Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 105:

Hyuga Satoru took a slight breath, his expression a little shaken.

This pupil technique is too terrifying. Although it is an auxiliary pupil technique, it will definitely have a terrifying effect when applied properly.

If I waited until the intercolumnar cells were transplanted for Rin in the future.

Has almost infinite pupil power.

Maybe you can play some pranks.

Like Seven Nights or something?

Hyuga Satoru smirked.

"Go, what are you thinking?"

Uchiha Rin looked strangely at Hyuga Satoru who smirked.

"Oh, it's nothing." Hyuga Satoru wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, "Rin, it's best not to use this pupil technique casually."

"The pupil power of the kaleidoscope is not unlimited. If you continue to overdraw too much, your body will not be able to bear it."


Uchiha Rin responded softly.

The elders in the clan also told her that, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't use the power of the kaleidoscope.

Although it was not clear why Hyuga Satoru knew so much about the information about the Kaleidoscope, she did not ask any further and chose to believe him without reservation.

"God, what are your plans next?"

Uchiha Rin looked at Hyuga Satoru with some worry.

Since the rumors outside were false, Hyuga Satoru also told her what she had been preparing for all this time.

Obviously, it won't take long for Hi Xiangwu to do something big!

Hyuga Satoru suddenly chuckled and looked through the window.

A line of birds in flight looking up into the sky.

"It's time for change..."

Sungai tribe.

Zong Family Mansion.

The repression and restraint of the past were gone, replaced by a strong atmosphere of joy.

Today is the day when the head of the Hinata clan is handed over.

The previous patriarch, Hyuga Suizuki, abdicated and was succeeded by his eldest son, Hyuga Hizu, as the new Hyuga patriarch.

Because of the lawful clan style of the Hinata clan, even on the day when the new clan chief took office, the Hinata clan did not publicize it with much fanfare.

Aside from all the clan lineages, only a part of the relatively high-ranking branches of the Shangnin are eligible to participate in this succession ceremony.

Sitting in a position separated from the family, Hyuga Risari looked at the scenery with a bit of bitterness, and Hyuga Hizu was sitting on it.

Although they are brothers, since the division of the clan and the division, the paths of the two have been completely different.

He couldn't help thinking of Hyuga Satoru again.

He sighed darkly.

It's a pity, such a genius can actually...

The bitterness in my heart deepened.

He had secretly sponsored Hi Xiangwu many times, and he also took a fancy to the other party's enchanting talent. He hoped that one day, he could bring a new atmosphere to the family.

did not expect…

The clan elders who were sitting cross-legged, glanced at the Hyuga branch who was sitting on the knees below, and showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

"That Hyuga Satoru actually dared to be absent from the patriarch's succession ceremony?"

"Humph! Do you still think you are a former genius?"

"Even Hokage has given up on him, do you really not know where you are?"

Such dissatisfied voices sounded among the clan elders.

Hyuga Satoru's many amazing performances during the Third World War once overwhelmed them, and it was not until the news of Hyuga Satoru's retirement after the third war that they gradually relaxed.

The current Hyuga Satoru has become a bargaining chip for them to trade with the Naruto faction.

With a bird in a cage, are you still afraid that he won't turn up some waves?

Hearing the voices of the elders of the clan, the branch family sitting on the back kneeled down and looked a little ugly. When Hyuga Gou's reputation was at its peak, many of them regarded him as their idol.

But who would have thought...

Thinking of this, many people in these branches sighed slightly.

"Shuiyue, let's get started!"

He was talking about an old-faced elder of the sect, whose status seemed to be quite noble.

Hyuga Shuiyue nodded, looked at Hyuga Sunzu who had been prepared beside her, and glanced over the clansmen who were kneeling below.

His low voice echoed in the hall of the sect.

"Today is the handover ceremony of the patriarch of my Hyuga clan, and I, Hyuga Sizuki, announce that I will abdicate here today."

"Hyuga Hizu will inherit the position of the new patriarch."

"I object!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a sudden low shout.

His face suddenly became ugly. This is the succession ceremony of the patriarch of the Hyuga clan. Who? How dare you come here to make trouble? ? ?

Almost at the same time, the surrounding clan elders and the branch guards who were kneeling below looked at the figure who was striding forward at the same time.

"Hyuga Satoru? What do you want to do?"

Chapter 130 I'm done talking! Who is in favor? Who is against it?

The figure who walked in was Hyuga Satoru.

All eyes are on him, or surprised, or shocked, or angry, or puzzled...

Hyuga Satoru was so indifferent, without any change in expression, he walked into the hall step by step.

