to it. "

"Via, you're still a baby!"

"Don't you think you can look at Via like that!?"My parents, Ellie and I, are more nostalgic for silver.Now that you've decided not to worry about Silver in the future, you'll be more surprised! ”

Augg's face is serious and doesn't look like he's joking.

”Hah, are you okay with that as a male parent?”

Since the birth of Shal, I've had no choice but to be cute.

I don't even want to think about Charles bringing his boyfriend in the future.

However, Aug thinks about taking Via-chan as his wife or even his son-in-law.

Then Augg replied with a bitter smile.

"Well, I'm royal."Whether the child is a man or a woman, getting married is a duty.I was prepared from the beginning. "

Oh, I see.

Is that what you said when you were only twenty years old and you were strangely optimistic?

"Whatever it is, you can't help worrying about it now."At that time, don't you think it would be good to go to counseling? "

When Grandma told her that, Aug thought it over a bit and laughed.

“That's right, I think I ran a little too far ahead.”

I knew you were an idiot.

"Shut up."

I saw the children while having such a conversation.

Then, there was Silver, who seemed to be busy spending time with three babies.

Even though there are only two silver hands, there are three babies, so they always let out a frustrating voice without someone stroking them.

Then, in a hurry, Silver spoils the baby.

And the babies with silver hands apart don't get dissatisfied.

As she giggled at the smiling sight, the babies gradually fell asleep and Silver was finally able to rest her hand.

Silver, who confirmed that all three of them were asleep, exhaled hoofly.

"My grandpa is very good."

We laughed when we saw Silver murmuring as he looked a little tired, thinking it was bad for Silver.

Silver makes no sense.

Then Sisily stroked her head holding the silver.

"Thank you, Silver. That's great, oniichan."

Silver nodded heavily, turning from a giggling face to a full smile.

Yeah! Because I'm on my own!

She smiled at the silver that Sisily was holding and said happily, even at Aug, Ellie, and Grandma.

Nice sight.

Thinking so, Ellie muttered to herself.

"After all, it's better to have Silver come to my son-in-law..."

That's why I'm so fast!

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