Magi's Grandson

The next generation isn't just kids.

In the living room where the three babies fell asleep and became quiet, we finally took a breath.

Normally, Silver is still three years old, so it is at an unsettled age, but I think it is from my awareness as an oniichan that I am eating sweets quietly, just like all adults.

Sicily called out to Eileen, who was stroking her clever silver head in love.

Speaking of which, Mother, how is Alice?

Shortly before Charles was born, Alice's engagement to Sicily's brother, Lois, was announced.

Along with this, Alice, who would become the Viscountess in the future, went to Eileen on holiday to learn her manners as an aristocrat.

When asked by Sicily, Eileen stopped stroking Silver's head and smiled.

"All Alice needs is a meal table manners and standing around."She's fine, but she's not rude.Rather, there's not much to teach and there's not much to clash with. "

"But I've read in books that aristocrats pay attention to conversations so that they don't get fried, but don't you tell me that?"

When I heard that, Eileen and Cecil laughed for a moment.

I don't think there's such a daredevil as Alice, the Ultimate Magicians.

Is that so?

I know we have more power than any other wizard.

However, it is purely a force, a force of violence.

It is not the number of power conspiracies.

I feel like blocking my opinions with violence would create an unnecessary compulsion... "

Eileen laughed when she saw my face, wondering if such an idea had appeared on her face.

"I know what you're worried about."But for the time being, I don't have to worry about that. "

Eh, why?

You guys have done it so far.


"Yes, you can easily defeat the demons who were the target of the fear of the people of Earlsheide."And I put it into practice.There is no man in this country who wants to face you. "

Is that so?

Since there are no human beings with teeth, there is no need to succumb to violence.

"Of course, if you wield that power, there's no way to resist us."But you don't do that, do you? "

Of course.

"Alice told me a lot about that."Alice-chan is powerful.And they were awe-inspired.That's why you should be careful not to be misunderstood. "

Is that so?

It was Irene-san.

I know the situation better than anyone who knows how we're being seen.

With someone like this nearby, Alice may be fine.

When I look at Sicily, I smile with relief.

I was wondering what would happen because Aug told me that marrying a nobleman from the common people would be tough, but I think I can do something better than I thought.

Thinking so, the gate opened in the living room.

What came out of it... "

Ah, stepfather, stepmother.

She was a girl in a clear dress.

Oh, Alice-chan, have you finished today's lesson?

"Yes, your father-in-law and mother-in-law said they were going to Xin-kun's house, so I came to pick you up."

"Yes. Good day, and rest well."


... who is this?

Who is this clear young lady who is in a friendly conversation with Eileen!?

The face is Alice's.

... Alice!?

After Alice's transformation, I unexpectedly hardened.


Silver is also confused because Alice, who was until recently an energetic sister, has turned into a lazy sister.

Cicilie... oh? She looks so upset because she's sniffing.

"Now, you, the time for interacting with your grandchildren is over."It's time to go home. "

"It's already that time." Bye, Silver.I'll come back and play again. "

Cecil, encouraged by Eileen to go home, stroked Silver's head and stood up.

Well then, Your Highness, Your Highness, excuse me.

"Excuse me."

Sin-kun, Sisily, I'm coming back to visit you.

"Alice, slow down."

They greeted Aug and Ellie, then called us and left using the gate Alice had opened.

And the moment Alice closed the gate... "

"... yes!"

Alice sat down on the sofa with a mysterious clamour.

"Oh, I'm tired. Oh, thank you, Marika-san."


Marika handed Alice a cold drink as she sat on the sofa dressed up.

And I started to drink it with no shards of grace.

"Phew! I'm back to life!"

While saying that, Alice placed the glass she had drunk on the table.

You look very tired, aren't you?

Looking at Alice like that, Ellie giggled and said.

"I was just taking a dance lesson."I've never danced before, so it's tough. "

"Well, I'll tell you what, then?"

"Whoa, stop it." Why do you bother to get tired when you're coming to the corner break? "

When Alice said that, Ellie and Sicily giggled.

Well, it's hard to remember from now on, isn't it?

“Well, we've been taking lessons since we were young, but I think it's hard to learn them when we're grown up.”

Hearing what Ellie and Sicily had to say, Alice pointed her lips at the back of the sofa.

"Mmm. It's difficult to eat well, I have to correct my words, and it's annoying..."

That's what Alice said, with a slightly uncomfortable atmosphere.

