Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 102:

Madara on the stone seat stared at the struggling Obito with interest.

I originally planned to use those wastes in Wuyin Village, but the situation seems to have changed a little, maybe, it will be simpler or maybe?

"Forget it! Until you recover, stay here, right?"

"When you go back, you will naturally recognize this ugly world."

Madara's voice echoed in the dark cave.

It has been more than half a month since the Third Ninja World War ended.

One of the most brutal wars in ninja history finally came to an end in an incredible way.

Countless heroic ninjas rushed forward and threw themselves into the furnace called war. Among them, the most dazzling one...

It is Hyuga Satoru, known as the tyrant.

In the first battle of the Grassland, he fought against Tsuchikage and two people, Zhuri.

The falling meteor carved a lake nearly 100 meters deep in the earth.


"It's a pity, I didn't expect that a ninja as good as Satoru would turn into one because of the sequelae of forbidden art..."

Walking on the road, Nohara Lin was still in disbelief and couldn't help sighing.

"Hmph! That's just a boring rumor. I don't believe that Hyuga Satoru will really become a waste."

Kakashi folded his chest, his eyes were cold, and he dismissed the rumors in the village.

"But such a forbidden technique is too amazing, isn't it?"

"I heard that it is at the expense of lifespan, and every time you use it, you will lose a lot of lifespan?"

Nohara Rin was a little hesitant about Kakashi's statement, after all, such rumors are circulating in the whole village now.

Hyuga Satoru has lost his lifespan due to the use of forbidden techniques for strong action, and it is no longer possible to exist as a ninja.

Just like the last move he used, it was as bright as a shooting star.

But briefly.

Lin seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned to look at Kakashi beside her, and said.

"By the way, Kakashi, today happens to be a month since Obito died. Are you going to pay homage to him later?"

"It's just an incompetent burden. Without him, I feel a lot easier."

"Only a strong person like Hyuga Satoru is worthy of being remembered by me. I will have training later, Lin, go by yourself!"

Kakashi spoke impatiently, quickened his pace, waved his hand, and parted with Nohara Rin.

Different from the original time and space, Kakashi, who learned the truth of his father's death from Hinata Satoru, has embarked on a completely different path from the original.

"Really, Kakashi, no matter how rotten the soil is, it doesn't need to be like this."

Nohara Rin looked at the back of Kakashi speeding away, helplessly pouted.

Not far behind them, in a dark alley next to a shop, the figure in black robe trembled.

The hands were tightly clasped.

Leaf Cemetery.

Nohara Rin placed the lily she just bought next to the gravestone with soil.

Sigh slightly.

"Obito, you should have a good time over there."

"Me and Kakashi have a good time, the village has also won, and everything is developing in a good direction."

"Oh, by the way, Kakashi didn't come to see you because of a temporary business. In fact, he cares about you very much."

After saying this, she suddenly fell silent, and her face became complicated.

She thought of the post-war wounded in Konoha Hospital. As a medical ninja, the tragic scene kept hitting her.

Behind her, a figure wrapped in a black robe approached her tremblingly and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch her.

"Obito, maybe you are relieved!"

She sighed.

The hand trembled and stayed in the air.

The body trembled, revealing the swirling head under the black robe, and the two blood-red eyes with tears.

Lin seemed to have noticed something and turned her head in confusion.


It was empty and there was no one behind.


Obito ran wildly on the branches with bare feet, the black robe on his head had fallen, revealing a twisted swirling head.

Tears were falling from those scarlet eyes.

A Bai Jue drilled out from his shoulder.

"Obito, Madam Madara told you long ago, right? This world is false, and the so-called fetters in their mouths are also false..."

"To shut up!"

Screaming with soil.

"Tsk tsk, still don't believe it, haven't you seen it with your own eyes? Your death means nothing to them at all."

"I told you to shut up!"

"Hahaha, Obito, come to your senses soon! Recognize the ugly truth of this false world! Your cherished companion, you have lost a burden to describe you..."

