Magi's Grandson

Happy Sight - Year 3 -

The same afternoon that Sin had been on the job for a long time, a horse-drawn carriage passed through the gates of the Wolford family.

The carriage is well made, but it has no ornate decorations and no family crest.

When the carriage arrived at the front door of the house, the door opened and a boy came down from inside.

"Welcome home, Sylvester."

Steve, the head butler of the Wolford family, greeted Sylvester-Wolford, the eldest son of Sin-Wolford, the owner of the house, with a lowered head.

The Wolfords are the earliest bourgeoisie in Earlsheide.

If the Wolfords use carriages with too many decorations, they may buy unwanted repulsions, and above all, if they are identified as the carriages of the Wolfords, there may be a lot of bad news.

That's why I'm using a plain carriage.

However, since the carriage itself is made by Xin, it is only plain in appearance, so the habitability itself is comfortable, and the defense is not half as good.

By the way, there is an automobile company that Xin himself chairs, but it is only used on the streets that connect the city to the city.

Running around the city is dangerous because the road infrastructure is not in place.

That's why horse-drawn carriages are also used to pick up and drop off Sylvester.

"I'm home, Steve. Where are your mothers?"

Yes, ma'am, Charlotte and Max, we've already finished the preparations and are waiting for you to return.

I see. Well, then, let's get dressed quickly.

Got it.

Sylvesta walked into her home as she walked past Steve, her head down.

It was then.


Charlotte, who had found the silver that had entered the house, charged at Sylvester.


Sylvester managed to catch Charlotte, who ran at full speed and jumped on her feet, even though she had taken a few steps.

Welcome back! Onii-chan!

Sylvesta, who was close to falling and was almost involved, tried to scold Charlotte, but when she saw her sister hugging her with a full smile, her desire to scold her disappeared.

I'm home, Char. Would you like to be a good boy?

Yeah! Charles is a good guy!

My sister can say that without any hesitation, but isn't that the work of a good girl just now?

I thought so, but I couldn't point that out to Charlotte with a smile on her face.

I see.

Sylvesta stroked Charlotte's head when she said that.


Charlotte, who was stroked, narrowed her eyes pleasantly and enjoyed Sylvester's hand.

As he stroked Charlotte, a small figure emerged from the living room.

"Shizuka-chan, stop it."

While saying that, Mark and Olivia's son, Max, ran with the potatoes.

Ah, Shiruba-kun, welcome back

Confirming Sylvester's figure, Max headed straight ahead and hugged Charlotte the same way.

"Welcome, Max."

Unlike Charlotte, she stroked her head as she greeted Max as she went home.

"Yup! Ufufu"

It was Max who was stroking his head and giggling, but he didn't seem to leave.

Sylvester, her mother, appeared from the living room, giggling as she wondered what to do when she couldn't move as she was held by the two toddlers.

"Oh, that's silver."

Mom, I'm home.

"Welcome home, Shal, Max." If you hold on to it, oniichan won't be able to prepare it. You're going to visit Via with me, aren't you? "

When Sicily said that, Charlotte and Max had a happy face and rushed away from Sylvester.

"Onii-chan, come quick!"

"That's right, we're here to see Onichi-chan."


You two didn't let me go, so why are you complaining? And Sylvester had a head for the absurdity that was so peculiar to toddlers.

Not complaining about her sister and her younger siblings here is the reason that Sylvester is admired by Charlotte and Max, and it is also a factor in taking such an attitude.

"Look, Silver, you two are going to have to deal with Mom, so please change your clothes quickly"

"Yeah. All right."

Silver said that, then went to his room, quickly changed from uniform to personal clothes, and returned to the living room.

Here we go again.

When Sylvester said so and showed up, Sisily pulled out the radio.

"Ah, is that Ellie-san? Silver's back, so I'm coming to you."

Then, after a short conversation, Cicilie turned off the radio and looked at the three of them.

Well then, let's go.

Sicily said that and unfolded the magic of the gate.

Sylvester looked at the situation with longing eyes.

I've heard that the magic of this gate is a magic that can't be used by ordinary wizards.

Only a handful of wizards can use it.

