Magi's Grandson

Prince Wang Irresistible

Unusually, Augusto went to the city of Worcester.

An example of this is the city where the citizenship card was issued.

In front of the lord's house, the elite from various countries who had left the gate earlier... were soldiers and people from various police organizations.

"What are you doing here so suddenly?!" Get the hell out of here!! "

The doorman immediately assumed that the sudden appearance of them was a person from a public organization, not a hostile organization, due to the clothes and atmosphere that were coming.

This building is full of illegal things.

So I couldn't let the public authorities into the museum.

I was a gatekeeper trying desperately to drive me back, but I noticed that there was a person walking with Stasta.

"Hey! Didn't you hear me?! I'm telling you to go home!!"

I said that and reached out to the person who was walking in... "

The person grabbed his hand without reaching him.

What, what's with these hands?


That person...... August looked back at the gatekeeper who had reached out to him with such cold eyes.

The gatekeeper unexpectedly screamed at the ruthlessness of his eyes.

So the frightened gatekeeper was thrown away, and Augusto opened the gate of the lord's hall...


I blew it up with magic.

An iron gate that blows loudly.

Not only the gatekeeper, but also the elite who were accompanying him, were stunned by the sight.

Only Augusto, who had created the sight, entered the premises flatly.

"Let's go."

To put it briefly, he quickly walked toward the lord hall.

The elite who suspected that they were so angry that they touched Augusto's upside-down behavior after making bitter remarks and suggestions, wanted to stop Augusto's behavior from happening.

And that was correct.

Auguste, who was attached to the lord's house, blew up the main entrance door instead of opening it.

There was no one behind the door, but when I was so angry, I made sure there was no one there, and I was angry, but calm. And then I realized that our decision earlier was not wrong that we were doing such a nonsense.

I can't complain or make suggestions to August in such a state. I'm too scared to do it.

After blowing up the door, August entered the Lord's Palace with Zunzun.

Naturally, the Gorotsuki appearances cannot even be approached by Augusto's unfolding physical barriers.

The elite simply repeated the task of chasing after August and capturing the incoming Gorotsuki by obstructing the execution of their official duties.

Until now, Auguste hadn't said a word.

For the humans here, Augusto is just an invader.

However, no one can stop Augusto from making progress.

Looking at August from the front, a non-combatant maid said, "Hey!! I screamed, and my eyes peeled off and I fainted.

The elites chasing them from behind could no longer conceal the tension between their horrifying expressions and the visiting senators.

August arrived without hesitation in the office, which was confirmed in the floor plan of the lord's hall, and did not knock on the door again, but kicked it this time.

"What!? What the hell!?"

The senator in the room was vigilant with his sword in his hand.

However, I didn't expect them to break through the door and break in.

I can't hide my surprise.

"... I am Augusto, Augusto von Arlesheide."

The moment Auguste called herself that, the senator's complexion changed.

The red face turned blue in a flash of surprise and anger.

Shit, man, if we don't get away with this, we're dead.

The deputy who made the decision decided to do everything in his power.

"Ah, what can the Prince of Earlsheide do for you in this place?" Besides, no matter how much the prince of a great power is, it's not unauthorized to break into the residence of a member of parliament of another country..... "

To say that, Auguste stuck out the paperwork in silence.

"This time, I'm not here as a human being from Earlsheide. I'm here at your request as a human being of the Ultimate Magicians."

“How about a request?”.

The senator did not know what he was saying for a moment, but he remembered immediately.

Ultimate Magicians is a supranational organization.

Have the authority to go anywhere in each country if requested.

Based on that, I looked at the paperwork that was thrown out.

Then I saw the content of the amazement.

Delegation of full powers to the Derm, abolition of the parliamentary system, revival of the monarchy, immediate rule by the Holy Nation of Ease, etc.

The document was nothing more than a document that confiscated all the interests that he had gained until now.

The senator's hands tremble with anger at too much paperwork.