"Hyuga Satoru, what are you doing here?"

Sun Xiang Shuiyue, who was standing in the center of the hall, took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried his best to speak calmly.

"Lord Patriarch, since it is the succession ceremony of the new patriarch, I, a member of the Hyuga clan, should also be eligible to participate, right?"

Hyuga Satoru chuckled lightly and looked straight at him.

"It is true that this is the inauguration ceremony of the new patriarch, but if you really want to participate, why are you late for so long?"

"not to mention…"

Sun Xiang Shui Yue's eyes became cold.

"Your current attitude is not celebrating the new patriarch's inauguration at all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a patriarch next to him suddenly stood up and yelled loudly.

"Hyuga Satoru! Have you forgotten your identity? This is the succession ceremony of the patriarch of the clan. You came here to make a loud noise? Do you still have a family in your eyes!"

This sudden change made the surrounding branch Junin also look shocked and whispered.

Hinata Nisashi looked at Hinata Satoru's indifferent back, and a ripple suddenly arose in his heart.

Is it...

Recalling the conversation with Hyuga Satoru, a shocking guess came to mind.

Hyuga Satoru smiled contemptuously, looked at the clan elder who yelled at him, and said lightly.

"For the future prosperity and stability of the family, I just have some suggestions to put forward. I don't think the elders will be so heartless?"


Those clan elders looked gloomy and uncertain, and looked at each other, how could Hi Xiangwu suddenly be so bold?

Even though he was rude to the Zong family before, he never dared to make trouble at the succession ceremony of the patriarch like today.

Isn't he dead?

What supports his confidence?

After all, it was the legendary ninja who broke into the illustrious name in the three battles. Hyuga Satoru's indifferent appearance made the clan elders present unpredictable.

Hinata Hizu slightly gritted his teeth, staring at the sudden appearance of Hinata Satoru with a trace of anger.

No matter what Hyuga Satoru was planning, his inauguration ceremony was disrupted.

"Tell me, I also really want to know, what is your opinion on the development of the family, the first genius in the eyes of outsiders?"

The one who spoke was the old elder who had let Hyuga Shuiyue begin the succession ceremony. In those turbid white eyes, there seemed to be a glimmer of light, and he was staring at Hyuga Gou.

"Old clan, is this inappropriate?"

Some elders objected.

The Hyuga clan has never had a precedent for a split family to propose a family development path, let alone at the succession ceremony of the patriarch?

The old elder gave him a slight look.

"Since Hyuga Satoru has this idea, and he is the best genius of our clan in recent years, what's the harm in listening to his ideas?"


The words have come to this point, and the surrounding elders are not good to refute any more.

Hyuga Shuiyue looked at Hyuga Satoru coldly.

"I would also like to know, what advice do you have for the development of the family?"

Hyuga Satoru took a slight breath, and with a faint smile, glanced over the Hinata Ninja who were present.

Shen Sheng opened his mouth.

"I read books about family history in the past month. I found that although the Hyuga clan is a well-known giant in the ninja world, the development route is quite rigid and inflexible, and it has hardly changed for hundreds of years."

As soon as he finished speaking, the elders scolded him.

"This is the precious experience left by our ancestors. My Hinata clan has been passed down in the ninja world for thousands of years, relying on the foundation laid by our ancestors. How can I tolerate the humiliation of your junior?"

Hyuga Satoru looked at him with a smile.

"I would like to ask this elder, since I have been conscientiously walking on the path of my ancestors for hundreds of years, why is it inferior to Uchiha, who is also a wealthy family?"


The elder planned to refute, where is Hyuga inferior to Uchiha?

But when he thought that he had just been pierced by a little girl from Uchiha a few days ago, he blushed and couldn't say anything.

The surrounding Hinata ninjas also bowed their heads in shame.

Most of them had fought with Uchiha Rin before, but they were completely defeated.

"Not only the strength of the clan, but also in the family's industry, Hyuga can't compare with other big clans."

Hyuga Satoru paused and continued.

"The Uchiha clan's ninja tool industry is well-known in the entire ninja world. Konoha has nearly half of the ninja tool shops surnamed Uchiha, the Qiu Dao clan is involved in the catering industry, and the Nara clan is well-known in the pharmaceutical industry..."

"But I, Hyuga, a wealthy and prestigious family in Nuoda, don't have a good industry!"

After being scolded by Hyuga Satoru, the clan elder who scolded was at a loss for words and was completely speechless.

Hyuga Satoru sneered.

Anger that it does not fight for its misfortune!

Hyuga's white eyes were completely wasted!

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