Magi's Grandson

Behind the festivities

Brought in by the maid who came to report, we came to the guest room where Sicily was coming in to give birth, and we loosened our cheeks to the cries we heard from there.

I want to jump into the room right now, but I knock on the door.

Then, the door opened from the inside and a doctor dressed in white appeared.

"Ah, you, Your Highness, please come in."

The female doctor guided me into the room.

In the room, the maids are moving around a lot to clean up after childbirth, and they are still busy.

In the midst of this, Sisily was lying on the bed holding a baby.


As expected, but as soon as I saw Sisily with a more happy face, relief and joy grew.

"Good job. I was surprised because it was sudden."

”Fufu, this girl may also be surprised to come out and make a fuss”

Sicily said that and lowered her gaze to the baby in her arms.

The baby was born to a boy with blue hair who gave birth to Sisily.

I don't know what color my eyes are because I haven't opened them yet.

I don't know which one it looks like, because I'm freshly born and my face is shiny.

Still, it doesn't change into a cute and lovable girl.

She strokes the head of my child who cries "Fuyaa" while being held by Sisily's arm.

Do you know that I'm stroking you? I moved my mouth a lot.

Then Shal came out to see the birth of his brother, and his eyes shone as he saw his figure.

"Wow! It's cute!"

When I saw my brother for the first time, Shal's tension rose and I shouted out loud.

Then, surprised by your sister's voice, your baby started crying.


"Wow! It's gone!"

My brother suddenly started crying, and I didn't know what to do.

Sicily called out to Shal as she gave the baby a sigh.

Sharu, the baby's going to be surprised, so I'm going to say it in a small voice.

"......" It's refreshing.

Charles nodded silently as he held his mouth shut as he realized that he had been made to cry with his own voice.

No, it's okay to keep your voice down.

Well, that's a cute sight.

"Come on, silver too."


Shah was cut off by Shah, but Silver was the eldest son of the Wolfords.

Of course, he has the right to face the baby first.

As she guided the silver into her bed, Silver peered at the baby.

My cheeks and Sisily's are loosening as if they were soloing and peeking in fear of breathing.

Eventually, Silver poked the baby's cheek, and the baby grabbed the silver finger.


It was surprisingly silver, but I didn't shake my gripped finger so much that I kept it in my hand.

Looking at the sight, nostalgia rises.

"Haha, by the way, this is how Silver grabbed his finger when Charles was born."

"Fufu, that's right."

When Cicilie and I said that, Silver's face turned into a bewilderment.

"Yeah... I don't remember."

I see, don't you remember?

Even though she was cute, Silver continued to say "but".

"I somehow remember when Charles was born. It was small and cute."

Really? Really? Was it cute?

"Yeah. It was like this girl."

I see.

Shal said that and somehow made his body twitch.

It sounded like you were happy.

After this, I also revealed the baby to the Augs, and I also summoned grandparents and grandparents from my home.

Uncle Dis also came to celebrate, and everyone who visited was filled with smiles.

Sicily stayed here today, right after giving birth, and Charles and Silver stayed there as well.

I felt sorry for one of my own, but Max was going to stay with me.

The sound of a knock echoed in a room with such a pleasant atmosphere.

"Excuse me, Your Highness."

It was Mr. Ort, a member of the guard, who came into the room.

I've finished hearing the facts, so I've brought you a statement.

Okay, thank you.

"Hah! Congratulations, Mr. Wolford."

Thank you very much.

After saluting Aug, Mr. Ort sent me a message of congratulations.

I know Sicily gave birth in the castle, and if you look at the blessing mood in the room, you'll know she gave birth safely.

I wanted to thank Mr. Ort for blessing me, but I started to move with the statement that Augg had received.

"I'm sorry you brought the corners, but I'll have to look through them in another room." I can't help but break this dazzling atmosphere. "

Got it.

Sin, you can see it too, right?

"Yeah, sure."

Thus, we left the room surrounded by the air of happiness and entered a separate room.

By the way, I guess you used the same magic tool for this interrogation.

"Yes, it's a serious crime like this." There was no disagreement anywhere. ”

“Okay, let me read it.”