Alice is troublesome, but they are a must for a noble lady.

If you abandon it, you may not be able to marry Ms. Lois.

Did you think so? Sicily came to follow up.

It's necessary that you don't see the manners and words of the meal with your white eyes.

"That's right. As Mrs. Claude said, you are certainly in awe of the people of this country, including the nobility."However, it's easy to turn that awe into disrespect. "

Huh? Really?

Ellie, who had taken over Sicily's words, was surprised to see Alice's eyes widen and turn away from her posture.

"Yes. Even if it's a hero, what do people think of it as a rough, uneducated person?Even if you don't have a rebellious attitude, you'll start to dismiss yourself as a savage person. ”


"And you might say, 'Viscount Claude's wife, Mrs. Alice, used her powers to intimidate Lady Lois and take her seat.'"


In response to Ellie's words, Alice stood up and grew proud.

Ellie stares quietly at Alice like that.

"You'll be told." Everyone's eyes now look at you with envy.It also contains some jealousy.In the meantime, you who have become a noble lady from the common people should adopt such an attitude. I'll be there in no time.


Ellie said that with a serious expression, not a look of disgust.

Having heard that, Alice sat silently down on the sofa.

"So, don't worry about the smell."Your actions will lead to Lois's reputation as it is. "

"... I see. I can't stand you making fun of Lois, so I'll do my best."

"You have me and Sisily attached to you."If you have any troubles, you can contact me anytime. "

"Yeah. Thank you, Ellie."

Alice's face was filled with determination, not the unpleasant look she had just now.

Ah, so you should change your way of speaking here as well?

"It's fine as it is, isn't it?"If you can't switch between public and private, it's going to be tough. "

I see, well then, I'll stay here for a while

"Yes, please."

Ellie said that and drank a sip of tea in an elegant manner.

I was staring at Ellie with the words, the tricks, and the surprises.

Did you notice the gaze? Ellie glared at me with a muddled face.

"... you're thinking about being rude again, aren't you?"

"How did you know?"

I get it!

Speaking of which, when Ellie was pregnant, she had a similar interaction.

Ellie is the princess of the king.

She is the second noble woman after Julia, the queen of the land.

However, I've only seen Ellie's private and public appearance.

When I look at the "Lord" part, I feel itchy.

Oh dear, please do something about Augg.

Ellie wanted Augg to embarrass me, but Augg had been lying face down and holding her stomach.

You must be laughing desperately.


"Oh, no, I'm sorry. Isn't it nice, Ellie?We're the only ones who can communicate cheaply like this.I think it would be a shame to change it. "

"That's true, but..."

Aug and Ellie often come to visit at home.

Especially Ellie's frequent visits.

Even without Augg, we could have Sisily pick us up.

It must be very cozy.

"Anyway, Mrs. Claude will be around the corner."I have to think a lot about this. "

“What are you talking about?”

Alice seemed to be worried because Aug had something to think about herself.

"When Corner becomes Mrs. Claude, it becomes harder to stay in Ultimate Magicians."

Ah, I see.

Alice will marry Lois, the next lord of Viscount Claude's family.

That means Alice has to show her face in various places as the next Lady.

This is not the case with Ultimate Magicians.

"Mrs. Wolford and Mrs. Bean are on maternity leave.Perhaps more maternity leave will be taken in the future. ”

Does that mean that the second or third child is definitely going to be born?

Well, I won't deny it.

"Besides, even Carlton and Messina don't know what will happen in the future."If that happens, Ultimate Magicians will run out of talent. ”

"That's right..."

"Besides, I will inherit the throne, and Thor and Julius are the next lords, so you will be old."Even though it's a supranational organization born in the corner, it's too bad that it ends up with our generation alone. "

"... oh, I see. So you want our successor?"

"That's right."

Successor, huh?

Indeed, this organization, Ultimate Magicians, is made up of us.

Without us, the organization itself will not survive.

However, after a year of activity, the reputation from various countries is very good.

It was a shame to lose it like this.

“Does that mean we're adding new members?”

"That's right... but this is also a troublesome place."

What is it?

"We have gained an unparalleled ability based on your knowledge of your past life."


"However, if you use this power incorrectly, it will become a new kind of fire."I can't just give you a treat. "

Well, that's right.

Because I didn't know the power of the world's wizards, I easily taught the Augs the magic based on the knowledge of previous generations.

As a result, all of us have become isolated in this world.

