Magi's Grandson

After three years, society has changed.

The sounds of crisps, kashakasha, kashakasha and kashakasha echo in the office.

A crispy sound is the sound of a pen drafting a document.

The sound of Kashakasha is a typewriter sold from a bean workshop to clean up documents.

Typewriters, which were provided with development costs by the state, were developed and released at an astonishing speed, and at the same time received large orders from royal castles and chambers of commerce around the world.

It is said that office work cannot be performed without this at the earliest, and consumables such as paper that matches the standard for typewriters and ink ribbons for typewriters are in a state where the production line is fully operational.

Uncle Tom has asked the Hague Chamber of Commerce for products other than metalworking such as consumables, and he himself has expressed his gratitude that the sales proceeds are generating considerable sales.

I was talking at the pre-deployment office while listening to the classic sounds at offices around the world.

It's about time you met Tony, isn't it?

When I asked him that, Tony made his expression a little dull.

"Yeah, next month." It's almost time for Thor and Julius, and I wonder if these kids are more likely to be classmates too? ”

Yes, Tony will marry Lilia and have a baby soon.

After graduating from law school, Lilia passed the Finance Bureau's bureaucratic examination and became a financial bureaucrat.

After graduation, I got married early, but I didn't make children immediately, so I got pregnant last year.

Currently, Earlsheide is recommending the advancement of women in society, and has begun to introduce a maternity and parental leave system adopted by Ultimate Magicians.

It seems that there are still few practical examples, and Lilia-san has become the model case.

Therefore, Ms. Lilia is scheduled to return to work after childbirth if the childcare leave is confirmed.

As a result, it seems that it will be necessary to develop nursery schools and kindergartens on a national scale, and I have also received that consultation.

During a public conversation with Aug, I talked about the fact that I worked together a lot in my previous life, and talked about nursery and kindergarten, and it was said that I would definitely like to introduce it in Earlsheide, so I was appointed as a consultant.

He also serves as an operation consultant for fixed communication equipment normally installed in Earlsheide and other households in various countries, and there is no indication that he will be free after a long time.

For now, Ultimate Magicians is supposed to be the representative of the main business, but they are less likely to be on the scene, so which one will be the main business?

"It's about time you met with Sin and Mark, right?" What are Sisily and Olivia doing now? "

"Oh, Olivia seems to be feeling sick today, so she's sleeping at home."

Olivia had no choice but to evacuate to another room when the sound of the bean workshop and the smell of her parents' restaurant came to light while Max was pregnant.

This time it is the second person, and I no longer care about that aspect, so I am at Mark's house, but I am a pregnant woman, and there are days when I am not feeling well.

By the way, Mr. Wolford, thank you for taking care of Max today.

Marc said that with an unfortunate look on his face.

Mark came to the house before work this morning and left Max.

I have parents because I am at my parents' home, but I can't stay at home because I hate the fact that I have the company of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry today.

That's why I came to the house, but it would be nice if there were houses that could be deposited like Mark's, but there were many houses that didn't.

For those families, we need to quickly develop temporary nursery schools.

... why am I even thinking about social infrastructure?

While holding such a question, he called out so as not to worry about the mark on his unfortunate face.

"Oh, absolutely fine." Shar also seems to be having fun with his friends, and today, when Silver came back from the academy, he told me that he would go to the Royal Castle with him. "

"Are you playing with Princess Octavia?" Wow, I wonder if you're going to be a princess alumnus in the future. "

Charles, Via, and Max are the same age as their birthdays.

I've been playing with you since I was a baby, so I'm just getting used to it.

Charles and Max are civilians, but Charles is Silver's younger sister, so he's just like Silver.

Max is now one of Earlsheide's... no, it's the world's best giant workshop, Sergeant.

It will probably be the target of our escort.

Since they are such two, they will be enrolled in the Royal Earlsheide Elementary College where Auggs and May will be attending in the future, as well as Silver.

It is the most prestigious university in Japan, just because it contains the name of the country.

The students here are royalty, nobility, and wealthy ordinary children, so the security is quite solid.

Only people with permission from the academy can enter and exit here, and the citizenship authentication system that I developed is used for its management.

Until now, it was the personal authentication of citizenship cards that could only be used to view personal information and access bank accounts, but it was also used in security systems because it could be authenticated by other devices.

By wearing a pre-certified citizenship card, a gate like the one installed on the platform of the previous station opens, allowing students to enter the school system.

The system was also used in the Imperial Castle, which was said to ease the congestion at the castle gate every morning.

Incidentally, we are supposed to enter and exit the royal castle directly at the gate if requested by the royal family.

A request from a royalty is an emergency, and the reason is that if you go through the entrance gate at such a time, you won't be able to make it...

The reason for this was only before the establishment, and so far, all the royal requests have come from Ellie to come and play.

I'm going to play at Ellie's request again today.

"Well, both Aug and Ellie have known Charlie and Max since they were babies." You know we don't have any weird education, so you can rest assured. "

Earlsheide's nobility, whose royal consciousness was reformed over the generations, has mostly implemented a civic-first policy and defended its position.

But there are nobles who have been educated in a biased way, just as there was a daughter-in-law who tried to get rid of Ellie before.

Everything is just as it should be.

I guess there weren't many playmates I could feel safe with.

Isn't there someone like Thor and Julius?

Speaking of which, Thor and Julius said that they had been together as escorts and escorts before the five-year-old unveiling party.

Doesn't Via have one of those?

"Is the princess different from the prince?"

What do you think?

It's a world that we ordinary people don't understand.

By the way, the men currently stationed in Ultimate Magicians are all civilians.

I don't know what we don't know when we talk to each other.

Well, I'll ask Aug next time, so I guess it's time to ask a request.

That's right.

Speaking of which, is it unusual for Xin to come out today?

"Oh, I got a request today from somewhere a little off the beaten path." I'm the only one who can use levitation magic, so I'll be out in a while. "

"That's right." Well then, let's go first ourselves. "

I'm coming, too.

Oh, then I'll go too.

That's how I've been on the scene for a long time.

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