Magneto of Hyuga

Chapter 106:

Not to mention the excellent medical advantages of perspective ability, even if it is not a medical ninja, it has good advantages in scientific research.

No matter how bad it is, if you open an acupuncture shop based on the theory of family acupuncture points, there will not be an industry that can be used.

But once there are clansmen who want to develop other uses, those high-ranking sects will always keep scolding others! Not doing business!

Maybe he will punish him with a caged bird.

In the end, only the scouts were left in one of Nuoda's Hyuga.

The reason Hyuga Satoru said so much was because he wanted to liberate the minds of the family members around him.

In the succession ceremony of the patriarch, all the best part of the family can participate, liberating their minds is very useful for Hyuga Satoru's next steps.

Otherwise, even if he overthrew all the clans, maybe some branch clans would jump out and scold him for deceiving his masters and destroying his ancestors.

The effect seems obvious.

Hyuga Satoru found that under his mouth, many branches around him fell into contemplation.

Seize the opportunity and strike while the iron is hot!

Hyuga Satoru took a breath and continued to shout.

"In the entire Hyuga, the biggest and most negative cancer is the problem of the system, especially the system of dividing the clan, which has almost cut off the hope of Hyuga's development."

"So I recommend abolishing this system!"

"After I finish speaking, who approves? Who opposes?"

Hyuga Satoru just glanced at the surrounding clansman so lightly.

As soon as these words came out, the voices of people were in an uproar.

Especially those elders, can't wait to swallow Hyuga Wusheng alive!

If the previous day Xiang Wu was talking about the development of the family, even if it was disrespectful, it would not shock them, but now they are talking about the family system, which directly shakes the foundation of the clan!

"Impossible to rebel! Illegal to rebel!"

Hyuga Shuiyue couldn't bear it any longer, glaring at Hyuga Gou, his hands had already formed a handprint.

"Do you really think that with Hokage protecting you, you can do anything in the family? I have inherited it for thousands of years, and I will never allow you to trample on it!"

The seal of the caged bird?

Hyuga Satoru stood where he was, sneering at the handprint made by Hyuga Shuiyue.

There was no imagined picture of Hyuga Satoru lying on the ground and begging for mercy.

Hyuga Shuiyue was stunned for a moment, and looked at Hyuga Wu in amazement.

"Why... why doesn't the seal of the caged bird work?"

The next second, he heard the most terrifying sentence in his life, and his body couldn't help shaking, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar that had been in the ice for ten thousand years.

"Because I have already opened the cage!"

Hyuga Satoru chuckled, untied the forehead guard with one hand, and threw it onto the floor of the sect hall.


The metal forehead collided with the floor and made a crisp sound, which was unusually harsh in the silent hall.

Everyone was stunned, opened their mouths in shock, and looked at Hyuga Satoru's forehead in shock.

Clean and unsullied…

Chapter 131 Hyuga, from today onwards, there will be no more clan...

The air in the hall seemed to condense into water, and the breathing of everyone who was oppressed was about to stagnate. The suffocating depression and shock, the unreserved impact on everyone's heart.

Hyuga Satoru's forehead doesn't have the mark of a caged bird...

What does this mean?

Has the caged bird been cracked? ? ?

how is this possible?

This is a curse that has been passed down by the Hyuga clan for thousands of years. How could it be cracked?

Sun Xiang Shui Yue only felt that his body was about to split.

He opened his mouth dully.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"How could you possibly lift the caged bird?"

When the caged bird was designed, it never thought of the possibility of being lifted. It involves the double curse of yin and yang, and the complexity is simply beyond what ordinary ninjas can imagine.

Even as the patriarch, he was just picking up the wisdom of his ancestors and using it superficially.

While the group of clan elders were horrified, Hyuga Branch, who was kneeling at the back, couldn't help but slightly bloodshot his eyes.

A caged bird can be lifted…

what does that mean?


When I thought of these two words, my breath became a little heavier.

Staring at Hyuga Satoru's bright forehead, his eyes were full of longing and yearning.

Hyuga Nisari also stared at Hyuga Satoru's forehead in shock.

He suddenly thought that before the outbreak of the Third World War, Hyuga Satoru had found him, hoping to use him to obtain blood samples from some of his clansmen.

