Magi's Grandson

Org's an evil substitute or Echigoya.

The other thief was a hunter from Khanan.

However, the place of registration of the citizenship card was the same as the other "Derm Wolst".

"I-It means that the place of registration is the same even though the country of origin is different..."

It seems that Mr. Ort also noticed.

"Oh, I finally grabbed my tail. That's right, Shin. Good job.”

Well, I just analyzed it, and the real worker would be Masita, who made this citizen card.

"Huh!? Is Masita the legendary magician?!"

I'm surprised at the information Ort heard for the first time, but that's not the point now.

If you're interested, I'll explain it to you later.

What are we going to do now with this fact?

"What do you want to do, get on board right away?"

When I said that, Aug thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No, it's about other countries, but I need a lot of roots." That's when you move. "

Aug laughed as he said that.

"I grabbed my tail. I also got evidence. I'll take the time to cook for you....."

Giggling and laughing, Ort and I were both pulled.

”Wow... the Augs are acting like evil bosses”

"Wolford-kun... that's right..."

Mr. Ort didn't say it clearly because it would be disrespectful, but he didn't deny my words.

I mean, that's what you think.

Singh, I'm sorry, but I need your help.

"Fine, I'm already a party." I will never forgive you. "

"I see, I see." Well then, first of all..... "

On the spot, Aug and I discussed the future.

Mr. Ort was also there, but he was a leading candidate for the next Director of Security, and he was invited to sit with him because of this in the future.

Well, I sometimes had distant eyes on the content of the story, but I need you to get used to it in the future.

So, after the discussion, we went back to the room where Sicily was staying today.

A few days after the baby was born, a customer came to the Wolford house.

"Ahhn, kaaaaahhhh! Hello, it's Auntie."

This is Pope Ekaterina, the Creator God.

”So... please stop that...”

I know it's no use anymore.


”Bye-bye, Shoyu, you're cute, aren't you?”

"Are you busy with work, Grandma?"

Because our children already recognize Ekaterina-san as their grandmother!

Every time I came to visit, I told my children that I was a grandmother, an aunt, and a farewell.

Here's the result.

The Creator God called the Pope "Auntie"...

What does Miko Natasha think about this...... all affirmative.

If anything, I'm trying to call myself Aunt Natasha.

What do you mean, Creationism?

Is that all right? It's God-creating.

Incidentally, Shal said, "Sho" is the baby's name.

Sean Wolford.

The second son of the Wolfords.

Finally, her eyes were the same blue as Sisily's, and more and more like Sisily's.

Ekaterina, who was watching Sean like that, sighed.

Even so, I don't feel alienated when I'm the only one who couldn't attend your birth.

When Ekaterina said such a thing, Natasha's face was "ku" too.

"I too... I regret not following you to the Royal Castle." That way, neither the baby girl nor the saintly lady would have been exposed to danger, nor could she have witnessed childbirth! "

Natasha looks really sorry.

As I said, Natasha doesn't follow Sisily when she goes to the Royal Castle.

As a matter of course, she is attached to Sicily, but she belongs to the Holy Land of Ease.

And he was a bishop.

It is impossible for an important person from another country to go to the Imperial Castle with Hoi Hoi.

Even if I don't feel like it, I don't know what the people around me are saying.

Besides, this time, I was stranded, but the royal castle was perfectly guarded.

The knights and maids wrapped around Charles and Via were also very good.

The knight and the maid asked to resign, saying that they were in danger because they had lost sight of Charles and Via.

Sicily and Ellie apologized that it was the girls that were to blame, and that they were sorry for the inconvenience.

Shar and Via also apologized to the two of them and begged them not to stop, so they managed to stop resigning.

I'm really glad that my daughters made me feel uncomfortable when someone lost my job.

Org didn't seem like him.

If you can't fulfill the role you've been given, it seemed like you had no choice.

Because of this, she lamented that Via-chan had given her a rating of "I'm nervous about you."

Greetings, since that incident, I feel that Via-chan's evaluation of Augg has become bitter.

Well, I guess Aug's stance wasn't wrong as a politician.

From the child's eyes, it would seem like a ruthless decision.

Nowadays, Augg often brings Via home to play to keep her in a good mood.

In the first place, it seems that Via and Char ran out of Uncle Dis's office to protest against the fact that Uncle Dis and Aug were often going to play with me.

If that's the culprit, and Via seems to hate it, I can't refuse Via's request to Aug.

So, Aug came today, but of course Via also followed.

"Shoahn, it's you, my dear."

"Bia-chan, onee-chan is here!"

I'll be your wife soon, too.

I don't know!

You really don't know what that means.

Does Via mean "sister-in-law"?

You've definitely locked on to Silver.

Are you sure you're three?

By the way, Max isn't here today.

Ufufu, it's nice to have small children together.

Ekaterina gazes at Shaun's loving faces as they gather around him.

"Even so, I can't believe there are coworkers who try to harm such cute girls..."

“Not at all.”

Ekaterina is also told about the incident at the Imperial Castle.

This time, the order has been laid against each country.

The second attack on the Imperial Castle was a terrible scandal.

However, I couldn't help but tell Ekaterina, who was cute like her grandson, about Silver and Shal.

No, for other reasons.

So, Your Highness, what are you going to do now?

