Magi's Grandson

Castle expedition inaugurated

Having finished interacting with the children as usual, I finally settled down on the sofa.

Shal and Max are chewing sweets in disarray, but the princess, Octavia, receives tea and sweets in a beautiful place.

Sylvester exhaled admirably as he watched Charlotte and Max wipe their mouths and pick up food spills.

Via-chan, that's a beautiful way to eat, isn't it?


Octavia unexpectedly blushed when she realized that she was being seen eating sweets.

"I don't eat spills, I don't make any noise when drinking tea, my spine is stretched, and it's very beautiful."


It's so beautiful.

Sylvesta said what Octavia did.

However, Octavia was embarrassed to be told about her appearance when she was told that she was "very beautiful".

By the way, Octavia has beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes from her father Auguste, and she looks similar.

In other words, he looks just like his father, who is said to be the most handsome man in the kingdom.

Such Octavia is a beautiful girl as it should be, and she is used to being told that she is "cute", "beautiful", and "beautiful" by the maids of the caretakers and the nobles who have met before.

However, it was Sylvester who uttered the words this time.

Octavia, who had unexpectedly burst into surprise, fainted with a bright red face.

"Um, oniichan, what's up?"

"...... Sharu, let's eat a little more calmly." Ahh, here, I'm eating it in my mouth again. "


Octavia was praised, so it was Charlotte who asked what to do with herself, but she was wiped of the food around her mouth and unintentionally let out a protest.

"Isn't that great, Silver?" Charles is only three years old. You can eat whatever you want. ”

Elizabeth, who was watching Sylvester and Charlotte interact, said so with a smile on her face.

But Sylvester leaned his neck.

But Via is eating clean.

Elizabeth smiled bitterly at Sylvester's rudimentary question.

"Via is the princess of Arlesheide. I'm not a normal child. Royalty is always seen from around them, so we need to learn to do beautiful things.”

Sylvester leans his head further into the words.

Where's Sister May?

"That's the exception."

Mae, a royalty known to Silvesta.

She is a big sister who plays a lot from a very young age, and sometimes when she doesn't do anything suddenly, she often sees August getting angry.

He's like a neighborhood sister.

Mei was also royal.

When I look back at what May did or did, I wonder how Elizabeth became a royalty.

Because I've never seen Mei act like a royal.

But Elizabeth said May was the exception.

"She seems to be really blessed with magical talents, and she is getting more powerful day by day. I didn't mean to let you smoke that power, so I made you like it... but I didn't expect to immerse myself in the Hunter Association every holiday."

Mae gained more strength after joining the Higher Magic Academy.

But there is no place to use that power.

Eventually, if May loses the desire to use increased power, it could be a serious situation.

In that case, I allowed him to enter and exit the Monster Hunter Association by giving him a place where he could exert his power...

From the day permission was granted, May entered the Hunter Society with Colin and Agnes, hunting many monsters every day.

As a result, I wonder if this will happen when Charles grows up? He became such a person.

As a sister-in-law, Elizabeth wants Mae to be a little more laid-back, but she is very admired for being a friendly princess.

No matter what she said now, Elizabeth sighed unexpectedly at the fact that it was already too late.

Then, Charlotte came into the conversation because of the discussion about May.

"Meeeeee-chan?" Will you help me? "

"May is still at the academy." I haven't come back yet. "

I see.

Charlotte also recognized that May was a big sister who played a lot, so when she realized that she wasn't there, she obviously shrugged.

Well, Mei will be back soon, so please stay and play with the four of you until then.


Charlotte turned her head to Elizabeth and turned to her treat.

Charlotte suddenly said this when she finished eating sweets and was chatting and playing with her children.



Yes, I did.

Max and Octavia were in harmony with Charlotte's words.


Silvesta, the only elder among them, saw the mothers as frightening.

Sicily and Elizabeth have known each other since they were young and have been known as best friends since the High School of Magic.

The two of them talked about the current fashion trend with great pleasure about who they were married to in high school, but where the sweets were delicious, so they were distracted from interrupting the conversation.

I wondered what to do, and at some point there seemed to be a discussion among the young people, and Octavia walked to her mother, Elizabeth.


"Oh, what's the matter, Via?"

Shit, can I have a shirokan?

Explore the castle.

Sylvesta was unexpectedly intrigued by Octavia's words.

The Wolfords are also big houses.

However, I've lived there since I was a child, so I've explored most of the places.

The only ones I haven't been able to explore are my father's working room and my parents' bedroom.

Because my father's working room is dangerous, my parents' bedroom... I don't know why, but I shouldn't go in.

Anyway, my parents' bedroom is a Sylvester who wants to enter my father's working room one day.

Anyway, it's an exploration of the castle.

It is many times larger and more complex than the Wolfords, which are typically large houses.

Explore a place where nobles can easily set foot if they are not ministry officials, rather than citizens.

The words alone did not stop the excitement.

Exploring the castle?

Elizabeth repeatedly glanced at Sylvester.

Always, Sylvester, who often cares for her younger sisters, makes her eyes shine.

It seemed to be intriguing.

Elizabeth looks very happy when she sees Sisily.

Sylvesta doesn't say much about her sister's role model, even if she can say that Xin and Sicily can say more about herself.

My parents were a little lonely about it, but unusually Sylvester shows interest.

Elizabeth nodded with a bitter smile when she saw Elizabeth asking her to do something to make it happen.

"I understand." Adult stories will be boring, so please go. "

When Elizabeth says that, the children are pissed.


Elizabeth shrugged the children, and they quieted down.

"Take the guard and the guide, always listen to what they say, and do not go to dangerous places. Can you promise me this?”

And when Elizabeth had said that, the young men nodded, and Sylvesta answered with a loud voice, "I understand."

Well then, I'm sorry, but can I ask you to take care of me?

Elizabeth asked the knight of the guard and the maid in the room to accompany her, and the knight and the maid agreed.

This was how the children's castle expedition was launched.

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