"Shut up!!"

Obito stopped, stood on the branch and roared up to the sky, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes soaked in tears. The dark lines were twisted and intertwined at this moment, turning into a pattern similar to a shuriken.

At the moment when the terrifying power erupted, Bai Jue who drilled out of his body immediately showed a happy expression.

correct! correct! It is this power.

Madara didn't miss him.

Dark underground caves.

The huge stone gate slowly opened to both sides, making a rumbling sound as it rubbed against the stone ground.

Madara Uchiha, who was sitting on the stone seat, opened the slightly closed writing wheel.

Obito stood in the middle of the open stone door, and a pair of scarlet kaleidoscopes stared straight at him.

"Madara, tell me about your Infinite Monthly Reading..."

Chapter 127 Ultraman vs Uchiha Madara

"Is this your plan, Madara."

After listening to Madara Uchiha's remarks, Obito's eyes were cold, and the dim light reflected on his **** eyes.

"There is nothing wrong, only in this way can we truly change this false world."

Madara stood up staggeringly and placed his palm on Bai Jue who was beside him. Black fluid continued to pour out, and quickly engulfed half of Bai Jue's body.

"I injected my will into this guy's body. It can be regarded as half of me, and of course, it is also an inferior replica."

"The Nagato in the Land of Rain, where I keep my eyes."

"Go ahead, this is the first step of the plan."

"Also, take Bai Jue away, I don't need them anymore."

After Obito left, the dim underground cave became quiet again.

Madara Uchiha was leaning on the back of the large chair, with an old face, looking at the ceiling melancholy.

"Come out!"

His low voice suddenly sounded, echoing in the wide cave.

"As expected of Madara Uchiha, he really sensed my existence."

The applause sounded abruptly, and a strange figure emerged from the rock floor, and the silver fluid squirmed and turned into a human appearance.

Madara Uchiha looked at the mysterious man who suddenly appeared with a trace of solemnity with the only writing wheel left.

"I've always been curious, what is that vague sense of prying? After all, Bai Jue didn't find anything unusual."

"Now I finally understand, strange life forms, similar to Bai Jue, but completely different..."


Or rather, Hyuga Satoru laughed.

"Is this why you sent all Bai Jue away and chose to face me alone? Because you know that only at this time will I choose to show up?"

Spot was silent.

"Who are you? Or, what is it?"

Knowing his identity as Madara Uchiha, and knowing his plans in the underground for decades, he was not surprised.

Madara Uchiha squinted at Zero.


Hyuga Satoru said solemnly.


Madara Uchiha was dumbfounded, frowning suspiciously.

Never heard of such a ninja born in the ninja world?

"Madara, your vision is too narrow."

Hyuga Satoru chuckled lightly.

"Your vision has always been focused on the ninja world. Have you ever thought that there is actually a wider starry sky outside the earth?"

Spot speechless.

He discovered very early that the ninja world is actually a ball, but outside the starry sky, he really never had the idea of ​​​​exploring.

"So what? What does this have to do with what I want to do? As long as the Infinite Monthly Reading can succeed, the world will achieve permanent peace."

He looked straight at Hyuga Satoru.

"It's ridiculous, Madara, maybe you really need to study history."

"Beyond the starry sky, there is a race called Otsutsuki, and the earth is just the soil where they planted the divine tree. Your Infinite Moon Reading will only make wedding dresses for them in the end."

"What do you know?"

A gleam of light flashed in Madara's eyes, vaguely grasping something.

Hyuga Satoru smiled hoarsely.

"The M78 nebula, 3 million light-years away, is my hometown. We Ultraman have always been fighting against the dark forces in the universe. The Otsutsugi family is one of our enemies."

"They are constantly searching for potential planets in the universe to plant divine trees, and the planets they look at will only end up being desolate."

"By the way, the divine tree is a collection of nine-headed-tailed beasts. Once the nine-headed-tailed beast is imprisoned in an outsider golem, the divine tree will be resurrected."

"So, are you here to stop me?"

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