We were in the same class together all the time.

That's why we believe we're not abusing ourselves, but I don't know if we're going to be new people.

Maybe some people are coming closer, hiding their ambitions.

If you teach such a human a magic based on the knowledge of previous life, the peace obtained by defeating the Corner Demon may be broken by human hands.

That's because I've been told that Aug's mouth is sour, so I haven't even taught Mae-chan to be our direct disciple.

If you don't teach me my knowledge, you can't deny my lack of strength.

“That's right, Ultimate Magicians must be the world's best group of sorcerers.This is not my intention, this is the will of the people. "

"Does everyone want us to do that?"

“Yes, that's why you can say that you trust us with your full breadth.If you don't have enough strength to fulfill your request, you'll lose your trust. "

I see.

I'm sure it's troubling.

We want to secure talent, but we have to tighten the conditions for Ultimate Magicians.

Then the person in question disappears.

Hmmm, I guess we'll just have to create something like the lower structure of Ultimate Magicians.

What I came up with was a professional sports organization from my previous life.

Soon after joining the team, the athletes first enter the two armies, the minor and the lower organization to increase their strength and eventually join the army.

Lower tissue......

That's what I thought, but it seemed to attract Aug's attention, and I started thinking about it in my arms.

"For the time being, I will enlist potential people and raise them in the lower organization... it may be a good idea."

Well, then we need to determine the criteria for admission.

Apparently, I said that because I think it's going to be decided by creating the lower tissue, but I heard a few things here that bother me.

No, I haven't seen Mei practice her magic lately, but how powerful are you?

Mei became a junior high school sophomore this spring.

Since there are magic practical classes from the junior high school, I haven't seen Mei practice since she entered the junior high school.

I was wondering if Mei would be the criterion for how much my ability has grown without telling me about my previous life...

The face of the augur asked was very sinister.

"... it's almost time for a disaster-grade monster to defeat it alone..."


My grandmother was the first to react to Aug's words.

"Hey! Is that true, Your Highness?!"Even Merlin had a hard time crushing large monsters in his first year of high school, but he's only three years old in junior high school and he's in disaster class!? "

"Sure... that's a lot of stuff..."

Not only Grandma, but also Grandpa is surprised.

That's right, it's like saying you're stronger than you were when you were younger.

Sicily and Ellie were also surprised by Aug's remarks.

Alice was the only one who wasn't moving.

"Did Alice know?"

Well, we were the ones who took Princess May to the Monster Crusade.

When Alice said that, Aug snorted at Alice.

Alice, strangled, turned to her side with a whistle that didn't even blow "Sue".

"Hah... normally, it would be abnormal for a human who hasn't even grown up to go to a monster crusade."It seems that he was not afraid to go to the monster crusade because he was accompanied by a corner and a fuse. "

It sounds like... you didn't know Augg...

"Besides, it seems that Mae's alumni are with us."It seemed like they were going to a monster crusade with friends.The Hunters Association didn't see any particular problem with the presence of the corner and the fuse. ”

Oh, because I became too famous and gained a strange trust.

Sure enough, if Alice and Lynn could easily defeat the demons, they wouldn't say anything.

"Wait a minute, those two are May's friends?"Indeed, Agnes-san and Colin-san? "

"Yes, it is."

Agnes, like Thor and Julius, was attached to Mae-chan's side from an early age.

It seems that they were chosen because they had no problems with their family and personality, but the two of them were really close.

You can say you're my best friend.

Colin is actually the son of Uncle Tom, whom I have been caring for since I was a child.

A commoner, but unusually as a boy with a certain event on her side, she was accompanied by a princess, Mae-chan.

As the son of Uncle Tom, the head of the Hague Chamber of Commerce, whose trust in her grandmother is also serious, we have been together since we were in elementary school because we were told that there was no problem with family ties.

The two of us actually taught magic in person when we were in elementary school.

Mei-chan's suggestion was the result of Alice and Lynn doing evil, but maybe because they started practicing magic earlier than the others, their magical abilities seemed to be superior to those of their age.

"The three of you can now defeat it on your own."I wonder if the three of us have to work together again in the Disaster Class. "

"It's still abnormal."

Until now, grandfather, who was said to be the highest in the world, managed to defeat a large monster when he was a first-year student at the Higher Magic Academy, which means that he exceeded the strength of his grandfather in the past at this time.

"Seriously... is this kid going so far now..."

Ah, my grandfather is a little depressed.