"This, this... this can't be happening!!" It's a fake!! This document is a fake!! "

In front of the congressman who shouted so, another document was issued.

"What!? Another document!? this time....."

The senator, who had received the paperwork while shouting, faded as soon as he read it.

There were a number of crimes listed that I thought I'd never find out about.

Among other things, the bad news was that the attempted murder of Princess Earlsheide was described as a crime.

In front of her is her husband, Prince Wang.

Plus, he's the world-famous First Officer of Ultimate Magicians.

Shit, if you admit this, you're sure to die.

The senator who felt that way scratched his feet trying to get away with it somehow.

"W-what is this?" I don't remember anything like this... "

"Unfortunately, we have all the evidence." I don't think I can get away with this. "

"Hey, what's the proof?! If you have one, please show it to me!!"

The senator is a man who has survived in the underworld.

Be as cautious as such a person, and act so as not to leave any evidence that your legs will stick to them.

So I confidently said that there was no evidence.

But when Augustus exhaled, he looked at the councillor as if he had seen something dirty.

"I didn't think that it would still be white even in this period." Okay, I'll show you. "

That's why August took out the recorder.

As you play it...... from there, the voice of the councillor who orders his subordinates and the voice of the subordinates who accept it. And a word came out that his men were threatening a certain merchant.


"It's called a recording machine." Voices can be recorded in this. Earlsheide has been found to have sufficient evidentiary capacity. "

I tried to scream that there was no evidence of this, but August was sealed off before I could.

This is no use, but there must be no evidence of the most serious attempt on the life of the princess.

If we can get away with it, we might be able to get out of prison with some military service.

I thought about it and decided to pursue it.

I didn't know it was a bad idea.

"Well, then! What is the meaning of this attempted murder of the Princess of the King?!" Since you're trying to tailor the culprit for such a big thing, I guess there's a lot of evidence!? "

The senator who said so was confident this time.

But I soon regretted saying it.

It was because Augusto had issued a strong intimidation.

The senator was intimidated by the magical power so visible that even humans who could not use magic could see it.

You shouldn't have said that! I've touched the upside down! I thought so, but it is too late.

They're going to kill me! I thought so, but they didn't surprise me with Augusto.

Instead, he took out two small items from his pocket.

"I-Is this...?"

“Don't you see? It's a citizenship card."

"I-I know, but... what the hell is this?"

When the congressman, who did not know why he presented his citizenship card, asked in horror, Aug began to explain with his eyes narrowed.

"This citizenship card says when and where it was issued."

"... eh?"

The deputy could not react immediately to Augusto's words.

“Didn't you know? Actually, I didn't know either. However, Xin discovered it... well, at the time, I was wondering what happened to it."

Auguste said that, and shook his citizenship card in front of the congressman.

"This citizenship card was held by a bandit who caused a commotion in the Imperial Castle the other day." and..... "

Having said that, the senator finally realized that it was not a good idea.

"Ah! No..."

"This citizenship card says it was issued in this city three years ago."

"Ah... ah..."

"Citizenship is controlled by the state. You're the lord of the city. It is not permissible to issue it arbitrarily. And yet, it was issued here three years ago. Isn't it strange? It seems that the person who had this was twenty-three years old. Do you think it's possible that you didn't have a citizenship card until you were that age?"


"In other words, this citizenship card can only be issued under the authority of the lord." The thief had it. You're the only one who issued it. Do you need any more evidence? "

The councillor, cornered by Augusto, could not argue at the earliest.

"Uuu, ahhh!!"

Even if you cut it into Augusto's head, it can't reach him.

With a slightly stronger electric shock, the senator quickly fell to the ground and fell down.

"...... Huh"

Seeing the fallen congressman, August breathed out a breath and called out to the elites who had been in the background for a long time.

"I'm sorry, but you have to arrest me."

Auguste said that, and went out of the lord's house and took a deep breath.

"This... is finally over"

Four years ago, the assault of Princess Elizabeth the Prince ended in the true sense of the word.

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