Ekaterina says that and looks at the Aug.

His eyes were like, "No way, you're just going to catch the executioner like this and say you're finished. 'and speaks eloquently.

It is usually a hot-armed Aug in the Royal Castle of Earlsheide, but I can see that the eyes of the Creator Pope and Ekaterina, the Head of State of the Holy Land of Ease, are being squeezed.

"Ji, actually, I have a favor to ask of you."


"Yes, the investigation into this incident revealed a near mastermind." However, since it is in another country, we cannot bypass it. "

That's right.

"So, could you intervene from the Holy Land of Ease?"

From Ease?

"Yes, this time the mastermind is the elected member of the local city council of the Darm Republic. However, because of the high status of people in other countries, our requests for investigation and rendition can be a source of war.”

When Augg said that, Ekaterina narrowed her eyes.

If it's Ease, you don't mind if it's a war?

Well, that's how it works.

However, I am confident that Ease will be fine even if Earlsheide does something like that.

"No, because it's Ease, it won't be a war." The Derm honors Ease, the main mountain of Creationism. Previously, even though it was supposed to be equivalent as a nation, it was only obedient to Ease. This time, we will use the nationality of the Derm. "

After hearing Aug's explanation, Ekaterina-san had a convincing look on her face.

Hmmm. Specifically?

Ah, it looks like you could help.

"The Derm has now no body as a nation. The sharp shift to republican politics is causing strains everywhere. It's not surprising that riots and revolutions happen anytime soon. I want you to take away Darm's sovereignty as a nation before it becomes bloodthirsty."

That day, when I heard it in that room, I was surprised how far I would go.

However, Aug thinks that it is because of this state management that Durham is doing this in the first place.

I didn't have this kind of problem before, so the idea is to revert it with Ease's intervention.

Even if a member of the local council is found guilty, I believe that the third and fourth cases will occur as long as this system remains.

It's a complete invasion, but I need the help of Ease's … Ekaterina-san to avoid it.

Ekaterina had been thinking about it for a while, but she finally raised her face and looked at Aug.

"So, who will be the sovereign of the Derm after that?"

Ekaterina smiles, but she's very afraid of it.

That smiled Augg, but I smiled too.

“Of course, I'd like to ask Ease.”

After receiving the words, Ekaterina kept her smile on her face.

"I see. I see." You want to ask Ease to rebuild as a country. ”

I'm sorry, but thank you very much.

The two of them laughed at each other.

"I don't know, I don't know..."

"... when I look at you two, I can't tell which one is the bad guy..."

Yeah, I think so too.

Nevertheless, the end of the Darm nation was decided not by the castle conference room, but by the living room of this house.

Is this all right?

Well, according to the report, the Darm is about to collapse as a state, and maybe it's a good opportunity.

Even though I was a democracy in my previous life, I felt that this democratization was too urgent.

Even if democratization is going to happen in the future, I think it will be difficult if we do not change from the people's consciousness, and democratization in the first place may not be all happy.

Nowadays, there are countries like Earlsheide where people live in wealth.

But why did Derm's prime minister, Hiro-san, rush into democratization so quickly?

It must have been popular among the people because it was the hero of the Battle of the Demon King in the Derm.

If he had been popular with the people, he would have listened to him.

If you go slowly and slowly, dialogue with the people and deepen your understanding, it may have worked.

Why are you in such a hurry? I can't help but wonder at it.

What's the matter, Sin?

Shin-kun, do you have any questions?

It must have been on my face again, Aug and Ekaterina-san called out.

"Oh, no, I have no objection to the content of the story." just..... "


"I wonder why Hyiro-san rushed the matter." I just thought I'd talk to you directly if I could. "

I see.

Well, this is just about interest.

I don't know why.

"It's not like that..."

Oh, then, when you get into the Derm, will you come with me?

Mr. Ekaterina, would you like to go shopping with me? I was offered to accompany him with a light feeling.

Huh? Is it okay to have such a light snowflake?

"That's good. I mean..."

Ekaterina laughed there.

"Isn't it strange that your son should follow your mother?"

"It's not my son, it's not my mother, it's nothing but crazy!!"

Why is this man so stubborn to be my mother!?

Besides, that's why Shal made a fuss that I and Ekaterina were going somewhere together.

"Only Odo-san and Auntie are sloppy!" Shh, shh, shh, shh! "


Shal, your dad suggested we go at a scene where it's going to be too much air.

You're not shopping, are you?

I tried so hard to convince her, but Charlie didn't.

In the end, I decided to take Shar, Mr. Ekaterina and Silver to go shopping.

Along the way, Charlie's request for dessert led him to call Mr. Ekaterina "Auntie", so a misunderstanding was spread throughout Earlsheide and around the world.

To tell you the truth, I'm Ekaterina-san's hidden child.

And no matter how much I denied it, the misunderstanding never disappeared, and finally settled among the people.

As a result, my grandmother, who was afraid that this would happen, got cut off, but it started with Shal. Since I am in a position of social influence and will no longer be used by others, Ekaterina's life has been saved.

Well, Shal started calling you "Auntie" in the first place because of Ekaterina's imprint, so I got a cage from my grandmother.

When I was forgiven, I cried and rejoiced.

The Pope….

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