At that time, he had some guesses in his mind.

But guesswork is always just guesswork.

Now that I really saw Hyuga Satoru's forehead, the shock was indescribable.

Seeing the restlessness of the branch at the rear, all the clan elders in the hall looked extremely ugly.

Once the news spreads that the caged bird can be released, this group of separated families will definitely not be stable, and maybe it will turn into a riot!

"Shuiyue, absolutely cannot let him live!"

The patriarch scolded loudly.

In almost a brief moment, these elders were ready to suppress the riots.

Some of the elders formed the seal of a caged bird and wanted to suppress the restless division behind them, while the other part rushed towards Hyuga Satoru.

After the caged bird is removed, this extremely unstable factor must not allow him to live!

Even if you have had a deal with Hokage before, there is absolutely no such thing as more important!

Looking at the clan elder who was rushing towards him, Hyuga Satoru shook his head and sneered.

A large amount of silver fluid sputtered out of him, condensed into a series of flying knives in the air, penetrated between the palms of those sects, and brought a rain of blood.

"Ah ah ah..."

In the shrill screams, a pair of flesh-and-blood palms fell to the ground.

"My hand! Ah ah ah..."

"You devil! You must die..."

"Beast... beast..."

There was an endless stream of vicious swearing and screaming, and a strong **** aura filled the originally elegant hall.

A tragic!

Hyuga Shuiyue knelt down on the ground in pain, two pairs of palms and fingers were chopped off by Qigen, leaving only half of her palms, blood flowing.

"Why, why... haven't you already..."

He stared at Sun Xiangwu in amazement.

one move!

Just a trick!

Instantly defeated all the clan elders!

how can that be? ? ?

Isn't he already...

"Is it obsolete?"

Hyuga Satoru smiled lightly and looked at him with a little playfulness.

"Do you actually believe that kind of boring rumors?"

In a sense, he is indeed deliberately pandering to those rumors and pretending to be overdrafted, thereby reducing the vigilance of these clans.

After all, the last time for the coup was the patriarch's succession ceremony.

If it is done in advance, it is bound to fail to achieve the current effect.

It not only destroyed almost all the clans, but also liberated certain thoughts of the senior members of the branch.

Hyuga Hizu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the tragic scene around him hit his nerves heavily.

He couldn't imagine that the first second was his joyous succession ceremony, and the next second it became this tragic **** on earth.

Hyuga Satoru gave him a cold look.

At that moment, Hyuga Hizu didn't attack him, so he didn't break his palm.

After all, he is the father of Xiao Hinata and Xiao Hua Huo in the original work. For the sake of such a lovely daughter, he does not make outrageous actions, and Hyuga Satoru does not intend to attack him.

Of course, the position of the patriarch is gone.

Sun Xiangwu's eyes swept across the wailing clan elders. In this silent month, he had already collected information on these clans.

For those stubborn patriarchs, they were executed directly on the spot.

Save the trouble later.

As for the rest, the palm has been cut off, not to mention the seal of the bird in the cage...

If he **** and wipes his ass, I lose!

In the blood-colored hall, Hyuga Satoru's eyes swept across the surrounding clansmen, no one dared to look at him, and his eyes finally stopped at the sky outside the hall.

Under the blue sky, there is a bird flying freely.

Hyuga Satoru smiled.

That small voice echoed in the hall.

"Hinata, from today onwards, there will be no more clan."

The surrounding branches looked at each other and saw the strong surprise in each other's eyes. Then, deafening cheers echoed in the hall.

After dealing with those patriarchs and elders.

It's still the same hall, but the broken hands and blood have been cleaned up. If it weren't for the faint smell of blood wafting in the air, I'm afraid no one would believe that such a shocking scene happened here not long ago.

"Wu, what are your plans for the family next?"

Hyuga Risashi couldn't help but asked.

At this moment, only he and Hyuga Satoru were left in the hall.

"The road is halfway done."

Hyuga Satoru sighed.


Days are incomprehensible.

"Well, this half is to abolish the original rotten system of the family. The clan and the bird in the cage are all the content of this half."

As for the caged bird, Hyuga Satoru has already completed the transformation, retaining the ability to destroy the white eyes, but there is no control effect.

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