Having said that, Augg looked through his statement.

The magic props in the example were probably confessed magic props.

It was an augment that had been following the content for a while, but its eyes gradually narrowed, and the atmosphere became swallowy.

As she continued to read the statement for a while, Aug's expression turned strange.

And when I finished reading the statement, he gave it to me exhaling.

Read the statement handed in.

Since the confession props are used, the expressions are all true. Based on that, I will read the contents.

There were two thieves, both of whom were twenty-two years old.

Working as a clerk, he was free to enter and leave the Imperial Castle.

When I read this, I never imagined that I would break into the Royal Castle in a regular way.

For this reason, the Imperial Castle today employs a security system that uses the personal identification function of citizenship cards.

Since the Ellie attack four years ago, checks on people entering and exiting the Imperial Castle have become quite strict, but if people who strive to enter the castle are rigorously vetted, there will be a situation where they will not be able to enter the castle for a long time.

It was actually occurring.

Therefore, if you have a citizen card registered using the personal authentication function of your citizenship card, we have installed a passage gate that allows you to pass through smoothly.

As a result, the traffic in front of the castle gate in the morning was eliminated.

This access gate may not be used by anyone other than the holder of a registered citizenship card.

So it was completely unmarked.

The motive turned out to be a grudge against Ultimate Magicians for failing the entrance exam three years ago.

For that reason... my body was about to tremble with anger, but it was from here that it mattered.

There was a man who fell into the examination, had a problem with the magic division he belonged to, got fired, and called out to him where he was rotting.

Doesn't the man want Ultimate Magicians to take revenge on Earlsheide? I've been asking.

The thief who resented Ultimate Magicians as the cause of the fall in his life rode the man's proposal and took and passed the Aarsheide bureaucratic examination to this day.

Here, I noticed something uncomfortable.

If you're going to be a civil servant in the royal castle of Earlsheide, your nationality should be Earlsheide.

However, this thief was once dismissed by the Magic Division for causing a problem.

Will the highest body in the country, Royal Castle, hire someone who has taken such problematic actions?

With such doubt, I proceeded to read the record.

The thief says he doesn't know who the man is.

And there was no information that I wanted to know.

"Augg, this..."

Have you noticed?

“Yeah, and there's nothing I want to know.”

"I know. Shall we go and ask?"


"All right."

Augg said that and opened the gate.

The Imperial Castle is Aug's house, so I know the interrogation room of the Security Bureau.

I don't usually do this kind of thing, but this time it was an emergency and I moved around the castle at the gate.

So, Your Highness!?

The knights and guards who were guarding in front of the interrogation room were surprised to hear that they were moving at a gate that they did not normally use inside the castle.

"Is this the one who did this?"

"Yes, yes, this way!"

I see. Shall we go in?

Oh, please!

The guard said, opening the door to the interrogation room.

Inside the interrogation room was a man.

Medium-sized and medium-backed, it feels like a good physique for a civil servant.

She sat in a chair, restrained by her backhand, and had a confessed magic tool hanging around her neck.

The man snorted at us when he came in, and he followed us badly.

"My prince, my hero, my life is a mess because of you!" What do you want me to do!? "

I said this from the bottom of my heart because I wore a confessed magic tool.

I never wondered how I could be such a thinker.

The Augs have adopted a system of picking the jaws by hand so that they do not get annoyed when thinking about how they are used to doing this.

"Hmm... it's our fault, but how and where is it our fault?"

Without getting angry, the man was furious at the aug that asked wondrously.

"I guess this happened because Temae and the others dropped me in the exam!!" If you are responsible, you will be!! "

When he heard the words, Augg leaned his head more and more.

"Don't be ridiculous. So whoever falls into Ultimate Magicians' entrance exams, their lives are in ruins?”

"Oh!? I don't know! That's not true!"

"There's nothing you don't know, right? You said life was a mess because we dropped you on the exam. I mean, whoever fails the test is in a mess of life, isn't it? Isn't that right?"

"I don't know anybody else!! Me! I guess I'm unhappy because I'm the one who dropped the good me!!"

