Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 103:

Madara squinted at Hinata Satoru.

He didn't understand most of Hyuga Satoru's nonsense.

But one thing he understood, Hyuga Satoru did not approve of his infinite monthly reading.

"I think you misunderstood." Hyuga Satoru spread his hands, "I don't think there is a conflict between us, on the contrary, I think we have the possibility of cooperation."

"Chaos will usher in a new order, and after this, maybe a whole new world will be born?"

Hyuga Satoru said with sincerity.

His plan was to transform the entire Earth to serve as a base for a counterattack against Otsutsuki.

In a sense, Madara's plan could help him complete the first half.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore. If you really want to cooperate, at least prove your strength!"

Banana narrowed his eyes, and a blue skeleton arm suddenly spread out from his body and slammed down heavily.


Hyuga Satoru's body appeared on the other side, and his eyelids jumped a few times.

Madara is really unreasonable, one eye is open to Susa!

How can this make the two pillars who have withered in a few minutes after opening Susa?

After all, there is still a lot of gap between the strength and the main body of this clone.

But after the tyrant mode, my mastery of electromagnetism has improved a little bit, but I can use it to fight against the age spots.

The nanoparticles in the body vibrated rapidly and converted into a large amount of energy, and Hyuga Satoru's arms crossed in front of him.

"Spexium Rays!"

Since you want to use this vest, you must naturally develop new abilities.

The intense laser burst, Madara's face was dignified, and Susanoo suddenly expanded, growing bones and muscles.

Block the incoming light.

Madara took a few steps back from the impact, and looked up at Susanoo, who had a crack, showing a hint of fighting intent.

"Not bad! Muji Ninjutsu can still have this power. You have successfully excited me. Before I die, let's dance!"

This guy, can't forget to dance when he is about to die?

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes habitually.

Undoubtedly, Susanoo and Madara had little time left to live.

Basically, it was supported by the will of the dance king.

In this case, then I also do my best, just to try the current strength of this clone.

His hands slammed on the ground.

"Iron Tree Realm is coming!"


A large number of black metal branches rose from the ground of the cave, like a ferocious jungle of thorns, rushing towards the middle spot.

"Mu Dun? No, but it's very similar, I'm getting more and more excited, let's dance! Let's dance!"

Madara's eyes were bloodshot, and he laughed excitedly. Two lightsabers appeared on Susanoh's arm, slashing heavily on the wrapped black branches.

The branch was cut off, but soon grew back again.

In just a few breaths, the entire Susanoo was surrounded.


The rear tube that was not covered by Susanoo was pierced.

"It happened!"

Ban suddenly felt a sense of atrophy.

Young people, don't talk about martial arts!

Pull out my oxygen tube!

He was able to fight so smoothly, mainly relying on the supply of the outsider golem.

That being the case.

Take a deep breath.

The seal quickly formed, and the remaining chakra in the body surged, all pouring into the mouth.

"Fire escape! The fire is extinguished!"

The terrifying flames spewed out of his mouth and turned into a sea of ​​fire, which engulfed the entire underground space in an instant.

Without his support, Susanoo was breached by the surrounding black branches, and the scorching hot metal branches pierced through his body.

After a few breaths, the sea of ​​​​fire subsided, Madara Uchiha trembled, gasping for breath, staggered a few times and collapsed on the large seat behind him.

His body was pierced through several holes by metal branches, and the chakra was completely exhausted, leaving only the last breath left.

Looking at the messy karst cave, Hi Xiangwu had long since disappeared, and a faint smile appeared on his pale face.

"Hehe...Very good, very good, you successfully please me."

"Sir Madara's temper is really hot?"

A slightly playful laughter came from behind, making Madara Uchiha's face instantly stiff.

Hyuga Satoru drilled out from the ground behind him and steadied his crooked body on the back of the chair.

"The elderly don't need to be so angry, no one will collect the body for you."


Madara stretched out his right hand tremblingly, as if he wanted to say something.

