Magi's Grandson

The post-processing is complete.

I've been back in Durham's conference room ever since I arrested my congressmen for obstructing the execution of their duties while they were hanging out in the lord's house under a warrant.

"Good job, Shin-kun. Did you do well?"

Ekaterina, who greeted me when I returned, asked me about the progress as if my mother had asked her son if he was ready to use it.

"I've done my job." Instead, why do you ask such a child like that? "

Ekaterina smiled deeply as I dumbfounded her.

"Because it's only natural for a mother to worry about her son..."

"Whoa! That's why I'm telling you to stop it!"

I looked around in a hurry.

Then, the people around me threw a warm gaze at them with the face of "after all", whether they knew the rumors.

Hah... it's really not just inside the house, it's infiltrated the world...

Holding the fact to her head, the gate opened.

I'm back.

"Welcome back, Your Highness. Where's your head and tail?"

"I captured it properly." I didn't kill him. "

“Yes, that's good.”

Ekaterina smiled, saying that she had done well.

I mean, we're definitely old enough to be Ekaterina-san's children, but I'm 22 years old, and Augg is a child... Soon, I'll be the father of two or three?

I want you to stop treating me like a child.

Hmm. Looks like they're back too.

When Ekaterina and I had such a conversation, the gate opened one after another.

“Good work, everyone.”

"Ah, Pope! I'm back!"

Yes, thank you for your hard work.

"The seizure is complete."

That's right, you did well.

"We surrendered immediately, so there was no confusion!"

"Oh, fufu, that's wonderful."

"I blew it a little bit, but I didn't kill him."

"Oh dear, you've resisted me." Were you injured? "

Maria, Tony, Mark, and Lynn make a verbal completion report, and one by one, Ekaterina speaks of labor.

That's exactly what a Mother looks like.

Oh, I see. Mr. Ekaterina is not treating us like children, he's treating all the people as children.

That's why you treat your child like a mother regardless of their age.

"I think I can understand Ekaterina's attitude..."

"Ah, Shin-kun." I'm coming to your house today. I didn't tell you what I just told you. "

... I know why, but I know why, but I really want you to stop.

I was overwhelmed by Ekaterina-san's free-flowing and misleading behavior.

Augg said, "That kind of behavior accelerates the misunderstanding, like a son who is bothered by his mother's behavior."

What am I supposed to do!?

In this way, all the disturbing elements in Darm were eliminated, and the royal system was revived.

Even though Hiro-san abolished the monarchy, it seems that the royalty as a symbol was left unattended because of the memory of his previous life.

Former aristocrats were suddenly stripped of their aristocratic status one day, but they were originally involved in the administration.

It seems that the senators, who were only interested in their own interests, did not know, but many of the former nobles worked as officials.

It seems that people who couldn't even do that don't know what they're doing now.

Well, according to the person who has returned to the noble nationality, such a person is an aristocrat or a person with problems, and he doesn't have the abilities, so he doesn't mind being left alone.

Instead, they laughed that it was the name of the injury because they were able to eliminate the incompetent aristocrats without resentment.

... Aristocrat, I'm scared.

I told Ekaterina what I had promised her during the conversation with Hiro when I returned to Wolford's house.

The fact that I and Hiro-san had different memories of a different world than this one.

Probably from my previous life. That Hyiro-san was aware of it.

Even though I was reincarnated from the same world as myself, I was jealous and hated that I was only in a privileged environment. I explained that I had ingested a magic stone, a taboo that has not yet been announced here, and that I was also hated and demonized.

At the end of the conversation, Ms. Ekaterina had a strange look on her face.

"Previous life... yes, that's why..."

Ekaterina muttered meaningfully.

"Well, what do you mean?"

"Look, when you first met Shin-kun, you heard that she was sent by God." At that time, Sin-kun, you were a little upset, right? "

"... oh, by the way, that's what happened."

"I was upset there because I was born after taking over the memories of my previous life." I wonder if it reflects the will of God? "

"Ah, yes. Well, I haven't actually met God, but I thought maybe..."

"After listening to what I just said, I finally solved the mystery." I'm finally refreshed. "

"Really? Anyway..."


No, Ekaterina-san is the same, but I didn't think I'd be surprised if I told anyone else.

That's right. I'm rather convinced that Sinn's abnormal strength is the cause.

When Ekaterina said that, she nodded, "Yeah, yeah."

Well, that's enough.

A few days after such an exchange, an interrogation of the captured former senator and the surrounding humans using confessed magic props revealed that the first target of Ellie was also a senator from Worcester.

Due to the unprecedented case of the city's politicians illegally issuing citizenship cards and falsifying their identity, and the viciousness of targeting Princess Earlsheide twice, it is said that the lawmaker is sure to be sentenced to death.

Other lawmakers have been found to have sold illegal drugs to other countries in addition to bribery and the reversal of charges, and are more likely to face severe penalties, if not capital punishment.

At the very least, I don't think we're going to get out of here alive.

And the Derm is ready to discard all of the system that Hiro-san laid down and return to kingship again.

However, it seems that there is no such great confusion because the chief executive of the city and the country only changes, and officials and bureaucrats originally serve in the bureaucracy and ministries.

However, when the political form changes, security can easily deteriorate, and countries cooperate in sending troops and hitting patrols throughout the country.

Those who are trying to take advantage of this opportunity to do evil are now being charged with heavier crimes than ever before.

It is said that the new king of Darm will be the nephew of the king who made an example, and he is only eight years old.

The Holy Land of the East is to temporarily rule the Darm until he reaches adulthood and is able to run politics in public.

It is said that a person with the status of "Governor of Derm" has arrived from Ease to Derm, and that this person will govern Derm.

Somehow, it looks like a colonial rule for a limited time.

However, it seems that there is no shyness in being governed by Ease, whether it is the national nature of Darm.

If this were another country, it might have developed into a more muddy civil war.

Given that, it was Durham that caused the chaos, and it was lucky that there was a country called the Holy Land of Ease that could hold it back.

The only thing left to do was to verify that Hyiro-san had become a demon.

In terms of this, the magic world is now dominated by increasing the amount of controlled magic power, and the overall level is rising.

However, increasing magic power also increases the risk of rampage.

And the risk of demonization increases with anger and hatred.

In fact, it was unknown how much amount of magic power would turn me into a demon.

However, if increasing the amount of magic power is going to be mainstream in the future, it will be a problem.

Therefore, when I was able to handle a certain amount of magic power, I made a suggestion that I would not let it run rampage, and that I would wear a magic tool to stabilize it as an obligation.

It was Augg who suggested it.

The proposal was adopted immediately, and the request came to me again, so today I spend more days in the Bean Workshop and in the working room of my house.

Thanks to you, I don't have time to play with Sean, Shal, or Silver.

However, crafting this magic tool is necessary to ensure that the wizard is not jeopardized in the future.

I felt envious when I heard the pleasant voice from downstairs, but I desperately made a magic tool. Finally, I created a magic tool that constantly stabilized my magic power and did not let me run away.

This eliminated the need for a magic rampage even with a slightly reckless training.

With the invention of this magic tool, it would be good to use it on children with unstable magic power, as well as on adults who have gained a certain amount of magic power. There was an opinion that if I wore this magic tool after several exams, I could also have a bill that would allow my children to use magic.

Therefore, the age at which children can learn magic has been lowered.

Mei was ten years old when she learned magic, so she was ten years old.

Thus, even though the world has changed and the family structure has changed in a series of incidents, I am still living peaceful days.

"I'm glad that these days have lasted..."

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