Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 104:

As soon as Uchiha Rin's domineering words came out, he stunned dozens of Hinata ninjas around him for a while, looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to take the initiative.

"Are the rumors in the village true?"

Uchiha Rin asked with narrowed eyes.

The head of the branch family took a breath and said boldly: "You just know, Hi Xiangwu has been abolished, but Hokage agrees to his arrangement!"


Uchiha Rin clenched his teeth, thinking of the rumors circulating in the village, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Hyuga Satoru became a **** because he overdrawn his life potential, but Magnetic Dun's blood can still be inherited through the bloodline, so...

Not only Hyuga, other families are also very interested in that kind of magical magnetic escape, and plan to make a deal with Hyuga...

"Get out of the way! I have to meet Satoru today..."

Uchiha Rin's voice was completely cold, and the three hook jade in the pupil intertwined and rotated, turning into a complex spiral petal pattern.

Chakra surged, and scarlet skeletons appeared around her body, wrapping most of her body in it.

"What technique is this?"

"What a horrible sense of oppression..."

As soon as Susanoo appeared on the stage, the expressions of the surrounding Hinata ninjas all changed in shock, and a strong sense of fear poured out from their hearts.


An angry shout suddenly sounded from behind, breaking the deadlocked atmosphere.


"It's the patriarch here..."

When those Hyuga branch families saw that Hyuga Suzuki was present, they were slightly relieved, and the patriarch had come forward. No matter how daring this Uchiha ninja was, he wouldn't dare to continue making a fool of himself, right?

Hyuga Shuiyue stared at the scarlet skeleton that appeared around Uchiha Rin, and suddenly took a breath of cold air, shaking her heart.

This is…

This little girl named Rin Uchiha actually opened the legendary kaleidoscope writing wheel.

As the patriarch of Hinata, his vision is naturally different from that of ordinary clansmen. With just one glance, he recognized Susanoo on Uchiha Rin!

13 year old kaleidoscope...

Such a terrifying talent.

No wonder these clansmen can be pushed to such a point.

"Are you here for Hyuga Satoru?"

Sun Xiang Shui Yue said in a deep voice.

Up to now, he can only find a way to stabilize Uchiha Rin.

"What did you do to enlightenment?"

Uchiha looked at him coldly.

Hyuga Suizuki's face became a little more complicated, and she remembered the deal with Sarutobi Hiizan, so that the blood of Hyuga Satoru would be passed on to the descendants of the Sarutobi clan.

It wasn't just him, Danzo also came over secretly, and discussed to send a few young women with roots...

Of course, it is impossible for Uchiha Rin to know this information.

Otherwise, the entire Hyuga clan will probably be turned over by her!

"Come with me, and I'll take you to his place."

Sun Xiang Shui Yue sighed helplessly.

Uchiha Rin was overjoyed, and immediately closed Susanoo, and his brain suddenly felt a slight fainting feeling.

It's not long before the kaleidoscope is turned on, and it is still too reluctant for her to use this kind of pupil technique.

An elegant looking house.

Uchiha Rin nervously pushed open the door and hurriedly spoke.

"Go! Are you all right?"

She saw Hyuga Wuzheng leaning on the bed with Erlang's legs crossed, reading a book with relish, and raised her head in surprise when she heard the movement.

"Rin, why are you here?"

Hey, why is it different from what I thought?

Uchiha Rin was stunned for a moment.

She thought that the current Hyuga Satoru was going through some kind of inhuman torture, the kind that was brutally ravaged by several shirtless vicious women with whips and candles.

"You, you'll be fine."

"Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Hyuga Satoru's face became strange.

"Because, because, there are some bad rumors out there, so, so..."

Uchiha Rin blushed and faltered, if those Hinata ninjas who had been beaten by her before were seen, maybe her jaw would drop directly.

Is this the same person who beat us so hard just now?

"Oh, which one are you talking about!"

Hyuga Satoru shrugged helplessly.

"Rin, you know me."

"I have to rest for a long time after using that, and suddenly there are some strange rumors, but I don't care."


Uchiha Rin nodded lightly, and since Hyuga Satoru was all right, she was relieved.

Hyuga Satoru's eyes flickered.

This is only part of it, and the most important part of the reason is not yet known to Rin.