"In your case, you're a self-taught student."They have a teacher named Sin, and they're not on the same terms. "

Oh? My grandmother defended my grandfather!?

Grandpa was stunned by the sight he had never seen before.

"Hmm, that's not true either."

My grandfather is neither stunned nor uncommon.

I don't feel like an ex-couple in this kind of place.

I mean, it's been years since we started living together again, so I wish I could get my citizenship back.

My grandmother turned to Aug when she thought that it didn't matter.

So, are the other kids as powerful as Mei?

“No, I think it's because I received direct guidance from Shin, and only three of them have distinguished themselves.”

Does that mean the overall level hasn't changed that much?

"I don't think so. The information Singh brought to us and to the Magic Division.It was already widely known that the basics of magic were in magic control, not chanting.Student levels are rising year by year. ”

Is that so? It was the first time I knew about it.

The world I know is actually surprisingly small.

In the end, there was only interaction with S-class people in the Higher Magic Academy, and in other places, there was only interaction with Uncle Dis and May, the royal family and Sicily's parents.

... it's a very distorted exchange relationship, if you think about it.

From my standpoint, I'm a civilian.

Recently, there has been some interaction with the children's moms and dads through Silver, but no one is working on magic.

So, to be honest, I'm not very familiar with what's going on in the magic world right now.

I didn't interact with the Magic Division either.

However, if the level of the children is rising year by year, I wonder if we can allay Augg's concerns?

Well then, why don't you start by putting Mae-chan and the others into Ultimate Magicians?

When I said that, Aug's face was incredibly steep.

"Certainly, among the children nowadays, May's strength is skyrocketing."But the world doesn't know that.With that in mind, Ultimate Magicians thinks they're a fraternal recruiting group. ”

Oh, I see.

We're easy-going, but May is royal.

The public can't get hold of Mae-chan's personal information.

In this way, if you make May the number one additional factor for Ultimate Magicians, it will seem like a fate.

Well, that bothers me.

"Besides, May is a princess in the first place."Even now, even though the word "maid" is indescribable, if it's any longer... my wife will be gone. "


Well, I think Uncle Dis said the same thing a long time ago.

But Mae-chan is already fourteen... she'll be fifteen soon.

If that's the case, I might have one or two people I like.

Isn't that what Mei's talking about?

"Hmm? I don't know everything about May either."I have no way of knowing anything about it, especially at junior college. "

You're too curious about Mei-chan, aren't you?

You're a princess, aren't you?

"If there's someone you're dating, you should know them as royalty..."

“That's not what I know.If May were to hang out with someone, he would investigate, but that would be his background check.Are you willing to harm Mei or are you connected to the undercover world? "

Is that all right?

“Never mind. Earlsheide is a free love country.I don't care who the royalty falls in love with unless it's a dark opponent behind them. "


"That's why it's troublesome to get so rampant anymore."In the meantime, if you start to be told that you're going to be late, you won't be able to put your eyes on the princess. "

When Augg said that, he let out a sigh of exhaustion.

I always treat it sinisterly, but he's a good big brother, isn't he?

Well then, what do we do?

"I can't... I respect your will, but I'd better stop being number one."Before that, we should do the entrance exams and create a track record. "

Well then, let's create a lower tissue to test for admission.

"That's right, then let's take a look at the contents of the test..."

Hey, both of you!

When Aug and I tried to discuss the test, Ellie's voice blocked it.

"You came to rest today, right?"And yet, I'm talking about work.Please take care of your family time a little more! "

That's what Ellie said as she swelled up.

“Yes, it's a good thing you're serious about your job, but today is a family day.Forget about your work. ”

I can't help it if Sicily tells me so.

When we were told that, we looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders.

“I see. It's a holiday and I don't want to talk about work.”

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ellie."

Because they were right, I decided to end this story here and spend some time with my family.

Huh? I feel like I'm the only one standing in my way.

When Alice said that, Cicilie and I looked at each other and turned to Alice.

"What are you talking about, sister-in-law?"

"That's right, sister-in-law.Isn't your sister-in-law a family member? "

"... my sister-in-law won't do it, so you can feel the incredible wall"

With that said, Alice, who had tears in her eyes, unexpectedly laughed at us.

Thus, our holiday passed peacefully.

But you're a new member of the Ultimate Magicians.

This is a matter that needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

As soon as the holiday starts, we have to listen to everyone's opinions.

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