My mother casually uses such super advanced magic.

That's amazing, but it was my father who developed that super advanced magic and taught it to my mother.

That's what makes Silvesta so proud of her parents.

The magic of the gate, a symbol of its pride, unfolded in front of me.

Every time I saw the magic of the gate, Sylvester fell in love with it.

Charlotte and Max dived through the gate ahead of Sylvester, who probably didn't know anything about it.

Sicily saw Sylvesta as she saw them off and noticed Sylvesta looking at the gate with her glittering eyes.

With a smile on his longing expression, he reached out to Sylvester.

"Here, Silver, let's go."

Ah, yeah.

Sylvester was a little embarrassed when she noticed that she wasn't moving much when she saw the gate, and she took Sisily's hand and dived through the gate as it turned a little red.

Just beyond the gate, Charlotte, Max, and the princess, Octavia, were delighted to reopen.

"Welcome, you're welcome, ma'am."

Hello, Bia-chan!


Charlotte greets Octavia with a gentle, kingly greeting, and Charlotte greets Octavia with her arms around her.

Max greets the girl from a distance, as if she's ashamed to hold her.

Octavia, who greeted her childhood friend at the same age, immediately looked around, smiled and ran to find Silvesta.

Charlotte, who was holding her, was shaken away.

"Shiruba-sama!" Welcome! ”

"Yeah, I'm sorry to bother you, Via." You look fine. "

Yes! I'm going to blow you away!

Octavia greets Sylvester cheerfully while dyeing her red cheeks where the calmness of the three-year-old girls has gone.

From that, it was clear what Octavia thought of Sylvester.

"Welcome, Mr. Sisily." Silver, Charles and Max are also here. Please let her play with Via. "

Princess Elizabeth, the prince who was grinning at Octavia, greeted the visitors.

Elizabeth is in her mid-pregnancy in a loose but noble dress with no tightening.

His figure was truly worthy of the name of the princess.

“Hi Aunt Ellie, I'm sorry to bother you.”

"Auntie! Hello!"

Hello, Aunt Eri.

But for the children, the mother of their friends.

In other words, she's an aunt.

Ellie, who was devoured by her aunt's triple blow, could not yell at the child's opponent while twitching her cheeks, and returned her words while taking the damage.

“Yes, yes. Hello. I hope you're doing well today.”



Charlotte and Max replied cheerfully to Ellie's words, and Sylvester replied calmly.

Octavia, who was watching Sylvester like that, rushed to Sisily in a hurry when she returned to me.

Hello, Shirishiri-sama.

Octavia held the edge of the dress tightly and greeted Sisily with a curtsey.

Cicilie unexpectedly loosened her cheeks at the cute figure of a young lady.

However, now that she's married to Shin, she's a commoner, but she's a noble lady.

Sisily also gave Curtesy a good greeting.

"Greetings, Her Royal Highness Princess Octavia. I'm glad you're doing well."

As he greeted her with a smile, Octavia swelled her cheeks in a grumpy mood for some reason.

"No, Shirishi-sama!" I'm going to be a farewell to you, my dear one, so please don't bother me! "

Apparently, I didn't like what I called Princess Octavia.

To Octavia, who insists that she does not want her future mother-in-law to call her that, Sisily doesn't stop sniffing.

"I'm sorry, Via. Are you sure you want to be a silver wife?"


Silver sighed unexpectedly as she watched Octavia and her mother in that conversation.

"Mom, don't make up your mind."

"Huh? Does Silver hate Via?"

When Sicily asked Sylvester so, Octavia, who had been listening, began to weep in her eyes as soon as she saw it.

"I don't really hate it..."

Sylvesta said that, and Octavia's tears quickly retracted and she clung to Sylvesta with a smile on her face.

"Then it's fine." It's rare for a princess to be given a wife. "

It's not uncommon, is it?

However, Cicilie was close to the royal family, including Elizabeth and Augusto, so her feelings around her were uneven.

Octavia is clinging to Sylvester, who seemed to be happy and unable to help herself to what Sylvester's mother, Sylvester, had admitted.

This is a picture of young children clinging to their brothers rather than men and women hugging each other.

