Magi's Grandson

Explain it to everyone.

"New members of the delegation, are you?"

I told other members in my office that I was discussing with Aug during the holidays after I finished working for Ultimate Magicians.

Since we are talking in the office, the clerks are with us.

Surely, it is a waste to end a supranational organization that has been formed at a corner by our own expense.

“That's why we have to create a system of examinations to welcome new members of the corps.I need your help, too. "

I understand.

The clerks agreed with Aug's words.

In the process, Catalina raised her hand suddenly.

What's the matter, Arenas?

May I ask you a question?

“Yeah, I don't care. Ask me more questions.”

“Thank you. So, what are the conditions for recruiting new members of the Corps?”

"I want to cultivate myself as much as possible."I intend to target those who plan to graduate from magic colleges in various countries. "

When Augg said that, Catalina looked difficult.

What's the matter?

“Oh, no. Does that mean we're targeting people who plan to graduate next year?”


"Who graduated the other day?"

"I have no plans."

The new year has just begun.

The most recent graduates are those who just graduated the other day.

Catalina looked more and more difficult when she said that Augg was not eligible because she had already decided on a route.


No, that might cause a backlash.

That's what Ian said when Aug tried to question Catalina.

Why did the rebellion happen?

When I said that, Henri said, "Seriously?"I looked at me with that face.

"Why... Master Xing, don't you realize?"Ultimate Magicians is the highest peak of the Wizard.A hero who saved the world. You might be one of them, but you miss that chance just by giving birth a year early?It is decided that an unrelenting backlash will emerge! "

Henri gave a very intense speech.

Well... I'm sure you know what the world is saying about us.

But somehow, there's a discrepancy between our perception and that of the world... "

It's too beautified to be honest with me.

“I think so too. Even when I was chosen as a clerk, I was told a lot.That said, now that I'm a member of the Lower Organization, I think I might be able to become a member of the Regiment in the future..... "

Alma said that based on her experience when she was selected as a clerk.

"I would like to refrain from personnel who have belonged to organizations in various countries as much as possible, but... if a backlash is to emerge, we have no choice."Let's retroactively recruit people who graduated the other day and graduates from last year who were inaugurated by Ultimate Magicians. "

In the end, it was decided that the entrance examination would be conducted by the person scheduled to graduate this year, the person who graduated the other day only this year, and the person who graduated last year.

From next year onwards, only new graduates will be eligible.

There are no problems for people who plan to graduate this year, but some people who graduated the other day and last year already belong to the magic divisions in various countries, so I decided to ask each country through Uncle Dis.

If you pass the exam and join Ultimate Magicians, you will have to leave your current place of assignment.

If we don't get through this, we'll be left with a grudge that we've drawn talented people from.

Well, you're free to take the exam, so you don't have to quit your current job to take it.

“So, what do we do with the test details and the acceptance criteria?”

At some point, Maria asked about the exam.

"That's right. I haven't thought about the exam yet, but I need someone who can at least use the magic of the gate."I'm sure you'll be able to identify that area. "

When Augg said that, Maria opened her eyes wide.

"What!? You're going to teach me the gate!?"

Yeah, but what's the problem?

"No, the problem is... the gate is easy to use for crime, so you said you would limit the number of people you can use it for crime."

"I've solved the problem with that."If you've misused the gate, you'll know. "

"Huh? Oh, that magic tool..."

Maria finally remembered about the Magic Pattern Identification Device when Aug told her.

Well, it's mostly used in criminal investigations, mainly by the Guard.

I can't help but forget Maria, who almost never uses it.

And most importantly, personality.

Is that your personality?

Maria seemed to have doubted that the most important thing was personality, not strength.

Yeah. Most desirable is a good, humble person.

Is that all?

Maria's answers grew more questionable.

But, well, I think that's the best part.

“No matter how good a man is, if he drowns in power and becomes arrogant, it will damage the reputation of Ultimate Magicians.”

Thor answers Maria's questions, but Maria's questions remain unanswered.

"No, I know that, but it's not."Isn't there something else you need to see?Someone who's not about to commit a crime. "

Aug smiled bitterly at the words.

"If I knew that, I wouldn't have a hard time."Besides, no matter how innocent a person is, they can dye their hands of crime with a tiny amount of temptation.The important thing is to be conscious not to do that, and if something goes wrong, not to cover it up, and to punish it severely. ”

"... can't you help it if something goes wrong?"

"All current members know their hearts and trust that they will not do so.But if the organization grows bigger, that kind of problem will definitely come up.There's no such thing as a problem-free organization. "

That's what Aug said.

So you're saying that ultimate magicians' reputation could be damaged eventually?

“To avoid that, you have to impose severe punishment.”

"Well then... but ummm..."

Maria still roars, feeling convinced and not convinced.

"But, Your Highness, what are the criteria for passing?"

That's what Catalina told me about the roaring Maria, who would probably run the entrance exams as well.

So when I told them about the standards we discussed the other day, they all opened their eyes.

Oh, is the princess that strong?

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that."

Augg can turn to you, but this is not my fault, because Mei was so talented.

"Apparently, she had a talent for magic.In addition, he has received guidance from Xin, Merlin, and Merida since elementary school.The result is the birth of a second sin. "

Augg sighed deeply when he said that.

Recently, I've often said that my daughter-in-law will be gone.

Well, even though it's stronger, it's magical, so it's growing so cute that I can't even imagine what it looks like.

I don't think there's anything to worry about.

“So, when will you take the test?”

That's what Catalina has heard over the past year, when she was becoming a clerk, perhaps because she had to go through a lot of administrative procedures.

“I see. First of all, we should recruit and implement graduates from last year and this year only.If you plan to graduate next year, you can take the exam at the beginning of the year. "

People who have already graduated may belong to another organization, so if you want to take the exam, you should do it as soon as possible.

After that, the examination venue and schedule were decided in detail at a later date, so today's place was disbanded.

Now, how many recruits are coming?

There's no gathering at all...

Somehow, I suddenly became anxious.

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