I don't know about his life, but what he's saying is nonsense.

Aug laughed, dumbfounded by such egotistical remarks.

Excellent? You?

When he said it like he was making a fool of himself, the man tried to complain with a bright red face.


"Ah!...... ah......"

"How good are you?" You should probably be more proud of yourself, right? "

Augg sowed a lot of magic power and intimidated the man.

Unable to resist the intimidation, the man shuddered.

"I didn't expect to be frightened by such magic power." That's why you say you're good, right? "

Wow... that Augg guy is totally heartbroken... I think he broke his heart.

Completely despised by Aug's magical powers and words, the man is trembling with a pale face.

"Hey, I need to ask you something."

I switched to Aug, which was still intimidated by magic, and decided to ask what bothered me.

”... hah?”

A man who was intimidated and had tears in his eyes turned to us.

The expression didn't have the impetuosity I had before.

He tried to kill Sisily and the children, and there's no room for sympathy.

"Where are you from?"

When I asked, the security guard who was in charge of the interrogation gave a strange expression.

Why are you asking me that now? That's the face.

But there's something that really bothers me and Augg.

"...... Maurice......"


I've never heard of it.

"What country is it in?"

Repeatedly, the man showed a gesture of resistance for a moment, but he could not defeat the confessed magic tool and told the name of the country.

"K...... Kurt"

"All right."

"I heard what I wanted to hear, and then..."

"Citizenship card?"

When I asked the guard, he gave me his citizen card from the things he seized after he was captured.

We're done here, we need to talk to the other one.

"Let's go, Augg."


So I interrogated the other one, retrieved my citizenship card, and went back to the original room.

Ms. Ort, who brought me a statement, was also present.

"Nevertheless, what do you do when you ask about your country of origin?" And your citizenship card. "

That's what Mr. Ort, who had heard the interview earlier, asked.

But before I answer that question, I want to ask you something.

Ort-san, can you change your nationality easily?

Bandits can't get a job without having an Earlsheide clerk, a nationality of Earlsheide.

But the thief was from Kurt. In other words, he changed his nationality.

So when she asked, Ms. Ort nodded.

“Yes, it's not easy, but you can change it by following proper procedures and vetting.”

I see.

Now that I've heard the answer, I'll answer Mr. Ort's question.

I think so, and I have the citizenship card that I received.

"What did you do with your citizenship card? I won't start it because I'm not there...."

"Mr. Ort, if you don't have a citizenship card, you can only view your personal information."


"I mean, for the rest of the information..."

That's what I say. I use my magic power on the citizenship card.

At that time, the image of the magic of granting citizenship comes to mind.

And then...

"W-What is this!?"

The letter came up in front of us.

This is the granting magic granted to the citizenship card.

I can't read the men's personal information from here.

However, I have been looking deeply at the analysis of the citizenship card for as long as I have the time, and I found something interesting in this information one day.

“Look, here it is.”

I saw where I pointed, Mr. Ort.

The expression on his face was strange.

"Um... what's this?"

Mr. Ort can't read 'Japanese'. This reaction is also natural.

“Here you can see where this citizenship card was issued.”

"Huh!? Is that what the citizenship card says?!"


The hooks I noticed were trivial.

Sicily was there when I was messing with my citizenship card.

And he asked me to look at my citizenship card.

And while I was looking around, I found something different than mine.

Where it says "Earlsheide King's Capital," it says "Earlsheide Claude."

If you ask Sisily, she was born in a territory, not a king's city.

The registration of the citizenship card was there, too.

I was shown the citizenship cards of all Ultimate Magicians to confirm, but the Augs and the civilians were "Aarsheid King's Capital", and the nobility was "Aarsheid Territory Name".

Well, the discovery was a discovery, but it only mentioned where the citizenship card was issued, and I didn't think it was particularly important information at that time, but this is going to be important this time.

Once again, I looked at the place of registration on the citizenship card that the bandits had...

"...... I finally grabbed it"

I unexpectedly said so.

"What does it say?"

When I asked Aug, I told him where to register my citizenship.

"Derm Ulst."

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