After Tyrant Mode, he does need to rest for a while, but at most a week is enough.

The most important thing is the layout.

The three wars have completely ended, and the future ninja world will completely change into another pattern.

Creating a vest to break into the Xiao organization is also preparing for the future.

In addition, he also used the clone of Zero to secretly build an underground laboratory. The caged bird transformation experiment has been completed, and it will not be long before the transformation can be started directly!

Hyuga, will change the day!

These days, he seems to be recuperating, partly preparing for change and partly contemplating Hyuga's future path.

Chapter 129 Rin Uchiha's Kaleidoscope

"By the way, Rin, how did you get here?"

"Uchiha clan, it is generally difficult to enter the Hyuga clan, right?"

Hyuga Satoru asked curiously.

He has been staying in the room lately planning the future, not paying too much attention to the changes outside.

Uchiha Rin's face flushed a little, and he bowed his head a little embarrassedly, hesitating.

"I, I came to visit very politely, and was seen by your patriarch, and then invited me to your residence..."



Hyuga Satoru glanced at Uchiha Rin strangely, and said helplessly: "You must have called all the way, right?"

"No! No!" Uchiha Rin hurriedly denied, "I-I'm actually polite too."

"Okay, I see."

Hyuga Satoru frowned helplessly.

"Actually, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the sun will change soon, so don't care what the old guys think."

"change of weather?"

Uchiha looked at Hinata Satoru in astonishment.

"Yes, otherwise what do you think I've been preparing for so long?"

Hyuga Satoru habitually rolled his eyes at her.

All the conditions are in place, it's time to reform Hyuga.

He has released the electromagnetic perception, and the ninjas who are not monitored around do not care to reveal it to Rin Uchiha.

"It's you, although I have to admit that my clansmen are really useless, but you can deal with so many ninjas at one time, it seems that your strength has improved greatly!"

"Well." Uchiha Rin nodded, "Because I opened these eyes, I feel that all my abilities have improved a lot."


Hyuga Satoru couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Rin, what is the power of your eyes? Of course, it doesn't matter if it's inconvenient to tell."

"There's nothing inconvenient, I originally planned to tell Wu directly."

Although the elders in the clan persuaded her not to expose the ability of the kaleidoscope to anyone, Uchiha Rin explained with a smile out of her trust in Hyuga Satoru.

"My pupil technique is called Yutianshou. It is an auxiliary pupil technique. The ability of the left eye is to mark the time scale of the target, and the ability of the right eye is to return the target to the marked time scale."


Hyuga Satoru took a deep breath.

Time class pupil surgery!

And it's a very rare time back!

"Can this ability only take effect on yourself, or can it also take effect on others?"

Hyuga Satoru hurriedly asked.

"Well, other people can also take effect, but it can only be used on living objects, and has no effect on other objects."

Uchiha Rin glanced at Hyuga Satoru a little shyly.

At that time, she only wanted to go back to the moment before Hyuga Satoru died, and in any case, she had to rush over to protect him.

His eyes were in severe pain as if they were about to split, and then he awakened to this pupil technique.

Hyuga Satoru's face also became complicated.

Yutianshou, in Japanese mythology, is a bridge to communicate with the gods and pray for the protection of peace. With the pupil technique of going back in time, it is not difficult to imagine the spiritual portrayal of Uchiha Rin when he opened his eyes.

Kaleidoscope, these cursed eyes, because Uchiha Rin opened the kaleidoscope, it can be said that the two of them have been bound together.

Through the description of Uchiha Rin, he also roughly understood the ability of Yutianshou.

It can take effect on yourself and other ninjas. After marking the left eye, the right eye consumes pupil power to make it go back to the marked time scale.

This traceback should refer to the state.

That is to say, if he is about to die, and Uchiha Rin marks the pupil technique when he is healthy at the same time, he can be directly traced back to the state of the marked moment.

Vitality, chakra, psychic power, even ability...

back to the marked timescale.

Hyuga Satoru suddenly thought that if he marked before he turned on the tyrant mode, and let Rin use the pupil technique when it was about to end, would he be able to be infinitely tyrant?

In the same way, it can also be infinitely dead!

This is the real ultimate pupil technique!

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