Hyuga Satoru grabbed it.

He folded his other hand on Madara's chest.

"Madara, you are a remnant of the old era, and the new world does not have a ship to carry you."

Remnants of the old days?

"Hehehe..." Banana laughed weakly, "It's an apt title!"

"It looks like it will be very interesting during my resurrection. I'm looking forward to... When I meet you again..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Madara burped.

His eyes were still open, with a hint of arrogant smile.

Hyuga Satoru sighed in relief.

Even dying age spots caused him a lot of stress.

As expected of a ninja who has been entangled with Hasuma all his life.

With his eyes flickering, he pulled out the nearby metal particles and made a coffin for Madara.

Madara's corpse may still be useful, but it must not be left to Obito.

The electromagnetic perception is always on, and there is no Bai Jue nearby, so there should be no third party witnessing this battle between myself and Madara.

The electromagnetic force moved slightly, and he cleaned the battlefield, and the traces that remained could not provide any effective information.

Next, is the last thing.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered.

On Konoha's side, the main body will lead Hyuga to change, gradually engulfing the 5 major Ninja villages. In addition to this, a chess piece needs to be placed to prevent unforeseen needs.

Rain country.

Different from the original timeline, because Hyuga Satoru was born out of thin air, Nagato experienced Yahiko's death and blackening earlier, and now he is imagining the future with Obito who pretends to be a spot.

"There are only a few of us in the Xiao organization. We must recruit more members."

"Madara, your ability is very suitable, this matter is left to you."

"Humph! Do you take me as your subordinate?"

With soil **** for tat.

"Wait, Madara, someone seems to be here."

Beside Obito, Bai Jue reminded in a low voice.

Several people looked over, and in the heavy rain, a figure wrapped in a black robe was walking slowly.

When he approached, he slowly took off the black robe on his head.

A silver mask covered his face, revealing only a pair of cold eyes.

"My name is Zero, I'm applying to join the Akatsuki organization."

Chapter 128 Who dares to be unfavorable to Wu! Naruto can't save you! I said


Hyuga clan.

"Open the door! Open the door for me!"

The deafening knocking sound rang through most of the Hyuga clan in the early morning, causing many of the Hyuga ninjas who were still sleeping, suddenly woke up and trembled slightly.

"Patriarch, Patriarch! Not good!"

In the Zong family's mansion, Hyuga Suzuki, who had just woken up, looked dissatisfied and frowned at the branch guards who rushed over in a hurry.

"In a panic, are there any rules?"

The branch guard gasped.

"It's that...that Uchiha woman came over again."

Sun Xiang Sizuki, who was yelling at him one second ago, was like a dog with its tail between its tails the next second, and the whole person suddenly wilted.

"Didn't Hokage already look for her? What is she doing here? Does she really care about the face of the wealthy?"

"Hurry up and summon the guards!"


Sungai tribe.

Uchiha Rin has already penetrated the small half distance of the clan.

On the ground behind him lay a group of Hinata ninjas moaning in pain.

In front of her, there was a group of Hinata ninjas posing with soft fists, nervously swallowing saliva.

Every time Uchiha Rin took a step, they would take a step back in a panic, and they stepped on the toes of their companions many times, causing a commotion.

"Uchiha's ninja, you have crossed the border! If you continue, do you want to cause a war between the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan?"

There is a branch of the family who has the courage to shout.

Being overthrown by a Uchiha successively over a dozen clansmen in the clan land, this kind of humiliation, even the Hinata clan with a strict clan style, suddenly felt that their faces were dull.

"I'm just here for Hinata Satoru. As long as I see him safe and sound, I'll leave immediately."

Uchiha stared at him coldly.

The branch family Junin suddenly swallowed and said hesitantly.

"Hinata Satoru is a ninja of our Hinata clan, and it has nothing to do with you, an outsider, right?"

"I won't say whether I'm an outsider or not. If I find out, what would you think of your true enlightenment..."

"Even if Hokage comes, it can't save you, I said!"

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