Silvesta is in trouble when she's six years old and she says she's her daughter-in-law.

Moreover, the opponent is still a three-year-old child.

Even so, it was pathetic to tear off Octavia, who was hugging her with all her goodwill.

Charlotte and Max had joined the fight because they were in the same situation as the Wolford Mansion.

"Ahh! Bia-chan! Shhhhhhh!"

Me, me too.

"Eh!?! Wait for both of you!"

Sylvester had no way of avoiding Octavia.

It was Sylvester who had grabbed Charlotte and Max in a strong grip, but the three of them could not hold on to the boulders and were pushed down this time.

"" "Wow!" "

Sylvester, lying on his back, and the three of them hugged him like a covering.

Even if Sylvester falls, he's not going to leave.

Sylvester gave up and was left alone by the three of them.

"This, Via! It's a shame!"

"Oh, my God."

Octavia's usual princess's unruly behavior was embarrassed by Elizabeth, and Sisily's cheeks were loosened by the smiling sight.

Elizabeth doesn't seem too shy, knowing that Octavia only acts like this in front of Sylvester.

However, as a princess of one country, the current situation is not very good.

So Elizabeth gently pulls Octavia away.

"Via? Silver might hate you for behaving like that?"

The effect of the words was immense.

After hearing the words of my mother Elizabeth, Octavia moved away from Silver with a momentum that seemed to hear the sound of "Shuba."

"Ah, um, Shiruba-sama..."

Looking at Octavia, who might have been disliked by Sylvesta, Sylvesta had a bitter smile from the age of six.

“It's okay, I'm just a little surprised.”

Sylvester smiles slightly to reassure Octavia.

Octavia unexpectedly fell in love with the smile.

"Come on, get away from Shal and Max, too."

Sylvesta left such Octavia behind and called out to Charlotte and Max, who were still clinging to him.



Unlike Max, who was stubbornly distant, Charlotte was stubbornly trying to stay away from Sylvester.

Looking at Charlotte like that, Octavia inflated her cheeks again.

It's so sloppy! I'm so glad!

Octavia says that and pulls her clothes to pull Charlotte away from Sylvesta.

"Nooooo!" Onii-chan is like a chi-chan! I can't resist it! "

Seeing Charlotte clinging to Silvesta with all her might, Silvesta muttered a word.

I don't know?

Charlotte's speech stiffened.

"Eh? Eh..."

"If you don't leave me like this, I might hate Sharu."

The words sounded like a death sentence to Charlotte, who was only three years old, although the adults were obviously joking.

"Ugh... heh..."


Charlotte suddenly began to cry out of fear that her beloved brother might hate her.

Charlotte started crying out loud, not having time to be surprised by what Sylvester was like.


Charlotte, crying like she was on fire, clung harder and harder, even though it was said that she might hate it if she didn't leave.

Sylvesta, even though she wanted to make a little joke, didn't expect her to cry so much, and gently clasped Charlotte with the meaning of an apology.

"I'm sorry, Shal. I don't hate Shal."

I said that and slapped Charlotte on the back.

Charlotte lifted up her tears and runny face.

”Huh, huh, huh?”

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Shal."

Sylvester, who was being questioned as he groaned, said so as he stroked Charlotte's head.

Charlotte felt relieved. She broke Delodero's face with tears and a runny nose and then hugged Silvesta again.

Although she stopped crying, Octavia approached as she pounded Charlotte's back, which was still twitching.

I knew it, it's sloppy!

Oktavia thought that even if she hugged her, she would not be disliked. She hugged Sylvesta's arm because the front was filled with Charlotte.


I left the corner, but I came back.

You're not even coming back to Max, are you? And, looking at Max with those eyes, Max was already sitting on the sofa and eating sweets.

Funny, can't you eat it?

Sylvester, who had been told to do so by Max, who was clinging to his mouth full of sweets, sighed again as if he were six years old, and took Charlotte and Octavia, who were clinging, to the sofa.

The two mothers who were looking at such a sight...

As usual, these kids.

You're so friendly, aren't you?

Every time I saw the same scene, I just smiled bitterly.

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